Go GLAMAMAMAS!! **The most wonderful, beautiful and Lucky women**

Thanks for your help guys. It's eased off today, yesterday it was agony !!! It's not related to my cycles because I never usually get any pain in my breasts (guess I'm quite lucky).
I'll go to the doctor they get sore again.

Kim, not sure if you've tried this and I don't think it would effect the baby. Try natural probiotic yogurt externally and internally. It's cheaper than canesten and does more or less the same thing =)

I am checking back here every day to see if either of you have popped yet !!!

Hi Gilmore, not heard from you in a while. How are you doing ?
i've had it twice with pregnancy... my dr had me using the normal over the counter stuff (here its called monistat, dunno what yours is called lol) but she said it was safe and cant get to baby! even if you are dialated a little they are in their water bag nice and safe :)

no real exciting cramps :( she seems to be now wanting to stay in... i am not even peeing that frequently anymore! ughhh.

but in 3 hours or so i will be getting an induction date and finally checked for dialation, etc!

look how big i am :(

lol agreed! my baby is stubborn! hhaha! wow ur bump is defo large!!!! haha! beautiful tho, i thought bout the natural yoghurts thing, but my BFF also don it and ended up completely swollen down ther! :/ eeek! im too scared 2 risk it!

seein mw 2day anyway, hope she givs me summt!!

glad ur probs hav eased bee's!! its always worry 2 hav anythin like that! we r told, as women 2 really keep an eye on things like that, but its horrible when u dnt feel like u hav been taken seriously by ur doc!!!!!

im so fed up of waitin now! every day feels like a WEEK! lol
pretty! hav u got bad stretch marks?? my BFF was huge wiv her 1st, and she got the most unbelieveable stretchies!! hopin u hav been lucky!!
i do have them :( all on my lower abdomen... my upper belly is ok. hopefully it all shrinks down to the "behind hte underwear" area lol.

i am SOOO glad i did not go into labor yesterday!

our entire county, plus down into mexico, over into another state had the biggest blackout in history! and it was over 100 degrees out(38C)...it lasted over 12 hours and had started about 3 in the afternoon. it was a disaster... it was like armageddon... the roads were so filled with people it took DH almost an hour to get home and he works 3 miles(about 5 km) from our house! all the phones were down because of everyone overloading the lines. it was sooo hot i was feeling so sick. i couldnt go in the pool to cool off because my cervical exam made me bleed a lot. we couldnt cook because our stove is electric. so is the water heater so we had no hot water. we finally drove to DHs aunts house in the next county... it was 60 miles(97km) away! when we got home this morning i had to throw away pretty much everything in my fridge :( i heard on the radio in the car that all ambulances were in use and they were having to transport car accident victims to hospitals in the fire engines! and that the police were only responding to life and death calls. it was hell, an absolute disaster.

anyways! at my dr appointment she said i was 1 1/2 cm dialated but not soft enough so she wants to check again in a WEEK then decide on my induction. i am due in 11 days! how much longer can we wait? and no one warned me getting checked for dialation made you bleed! and i bled a bit.... i was so scared for my baby :(
HEY DNT WORRY! any cervical proddin can cause bleedin!! :/
wow that sounds like a nightmare!! i can imagin u wudda been so scared if labour has started!!!!
hope them stretchies do go or r hideable!!
well i saw m/w 2day, refused the sweep as i hav thrush and peein is uncomfy so i dint want her proddin around in ther too!! she seemed a bit annoyed! haha, 1st time i seen her aswell!! she cudda been any1! haha
still, she made my iduction appointment! so i will b admitted 2 hosp on 17th, 2 b induced if baby makes no appearance b4 then!! nothappy ill b in hosp 4 my WHOLE LABOUR
theyll b breakin my waters, and if labour dnt start within the hour ill b put on a hormone drip :( not happy!! but this baby is defo stubborn! im thinkin its a boy, cos my son was 14days late, and my daughter was early 5wks! haha
mayb its a sign :/
i will probably be induced around the same time! same process too, i assume. lets cross our fingers these babies come out soon!

