Here we go AGAIN... TTC #1 take 7or 1? Lesbian couple..

Yeah. from what I read alot of people that temp wait till after AF.. And that's fine with me because yeah that's gross :sick: :haha: Ugh yeah that must suck.. I get them bad enough where i feel like just laying in the fetal position in my bed and get nauseated but that's very rarely..Actually honestly they have gotten worse since we started TTC i use to rarely get cramps now its like every cycle except for the one we didn't try :shrug:

Yeah me to, Luckily enough I have not got that as of yet lol I think I am catching a cold blah blah woke myself up coughing at 2 something this morning and i fell back to sleep to wake up not even a full hour later for work and to temp so hope that didn't mess it up to bad :wacko:

Well.. I hope between actually knowing what's going on that maybe you will have better luck.. And i can understand him being scared. I mean that would be a total let down to know that you can't give your wife the love of your life something you both want. But then again it could be something simple that he may just need to take something and it be ok.. But were going to say it's just off timing an hopefully with temping that will pin point it better..

Ohhh I love that name... So cute!! Isn't funny how you watch movies in a whole new way.. We watched grown ups 2 the other night.. Have you seen it? If not watch it, the end made me get teary eyed Amber was like this is a funny movie why are you crying and I was like I'm not and kinda just wiped my eyes..

Aweeee :hugs: I am very thankful for your friendship as well, especially when it comes down to all this TTC.. I don't have anyone in RL that can even come close to understanding how I feel about it all.. So ill always be thankful for that.. I hope when we both get passed this part and actually have a bump and a baby I hope we stay in touch..
Yeah that would be really weird to do during af... Fetal position in bed is nice:thumbup: lol, I like to spend CD2 curled up with heat pads and tea! That's so strange that since you've started ttc that your cramps have gotten worse.. maybe it's because we're more in tune with our bodies now?:shrug:

I'm sure it's just our timing is off. And actually with how this cycle turned out I'm more certain of it. CD2 was insane, the cramps were so bad I could barely move and breathe and I was bleeding so heavily and weird stuff was coming out (sorry tmi) that I called my gyno. She wanted me to take an hpt and monitor my bleeding and that if I bled any heavier than what I was I needed to go to the ER. I didn't take the hpt because I didn't want to know and then I just laid down to relax the rest of the day. Thankfully the bleeding let up so I didn't have to go to the ER. DH and my gyno are convinced that something tried and just didn't stick:shrug: Honestly I don't know what to think and may just rule it as a wonky af.

DH and I watch the credits of movies now:dohh: to look at names, although most of them are really crazy or funny. Haven't seen Grown Ups 2 or even the first one yet, I'll have to see them if they're good :)

Of course! We must stay in touch :) We shall be bump buddies and keep in touch with our parenting skills and secrets haha.
Maybe so.. Amber jokes and says that maybe my body not us to having :spermy: in there and my body fighting it off :wacko: ... I sure hope that't not the case ha.. 7 DPO and I feel nothing :haha: decided not to test at all unless by some crazy chance I'm late then maybe I will but going to wait till then

Well I'm happy that yall think you got it figured out, and with adding temping to the deal so now you will really know whats going on.. Just try not to miss any days because I'm guessing I missed the important day to temp because my FF hasn't pick up my O day yet :dohh:. I don't blame you I don't think I could have tested either that's something I don't think Id be able to handle. I'm glad the bleeding has eased up, and I agree lets call it a wacky af. So on to Dec.. I wont be far behind you :)

:haha: I never thought about watching the credits for names.. Will deff have to tell Amber about that :).. Last night before we went to bed we decided to watch a movie on Netflix Amber used the little helper guy on Netflix to pick the movie Max is what its called .. It picked The Switch.. OMG!! It was about a woman that wanted to have a baby and needed a sperm donor :rofl: Amber was like of course thanks Max :haha: I fell asleep and didn't finish it but from what i saw was pretty cute it has Jennifer Aniston in it..

