Go GLAMAMAMAS!! **The most wonderful, beautiful and Lucky women**

yeah ur cervix drops down (obv from weight of baby) and then itll tilt forwards, so everythin is ready 4 u, ur body is ready!
they dnt need 2 giv u exams 2 c if ur dilated yet, as ur not overdue, or in suspected labour?? they will jus wait 4 u 2 start naturally now i guess

my BFF is in labour right now, 8-9cms dilatd, in the birthing cntr, and she has called me 2 tell me it hurts like hell!! but she has been in labour since about 5am, and she is almost done, so quik!!! argghh!! she is cool as a cucumber!! callin me from the birthin pool!! i hope i am as calm! im officially due on monday but im completely happy 2 go now!! lol, i want this all over!!
they dont check til then there? here they start checking between 36-38 weeks. for everyone but me! lol.

since yesterday afternoon i have felt miserable... i think LO has got herself on a nerve or something... i was sitting at work and starting getting pains in my butt and legs, and when i tried to walk it was making the pain go in my inner thighs... and it felt like the further i kept my legs spread the less the pain was...alomst like i couldnt close my legs. now its morning here and i had a horrible time sleeping... my tail bone is KILLING me... and i have vagina pain...almost like the same feeling you get after a very rough round of:sex: but there definitely hasnt been any of that! lol... ughhh this kid :)

it is time for you to get your little one out, have a talk with him/her!
hahah, i get a horrible leg spazm/buzzin/shooting pain, which renders me unable 2 stand 4 a few mins, its like a short, sharp burst of pain, but i hav 2 take the weight off instantly or ill collapse on the floor, lol, means sumtimes when im walkin, i start walkin like i been riding a horse, or sum funny kinda clown walk?? not v dignified! haha! and it makes me YELP! haha!

they dnt even check u until u go into labour here, they only check u once ur overdue so they can do a membrane sweep or hormone pessary, they really dnt need 2 faf about wiv u all that much, most women r aware sumit goin on down ther anyway, and if u was dilating u wud soon kno about it anyway! lol

i soo want this baby 2 com out! i hav had 17cups of raspberry leaf tea, 2 pineapples, and walked sooo blimmin much!! went on a "canal walk" ystdy, and day b4 i walked 2 my supermarket, (3miles away) still no sign of much goin on tho, get a lot of tightenings, but 2 b honest my belly feels tight almost al the time, but wiv no pain, altho i do jus think my belly is stretched 2 the max, my skin has reached its limit!! i think the fact its so full in ther, it feels solid a lot of the time!

no chance of gettin ANY sex tho, bf is totally creeped out by it now, despite the fact its so bloody awkward anyway!! lol think he finds it a bit odd knowin ther is this fragile, delicate baby in ther!
so tryin 2 stay upright and think positive! i cant eat ANY mor pineapple, i think ill vomit, jus thinkin bout it haha!

BFF had her baby at 12noon ish, weighed 8lb 8oz! 1day overdue!! and she is jus perfect!
her labout started at 4am, but she thought it was BH'S til 6am, then she knew it was labour, so her whole labour was under 8hrs, wowzer!

wish u cud get sum time off work!! :) altho i suppose work is good 4 keepin u busy!! x
Just wanted to drop by and say good luck girls ! I hope you have relatively quick and painless labors!
Kim - have you tried Castor oil ? Or spicy foods ? (p.s I have a feeling you're gunna have a little boy, wonder if I'm right!)

As for me. Me and OH have decided to have a couple of months break from TTC and we are going to start NTNP on 10th November (4 year anniversary). I saw my psychic again last week (he was doing a house clearing because we have had some spooky goings on, it didn't work though because I still saw a kid in my room last night). Anyway, there is no way he could remember what he said to me, he has seen so many people and when I first saw him he told me I would be pregnant in December with a little boy (he also said I would be pregnant before summer but didn't say anything about the baby so that must have been my miscarriages). He said I will find out I am pregnant around xmas day !
He has been right for so many people I know !
hey bees. i hope he is right!! preg at xmas wud b great right?? only a few mnths away too!
im officially due 2moz, and i must say it has gon so quik! i wud like a lil boy, altho i hav bought sum super cute girly bits too!! hehe! :) i dnt mind...still!

i wish u every success when u start NTNP- mayb a mor laid-back approach will make it easier?!

