Hello babies! - IAB's weekly threads. D days and newborns :)

wow so its going to be Admiral first and the NotNic! Hope everything goes well for both of you ladies and i am sooooo jealous!!!!
I don't think it'll be me that soon. So many of us are in a similar boats right now. I don't get the impression from the 3rd tri board that this is normal though. I think our lo's are conspiring together to keep us on our toes! Will be interesting to see who is still waiting in 3 wks though!

Kuri - I also have really swollen feet. My ankle hurts from the pressure.
Maybe not!
Omg so got home and they were still intense and every 5 minutes, I suggested to my husband for us to get some sleep, took me a while and then woke up an hour later and nothing! I still have a dull ache in my back but nothing painful and regular like before! We are so confused! Lol! Felt just like contractions with my girl! :shrug:
Called hospital and told them they had tailed off, told me to get some rest and if they progress again to call in. I'm not annoyed coz I am only just 37 weeks but just frustrated that that could maybe amount to nothing?! Xx
See this is why I think Sunshine will be first. Her baby is slowly making progress without too much fuss. The rest of us have los that have been playing with us. :)

I managed to doze, sleeping for say 30-40 mins and waking up again. My feet look like pigs trotters today and my ankle hurts. Still I've got to the morning without going into labour, so that's a bonus! I look like my stomach has grown overnight. Hoping it's the excess water though!

Rest up today Admiral. How are everyone else doing?
Ooooh, what an exciting night of news to wake up to! I hope admiral and NotNic you've been able to get some sleep and a good lie-in today. :hugs:

I'm on the slow train like Sunshine, though I think in my case it might be a train to nowhere! Lots of BH & pressure at the same time every night, but nothing that could be mistaken for labour. I'm hoping to hold out till Sunday at the very least, so my brother and his fiancee can have their wedding day on Saturday without being in any way overshadowed. I'm already sad that I can't be there like my brother was for me (he was one of our witnesses and I was to be one of his), but their wedding date was set a few months before I was even pregnant, and I've felt vaguely guilty about the whole thing ever since the BFP. He deserves his day in the sun, and so does my future SIL, she's a lovely person. Anyway preferably I'd like to wait till next Friday afternoon, for reasons explained below, but after that any time will be good.

OH had the start of an anxiety attack last night. I'd been wondering if he might at some point soon. He's had a history of stress-related anxiety, tends to crop up a couple of times a year when there are big things going on. Last time it happened was in the fall when we were surprised to find out I was pregnant, and he struggled with the idea of being a dad. At the moment, it's the fact that I'm due on 5 June and he has major work responsibilities up to and including the morning of 1 June, with the bulk of it falling in the last 36 hours of that time. His just-in-case replacement is training very well and has shown she can follow his documentation without any problems, but OH is basically freaking out that he might be unavailable during this crucial 36 hour period because he'd need to be with me for labour. The man does have his priorities straight, he just wants to be able to do it all. So anyway we were up for a couple of hours in the middle of the night, me too uncomfortable to sleep, and him doing distraction techniques (video games! :haha: they really do work though) to stave off the anxiety. He seems ok this morning - the sunny weather and cycling to work will help too.

I'm pretty sure my lump has moved around to have its back on my side again, which is great. I've been bouncing like a crazy woman, spending time on all fours every day, and sleeping without bump support to keep gravity working for me. The movements are qualitatively different compared to back-to-back - similar frequency, clustering, and timing, but they are more muffled, and all on one side instead of all over the bump.

Anyway, hope all is well with everyone this morning! :flower:
Hey Bumpy. Sorry to hear about your OH's anxiety attack. I really hope that your baby either comes after the wedding or is slightly late to give your hubby breathing space.

No real change here. Slightly odd cervix pressure again and a tight tummy but no cramps or contractions. I'm staying put at my Mum's for the move now. I think OH was just looking for a reason to turf me out :haha: He knows I wouldn't put my feet up if I was there. I work much quicker than he does and his way of doing things infuriates me. He's far too slow and likes to plan things! He's the planner and I'm the doo-er! I've also made an agreement with Pip and Pip is allowed to come after tomorrow, but not today! Ideally I would like Pip after Friday, but I don't want to push my luck with him / her. :D After Friday I'll have made some headway with the nursery, the crib should have arrived and I will have had time to get my hair done. Priorities! :D

I've seen that admiral's contractions may have started again. Keep us posted lovely!

Has anyone thought of names yet? I'm still desperately googling for inspiration. We have nothing! Also apart from Sunshine and I, is anyone else Team Yellow? I was thinking of updating the front page with stork pics.
I just wrote a huge post and hit the backspace button by mistake so its wiped it!! Grrrr.

