Good Morning & Hello!

Hi you two!!! We are back...exhaused, yes, but also good to be home :)

So, I need to know all about the SA results Karissa!!!! TELL US!!!!! AND, today you go to the doctor, right?? So you should be out by now???

Annie -- sorry to hear about weirdo dreams and random shooting pains.. That doesn't sound fun AT ALL.... My dreams are weird enough, I don't need pregnancy messing me up even more!

So, NYC -- this was my second trip...the first one was for work stuff..This one was WAY more fun. But, honestly?? The people, and the noise, and the traffic, and all the concrete..and did I mention all the people?? So awesome to visit and experience it, but I am so glad I live in the middle of nowhere :) The play we saw, The Best Man, I thought it would be super boring, but it was actually really really good and quite funny!
And a helicopter ride??!!!! Oh yeahhhhhhhhh......Checked that off my bucket list....

I am waiting to hear back from the fertility specialist on my third round of bloodwork for the thyroid....anxious to hear if the meds are helping as much as they want because I am going to ask about setting up our appointment to talk about moving forward!!!

I saw my father-in-law last night when we got home and he was like, would you hurry it up?? I'm 77 and not getting any younger!!! :)

So, I have to get ready for PT in a few....

Karissa -- trust me, I used to work in the insurance field (not health insurance, thank goodness), and even I have a hard time understanding mine!!!!

So, I should be fertile right now --or maybe a day ago....And of course we had awesome NYC BD'ing!!! So who knows????? :)
Stephanie - welcome back!!! :) Sounds like you had an AWESOME time which is fantastic!! and a helicopter ride too, sweet!! And awesome NYC BDing doesn't hurt either!! :) Yay!!

So SA results... no real results. I do not like that doctor he doesn't really talk to you. All he said (and didn't even show us the numbers!) was that it was slightly higher than last time but not where it should be. And was going to leave it at that... um NO! so I asked a bunch of questions and basically there is no reasoning as to why his numbers are low and motility is low. The morphology is good so they are not really concerned about him. So they gave him Clomid (works for guys too I guess!) to take for 90 days!! cuz it takes that long to see results. So not what I was hoping for...

So then today I just got back from doctor. And after two days of no meds which was supposed to help me naturally get there... oh yeah that's right my body doesn't do natural! so nothing had changed! So I had to take another shot today which luckily they had some spare at the office cuz I could not drive to Northridge again with work today I am too crazy and only one in office so really need to be here! and missing for doctor was bad enough! So took my shot and then will trigger tomorrow now at 4pm and the IUI Sunday at 10am and Monday at noon... which seems to long away but I guess they know what they are doing...
Karissa!! IUI today, right???? Fingers crossed for you!! Any more bleeding??? That is sooo weird!!!! :hugs:
Annie, how are you and the Pumpkin doing??? :flower:

So yesterday I felt soooo wet.. Like I had leaked in my underwear. When I checked, I had a ton of just ummm, liquid.... And I mean a TON.... And today, I felt the same and when I checked, I had a whole bunch of nothing I have ever had before.... And I feel off today - like AF cramps... So I am assuming I am O'ing... I feel like crap - who wants AF cramps TWICE a month??? :cry: I'm wondering if my thyroid meds are kicking in and making my cycle more "normal"??? I have never felt myself ovulate like this before! And all of the, um, stuff I'm producing......
Unfortunately we didn't BD this morning...but we did yesterday so who knows, maybe it MIGHT happen naturally for some strange reason... :shrug: I wonder if we BD later if that is too late?? Part of me knows the chances of it actually happening naturally are super slim, so why even think about it, but the other part says, what the heck? Might as well give it a shot and try?! May save us $13,000.... :thumbup:
Karissa, that is weird about the SA results... I would think motility WOULD be a concern.. I mean, if you are spending all outdoors on IUI and the little guys are having issues even swimming??? And Clomid for men??? Sorry, but I did laugh at that a little :haha:
Rock said we are going to do our in depth SA right off so I'm anxious to hear what his test results are...I am going to cautiously bring up doing it this week or next, depending on when we can get an appointment....
Stephanie - I have heard so many stories of it happening naturally right before IVF! Actually in the one other board I do comment in for IUI a girl had to go to IVF after so many failed IUIs and then before IVF they ended up pregnant on their own! Also the SA doctor said that happened to him and his wife as well. So ya never know! I think yesterdays BD would still work and if you did today as well it wouldn't be too late!

Annie - hope you are having a good weekend!

