Home birth and Natural parenting!


Mummy and expecting #2
Oct 15, 2009
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When i have children i will (hopefully) be having homebirths and be using cloth nappies, slings and teething necklaces, i will also be breastfeeding.
I was wondering how many of my fellow WTT's will be doing this?? I'd also love everybodies opinions about all of the above and the way they'd love to raise their babies.

hi hun!

I dont really know why but mine are the complete opposite! :rofl:

I want to;
:baby: go to the hospital to give birth
:baby: use disposables
:baby: bottle feed (formula)

However, i would 'sometimes' like to carry baby in a sling and have a couple of reuseables!

like i said, i cant really explain why!

Lol, fair enough, everybodies different :thumbup:.

My mom was the same when she was raising me and my brother, i've never asked her why though.
I hope to be doing almost the same as you, kassy, but as I work in the only hospital in my area I think I'll be having a hospital birth. Hoping to work there as long as I am able to - would be fab if I went into labour whilst working, as I just need to get the lift downstairs to Maternity!
I sort of lean that way but with exeptions. I will do anything I can to be able to breastfeed, I'll co-sleep and baby carry and I'm very much opposed to 'letting a baby cry' or imposing strict time tables on them. I'm a firm believer in 'you can't spoil a baby', I think young children need to know they can rely on you taking care of them. We also want to try cloth nappies but in the end will go with whatever works for us in the bum department. :D
I don't believe in teething necklaces, don't see how they would work. I'm also not a fan of home births. I think it's everyone's decision to make for themselves but it's not for me. I just would not want to live with the risk, even if it's minimal. You just cannot know 100% that nothing is going to go wrong and I personally would want to know that there are facilities to try EVERYTHING that can be done right nearby. Yeah, I know, I could still be taken in but I'd be too worried about traffic etc and circumstances that require a doctor and/or a second or third opinion now and not in 20 minutes. I know that a lot of homebirths go really well but the thought of it going wrong just scares me too much.
But overall I think I'm rather on the 'natural parenting' side of things. There'll be no tv while they're little but lots of time with mummy and daddy. There'll be fresh veg from the garden once they're old enough and reasoning rather than punishment where it is at all possible.
They are also going to grow up bilingually, just to complicate things further. :D
I hope to be doing almost the same as you, kassy, but as I work in the only hospital in my area I think I'll be having a hospital birth. Hoping to work there as long as I am able to - would be fab if I went into labour whilst working, as I just need to get the lift downstairs to Maternity!

Wow, that's handy! :rofl:
hehe I would like to be breastfeeding, clothdiapering, and babywearing :D, as well as BLW :D

But I still want to give birth in the hospital tho. I hope I can have a natural birth as far as it goes, because I am only 5'4'' xD)
I also agree with the no TV. There will be no Tv until lo is at least 3 or 4 years old, and then only 15 min. Since i am German and oh is Southafrican I hope they grow up billingually as well :)
hi hun!

I dont really know why but mine are the complete opposite! :rofl:

I want to;
:baby: go to the hospital to give birth
:baby: use disposables
:baby: bottle feed (formula)

I'm not judging or criticising you and I don't mean to start a whole breastfeeding discussion but do you mind me asking why you're planning to bottle feed? Do you have medical reasons or do you just not fancy the idea of breastfeeding. I'm really just curious, don't mean to preach or convert you. Just wondering what advantages you see in bottle feeding?
I sort of lean that way but with exeptions. I will do anything I can to be able to breastfeed, I'll co-sleep and baby carry and I'm very much opposed to 'letting a baby cry' or imposing strict time tables on them. I'm a firm believer in 'you can't spoil a baby', I think young children need to know they can rely on you taking care of them. We also want to try cloth nappies but in the end will go with whatever works for us in the bum department. :D
I don't believe in teething necklaces, don't see how they would work. I'm also not a fan of home births. I think it's everyone's decision to make for themselves but it's not for me. I just would not want to live with the risk, even if it's minimal. You just cannot know 100% that nothing is going to go wrong and I personally would want to know that there are facilities to try EVERYTHING that can be done right nearby. Yeah, I know, I could still be taken in but I'd be too worried about traffic etc and circumstances that require a doctor and/or a second or third opinion now and not in 20 minutes. I know that a lot of homebirths go really well but the thought of it going wrong just scares me too much.
But overall I think I'm rather on the 'natural parenting' side of things. There'll be no tv while they're little but lots of time with mummy and daddy. There'll be fresh veg from the garden once they're old enough and reasoning rather than punishment where it is at all possible.
They are also going to grow up bilingually, just to complicate things further. :D

Some very good points there hun.