I can't wait for us to be bump buddies.. that will be so exciting and oh the parenting skills :wacko: Do you think you two will have the good cop bad cop role things going on? Me and Amber joke about that all the time.
That's a mean thing to say! Gosh that Amber:haha: Fingers crossed you'll be late and get a pleasant surprise!

I hope that I don't forget to temp on days... the only problem is I'm the queen of sleeping in at alarms and with DH working nights my sleep schedule is a little backwards, but I'll do my best to make it work. December has got to be the lucky month! I'll be testing Christmas Eve and I pray that it will be good news that I can share with DH. Just the thought of having af on Christmas is evil :(

Credits on movies are so weird, gosh I wish I could remember some of them. There was like a Jennifer Coming and I was like "oh no" I can only imagine the teasing she got:rofl: Good job Netflix Max, he knows what you're thinking! Creepy...

I think if DH and I have the good cop bad cop I'll be the bad cop:rofl: DH says that's not true but it so is!! He is incredible patient and doesn't even raise his voice so he'll be an excellent calm father. Me on the other hand... *ahem*:shy:
Ugh look at the FF chart.. It's all messed up because i forgot that one damn temp.. I know i I didn't O on the 20th.. I'm about to put a guess in that damn little blank just to make it some what better :dohh: :wacko:

Dec will deff be the month.. Christmas Babies :dance: You better set more then one alarm until you get use to it :haha:

Jennifer Coming :rofl: love it!!!! Poor thing.. I think id get married to change that or demand my last name to be taken :haha:

I already know I'm going to be good cop.. Not because I'm "mommy" but because I have patience for days.. It takes a lot to really set me off or get me annoyed.. For the wedding our ring bearer was staying with us with his mom and he was 4 and loud lol lets just say the people in the house not use to kids running about was like sit still calm down and i finally was like geezz he is 4 let him play.. So yeah.. Just going to have to make sure I'm not a push over parent because as I already know my child will be spoiled completely rotten I don't want a rotten child.. You know the ones that get everything and when they don't they throw a fit until they do and it usually works.. Yeah will not be having that..

How are you feeling? :witch: still around or has the count down to O began??
Ah geez, charting sounds so complicated:dohh: Just throw in the towel and not worry about it until next cycle. Gosh, I still haven't started. I got up at 6am which I don't usually do so I didn't temp because it would be wrong I don't know and I just didn't:haha: I'll be honest, I don't know if this whole temping thing is going to work out for me.

December is going to be a good month! This morning over breakfast I told DH he had better knock me up because I don't want my period on Christmas, that would just be awful for more than one reason!

Glad to hear you have patience lol. I do for kids, but I'm sure once they reach a rebellious age there will be war in the house:rofl: If they're anywhere near as rebellious as I was we're in trouble!

AF is mostly gone, I'm having a little bit of brown spotting and mild cramping but I think it's because I've been stressed out the past few days. Even though I wont be O'ing until the first week of December I told DH we still need to get our practice in:winkwink:

How are you feeling for 8dpo?
Yeah I've thought about it.. But I've done it this long :wacko: My temp dropped below cover today so I'm wondering if :witch: is about to show :shrug: that would be super early for her..

December is going to be a great month. :dance:. :rofl: I bet he loved that, all thought its true :thumbup: no one wants the :witch: for Christmas!!

Oh huh yeah I can handle little kids I can't take a smart mouth attitude :wacko: oh lord why do we want to do this to our selfs :rofl:

I'm glad AF is just about done for you and no more bad pains! :haha: tell him practice makes perfect!! :dance: you have any plans for the weeken? We're suppose to move some furniture around.. How exciting does that sound lol!! I was suppose to work but then they realized I'd have hella over time and they don't wanna do that..

