Whoa talk about emotional train wreck. So...my clinic wants me to trigger Wednesday for IUI on Thursday at 930am. Hubby won't be home til Thursday evening. But here's my question ( and my clinic never called me back with an answer...) why trigger at 9pm Wednesday evening... For an IUI thursday morning...12.5 hours later??? So, after many tears shed as decisions made, hubby is going to fly home to be here Thursday evening and were only going to do timed intercourse. I've never been found to have any CM issues an he has a good sperm count. So we're just gonna roll with it and do the trigger and let mature take it's course. Save money through foregoing the IUI...bug spend it on a plane ticket. Uuugh. Kinda bummed, but well see
That's what I'm going to ask my RE scerena. The other RE dismissed it and said it was due to the meds. I'm hoping this one sees it as cause for concern and helps do something about it. I have heard B6 can help lengthen it. I am taking pre-natals so I will also ask about adding that in. I looked it up and some Doctors don't see cause for concern unless the LP is 10 days or less while others consider anything less than 12 low so we will see. I should be going in for day 3 stuff tomorrow. I'm hoping the good vibe I got off this new RE holds out and he is willing to help in the ways I feel are needed.
Yes alicatt I have wondered the same thing. I noticed everyone else saying they didn't get it until they stopped but last cycle my progesterone bottomed out on my 11dpo blood work. At 6dpo this cycle it was 22.92 I still don't know what it was on 11dpo as they still haven't released those results online. I plan on asking about that too. Last month at 3dpo it was 42.10 7dpo it was 11.57 then on 11dpo it was 6.68. So I don't know if I need a higher dose of progesterone or what but I didn't think it should get that low if I'm on supplements.
Ughso change of plans AGAIN. They want me to keep stimming an extra day and come in for IUI Friday morning. I would be ok with this EXCEPT I feel like my uterus is going to explode. You know that feeling you get when you have to pee? Like ur bladder is so full it kinda hurts? That's how I feel right now. It's like moderate period cramps. With no period. My nurse I talked to said it was normal. Has anyone else ever felt like this???
Scerena, I am not sure how big the cyst was, but it looked big on the screen. Your follicles are looking good!
Kk, welcome! We will try to help you anyway we can. It sucks to feel so out of control huh!?
Lauren, I'm glad they changed your IUI to Friday, hopefully that will give some time for another follicle to mature. And yes, these meds do make your ovaries feel huge! I think it is because they are being stimulated- it's totally normal unless you feel intense pain.
Amber, grrr...for AF! I hope you get the all clear to do another round this cycle! Looks like we will be medicated cycle buddies! I expect AF to show up this weekend.
Alicatt, how are you doing?
Congratulations Norah! Thank you so much for the great news and inspiration!
FX for you scerena that you won't have to trigger til Sunday!!!
Yea I guess all Dr's are different. I just felt I needed to ask so maybe the twice a day will be what I need and that's why I needed to ask. Only time will tell. But they finally posted my labs! My progesterone was 6.3 and my estrogen was 51! How could she lie to me on the phone saying my levels looked good? I was livid after reading them. You can bet if they try not to tell me my levels this cycle I will demand it! Don't leave me thinking there is a chance when you know well and good there isn't! Sorry rant over!
Thanks! I felt so huge I was nervous about taking the HCG shot...but I did it! And I actually felt less bloated this morning lol. I just got out of my IUI a few hours ago and it went great! Post-wash hubby had 18 milScerena, I am not sure how big the cyst was, but it looked big on the screen. Your follicles are looking good!
Kk, welcome! We will try to help you anyway we can. It sucks to feel so out of control huh!?
Lauren, I'm glad they changed your IUI to Friday, hopefully that will give some time for another follicle to mature. And yes, these meds do make your ovaries feel huge! I think it is because they are being stimulated- it's totally normal unless you feel intense pain.
Amber, grrr...for AF! I hope you get the all clear to do another round this cycle! Looks like we will be medicated cycle buddies! I expect AF to show up this weekend.
Alicatt, how are you doing?
Congratulations Norah! Thank you so much for the great news and inspiration!
amber I have everything crossed for you
lauren glad you feel less bloated and the iui is donesending
your way
alicatt hope you're doing okay Hun??
Afm scan today-
Lining 9.15mm and follicle 14mm
Got to bd Sunday incase I ovulate on my own otherwise back on Monday and should be ready to trigger, great news as I didn't want to trigger this weekend... We were told to bd Sunday incase I o on my own and then scan Monday and trigger if not
They also done my amh (I didn't have to end up paying) and they done my 1st HIV test also (I have to do two new tests in 3 months apart) will get a call in two week with amh results to see if I'm Eligable to egg share- well nervous now!