High Prolactin & Dostinex - success stories?

I just used my CBFM as I normally do and sometimes I would do an OPK if I get a Peak on my CBFM but not all the time. I only start temping when I get Highs on it and until FF pins O. Once that's done I don't stress about do it the rest of my cycle.
Hi babydustpeace, I find that when I get a bit obsessed about temping and opks I ovulate later as well.
Hi irish_eyes, that sounds like a good plan. I never bought a cbfm and I feel like its a bit late for me now we are looking at IVF.

I am having a wobble today :( its just been one of those days. Lots of babies coming in to the clinic and a lovely patient told me she's just found out she's pregnant, her first baby just turned one. I am so happy for her but it hurts so much that I have to smile and congratulate everyone else, when will it ever be my turn?
Irish Eyes ~ I never invested in a CBFM as I figured it would be just too expensive with how irregular my cycles can be! The past few cycles I have only used opks when I see really fertile cm & that has worked for me. I like the idea about only temping until ovulation is confirmed :winkwink:

Sorry you're having a bad day Bea :hugs: we know exactly how much it can hurt waiting on our chance to have a little one of our own :cry: I have a good feeling that we are going to bring each other some luck :flower:
Hello Ladies!

Just thought I would check in and see how you're doing?

I got a positive OPK today on CD14 :shock: but I haven't had as much EWCM as normal prior to ovulation .... I'm not sure what's going on yet but I may possibly be gearing up to ovulate . I guess it's a good sign that my body might just be responding positively to the Dostinex!

Any signs that ovulation is on the way for you? I hope that you both are keeping well.

I saw a post on FF the other day where someone was feeling very down (as we all do from time to time) and another lady responded saying that her friend was telling her to keep up hope that life can change in an instant. I don't know why that hit me but it did .... So I am thinking positive .... I am not looking back at our journey & doubting we can get there ... I am thinking that things can change in an instant for us & I'm hoping that is the case [-o<
Hi babydustpeace :hi: how are you getting on now? Just had a little peek at your chart and it looks like you definitely ovulated, they are nice high temperatures now!
I am in the 2ww as well about 7DPO today. My temp was sky high today but i am not charting,i was just curious. My bbs are sore and I know its just the clomid causing me to have high progesterone. I am not expecting to be pregnant this month, not after I got so hopeful last month.

I am glad you are thinking positively. Its great that your ovulation is moving earlier and your hormones are regulating themselves and I think that you are in with a good chance this month :)
How are you doing Irish_eyes? It looks like you are getting ready to ovulate as well? we can all be 2ww buddies x
Hi Bea! Omg ... I just looked at your chart & if I'm reading correctly you got a BFP today!!!! Whooooo hooooooo!!!! Congrats!!! I'm so happy for you!!


Nothing much going on with me ... The tww is torture as usual :coffee: I'm only 7dpo ... I only have 1 FRER left & I stuck to my word & didn't but any internet cheapies so I'll be waiting until Sunday before I even attempt to test. I will keep you posted x

Irish Eyes ~ how are you? I hope all is well x
Awww thanks hun! :) It's now 5.30am the next day and the line on the FRER is a little darker but still faint as lines go but a line is a line. I am happy but i had the same thing a few months ago which ended in a chemical and it really messed me up at the time, i am praying so much that this will be a sticky bean, i need this so badly.

Yes please keep us posted. So on Sunday you will be 12dpo? Sounds like a good day to test and FRER is the most reliable :) Good luck! x
Hi ladies, first time user and have been TTC since the start of the year, recently diagnosed with a 5mm Microadema, prolactin levels are 1600. First specialist appointment tomorrow after a few months wait to see her. My levels seem to be quite high (not sure if they are being measured on a different scale or not) I know they are quadruple the levels they are meant to be

Seeking ladies who have been in the same boat and how they found their treatment? I am excited to get treatment but always hesitant as last few Dr visits where to send me for the MRI & to confirm tumour so hasn't been good visits.

How long did it take to lower levels? where there any side effects? how long did it take to get the BFP?

thank you ladies
I'm praying so hard that this is your THB Bea [-o< Please keep us posted x

Welcome Jesnicdee! I also have high prolactin levels but mine are unexplained. I had an MRI which came back all clear. I am currently being treated with medication called Dostinex which is used to bring down the levels. My levels were extremely high like yours. I have been taking the medication for just over 6 weeks now & I have seen significant changes already. My luteal phase in my last cycle was a full 14 days for the first time ever and this cycle I ovulated on CD 16 which is a first for me ( I would usually ovulate anywhere from CD 21 to CD 35 .... Sometimes even later!!!). The awful thing is that my fertility specialist knew about the high levels 9 years ago and never did anything to treat me :cry: I've just turned 40 so I need a good quality egg to give us a good chance. I don't have a :bfp: yet but I am feeling hopeful that this will help us get there.