Did get IUI this morning. We had 3.5 million so not our lowest and not our highest so we will see. Doctor said it could happen but as its our fourth the odds are lower. So being realistically optimistic about it. Already made a pact that I can test on 10th and then only again on test day of 14th so one more tomorrow and then the waiting begins!

And yes motility is a concern cuz his numbers today were actually really high but motility is terrible still so the number if hood sperm was still low... My diction said don't expect many results from clomid... So not counting on that plus we knew it would take at least 90 days to see results anyways...
OK.. sorry I Went mia - sometimes I get emails stating you all are responding.. and sometimes I don't.

Thursday I dealt with cleaning and discovering cat.. 'issues' shall we say? One of our cats pooped in the nursery (they had no reason to do this in association with the baby as at the time I hadn't even started cleaning it out) - I had been cleaning and deep cleaning trying to get the smell out - well I found another.. surprise.. thus the smell is now leaving (good) - but it made for a not so fun thursday. So I went shopping.. :)

Friday I went to a consignment sale with my mom, breakfast with my mom, lunch with my dad, a bit of shopping and then an ultra sound with them and Bill. Ultrasound was good - Bill and I were both afraid we'd find out the sex - but the tech was AWESOME and stayed by the head or the feet (just the little feet). Our little pumpkin is 7 oz (and the bones are in - so it really really looks like an Ethiopia child.. its kind of gross when she shows the spine and ribs!) Its all normal.. but yuck! - The baby is 5.5 inches long too (well plus legs) - so growing at the right speed - and we got to see the blood flow in the heart and all the organs.. pretty neat. My parents were over the moon to get to go.

Next ultra sound is May 16th (Big medical ultra sound - this is where any problems are normally caught (shouldn't have any because this tech would have seen anything major on friday) and where they will write down the sex for us!! So Excited! Drs appt tomorrow - not too excited about that - always dread the weight gain I know I'm gaining too much - but I just can't seem to help it.. (well I probably could but I don't see myself forbidding sugar.. etc :) )

ANYWAY! Karissa - I'm more familiar with the man side as we really did think Bill had an issue - the 90 day thing sucks.. 100% agree :( I was shocked to find that out myself. Hopefully this round of IUI will do the trick - but if not - you all have a good plan in place and you WILL HAVE A BABY.

Stephanie - I bet it felt so good just to get away - and maybe that time away also helped your body relax and do things .. definitely does sound like you are ovulating and actually they say 24 hours before you O is the best time to BD- so you are giving yourself a good chance.. I say if you can do it today. go for it ;)

OK.. I'm in a crabby moood - not a lot of sleep last night- I'm goign to go and see what trouble I can get into here at the office :)
Annie - ugh bummer about your cats! That is no fun! but sounds like you had a great weekend shopping and getting to hang out with your family! And best of all getting to see your pumpkin! :) So awesome you got to see them again and all their parts (well almost ;)) Good luck at the doctor today! :) I agree forbidding sugar is not allowed! Hope your day gets better!

Thanks, I am trying to stay optimistic. Number for round two I just did was 1.8 mil so not the best. Doctor said, Good Luck, which I said I really hope this works because I do not want to think about what is next and he responded IVF without even thinking and then looked at me and said we will talk about it. I know that is what is next but I just do not want to think about it because that means waiting to save up for it! So trying to banish all negative thoughts from my mind and be positive! I also had a temp drop today where normally it starts rising by second IUI so curious to see what happens. I did have cramping at 4am so maybe ovulated later than normal so won't see rise until tomorrow.

Stephanie - Hope you are doing well! :)
Hi! Just checking in whole I can.... Ugh, so I strained the muscles in my lower back while brushing out the dog on Sunday :wacko: I have been flat on my back since. Luckily my doctor prescribed me a muscle relaxer and a pain medication.. But all I do is sleep....seriously boring and I bet Rock is tired if seeing me in my pjs!!!! :sleep: I haven't even been able to enjoy any wine due to the meds!!! :cry:
I have a PT appt today for my back.... Sigh, more PT... I am broke!!!!

Karissa, I lost a whole day I you had the second IUI in Monday, right? And today is Wednesday?? So, you are testing on the 10th??? Good luck!!!

Annie - so exciting about your ultrasound!!! And the "big one" will be here before you know it!!!
I can't wait to shop for baby stuff :blush: and maternity clothes!!!
And you kitties... :growlmad: we have a kitty that likes to pee on things... So frustrating!!!!!