no pains, cramps, symptoms, nuffin!! and castor oil is a bad idea, it jus gives u bad poops, and can cause complications too, spicy food works in the same way as castor oil is supposed 2, by irritating ur stomach into spazms n contractions, which in turn stimulate ur uterus, i wudnt want all that right b4 labour, top that off wiv a diorhrhea filled labour room and its my idea of HELL!! HAHA!

baby WILL com he/she is good n ready right??
i've heard castor oil will also put the baby at risk because it can get dehydrated!

i have and havent been trying to get mone out lol...i start something and get lazy and forget lol! i havent drank my tea or anything haha! and i have my EPO capsules and have remembered 2 whole times. im with your BF, sex is creepy now lol. and not comfortable.

i also think you are having a boy :)

hi bees, good luck! last christmas day my DHs cousin announced she was pregnant and she has had her LO with her for 2 weeks now... if you have a :bfp: then you will have a LO by this time nexy year!!!
well i finished 2 whole boxes of raspberry tea (40 t-bags)
3pineapples, 4 cartons of pure pineapple juice,
stayed as upright as poss, scrubbed the floors, on my hands n knees!!
(even managed sex lastnight, altho i cud tell fella was super cautious, lol and it felt totally diff! i c what he means!! :(
my baby is makin no attempt 2 com out, way too comfy in ther, lol and i was so worried about havin an early baby again!! <3 lol

so how u feelin!!? are ur complications easing a bit now?? x
hope ur baby comes soon 4 u, :)
i might go 4 a big walk again 2day, lol not much else i can do! <3
happy due date! ironically over here, today is labor day lol.

hey didnt you have a different due date to start? maybe your LO is still going with the first date? lol. if you can hold him(or her) in until the 10th thats my DH's birthday :)

my complications are the same but i have gotten better at walking with the gianormo belly...i think my body is getting used to the weight lol.

today i have lower back pain...and mild cramping...but nothing too exciting!

i like pineapple but thinking of all the pineapple you have eaten makes me feel sick lol.

over here they say lemon cupcakes make from fresh lemon do that trick! you can try that!
lol.labor day! no freeeekin labor here,haha! seen my m/w 2dy (not an app, he dropped a form in 4 my OH so he can hav paternity leave!), he says i shud wait til im 11-12 days over 2 get the "membrane sweep"!! as he dnt think it will b effective when im jus over by 4days, (i hav a male m/w) he said if baby hasnt arrived by 13 days over ill b in hosp on day 14 wiv either the hormone pessary or pitocin drip! :/ (prob both)! he is really nice! i wasnt sure about a male m/w at 1st but he actually is ok!! lol

so here i am, obv guna b overdue a bit haha, i was given the DD 12th sept by my last LMP! but according 2 ovulation i was due a week earlier as ov'd super early, and my date are same as 12wk scan dates, but i gues baby can b up 2 2wks late wivout any complications, so least i kno defo guna b over wiv in 2wks at the lastest!!!
and it isnt likely that a baby number 3 arrives a whole 2wks late!!

had the most uncomfy BRAXTONS, makin my belly SO hard, i think mayb the ones b4 wer nothin haha!! my belly goes hard as wood now!!!! lol
lol, i know huh? no labor for me either. i had one really big long cramping...then...nothing! lol

DHs mom was due with him on labor day and went over 5 days and had him the 10th...maybe you will have your LO on my DHs bday for sure! and it will be a boy too! lol.

i feel like i OV early too the month i got my +...but they will only go off LMP unless its a difference of 2 weeks, so i feel like my LO is a little further along than they think.
they go by size here, depends on size of baby on 12wks scan, thats how i got sept 5th 4 my DD!
STILL NO SIGN HERE! worst nights sleep ever!! achy everywher, sick of heartburn! ARRGGHHHHH! i really wanted 2 scream!!! i am so fed up. im only a day over!! but i feel like i am soooo over!
i had my son 14 days late, !!

the hosp will b givin me a hormone drip/hormone pessary if nothin has happnd by the 18-19th!
they go by size here, depends on size of baby on 12wks scan, thats how i got sept 5th 4 my DD!
STILL NO SIGN HERE! worst nights sleep ever!! achy everywher, sick of heartburn! ARRGGHHHHH! i really wanted 2 scream!!! i am so fed up. im only a day over!! but i feel like i am soooo over!
i had my son 14 days late, !!

the hosp will b givin me a hormone drip/hormone pessary if nothin has happnd by the 18-19th!

the 18th is my wedding anniversary ;) but i think you will labor on your own before then!