I didn't start feeling anything until yesterday I felt mild cramps and bloated for the good part of the day.. Now just some slight twinge in my lower left.. Same crap I've felt before so not thinking about it plus my temp drop sooo just waiting for this :witch: to do her thing.. I can't lie as much as I'm talking myself out of thinking anything I do still have a small bit of hope in there. I don't know if you believe in stuff like this, but I was told if you dream of death it means someone you know is pregnant.. Depending on who the death is can kinda tell how close that person is.. I dreamed my uncle died a few nights ago and my bestie dreamed that I killed my really close friend.. She knows we're trying so she was like heads up bestie had a death dream :haha: I know it sounds crazy but gives you a little bit of hope.. . But I am proud to say I bought no HPTs... I refuse to test.. Went to Walmart yesterday and didnt even walk by and look at them... Told Amber was done throwing that money away.. She's like what if your late.. Said ill test then.. So :dance: yay me lol
That would be really early, maybe it's dropping because it's so flipping cold out! I'm living in sweaters and fleeces.

The witch showing in December is one thing, but on Christmas of all days! No fun at all. And my first day of af is always hell so I had better be pregnant!

Moving furniture can be fun, I like rearranging things lol! No plans this weekend, DH works the whole time so I'll probably just be fiddling around and doing what I do haha. Next weekend will be fun though, DH has it off and we'll be spending time at the in laws :) So I'm really looking forward to that.

That's a creepy connection, just sayin lol. If it gives hope why not? :) Plus all it takes is once so I think you're still in this race and it's quite possible it'll turn out positive! Especially because you're not feeling much, lots of ladies don't feel any different except for mild cramping. My fingers are crossed for you super tight! Good job on holding firm to saying no testing until late! I hope that when my cycle starts to wind down to an end I can stay as strong and not start testing early:dohh:
Girl!!! I have done gotten so fed up with this temping :brat: I'm pretty sure i'v done messed this month crap all up I'v done so much modifying :rofl: I have to keep laughing at myself to keep from pulling my hair out.. Just wish this damn :witch: would show already so I can freaking start over ugh!!

How was your weekend? Did you enjoy the time at the inlaws? We ended up moving the furniture around yesterday went shopping with my mom Saturday for all the food for Thanksgiving... Can't believe it's right there. Where has the time gone :shrug:

I'v thought about deleting my Facebook for the pure fact im so tired of seeing all the babies that have been born in the last 2 weeks and all the people counting down there pregnancies and taking bump pictures.. I'm starting to become numb :cry: I feel its almost insane to want something so bad that i'v never had :cry:.. We talk about a baby so much.. When we went shopping they had the cutest rocking horse I told Amber when we have a baby she will have one of them she goes tell grandma.. So my mom walks up and asked what we were looking at and I said Grandma the baby is going to want one of them and she goes well he will get one and Amber and my mom were saying its going to be a boy and we talked about that through most of the shopping trip.. I just start to feel like im setting myself up for heart ache :( ..

My friend has 3 girls a set of twins and a older daughter. I did a thing on FB to list things people don't know about me.. One of them was I was afraid ill never have children and she says you will be a mom.. You should foster.. I said I don't want to foster they get taken from you and shes like yeah but you get use to that.. I was furious :growlmad:. You don't understand.. I'm so tired of hearing it will happen give it time blah blah blah!! :hissy: I'm tired of being told if you sleep with your donor once I bet it will work.. I'm just over all of it.. Honestly sometimes I just feel like throwing in the towel and saying It must not be meant for me.. I'm just in such a crap mood about it all... Next month has to be better.. It just has to be
That blows, but just throw the temping out the window!! lol. I'm still hopeful for you, but if she must I hope she shows quick so you can start over :)

The weekend went by pretty fast, some family came over and we had a nice short visit. Spend loads of time on Pinterest deciding over the different Christmas crafts and gifts I'm going to dive myself into to try and not think about ttc too much this cycle so we can get through the holidays with as little stress as possible.

There are so many babies on facebook, it makes me get gloomy so I ignore it a lot. :hugs:I'm sorry that your feed is also filled with babies and it's making you hurt. We'll both get there, don't worry on that! It's the when that's the kicker. It's really tough, I feel like cycle after cycle I set myself up for disappointment, that's why I've decided no temping and no opk's this cycle. Just holiday traditions hubby and I love and bd when we bd. Hang on to hope, you're going to get your bfp I just know it!