So I called the nurse at the FS and left her a message asking what we need to do to get the ball rolling!! :happydance: I told Rock that it could seriously take a few months to get the combination of meds right for me, so I wanted to start THAT part now!!! We were going to do it in June to be ready for July anyway, so it is not that much earlier... And if it takes a bit to get everything right, then we'll possibly be even later :cry: fingers crossed that she calls me back soon!!! :hugs:
HA! I had literally just checked to see if there were any responses and then got the email!

Stephanie I hope you are on the road to mending! PT is not fun - but when it helps its awesome!! Hang in there - back issues are the worse because it really sucks all the life from you!

Karissa - how are you feeling?

AFM - my swimsuit came in the mail yesterday and I'm hoping to get up to the pool today / tomorrow - my hip(s) are driving me crazy and I'm hoping if I can get in and do some work on them in the pool that will help.. I need to start my pt exercises for it too - so many of them are abdominal based though so I'm dreading it.. literally... but 3am wake up calls for an hour suck because I'm in so much pain :(
Stephanie - Sorry you are in so much pain!! :( I hope the pt helps and you are up and about soon having some wine! :) Hope you hear from the FS soon so you can get the ball rolling!! Have they told you at all what they think your protocol will be? will you be put on BCP first? And it is already May and I know this month will fly by so you will be starting soon!

Annie - how exciting about your bathing suit coming in! And I hope getting into the pool helps your hips too!

Sorry you girls aren't feeling well!!!

I did have my second IUI on Monday. Had 1.8 million sperm so not the greatest. I am now officially in TWW! So yeah testing on the 10th which will be 10DPO which I know is still a bit too soon but it is the first day of rehearsals and my super crazy stress panic time so I want to know if positive because I will force myself to delegate more and try not to stress out as much! My temps have also been wacky I think my thermometer is breaking. Yesterday it didn't really go up at my normally 5am time but then I decided to try again at 7am when I really get up and it was 97.54 (96.84 at 5am) and then today at 5am it just shut off while temping so I had to turn back on and do again and then got 97.43 and then did 7am just to check and it was 97.54 again. So not sure how reliable temping will be....
Good morning!
I heard back from the nurse. Basically we need to set up another appt to go over all of the lab results and discuss a plan of action, etc. so, they won't set the appt up until Rock does the SA.. Which I get, but still, so frustrating that he is completely in charge!!!!
I told him this, and he really didn't say anything. I told the nurse that as soon as we made the appt for the SA that I would make the other consultation appt at that time and she said that was fine.
Ok, so I am starving all the time and also breaking out like a teenager... I believe I could have PMS, which is awesome because maybe my cycles are shortening!!! Today is would be nice to have AF sooner!!!
How are you two doing???
Annie - sorry about your hips acting up!!!!! Hope you can get in the pool soon!
Ok - sorry - not much has been going on - so I've been quiet - I'm busy trying to get my "registry" together (using amazon right now - but not sure how I will 'share' it when time comes). Reconsidering our crib choice... but none of this has to be decided right now :)

Hips are doing ok - was in agony last night - took a bath and did some exercises - seems to be helpig - we'll see. But really - all in all? Can't complain - not much going on. Regular check up today..

Karissa - sounds like you are also just waiting. and seeing.. bummer about your thermometer - maybe its time to stop your addiction and let it ride? (Trust me i woudln't have been able to - I would have ordered a new one on amazon!)

Stephanie - I can understand how frustrating it is.. but let me tell you - nothing about this baby making process is fast.. I also realized last night that the papers I have from my co worker may benefit you the most as she also had thyroid issues.. I will try and find and scan and send tonight!
Stephanie - so annoying to have to be waiting on the SA! anything you can do to help that get moved along...? I had to make Jon's appointment for him so he would go! Could you do that? That would be great if your cycles are getting shorter! :)

Annie - on Amazon you can make gift lists and then make public or private. This is how my family does our Christmas list now is everyone just has a public wish list! Glad your hips are feeling better and hope they continue to do so!

Yeah I decided I would just stick with this thermometer to get through the rest of this cycle and know that it may be wonky. And then will buy a new one if needed for next cycle as that will be moving to IVF so we will then have time to buy one as I don't think we will be able to move right into IVF due to costs. But 11 days now until actual test date and 7 days until my first and only early test day! So I just need this week to go by quickly!
Karissa - I have a baby registry on amazon - its public - I'm just not advertising it. After 36 hours of fighting over the crib - we finally ordered one this morning! We want to get it to the house and start airing it out (one way to reduce chemicals) - and of course I just want it ;) Thoughts on thermometer sound good :) How are you feeling?

