Hello babies! - IAB's weekly threads. D days and newborns :)

NotNic-Good luck! I hope you get everything done that you need to. It feels great to put your feet up when you're done. :)

Admiral- I like that idea, pre-labor instead of 'false' labor. I also like the idea it could speed up the real thing.

I've been having cramping and contractions all day, but at this point I'm kind of shrugging them off and deciding to count my water breaking as being in labor that requires a trip to the hospital. So I'm just baking cookies and bread and enjoying my beautiful new kitchen!
Kuri that is exactly what I'm doing now! Contractions started back up just after four but I'm not doing anything about them until they either get excruciating or my waters go! Xx
House is looking pretty good even if I do say so myself! My sister and I made a makeshift nursery up as our proper furniture has been delayed and I'm pretty happy with what we've achieved. I plan to bleach and tidy the bathroom tomorrow and if I feel up to it there is still two rooms that didn't get glossed which I'd like to do.

Admiral - I'm hoping that your pre-labour doesn't last too long.

Kuri - it sounds like you're not far off too.

Bumpy - Here in Kent it's been the late 20s which has not helped the old feet! :) Do you have any other reason why you think you could be induced?

AFM - more cramps and achy hips. I also feel firm poking pressure on my cervix. Most peculiar!
House is looking pretty good even if I do say so myself! My sister and I made a makeshift nursery up as our proper furniture has been delayed and I'm pretty happy with what we've achieved. I plan to bleach and tidy the bathroom tomorrow and if I feel up to it there is still two rooms that didn't get glossed which I'd like to do.

Admiral - I'm hoping that your pre-labour doesn't last too long.

Kuri - it sounds like you're not far off too.

Bumpy - Here in Kent it's been the late 20s which has not helped the old feet! :) Do you have any other reason why you think you could be induced?

AFM - more cramps and achy hips. I also feel firm poking pressure on my cervix. Most peculiar!

House sounds great! Have fun with it today. It must be such a relief to actually be in and able to *do* something after all that waiting and wondering if your Pip would come early.

If I get to 41 weeks I am going to fight very hard for induction before 40+12, which seems to be the standard here, or at the least for an NST and a scan to check the placenta. My EDD (5 June) is almost a week later than what I think it ought to be (31 May) and I am concerned about being left till almost 43 weeks. Medically I am fine, it's the lump being overcooked that worries me.
It really is a relief to be in. I'm going to wash the baby's clothes this weekend and do normal baby nesting now. Just met two of the nct girls and met their newborns. We've had 3 this week and a 4th lady is in the hospital now. Seems odd to think last week we were 7 bumps and now half are mummies.

Sounds like you should certainly ask for extra checks Bumpy. Will they give you a sweep at 40 wks?

Hope all the other ladies are well. Any progress?
Yes, I can get a sweep at 40 weeks. I'm not sure if I will or not, I think I will wait until the appointment to make up my mind. I'll see how fed up I'm feeling maybe. I'm going to try really hard not to worry about going over 41 weeks because maybe (fx) it won't be necessary!

Enjoy the laundry, it's gorgeous weather for hanging wee booties and onesies outside. I did all mine when I went on leave a couple of weeks ago and had to hang them indoors, but it was still the most adorable thing ever to see the racks festooned with tiny things. I'm sure we'll be sick of it after a few weeks of REAL baby laundry, might as well have fun that first time!!
Congrats on your new house NotNic!