Fostering is rough, one of DH's friends tried to do it but it was way too difficult and heart breaking for him and his wife. You'll be a mama, it takes a year on average for healthy couples and you're still in that timeline so don't start worrying yet!:hugs: Everything is fine with all your lady parts! I hate getting advice from people that have kids already, ESPECIALLY when they have that many (like holy crap she's got a lot), they just don't understand how hard it is for those of us who have to try try try.

Some people are so ignorant. If that's all it would take to get pregnant then so many ladies who try with husbands would get pregnant faster. People have such nerve, I'm so sorry they say those things to you. I know it's easier said than done, but don't listen to them, they're just naive and don't know what they're spewing on about.:growlmad:
Thank you :hugs: Your such a great friend.

I'm glad your weekend went well.. I love having people over.. Actually my mom makes fun because my friends still like to have slumber parties :haha: 30 years old and we will blow up blow up mattress and lay around and watch movies and play video games.. Hey i'm an adult when I need to be ;)

Pinterest... Yeah, I'v never been a crafty person.. I mean I'm ok at scrap booking but that's about all I got :haha:.. I love getting crafty gifts.. Shows how hard someone worked for you.. My favorite wedding gift we got was a painting my cousin made for us of Jack and Sally made like rabbits kinda.. I'll have to take a pic because it's hard to explain.. But his painting are in galleries all over New Orleans so i was super excited to get one :)

I like your plans.. just letting it go and letting it happen.. It will help not be so stressful.. and you will enjoy the holidays and I'm sure you will enjoy your husband more also ;) I kinda wish I could do that.. But it's different I have to have an idea of whats going on because im depending on a third party that I can't just :rofl: AI once or twice a week.. But I known it will happen for us.. eventually.

How are you feeling these days? Are you ready for Thanksgiving? Lets see.. I think I'm 12 DPO :haha: I'v been bloated the last few days.. Every time I eat anything no matter how little I feel like I'm stuffed like a pig.. I had a PB&J and a glass of milk last night and my stomach felt like I ate a whole buffet and 2 hours later I was so thirsty I had half a bottle of water and it felt the same way :wacko:.. I'v been a little gassy (obviously if I'm so bloated) My BB's are soar not extremely bad but enough to I can feel it. My back was hurting me yesterday and I haven't had any AF cramps as of yet.. I'm thinking if I don't start by the 1st I guess ill test then because :witch: is due sometime I think the 27th - 29th.. So we shall see if I start spotting because I always spot the day before.. I'm not getting my hopes up..

Duh slumber parties are were it's at!! Growing old may be mandatory but growing up is optional :winkwink:

I don't do scrap booking very well lol, but I'm good in the kitchen so I plan on doing a bunch of sugar scrubs and bath fizzies.

Wow that is an amazing gift!! Crafted gifts are the best, and that's awesome that he has his up in galleries! Super neat :) I hope you get a picture up because I'm curious to see.

It has it's moments where the just letting go of ttc this cycle is harder than others. Like this morning I felt some aches in my side (and that's early for me) but I told DH we should have some sexy time when he feels up to it because the back of my head is screaming you might O early get a move on! Relying on a donor must make it a lot more difficult, but at least you're getting in tune with your body - mine is still sending mixed signals :rofl: But you'll get your bfp :) I'm so glad you have an understanding and flexible donor.

So not ready for Thanksgiving, I had a minor freak out at breakfast with DH. I'm supposed to be bringing pies for the family and I planned on baking them tomorrow but now I have to take my grandfather to a doctors appointment that will no doubt take all day so I feel crunched into making pies today. The only problem with that is I have to get all the makings for the pies and they're cheaper over near where my grandfathers appointment is.... so I was going that way anyways, just not for an entire day. I suppose I could just bake late into the evening, that wouldn't be so bad... We'll see what I end up doing. Today I'm having some side aches in my usual left so I'm curious about it.