Stephanie - has Rock made any movements towards a time frame? How are you feeling about the process at this point?
OMG I am so ready for the weekend! This week has been so busy and stressful and next week will be even worse! I need to it be May 13th so these two events are over and I can go back to normal life! Plus I am trying to not stress cuz I know it is bad which makes me stress more! but all this business does help in that I don't think about TTC at all during the day! TMI - was constipated all week and now gates are open today... and cramping. pretty sure it is still early for any actual symptoms but that has been different so far...

Annie - yay for buying your crib!! That is so exciting! I love looking at cribs in stores trying to find what our future one will be (i am weird I know!)! So what type of crib did you go for?

Stephanie - ditto on the questions Annie asked :)
Ugh, every time I ask him he says "we'll do it soon"... But then nothing. I'm going to bring it up again today....
Annie - I am so envious about your crib!!!!! I am always lurking around the baby section of target :winkwink:
Karissa - I know how long this TWW is for you :hugs: I wish there was something that we could do to speed up time!!!!!
Stephanie- sorry for your frustration! I hope your talk today helps get things moving in the right direction! :) and I also lurk the baby section at Target too!
Oh the crib debate.. sigh.. so there are all these new reports out that cribs and nursery furniture in general are 'gassing' out formaldhyde and of course on top of that my husband HATES anything that in his opinion is cheap... however.. in cribs you get two choices. CHEAP or EXPENSIVE. There is VERY VERY little middle ground.

We finally after 48 hours of ... discussion yes.. lets call it discussion settled on this one:

It will match the cradle - and thus I trust the brand. Thats really what it finally came down to.

Nevermind the fact we had already picked out a graco crib at toys r us - he changed his mind on that.. sigh.

OH girls! I wish I could look into the future for you - I wish I could speed up time for you.. I'm ok with the pace that things are going right now because honestly - as ready as we all are... the reality of a baby.. well I'm ok that it takes 9 months :)

Stephanie - sounds like you have a crazy week.. my work week is likely slow - but my home week is insane busy - My brother asked if we would host mother's day - of course i said yes - but .. my brother has HORRID allergies.. Cats top his list.. so I have to sanitize the upstairs of the house - not to mention get the 'play room' to a state that is accessible by my niece.. sigh.

Karissa - how about you?
Annie - Sorry you had quite the discussion on the crib but I do love your crib choice!! That is the same style that I love! :) Good luck getting the home sanitized! and so exciting your first Mother's Day! :)

Stephanie - Hope you are doing well and feeling better!

I am in hell at work right now. Our big event is this Friday and Saturday! One nice thing about work being so crazy is that I feel this week will fly by!! Though I am getting sick which is not good! Horrible sore throat and headache :( also had a temp drop yesterday but it is back up today. So not sure what that was about but also still not 100% trusting my thermometer my temps post O look so different than before!
Hope everyone is having a good day!

I am ready for this week to be over!! Just wanted to share my temp obsession with you guys since you are the only ones I can really tell and won't judge at least not much :blush:

so you know how I get obsessive over temps. though this time I have been better and not temping at night! And I still think my thermometer is wacky and even though I know this it is still playing mind games with me. So this morning my normal 5am temp was 96.74 which is WAY below coverline and after reviewing charts my normal af is starting today temp. but it is only 8days past so way too early for that... then I redid at 7am when i woke up for real and it was back up to 97.68 almost a whole degree back up... so now I don't know what to think! and I know that it is just my thermometer acting up but seeing this huge drop does make me wonder.... and then I get mad at myself for getting hopes up and then mad for yelling at myself for that and say it is ok to hope... really I feel like a crazy split personality person! ugh! just ready for it to be next Monday so I can just know either way!
Karissa - I'm sorry honey!!! hormones - remember - you are under a lot of hormones :) I do firmly believe in the charting thing - but I have to tell you - mine showed no different the month I conceived then the months I didn't. I remember how it felt and how I used it as a means to keep my worries and wonders at bay - but honestly? in hind sight - I'm not sure it told me anything. :( Maybe that helps / makes it worse?

I do remember that your temp can go up a whole degree every hour - so the jump is normal.. and also if you slept shorter periods that effects it.. I know you are under a lot of stress - are you sleeping through the night?

AFM - pulled the 'buy' trigger on the one car seat (at least for now) we are buying - if this comes and is a dream in my car as well as Bill's I might need one too: (I got it at kohls - when you all get pregnant I have some shopping tricks for you ;) )

In other news - if you all shop at amazon on any regular basis - you must check out - seriously I'm so in love and awe today I can't even stand it...

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