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ooooh ! i hope she has a easy delivery, and im sure they will still let u do natural, i want natural!! i said 2 my OH ystdy that i was scared and worried about doin it all again, he said "jus hav a ceasarean then" WHAAAT!!! men r so dumb, in uk, u cant hav a ceasarean unless ther is sum super complication!! i think the recovery from that takes sooo much longer than a natural vaginal delivery anyway!! its major surgery!! man eh, they genuinely hav NO CLU! haha his simple-ness did make me laff tho!

i hope u still get 2 do natural, :)

i am nervous/excited, u kno when u reach that point in ur mind when u think i can/cant,!! lol i want baby now, but i dnt!! i wana hav labour nw, but i dnt hhaha! its scary even tho i dunnit b4!! eeek!

hope ur ribs feel better soon :) 7
i definitely do not want a ceasarean! thats not easier!

so DHs cousin had her little girl friday afternoon :) she was in labor for like 36 hours :( actively pushing for 2 hours, but her little girl is perfect!

how are you doing? my ribs feel better today but my hips, and pelvis, and inside the vagina all hurt soooo bad! i have to go back to work today and i dont know how i am going to survive 9 hours :(
oh dear! work ! :( my lady-bits r tender too, i feel a lot of pressure down ther, like summit is right ther!!! not a good feelin :/ i hav jus under 2wks, a few of my friends had babys last week and this week. one 9 days late, one 6 days early, and 1 jus a few days b4 DD eeek! im so scared now!! one min im excitted, nxt im petrified!!!!
mayb ill jus try and stay preg as long as poss, haha
i heard after pains r rotten on the 3rd baby, i kno they was bad after my lil girl, and i dint hav any after my son, but apparently its kinda like labour again!!! eeeekkkk! im guna stock up on painkillers!! not lookin 4ward 2 that!! this baby feel so big aswell, must b so squashed up in ther!!! i actually feel like baby cudnt grow anymor!! :/

hope work isnt too hard on u, when do u hav maternity leave??
i'm scared of labor, and the healing after, but i am sooo uncomfortable now... i kinda just want to get her out so i can get on the track to feeling better! ive started getting the hand and foot swelling, and its just as bad when i wake up, which is weird, i thought sleep made it go away? and every bone and joint in my body ache.

yes i am so sick of work! i still have almost 2 weeks there :( i work until september 2nd...i hope i go into labor before that lol.
AWWW NO WAY! what causes the swellin? is it jus water retention?? dnt sound much fun anyway, i havent ever had that!!
i am also startin 2 really ache everywher, even when i am not doin anythin, gettin 2 sleep is hard cos ur bones n joints r achy and it stops u gettin comfy! i havent had a good night sleep in 4ever!!! lol

i hope ur labour starts soon!! sounds like u need 2 b resting! :/ 6days and u will b full term!!!! how quik has that com around???? lol

i wana start recoverin too- and getin my old body bak!! will b nice 2 feel like a person again, instead of a womb on legs!!
your bump is so cute! mine is def bigger, eek!


yeah i guess its water retention... i know its common(here anyway lol) i went to my hospital tour last night and there were 5 women... every one of us had swollen feet lol. i am going to bring it up to my MW today though because it seems to have gotten worse out of nowhere for me. it can be a sign of high blood pressure :(

i miss sleep too...sleeping just hurts! lol.
my bump is so small compared 2 urs, !! lol
i think my baby is layin close into my body, as weight and scans all show baby bein fine n healthy! and the right size, i jus cant hav much water?? lol, certain put on a load of fat!! haha! lovin the fact im almost at the finish line now, and i can start dieting soon! feel like my old self again,
been a drag past few wks, my older children hav "summer holidays" (6-7wks off school) and we havent had a vacation this yr cos im too preg!! feel a bit bad that we havent done much this yr! :(
hope they can do summit bout the swellin!! mayb they cud giv u special sox or summit??
and u r soo right, sleepin hurts!! haha! so tru

how did u enjoy ur hosp tour, i had 1 when i was 15, preg wiv my son, and they scared the s**t outta me!! lol, showed me the forceps n all the stuff, eeek i was so scared!!
hope they can do summit bout the swellin!! mayb they cud giv u special sox or summit??
and u r soo right, sleepin hurts!! haha! so tru

how did u enjoy ur hosp tour, i had 1 when i was 15, preg wiv my son, and they scared the s**t outta me!! lol, showed me the forceps n all the stuff, eeek i was so scared!!

