Thank you hun

same here, i am always here for you as well.
CD 14 ovulation? That's fantastic!!!! Such a good sign that your hormones are balancing out nicely!! I am really hopeful for you getting your BFP very soon, i have a very good feeling for you, it all seems to be falling in to place
Ahh i love Halloween, i don't tend to do much for it but I love the whole atmosphere, we usually have pumpkin soup and make a jacko lantern, we'll get some sweeties in as well! I hope you have fun! Are you going to any firework displays?
We are going to a display with some friends on saturday, then on sunday going to meet a rescue cat with the view to hopefully adopting him

im very excited about that.
Oh no

i'm sorry to hear you've been unwell, it sounds horrible. Sounds like you need lots of rest and pampering, get DH to look after you with lots of cups of tea and cuddles

I hope the doctor can give you something to help x