i took a benadryl to sleep last night(its considered safe here but i try not to take anything) and had weird dreams of hauntings and possessions and stuff lol...ughhh.

i'm a bit crampy right now and i had some pretty big glob of mucus this morning when i went to the bathroom...but that is about as exciting as it gets for me.

its been raining here since yesterday(which is very strange btw lol)... i hope my LO waits until the rain passes, people do NOT know how to drive around here as it is, throw a little rain in and every mile there is an accident on the freeway... and my hospital is about 20 mins away...dont want to risk us getting in an accident!

so i know sex itself was weird and awkward, what about just fooling around? its your orgasm that'll kick start things ;)
oooh a glob of mucus?? that is a great sign! u will hav that baby soon!!

orgasm?? whats that again?? lmao!!!

oh dear we lucky in the U.K, it rains so much ppl wud struggle 2 drive wivout it!! haha! i hate it tho!!
i jus hate the fact that i kno that baby is jus gettin bigger.....n harder 2 push-out!!!

i dnt wana go in on 18-19th, the pitocin makes it soooo much mor painful!! :( i wud rather hav it all progress naturally, and then ther will b less risks, and a lot of chemiacally induced labours result in caesarean!! i DEFO dnt want that!!

soooo ur crampy?? mayb this is it!! my BFF thought it was js preg-cramps, she had a baby in her arms 7hrs later!!
haha! we can all wish 4 the same right???? <3

hmm not sure i wud wana take anythin 2 giv me WIERDER dreams, lol i jus wish this baby wud com out already! haha!
Girls can I have some non TTC advice please ?

About 3 months ago I noticed a small lump in my right breast near the armpit and it hurt when I proded it. I visited the doctor and told him I can't find it unless I have no bra on and I am lying on my side with my arm up and he said "Well if you can't find it now then it won't be cancer, it's probably just a cyst." and that was it. Well recently it's gotten worse, I don't think the lump has gotten any bigger but my breast is so much more painful all the time. I don't usually get sore breasts any time during my cycle so OH thought I might be pregnant so we did a test but I'm not (only on CD10). I was just wondering if you think I should visit the doctor or if it's prob just a cyst ? My mum has had loads of cysts in her breasts and has had to have the lump sampled but they always come back as benign.
Thanks =)
Girls can I have some non TTC advice please ?

About 3 months ago I noticed a small lump in my right breast near the armpit and it hurt when I proded it. I visited the doctor and told him I can't find it unless I have no bra on and I am lying on my side with my arm up and he said "Well if you can't find it now then it won't be cancer, it's probably just a cyst." and that was it. Well recently it's gotten worse, I don't think the lump has gotten any bigger but my breast is so much more painful all the time. I don't usually get sore breasts any time during my cycle so OH thought I might be pregnant so we did a test but I'm not (only on CD10). I was just wondering if you think I should visit the doctor or if it's prob just a cyst ? My mum has had loads of cysts in her breasts and has had to have the lump sampled but they always come back as benign.
Thanks =)

i used to have a very painful large lump in my left breast for years... it was even sore to the touch. it didnt hurt all the time, but it definitely went through phases. i havent had it bother me in a while. one thing i was told for mine was that caffeine can cause breast lumps(that arent anything.) try having no caffeine for about 5 days and see if it goes away/stops hurting.
Thanks. Apart from the odd can of coke I never have caffeine. So I dunno =S
hormones can cause it too...does it seem related to your cycle at all? maybe keep a chart of days it hurts during your whole cycle for a couple cycles... and see if it follows a pattern?
hi bees thought i would share some info i was given when my mam had a cancer scare, she was told from the doctor that a cancerous lump does not actually cause pain to the breast and that is how it can be missed by people. However if you are at all concerned then go back to your doctor
go back 2 ur docs, c another?? if u ent happy wiv what he/she said get another opinion, wudnt do ANY harm 2 get the lump sampled, and if u dnt, ull jus b worryin about it, i hav had lumpy (.)(.)'s ever since they grew, lol always gets worse/mor sore right b4 and drin period, or obv pregnancy, but they settle again str8 after each cycle...
i say its your body, and u hav every right 2 b 100% sure of whats goin on, docs ent ALWAYS right,

my baby is makin no effort 2 make an apperance, must b lazy like his/her daddy! LOL,

:( got internal/external thrush! what a pain!! (literally) can i use a pessary?? im seein midwife 2moz anyway? jus dint kno whats safe 2 use ?? as im overdue i dont ko if itll cause probs wiv cervix, or if itll get into the baby??

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