I'm not having a good day :cry: I hardly got any sleep coz my back was really painful, not contractions because it was nothing regular but kept me up all the same.
We then had to go and sort our flat out today after my Dad had been renting it from us, we have a tenant moving in next week. In this heat painting and scraping wallpaper with a bad back and no sleep is not a good mix!lol! Plus my Dad didn't leave it in the best state and that made my husband really grumpy. I completely understand, I wasn't happy either.
Plus my mother in law and her husband were looking after my little girl, she always makes snide remarks to me and as soon as we got back she said my girl didnt have a great nap so now she is playing up for us. Its not her fault, any toddler is awful tired. Why is it that I can get her to go for her nap every day no problems but my mother in law cant seem to do it and then my girl is in an awful mood for me?! On top pf that my husbands step dad kept calling me tubby and my mother in law felt it necessary to say I had got alot bigger over the last two weeks and my bum has got bigger! I don't understand why people feel it is acceptable to comment on your weight when you are pregnant! I realise I have obviously put on weight and not feeling my best anyway, so I don't need other people telling me when I can't do anything about it either! :cry: xx
Oh Admiral that sucks! I don't think its appropriate to comment on anything but the bump! My OH leaned over and looked at the scale at the dr office today :/ I hate him knowing how much I've gained. Any weight comment just sets my pants on fire. I mentioned how I bought new work out clothes and how I got them on sale so I was stoked, and he said of course they were on sale because most people going to the gym don't buy that size. I totally went in the bathroom and cried. ALL the gym clothes were on sale...and I only bought an extra large top to be comfortable because who wants tight reveling clothes after baby? :(

On a good note my midwife said I'm fine to start on raspberry leaf tea, evening primrose oil and acupressure! She did say steer clear of cohosh (both black and blue) and only castor oil if I go past 40 weeks.
Cant believe we are all still here!

Ive completely had enough now. The last 24 hours have been crap. I literally cant sit down my back pain is so bad and its just as bad when I lie or stand so I guess Im screwed! Had pretty much no sleep last night because of it and because I cant feel my right hand from the knuckles up. I have to have this baby soon as I am so uncomfortable I could cry. It seems to have just gone from being a bit uncomfy to unbearable. Sorry for moaning ladies - I feel really selfish for doing it. :( Im off to have a bath then bed to see if i can get some sleep tonight. xxx
Moaning is what we're here for sunshine, don't worry about it! Hope that bath helps and you get a decent night tonight. It's so close to the end for all of us, we just have to hang in there a few more weeks at most, and then we'll have our BABIES!!!!!!

I had a little scare this afternoon, thought my waters were leaking. OH took me down to triage after dinner and they put my mind at rest, did a proper speculum check and everything. The midwife I saw said that sometimes changes in temperature (like this 20+ degree heat, oh my!) can cause increased discharge and that was likely what I'd had. A little blushworthy, but I felt so much better after going in. It's the first time I've been checked at the hospital this whole pregnancy, and I'm so glad we went. Also got it confirmed that my lump is no longer back-to-back, woo! :happydance:
I can't believe we're all still here either! Sorry to hear that all these babies are being pickles and making their mummies suffer.

It's official. I now waddle. :( I was hoping to avoid it, but I'm getting pains in my lower back and hips now. Walking around town I found myself wincing as I was walking. I managed to have a nice afternoon though. Hair is freshly coloured and blow dried, I treated myself to lunch at Carluccios and bought half of Boots! :haha: I've also scrubbed my new bathroom. It must have taken two hours to bleach and buff and scrub, but at least it doesn't need to be condemned!

Hope you all have a well needed good nights sleep. There will be a few baby announcements on here soon! :)
Bumpy thats great news that baby is no longer back to back and glad you got peace of mind by getting checked. Glad the move went well Notnic and it sounds like you have had a nice pamper session which is well deserved! I ended up taking paracetamol last night and slept a little better. Been up since half 5 but I at least had a good 6 hours sleep which Im very pleased about. Going to have a lazy day today in the garden sunbathing I think. Doing very little and chillin'. Currently downloading some tunes on my ipod to take into labour with me! Speak soon.x
good morning ladies! Sorry I haven't been posting much,but my little one has been teasing me with all kinds of contractions and such. how is everyone doing? Looks like everyone is progressing well and glad to see you slept so well Sunshine. NotNic-glad your move went well. bumpy-glad baby has turned around for you. Admiral-just wondering how you are still hanging? kuri-hope allis well with you.mcs-how are you doing?I know my mind will fail me and i will forget someone but I truly hope everyone is well. I will be able to update more on tuesday as that as my doc appointment. hopefully something good has happened and I not still a 1cm and not effaced as that has become very discouraging to me! Anyway have a great weekend all and will be checking in!:) :hug: and love to all!
Hello ladies, just checking in to see how everyone was doing. It seems like we're all suffering a bit and most definitely ready to meet the perpetrators to all this fuss!