Having looked after a friends niece once apon a time i just remember how aggitated her bottom used to get in disposable nappies, she used to scream blue murder. DN are also incredibly bad for the enviroment, they don't rot properly and they release chemicals, these are my too main reasons.

Breastfeeding is the most beautiful, natural and loving thing a mother CAN give to her baby (i know some people have trouble producing milk like my friend), this milk contains essential antibodies and protects baby from some infections and some illnesses, as well as being good for digestion.

Slings are brilliant because mother and baby are so close and keep body contact at all times, i love this idea as it keeps baby warm, content and safe. I'd love to feel this close to my baby.
I am planning a homebirth, because 1) it's actually safer for normal pregnancies, and 2) I'd be uncomfortable and nervous at the hospital, which apparently makes things last longer and hurt more!

I'll do anything I can and seek out any help I need to breastfeed. My Mom is very proBFing, but she had to stop earlier than she wanted with both me and my sister since she has psoriasis and a patch on her nipple was getting very aggravated by the feeding. She ended up bleeding every time, so she stopped. But I know I'll have support there to continue. I ideally want to do extended BFing - I don't believe it's natural in our species to wean so darn early! And I'll also do BLW, since it seems logical to me.

I'd love to use reusables - I use reusable sanitary towels at the moment and they're MUCH MUCH comfier than disposables, and it makes an unpleasant time of the month more fun with funky colours and patterns. I get less period pains too.

We'll be babywearing and basically trying to follow "Continuum" parenting if anyone has read that book?

I'm not sure how the amber necklaces would work for teething pain, though, so I'm dubious about those.
Actually over here all house rubbish is incinerated here , and the left over is what roads are build on. I just like the cloth nappies because they are better I think for a childrens bum and save money and look cute :) )
hi hun!

I dont really know why but mine are the complete opposite! :rofl:

I want to;
:baby: go to the hospital to give birth
:baby: use disposables
:baby: bottle feed (formula)

I'm not judging or criticising you and I don't mean to start a whole breastfeeding discussion but do you mind me asking why you're planning to bottle feed? Do you have medical reasons or do you just not fancy the idea of breastfeeding. I'm really just curious, don't mean to preach or convert you. Just wondering what advantages you see in bottle feeding?

its no problem hun!

to be totally honest, i could be converted...its mainly because, everyone in my family, and all my friends have bottle fed, so to me its the 'norm' so to speak.

A more personal opinion, is that i want Daddy and other family members to share the experiance of feeding with baby and with me, but that could change when babys here (and i dont want to upset anyone)

I also have an ED anorexia, so i cant say how i will be when a babys here...i may feel that i eat a lot to help the baby etc, but because my disorder is so unreliable i cant say how i would feel, i would hate to not be able to provide healthy milk for my child so feel safer to forula feed, also theres less chance my ED would come up again as it tends to happen when theres a lot of pressure on me :hugs:

how comes your so against it? Im not going to argue it out! genuanly intrested!
I am planning a homebirth, because 1) it's actually safer for normal pregnancies, and 2) I'd be uncomfortable and nervous at the hospital, which apparently makes things last longer and hurt more!

I'll do anything I can and seek out any help I need to breastfeed. My Mom is very proBFing, but she had to stop earlier than she wanted with both me and my sister since she has psoriasis and a patch on her nipple was getting very aggravated by the feeding. She ended up bleeding every time, so she stopped. But I know I'll have support there to continue. I ideally want to do extended BFing - I don't believe it's natural in our species to wean so darn early! And I'll also do BLW, since it seems logical to me.