it was good...luckily i didnt see any forceps or anything...

so i just went to the MW and my uterus is so big they are having me go for an emergency growth scan friday :( my dr wanted me in there by tomorrow morning but nothing was available...ughhh. my blood pressure was high too. wahhhh!!!
oh no!! why an emergency growth scan, what do they think is goin on in ther?? u might end up havin a early baby, !! they might wana get her outta ther- its obv causin ur body sum stress ! i think ur massive!

hope everythin is ok, mayb ur waters havent reduced, cos they suppose 2 reduce in the last month or so 2 allow baby mor room 2 grow, mayb u hav a ton of water!!!!

hope everythin is ok anyway! and im thinkin of u!! hope ther isnt any probs!! :)
sendin good vibes ur way!! <3
oh no!! why an emergency growth scan, what do they think is goin on in ther?? u might end up havin a early baby, !! they might wana get her outta ther- its obv causin ur body sum stress ! i think ur massive!

hope everythin is ok, mayb ur waters havent reduced, cos they suppose 2 reduce in the last month or so 2 allow baby mor room 2 grow, mayb u hav a ton of water!!!!

hope everythin is ok anyway! and im thinkin of u!! hope ther isnt any probs!! :)
sendin good vibes ur way!! <3

im guessing they think she is going to be too big...but hey if thats their concern and they wanna induce me, i think i will let them. as much as i really have been looking forward to that realizing you are in labor feeling, i will be happy if we get her out before she is too big to push. i would be happier to be induced then i would ending up needing a c-section.

i am miserable anyway. i threw up a lot yesterday morning... i was too nauseous for dinner. i woke up nauseous with diarrhea(which i had yesterday as well.) i am not sure whether to think i am sick or its from LO.

i am nervous because i had bloods done one wednesday and always have results the night of(as long as they are normal)...i still havent seen any results and its been a couple days now :(

6 hours til the scan! secretly hoping they want to induce and want me on bed rest hehe, i do not want to work anymore.
yeah im hopin that 4 u too!! yes rather a slightly early baby than a huge baby which u cant push out naturally, leavin u both distressed and resulting in caesarean, (helloooo major surgery!!) lol, if ther was a prob wiv ur bloods they wudda got in touch, so dnt worry, no news IS good news!! lol

my baby is head down and fully engaged, midwife says i "should hav baby within nxt 2wks", if i havent had baby by the 9th sept,(40+4) they will b doin a "stretch n sweep" (which i dnt want at all!!!!!!) so now we are guna try every natural possible shortcut haha!!

hav u heard of any!! ??

my pubic bone is achin constantly, i hav backache, cant sleep and hav totally lost my appetite!! oh the joys, i wish i cud jus kno the DAY!

altho i will b hapy if baby hamgs on til thursday, lol pram is comin on tuesday and i hav 2 go shoppin 4 school uniforms on wednesday!! lol :(
if i leave the fella 2 get uniform i wud HATE 2 kno what the kids wud b goin 2 school lookin like :/

keep me updated anyway!! i wana kno how u doin!!!!!!!!!!!
the natural things i have heard are sex lol, the semen "ripens" the cervix and the orgasm promotes contractions... evening primrose oil--sticking the gel cap up there...i guess the same effect as semen. drinking red raspberry leaf tea. walking around a lot too. and more of wives tale-y one is lemon cupcakes lol(i know one person this worked for).

so it didnt go so well for me:( the baby isnt AS huge as they thought...around 6lb 11oz. which is still a pound bigger than average. but i do have wayyy too much amniotic fluid. it called polyhydramnios--->https://www.marchofdimes.com/complications_polyhydramnios.html

and i guess one cause of this is gestational diabetes so i was tested for this(i passed at 26 weeks) and failed... so they are having me do a 3 hour GD test first thing monday morning... but i dont think i will pass that because my blood sugar was REALLY high yesterday after not really eating anything all day :( so i now have to pregnancy complications, both of which are harmful to me and baby... and i swear my dr better induce me so she can just be out before anything worse happens. :cry:
hmmm not good, what a complicated pregnancy, !!! GD! the extra water, chunky baby, swellin!!!! u poor lady!!!

