Have you packed your hospital bag yet?


Mum of 2 - PG with No.3
Sep 1, 2006
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Hi girls,

Have any of you packed your hospital bag yet?

What sort of things have you, or are you thinking of putting in it?

If you can make suggestions, I will add it to this thread so we can make some form of list.....

These are just a few off the top of my head..............

Items for our Hospital Bag

For Mum

1 ) 2 Nightshirts and 1 OLD one for labour
2 ) Dressing gown
3 ) slippers
4 ) Sleeping mask / ear plugs for on the ward
5 ) Wash bag and extra toiletries
6 ) Lots of knickers or a paket of disposable knickers
7 ) Maternity pads
8 ) Nursing Bra's
9 ) Nursing pads
10 ) Nipple Cream
11 ) Change of clothes
12 ) Make-up :oops:


1 ) Old Nighty
2 ) Tens machine
3 ) Hairband or clips to keep hair off face
4 ) Spray bottle or magicool for hot flushes during labour
5 ) Bedsocks to keep feet warm
6 ) Tissues
7 ) A camera/video camera
8 ) Mars bar or similar for energy
9 ) Lucozade
10 ) Frozen bottle of water so it's cold when you need it

For Baby

1 ) 3 baby grows
2 ) Baby's going home outfit
3 ) 3 vests
4 ) Mittens
5 ) Bibs
6 ) Nappies
7 ) Wipes
8 ) Sudocrem


1 ) Hot water bottle for after labour cramps
2 ) Jug for when you need a wee (pour whilst weeing.....)

I haven't even started thinking about or packing my bag yet. I'm only 31 weeks so i'll do it when i'm about 36 weeks. I'm going to have to do 2 bags (one for my home birth and one in case I need to go to hospital which I REALLY hope I don't have to do)
Awwwwww best of luck hun, I hope you don't need to go to hospital too!! Stay positive hun :wink:
Dunno about a hospital bag!!!!


GET OUT!!!!!!!!

argh... the hospital bag ... erm!

ok so yet another thing i have forgotton to put on my 'to do' list.

i guess i should do that soon then!

good idea about making a list tam, i would add these things to the list you've already started.

Breast pads
nipple cream
maternity pads
an old nightie for labour
a sleeping mask/ear plugs for on the ward
babies going home outfit
a camera/video camera
tissues incase u get all choked up
a hot water bottle for after labour cramps
You can buy an overnight bag from mothercare, maybe it's a job well done without doing it????

I'm The Daddy said:
Dunno about a hospital bag!!!!


GET OUT!!!!!!!!


Ohh Terrie, excellent ideas.......well thought of!

Keep 'em coming!!

We can do lists for alsorts, feel free to start threads, for Nursery items or anything else you can think of?!

Good luck with your list of things to do babe xx
right i thought of one or two more

a dressing gown (so u dont hav to walk around in ur nightie lol)
a tens machine
spray bottle for hot flushes during laber
headband to keep hair out of face
a mars bar
bottle mineral water
a jug for when you need a wee as it stings like mad after delivery fill with water and pour whilst weeing.....
I'm The Daddy said:
You can buy an overnight bag from mothercare, maybe it's a job well done without doing it????

Thats pretty good buut :shock: @ the price!!
a jug...wow i never thought of that before !!! good idea bexxie!!!
I am sure you will be able to get a jug or similar from the hospital (thinking of space)

Keep them coming!!!!! :D
the jug yes I know it hurts so bad first wee as really stings,can you remember that Tam? Ouch!

I think some of the bathrooms have a bidet thing with a shower in so could use that 8)
I don't remember that clearly, but it does ring a bell :)

I had problems with the other tho :cry:
ooh dont remember that VERY clear. My mum made me eat a basket of fruit and I had,had an epiesiotomy (sp?) so double ouch ouch......all worth it tho..
Aww hun no dont worry,it is just a little sore after birth and you knwo when you cut your self or graze even urine would sting it so thats all,also the number 2 we are joking it isnt that bad it is the thought.Thats all otherwise I wouldnt be doing it again.

phew haha

im seriously dreading giving birth. im just not a person who likes pain very much! i have no problem admitting that im a wimpy women!

oh well its gonna happen so i might as well accept it!
The giving birth bit is not the problem,the contractions are not as bad as people make out they are like period pains and have an epidural if you find it hard going,I am having one and i had just gas and air last time,I didnt like the pushing but then that is painless,just weird I guess......you will be fine I promise.

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