Woohoo for being 12dpo already! Or at least close to 12dpo depending lol. These symptoms sounds promising! Really it could be either bfp or af, but I'm going to hope for a bfp for you!! So you're due in the next few days! Praying that no spotting happens so you can be testing sooner!!
Ohhhh I love bath stuff.. I love feeling all soft.. The best feeling ever is being clean and soft between clean sheets :cloud9:

I totally get what your saying.. That's just like with me this cycle.. I keep saying ok I know I'm not pregnant and I'm not worried about I'm just waiting for the :witch: but my head isn't listening to my mouth.. I try to stay busy and not think about it then ill feel something and say ahh ok guess I am starting soon or maybe not.. Like I'm not having cramp but I started feeling those twinges in my lower left and felt it in my lower right a little bit ago.. So no matter how much we try to "relax" we never really do..

Awe don't fret I'm sure you will find time to make your pies and they will come out great.. What kind are you making? I love love love pumpkin!! I think I'm going to make the baked macaroni this year..

On a random note I love that you called it sexy time because we call it that too :rofl:

I wonder what your aches are.. I'd get some sexy time in :haha: better to be safe then sorry.. But try not to think to much of it.. Try as hard as it may.. Try to relax..

I felt nauseated after eating some animal crackers today at work and I swear the bottle of water I had taste like mud.. It was gross :sick: Boobs are hurting more now then earlier and these little twinges come and go there not bad really light actually.. My temp did go up a little today so I hope it goes up more in the morning.. They say if it stays high then it's a good chance for BFP.. But still not getting my hopes up.. Although I must admit I almost stopped at the store to buy an el cheapie test.. But I held off.. Maybe I won't wait till the first lol maybe 14DPO.. IF she is still a no show
Me too! Gosh it's been so long since I've had "spa" stuff. I still scrub my face with raw honey before I get in the shower because it seriously feels amazing. So I'm excited to try making all these goodies and being the test subject to see how they feel:winkwink: Well... as long as I don't get any crazy reactions, that would be horrible! But it's just coconut oil and sugar mostly so it should be alright:thumbup:

Our brains and mouth say two totally different things. If only they would get it together and be on the same page! Relax is such a loaded word haha, whenever you tell someone or yourself to relax the opposite happens, I swear! Maybe I should tell myself a different word...

Well the world must know I'm stressed out because my grandfather called to say his appointment got rescheduled because his doc had to go on maternity leave early:dohh: Go figure that it's maternity leave. Very funny universe. So now I'll have time to shop in the morning then get to baking all afternoon/evening. I even invited my grandmother to join me in the fun :) I plan to bake homemade apples pies but the pumpkin will be store bought, I still haven't had enough practice with that one so it wont be from scratch. Ooh baked macaroni sounds so good, I haven't had that in a few years!

It's too funny too, saying sexy time can't be serious either. DH is such a goof ball that he usually has me laughing and giggling when we start up instead of being all sensual:rofl: We managed to bd before he left for work so we're covered today:thumbup: Really curious what it was though, probably just gas and nothing to get excited over haha.

Nauseated eh? I'm feeling hopeful for you! You've got some funny things going on and I'm hoping they're all pointing at a bfp. I vote testing the day after Thanksgiving!
Ohhh deff tell me how they come out.. I think your safe with coconut oil and sugar... It sounds nice, but I don't like the smell of coconut nor the taste :sick: lol. I've never heard of washing your face with raw honey. I use to make Amber take a spoonful of raw honey to help with allergies.. She's allergic to everything :haha:

Soo true maybe we should tell our self think uncontrollably and obsess over everything then maybe we will do the opposite?? Or driver our self completely insane :wacko:

I'm happy your not going to be rushed now to get your shopping done, Ahh universe you are so funny.. Of course it's maternity leave.. I mean she couldn't be on vacation like a normal doctor or at least be told that .. But having gram over to help I'm sure you both will enjoy that :) I've never made pumpkin pie from scratch I always have to use the canned pumpkin but other then that I can throw it together pretty easy... I've honestly never had an apply pie before :shy: don't know why..:haha:

Woohoo for taking care business tonight :thumbup: :haha: oh man we are the same way and I swear not to be a freak but we should on record us because it gets so comical in action.. We are so dangerous in bed :rofl: one time I was leaning up.. Now what I'm about to say happened in this order just this fast.. I leaned up Amber lifted her leg at the same time I slammed my head some how into her knee, as I was coming up she jumped bs asked if I was ok I went to look up and hit her in the jaw because she was bending down to check on me then when I hit her jaw she moved swiftly an then I turned and got elbowed.. Oh yeah we were a mess :rofl: it was crazy funny we laughed for nearly half an hour..