Anyway, Bumpy sorry your OH has had anxiety attacks. I used to get those and they are so horrible. :(

So many of you seem to be making progress and things happening. Looking forward to hearing all your updates!

Notnic, hope the move goes well. Are you getting any strong feelings about pink or blue? Im still referring to bubs as he but dont have a clue if "he" is or not!

Ive had hardly any BH at all. I do get some but nowhere near the same level as some of you are having. I got achy feelings in my tummy during night last night but they were more like slight period pains.

My carpel tunnel is really bad now. I cant feel 3 of the fingers on my right hand at all from the middle bit to the tips of my fingers. Was mainly at night before but now its just constant. I can still type because I know where the keys are but when they go really tingly and cold I need to stop! Midwife said I could go to physio and get splints but as it will go away once bubs comes I figure its pointless for the sake of a few weeks.

Hope you are all well and hope to hear some exciting news from someone soon!! x
I have zero ideas. Originally I thought it could be a girl, but I don't have that feeling anymore. We talk about boys names a lot(but make no decisions - lol) , but I think that is more an insurance policy. A lot of people saw our scan pic and thought boy, so I would be less surprised by a boy than a girl, but I don't 'feel' like Pip is definitey blue if that makes sense?

That carpal tunnel thing sounds horrid, but hopefully bubs will be here soon and it'll all be resolved before you know it. xx
Hi girls,
Well they keep coming in waves and every time they do they are consistently 5 minutes apart.
I am going to have a nap and then go for a walk and potter around the house and see if anything happens xx
Oh I've missed a lot on the thread it seems lol- Good luck Admiral :flower:

Bumpy, sorry to hear about your OH's anxiety attack, they are so horrible but distraction is definitely the way forward, hoping your LO decides to make an appearance at a convenient time!

Growth scan went well today- Our wee man has put on a pound and a half in 2 weeks, so a bit more than average, which I'm really pleased with as he was on the 10th %tile until today, he's now 20th :)

Today was my last visit until 8th June when I'll be offered a sweep if LO hasn't made an appearance- I've made a complaint aswell because I still haven't received physio and my spine feels like it's just going to snap, and not to mention not being able to close my legs :shrug:

I'm so excited for everyone, and I love reading all the updates, just a waiting game now x
I have to say edema is the worst worst part of pregnancy. I want her out noooow! Plus, if she is a teensy bit small then I can use all the adorable newborn clothes I have a bit longer ;)
Admiral-I give you massive kudos for going on a walk. I can barely make it down my stairs at this point! Excited to hear what happens!
Good luck Kuri!

I am absolutely miserable!lol! My back is in agony! The contractions are no longer regular, still getting dull aches but not timing them as they aren't anything major like before. My midwife is calling me tomorrow morning to see where I am at. I hope I can get some rest or that something happens so my adrenaline kicks in!lol

Thankyou for all your well wishes and I will keep you updated xx
Ooooo it's all happening on here at the moment!

Good luck to everyone and I look forward to reading everyone's announcements, it's just a bit exciting :happydance:

I've been having irregular contractions and pressure down low for the last day or so, I think I'm just being teased!
Well, my little man has decided to drag his feet, looks like...

We had our biophysical profile ultrasound today at my 37 week appointment. We scored and 8 out of 8!

OB claims that the baby is still back-to-back with me which is causing most of my pain. So I guess I haven't been as great about balancing on my gym ball and all fours time. Every movement I have to really psych myself up for; I'm ALL belly and breasts... and the shift in balance makes me feel like one of those "people" toys that rolls but doesn't fall down. I feel really very rollie-pollie and uncomfortable but I'm working hard at making the best of these last two and a half weeks or so (fingers crossed I don't go overdue, but I don't think they let you go very overdue here).

He does say the baby has dropped into my pelvis, but my OB has not given me any internal exams, so I have no idea if there has been any progress at all. I'm just trying to be patient as best as I can because the ideal situation would be for my parents to be here before I went into labour, as I want my mom as my second birthing partner and to help soothe my anxiety-ridden spouse (she's a Nurse Practitioner in an OBGYN clinic and was a labour and delivery nurse for 18 years, too). So I'm torn between the discomfort and ideal timing.

Anyway... I'm so excited for you all. A lot of you are mentioning the same two threatened preterm labour issues that I had -- I'd been to triage two times for it now. But I haven't lost any plug to my knowledge, no bleeding, and no fluid loss... so I think I may be bringing up the rear.

I'm lucky with the edema -- I haven't had much if at all. Kuri and Sunshine, I'm so sorry you're having a time of this; I know carpal tunnel during pregnancy can be caused by the edema itself.