i am sure the doc will jus suggest gettin baby out now, she is bigger than average which is a god send really if they want baby out early!! altho u ARE term (in 2days) so i cant c any reason why they wudnt get baby out now!!

guna try the raspberry leaf tea, ill get sum wednesday now, i jus dnt want the "sweep n stretch" it HURTS!!!! lol, heard pure pineapple juice helps too, and nipple stimulation!! lol, my nipples r waaaaay 2 sore right now, they feel a bit tender, (1st tri revisited) lol

guna stick wiv sex and stayin upright as much as poss 4 now,
i walk tons anyway, and im sure im guna refuse the sweep until im 10days over anyway!!!

well keep me updated with what they decide, i hope either way its nice n easy 4 u, and that u dnt hav ANY further complications!!!! wishin u and baby an easy delivery :)
i passed the 3 hour glucose test! and i passed it really well, so i am not sure why i failed the 1 hr so bad that day!

today i start twice weekly non-stress tests though. (and i STILL work the rest of this week ughhh)

i had been the only person to guess the day right that DHs cousin had her baby, and i have been saying all along i was going to have my baby at 37 weeks, which is today! lets see if she listens... come on baby sydney!

my nipples hurt too! i agree its like 1st tri came back, my boobs ache again. not as bad! but still sore.
hahaha yep, sore boobs, nausea, tired, etc! 1st tri!!

glad u passed ur 3hr glucose test!! whats goin on wiv ur swellin and excess fluid?? r they guna induce u?? or r they not so worried now ur glucose is ok??

i jus had an app on fri, and i dnt hav another til nxt fri, (every 2wks)thats all u get here!! lol
hopin this baby comes this week, friday wud b brill!! lol

i think ur guna hav ur baby on thurs sept 8th!! dunno why, jus a random guess i wonder if ill b right?? lol :)

i hope my baby isnt overdue,!! i jsu dnt wana hav 2 hav the stretch n sweep!!!!
they will still probably induce, somewhere between 38&39 weeks... i see my dr thursday and the NST dr friday. so hopefully one or the other will tell me!

they are just having me doing 2 NST(non-stress tests) a week until she is born. i had one today, and they measured my fluid, and monitored baby for about 40 mins. i guess they will be doing that every few days! since i go to the dr once a week now, i will be at the drs 3 times a week :(

it was nice today, i felt like the nurse i had doing my NST actually gave me information and wanted to help me out! she explained everything she was doing and why she did it!

they dont know why i have the swelling and retention right now, but it is dangerous if gone to 40 weeks so its nice to know someone is trying to help make sure i wont. it can make my placenta detach early. or my waters break without actually going into labor.

hmm sept 8 ill remember that ;)
lol, u r truly havin a hard time wiv this one, induction dnt always work str8 away! i had 3 prostin gels and a hormone drip! and it still took 3days 4 my son 2 com out!! lol they started inducing on the 4th of nov, and he wasnt born until 7th! i wud like this baby on the 9th....dunno why....jus seem drawn 2 that date, altho its over, i cnt help but think i might go jus a bit over

ok so far i hav tried walking, sex and cleaning, lol
onto the red raspberry leaf tea and pineapple juice 2moz lol :

i hate when u c a m/w or doc and they r really rushed wiv u and act like they hate ther job, and they are sumtimes really moody and cudnt giv a shit!!! i hate rely on other ppl, if i cud not deal wiv any hosps and jus do this myself i SOOOO would!!
i saw my MW yesterday and on sept 8 i met with a dr to schedule my induction... but she did say my uterus is hyper exended and dont be suprised if i dont make it. she still hasnt checked me for dialation! ughhh! lol. the closest i got was i asked if her head was engaged....she said "you'll know." and she did a vaginal exam to check if i was leaking fluid and she said "oh good your cervix is right there!" does that mean anything? lol...im guessing that means its now lower? haha.

i have my secind NST appointment today. and then my last day of work!

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