I'm glad your holding on to hope for me.. Honestly it barely 7pm and I wanna go to bed just to see what tomorrow brings.. So far still nothing no pink no cramps, I agree with you.. Will test Friday.. If she's a no show..
Oh I hate the smell and taste of coconut too lol, that's the best part about coconut oil, it doesn't have that - it's just something that is supposed to be healthier than olive oil and stuff.

Raw honey is supposed to be fabulous, DH makes me put it on acne and it does help so I just keep using it as a face wash and makes my skin super soft.

Yeah, what doctor goes on vacation? Just maternity leave. *sigh* someday, someday. You have never had apple pie? That is blasphemy and I don't know if I can be friends anymore:rofl: You are missing out! Warm apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, an orgasm in your mouth my word!

That is awful. I'm glad that DH's clumsiness is lessoning.... *knock on wood* When we first started living together he always managed to toss his arm over on me and it hurt!! A few times he slammed his head into mine while trying to take my pillow! Hahaha, he always felt so bad!

No cramps or pink we're in the clear!! Come on Friday so we can get you poas!
Ahh ok, I didn't know it didn't have the smell of it.. Well tell me how it work then maybe I'll have to make my own.. As long as it pass your test... Also may have to start washing my face with the raw honey if it's good for all that..

:rofl: Well maybe I will have to try this orgasm in my mouth :rofl: I'm sure fresh is better but if I have to buy store bought is there a good brand that you can recommend?

Oh Amber is so clumsy.. I don't understand how someone can sit on and then manage to fall off the bed, But she does it all the time.. Although it is quit entertaining :haha:

My temp is rocking back and forth annoying me.. I feel very very mild cramps right now.. They come and go.. Bb's are still soar just not as much as yesterday, So I take that as a sign that :witch: will be here if not today then right on time for tomorrow.. Just waiting for the spotting..
I will indeed! And I'll take a picture if I can manage to pretty up the jars I plan to put them in:haha: Give the raw honey a try, I do love it. I'm in need of picking up more.

Fresh is fabulous, but there are a few store bought that are still good. You can't go wrong with Marie Calendars, but Remlinger Farms is our definite favorite. But the farm one I'm not sure how far they stretch because they're a local farm.

Sounds like she provides quite the entertainment:haha: I manage to walk into things or step on items... DH makes a joke while I'm shouting in pain and says he has to continue his "Ashley proofing the house:

No spotting! You're not out yet :) Hopefully if she must show up she waits until after Thanksgiving, it's not fun to have af during a holiday.
giving you the noon up date ( a few min early :haha: )

So far cramps have stopped, twinges in lower left from time to time is about all im getting.. Felt something earlier thought for sure :witch: was there so went to BR and it was creamy Cw :wacko: so (TMI) I checked and yep Creamy CM.. no pink color or brown color to it.. just white.. Sooooo still just waiting
Evening check in.. First Happy Thanksgiving.. I hope making pies was fun and I know they turned out yummy!! Thank you for being such a great friend. You have no idea how thankful I am for your friendship. :hugs:

So as of right now still no AF cramps, but having very light twinges in lower left of my stomach, had more creamy CM still just clear and white no pink or brown tint to it, BBs are more soar then they were earlier.. I actually muttered the words for the first time ever to Amber I might be pregnant but we both said were not getting our hopes up. She agrees if no AF then test Friday... So guess ill see how tomorrow goes.. Maybe just maybe ill have something extra to be thankful for [-o<

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