the dr is checking me the 15 and said if i have improvement in my cervix she will plan to induce in a day or two...that would be about the same day! i agress being in the hospital the whole labor will be so torturous!
when it rains it pours, i hav jus "stumbled across" messages in my OH'S facebook,
in which he is tellin this girl,
"im havin a baby hope that dnt put u off, im not with the mum tho. it was a one night stand and i need 2 get a paternity test once the baby comes"
as well as sayin "we may forge sum kinda friendship, for the sake of the child"
"i dint expect 2 b a dad, she isnt my type and i wish it was me and u havin a baby instead"

aswell as a lot of sexually inappropriate stuff too, *(which i wont write on here)

SO HERE I AM, 40+ WKS PREG!! and dealin with this bullshit! wow! thanx man! what do i do now heY??
after doin everythin 4 this man, i moved halfway across the country, so we cud live 2geva, HE suggested we try 4 a baby and i though he loved me, i really did! now i am jus crushedand heartbroken,! how can sum1 say such nasty things, and betray me so badly!! i truly do not deserve this
the woman he is textin is an ex of his from his home town, i am so heartbroken right nw... i wana hav a big ol glass of brandy, and a few cigs, ! i wont! but i sure do wana
he is also sayin he plans on visitin her either her 4 xmas or his bday (we hav the same bday) so he means OUR bday!!
Oh Kim I'm so sorry !!!!
Your OH really doesn't sound like a very nice person after everything he's put you through. You don't need this kind of stress !
Have you confronted him about it ? Have you got family around you for support ? Or is it just you, him and your kiddies ?
Just wanted to drop in and say GOOD LUCK ladies - looking forward to reading all about your new babies :)) x
kim, print all those messages out and keep them somewhere safe he cant find them! you will need them when you take his ass to court for child support!

i am SOO sorry you are going through this... but it tells me one thing... you deserve better!

i would play it off like you dont know and then once your LO are home and safe, kick him out. not that he deserves to be anywhere near you, but you need to make sure you get to the hospital safe when baby is ready.

i hav already thrown him out, don it lastnight, once he got bak from work, he was cryin n beggin sayin he is so sorry, he dint mean 2 hurt me and he cant live wivout me etc.
it is jus me and the kids, but i hav a friend who can help me wiv chiildcare when i go into labour, i dnt hav any family anywher near me, and i dnt wana tell them even!! im too ashamed! i dnt care if i hav 2 giv birth alone!!
Oh Kim you shouldn't have to go into labour by yourself. I know I don't know you well but if you need anything, anything at all, I'm only a few miles away from Milton Keynes. Well done for kicking out OH. You're worth much more than how he treats you!
its fine, honest, i wud rather do it alone, and calmly without that pathetic excuse 4 a man near me,thanx anyway tho. i hav taken a massive knock, cant eat or sleep. but i KNO one thing, i CAN do it alone, cos i don it b4!!!
he is tryin 2 make amends, obv i am NOT havin it!

pretty sure im guna b induced on sat, nuffin happnin on its own so far! so at least i kno when i will b goin in, and makes it easier 2 hav jack and alicia ready. and itll giv me a few days 2 get over the initial shock !! so fingers crossed baby will stay in ther til sat!
i'm sorry you are going through this :(

make sure you go to the hospital when LO comes, being this far over you dont know what could happen... he/she could be too big to push now.

try to eat as soon as you can for your baby, i know its hard.

i think you are proof that stress cant induce labor!
haha yeah my BFF said if same thing, she says if this hasnt bought on labour, nuffin will,
i hav forced down fruit and toast, its hard 2 eat when im stressed!
i will b goin hosp, i dnt think i am mentally prepared 2 deal wiv labour on my own, it will prob b too much now,
i jus hav the worst luck!!
i hav told him i will let him b ther 4 his child, but our r/ship isnt salvagable!
thanx 4 listening ladies, im very grateful.

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