I believe this same medication (also known as cabergoline) can reduce the size of a microadema quite quickly! Is your specialist a Reproductive Endocrinologist? Just checking because my fertility specialist was no good at treating this but my RE is excellent. Wishing you the very best of luck. Please keep us posted.
OMG! Bea! CONGRATULATIONS! So so happy for you! Didn't I tell you about a girl on here getting a BFP on her last round of Clomid? Amazing!

Hi Jesnicdee, my levels were over 1800 but I take Bromocriptine and now my levels are 98, the lowest it has been in years. I found taking the meds lowered the level quite quickly. Mine is unexplained and so is my infertility.

Babydustpeace how are you keeping?

Sorry girls I took a break last month so no trying because hubby hurt his back. I also have been taking my vits for a while so need to get back taking them asap. Last month my cycle was 30 days, O'd CD18 and had a 12 day LP. So getting there.
Hi Irish_eyes, that was a good cycle then, your hormones must be balancing out, you had a nice length luteal phase as well. :dance:

Oh no, i'm sorry about your hubby's back, is he feeling better now?

Thanks :) I am still very cautious about it all, it doesn't really feel real. I won't let myself get excited until I see the bean on a scan, i have nearly 3 weeks to wait yet!
I remember you telling me that, I also started the clomid a day later than usual and only took the vitamin B for the first half of the cycle. Don't know if that made any difference? xx

How are you Babydustpeace? :)
I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while ... I needed a break from the boards & temping etc

Bea, I am so devastated for you. I posted a message on your journal. You are in my thoughts & prayers x x

Irish-eyes, how are you keeping? Glad to hear things are improving & I hope your hubby is doing ok now x
Thanks hun :hugs: its been difficult but i need to try and pick myself back up again.

How are you doing? I understand sometimes a break from the boards is a good thing, it can all get a bit too much sometimes x
I totally understand Bea :hugs: some of the memories of my miscarriages came back when I was reading your journal and I can totally relate to everything you are going through. Having good support from your hubby (which I know you have) is really important, that and time for healing will get you there x x

Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers x x
Thank you hun :hugs: iam so sorry for your losses as well. its hard enough to go through a miscarriage, but for those of us who have struggled so much to get pregnant in the first place,its so much harder.
how are you doing this cycle? x
I totally understand what you mean Bea :hugs: It really is so much harder when it's been so difficult to get there in the first place :hugs:

I have just let go of over obsessing for now. I've stopped temping & am just noting CM & doing OPKs this cycle. I think ovulation is happening today but let's see. I've tried so hard to do everything right for so long that I just need a break from it!

Still thinking of you & keeping you in my prayers x x
Hi Babydustpeace, I totally understand you preferring to take a more relaxed approach this cycle, hopefully you have ovulated by now and you can try and take your mind off it now and relax a bit in the 2ww.
Thank you for all your support :hugs: I really do appreciate it. Although my family have been supportive, I haven't sat and spoken to anyone about the actual miscarriage, I feel that I only want to confide in people who know how I am feeling, and I'm sorry that you do know how I am feeling due to your own struggles :hugs:

How is everything else with you? Do you have a nice weekend planned?x
Hi Bea, I totally understand what you meant about only feeling ok talking to certain people about the miscarriage. This is such a difficult time :hugs: and I am here for you anytime you need me :hugs:

I'm pretty sure I ovulated on CD14 :shock: but it just doesn't feel real ... that probably sounds a bit crazy but it's all I've been striving for for the past few years and I am in disbelief that it's happened. This ttc stuff really messes with you mind :wacko:

I don't have anything much planned for this weekend. I just have some loot bags prepared for the trick or treaters for Friday evening!! Do you have anything nice planned?

I've been sick on & off for about a week now with a nasty sore throat/head cold ... Going to the doctor today to see if I can get a remedy :cold::sick:
Thank you hun :hugs: same here, i am always here for you as well.
CD 14 ovulation? That's fantastic!!!! Such a good sign that your hormones are balancing out nicely!! I am really hopeful for you getting your BFP very soon, i have a very good feeling for you, it all seems to be falling in to place :)

Ahh i love Halloween, i don't tend to do much for it but I love the whole atmosphere, we usually have pumpkin soup and make a jacko lantern, we'll get some sweeties in as well! I hope you have fun! Are you going to any firework displays?
We are going to a display with some friends on saturday, then on sunday going to meet a rescue cat with the view to hopefully adopting him :D im very excited about that.
Oh no :( i'm sorry to hear you've been unwell, it sounds horrible. Sounds like you need lots of rest and pampering, get DH to look after you with lots of cups of tea and cuddles :) I hope the doctor can give you something to help x

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