I won't be trying the EPO or RLT unless Mom brings and recommends it. My husband entirely refuses to DTD with me -- it's too anxiety-producing for him right now. For some reason he thinks it would send me into extra long labour and when he gets that way, his OCD-type reasoning cannot be won over -- especially with something like that where the mind has to be in the right place.

Any news, Admiral? Any changes?

I think I wouldn't be having such a hard time right now if I wasn't so absolutely lonely and feeling really depressed. I'm not even certain *why* I'm depressed, but I suspect hormones are interfering with my medications. Also my prenatal psychiatrist explained that sometimes the limitations on breath volume can make an anxious person more anxiety-prone subconsciously.

Be well ladies! :hugs:
Aw, I'm sorry you're feeling down Serenity, and that you're so uncomfortable. I think we all can relate one way or another. That's a bummer your OH won't DTD, I don't mind doing it, but it is not the most comfortable thing ever. :/ I've never heard of it making labor longer?
That's great your mom will be able to support you like that, and be so knowledgable! I wish you the very best <3

On a side note, we are all moved into our new place! Baby's room is finished and beautiful. It feels so nice to be completely unpacked, organized, cleaned and decorated just the way I want it before she arrives! I finally feel ready. Might start doing jumping jacks ;)
I have hams for feet! My ankles are so sore and for once it's not BHs keeping my awake but these things! I feel like my skin could burst. I never managed to get yesterday's promised pedicure and I really need one. My sister said she would come and do one for me in the morning instead. I'm caught between needing to put my feet up and needing to sort the house out. We moved yesterday and I am desperate to sort out the nursery, put everything away and clean.

Admiral - fingers crossed you are not left in limbo much longer.

Serenity - we don't get internal exams here in the UK unless there is an issue. I'm sure you are making some progress. Maybe Derek is waiting for your mum to arrive before doing anything substantial. Get bouncing on that ball! If need be ask hubby to hold your hands to help you with your balance. A gentle swim might make you feel less heavy and restricted. Personally I find water very calming and swimming especially great at heling stress levels. Did you look into hypnobirthing? It's not too late to pick up some breathing and visualising techniques. Some of the books out there are packed with tips. I'm going to look when I'm next in town.

Hope the rest of you are good. My feet are now raised high. I'm going that helps a little. xx
Ahhhh NotNic I hear you!!! I just finished doing all that, and I have to say that horrible skin stretching pain is torture when your trying to set up your nursery! Is there someone who can help you? My mom did a lot for me while I sat and pointed cause I could barely stand lol. Enlist your man and day dream about that wonderful fishbowl margarita you can have soon!!!
My sister has taken a day off work to drive down to help me. The MIL was here yesterday and while she was helpful, I can't really give her the crap jobs to do and I just wanted to get on iykwim. The feet are so annoying as apart from that I feel physically good. The heat here isn't helping them out. It's foggy here now, so hoping lots of fluid and a foot and leg massage will keep it at bay today while I get most of the work done. Then I can rest up tomorrow and start taking things easy.
Hi everyone, love reading all your updates!
Well I had contractions every 5 minutes for the majority of the day yesterday, they tailed off a couple of times. Some of them were fine for me to talk through so at least I got a break then. They were never as intense as the ones I had early hours of the morning. They eased off all night so I managed to get some sleep, my back is so sore from yesterday though!
Apparently the term is pre labour, it can progress into labour the next day, after 2-3 days or 2-3 weeks! However it should be helping towards the labour so I could expect a labour of between 3-6 hours. If it is I wouldn't mind so much about yesterday, I was fairly miserable! Lol!
I have woken up today with backache but not had any noticeable contractions today. I'm going to just try and get on with my day and ignore them coz it's driving me mad! Lol! My midwife is calling me this morning so I will see what she says.
Have a lovely day everyone! Xx
Hi all - hope the rest of the UK ladies are doing ok with this heat. It's bad enough in Scotland at all of 20 degrees! I had to go buy a damn dress, I couldn't stand wearing my usual mat shirt and yoga bottoms anymore. So sticky ... ewww. :haha:

I'm getting clusters of BH/back ache/period pains, on and off for an hour or so at a time, then nothing, two or three times a day. Still feeling pretty ok, though, apart from the heat and the swollen feet. Today my feeling is that I'm in it for the long haul and might be talking induction in a couple of weeks. I don't have that fed up and desperate feeling that everyone else seems to get at the end.

My OH is doing much much better after a good night's sleep and some reassurance from his boss. Thank you everyone for your well wishes for him. :flower:

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