I'm getting very fed up of being teased now and while it's lovely to have some sunshine, I'm feeling that late pregnancy and hot weather do not mix well (for me anyway), if for no other reason than I don't have any suitable clothes to wear and I can't justify buying something I may only wear a couple of times. Anyway grumble over, hope everyone is well xx
Good to hear from everyone! It does sound like we are all in similar positions!

Well yesterday and today contractions have died down, never been regular or anywhere near as painful when it all seemed to kick off Tuesday night.
I am miserable though, I have really bad period pains coming and going but staying there for ages when they do. Lots of pushing down on my cervix and reflux. I never get that during pregnancy so I know its a sure sign as that is what happened when I had my girl too, just cant remember how close to labour it happened!
Too close to call who will be the first now!!!! xx
Seems like we're all passengers in the same boat. I think my LO is waiting on grandma and grandpa to get here before making a real appearance, but teasing me in the meantime.

*TMI WARNING* Don't read if squeamish! I have hemorrhoids SO BADLY that I'm shaking and bawling from the pain of any BM. I'm taking Colace (stool softener), I'm using Proctofoam and Preparation H and Witch Hazel Pads which I cool in the refrigerator. I've tried Sitz baths sitting on a folded up towel. I am currently sitting on an ice pack. It throbs and I'm absolutely miserable.

And that's without the knifing, electric-shock pains in the foof, in the bottom, in my hips, in my abdomen, in my low back, and in the joints between my hips and thighs. The more pain I have, the more anxious I get. The more anxious I get, the more Braxton Hicks I have, the more Braxton Hicks I have, the more I start to get that period-type pain in my low abdomen and back.

Thank the LORD for air conditioning.

I'm trying to be positive. Yesterday was a better day. I got out of the house. I got a pedicure. I felt a little better. Today my rear end is throbbing and I can barely stand to do a thing!

I'm sorry for the kvetching -- but I figure you can all relate. I hope someone gets some relief soon... or this group of ladies spread out all over the world will be in pregnant revolt... or something!
Oh Serenity that sounds so painful. Ive had them but not severe ones. Uggggg. Hope they get better soon. The only thing that clears mine up is Anusol gel but I dont know if you get that over there.

Well Im now considering applying for part in the new Hobbit movie. Given how puffed up my ankles are I reckon Im in with a great chance.

I spent the day sunbathing followed by a wee walk which knackered me out. OH has just sparked up the BBQ so looking forward to my dinner now!

Vixx, Im the same as you re clothes. No chance am I buying more so Ive been wearing shorts that I have that are actually pyjama bottoms and are huge so fit bump nicely and a baggy vest top (I didnt go into town with those on though - only around the house!! Thought I best clarify lol)

IAB and Admiral - hang in there. Wont be long now!!
I had a lovely afternoon in my mum's garden sunbathing with my feet up, chilling out. She then drove me home and came to look at the house and made us dinner! I actually owned normalish feet until I got home and discovered the mess hubby had left the house in. I was quite cross with him and now the old lady feet are back. Grr!

Luckily I bought a few maxi dresses for my babymoon to Egypt so I'm wearing those right now. Today was the first day I wasn't as worn out but I too get the shooting cervix and hip pains. I also get lightheadiness which is no fun.

On more exciting news my NCT class are churning them out. 4 babies out of 7 have arrived this week and a 5th lady in labour now. I was always due 6th (6 and 7 are both due in June babies) but it feels like we could be waiting a while now.

Hope you're all okay. Xxx
Just wanted to share...I think I lost my plug! Lol who thought I would ever happily go online to share that information....been drinking RLT since yesterday and taking EPR...also OH and I BTD last night ;) Now just to get all my school work done so I don't have to worry about it. woo hoo just one step closer...
Yay Kuri! Keep us posted. I do wonder who will be first now. I will be checking up on you guys. xxx

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