Greeneyes congratulations! What wonderful news to find out not only have you been blessed with a pregnancy but you'll be double blessed with twins!

I cant wait to find out if they are going to be boys or girls or one of each!!!! Any name ideas yet?
Mrs.Mabrey I will have my fingers crossed for you! I hope you get your BFP this month...Keep this good thing going!!!
I'm still around....I've been caught up in a project I started working on to get my mind off the wait until my IUI...Which btw girls is my last attempt at having a baby...The husband and I talked, well mostly me and we've decided we've been through enough...If it doesn't work then we are going to stop trying....With doctors...We'll stop trying with the help of the doctor....We'll be

of course...LMAO! But uh yeah its hard....Its been a tough road and my last cycle was just to much.....