I'd love to use reusables - I use reusable sanitary towels at the moment and they're MUCH MUCH comfier than disposables, and it makes an unpleasant time of the month more fun with funky colours and patterns. I get less period pains too.

We'll be babywearing and basically trying to follow "Continuum" parenting if anyone has read that book?

I'm not sure how the amber necklaces would work for teething pain, though, so I'm dubious about those.

I'm afraid of hospitals because everytime i've been it's because a family member has been really ill, i've seen cancer suffers and people laying there crying and moaning with pain. I suffer from anxiety anyway and know for a fact being somewhere other then home would stress out me and my baby making birthing more painful and difficult.
Me :) I wish I used cloths with Amelie. Disposables are soooo expensive :growlmad:
I guess perceptions of breastfeeding can vary a lot. I'll be aiming for a year and thought that was pretty normal but the other day my mil, a midwife, told me that she breastfeed for a long time (=4months!) so I guess I'll fall into the extended breastfeeding category.

I think the argument about feeling uncomfortable at a hospital is a very good one. That's why I'll go for a compromise by using a midwife lead unit which is attached to a hospital though so has quick access to all facilities. You get a private room there with en suite facilities and lots of 'labour accessories' like a birth pool, gym ball etc. So I think I'll be quite comfortable there but I guess that differs from person to person.
I have no doubt that a home birth that goes well is a wonderful thing. I just think that in the small number of cases where things go wrong they can get a lit more ugly at home. So overall, home birth may well be the better option. As in there's a slightly higher risk but with much more benefits. The thing is just that I don't want to take that axtra risk, because I couldn't live with myself if something did go wrong. But I guess it all depends on what your alternatives are, eg what your nearest hospital looks like etc.
Edit: If I was in your position Kassy I think I would go for a home birth too. No point in stressing yourself out even more. But maybe it would be a good idea to visit some hospitals and try to get yourself used to them just in case you have to go in? Maybe visit a friend on a mat ward or something?
A more personal opinion, is that i want Daddy and other family members to share the experiance of feeding with baby and with me, but that could change when babys here (and i dont want to upset anyone)

I feel the same about wanting OH to be able to bond over feeding, but I really want to breastfeed since it's best for baby and for bonding so I'm hoping to express so OH can give her a feed regularly too.
Also, I do semi-cosleeping til 6 months then its into cot and own room but think me and OH will get a bigger bed for the next LO cos doubles arent big enough haha.

I didn't do home birth for my 1st cos I didnt know how my body would cope with pain of labour but I managed well on gas and air and a shot of diamorphine to help me sleep but I think I could manage without it and hopefully I wont have a back2back labour with my next baby. I'm going to do hypnobirthing too with my next labour :)

p.s. Its great you're all for slings but omg you have no idea how heavy a 6 month old baby is :shock:
As soon the baby is 6 months old it is going to be carried by oh xD

I don't like the idea of homebirth because I don't like the idea of all the goo(blood, water..) getting out at home. I like to leave that at hospital. :rofl:
hi hun!

I dont really know why but mine are the complete opposite! :rofl:

I want to;
:baby: go to the hospital to give birth
:baby: use disposables
:baby: bottle feed (formula)

I'm not judging or criticising you and I don't mean to start a whole breastfeeding discussion but do you mind me asking why you're planning to bottle feed? Do you have medical reasons or do you just not fancy the idea of breastfeeding. I'm really just curious, don't mean to preach or convert you. Just wondering what advantages you see in bottle feeding?

its no problem hun!

to be totally honest, i could be converted...its mainly because, everyone in my family, and all my friends have bottle fed, so to me its the 'norm' so to speak.

A more personal opinion, is that i want Daddy and other family members to share the experiance of feeding with baby and with me, but that could change when babys here (and i dont want to upset anyone)

I also have an ED anorexia, so i cant say how i will be when a babys here...i may feel that i eat a lot to help the baby etc, but because my disorder is so unreliable i cant say how i would feel, i would hate to not be able to provide healthy milk for my child so feel safer to forula feed, also theres less chance my ED would come up again as it tends to happen when theres a lot of pressure on me :hugs:

how comes your so against it? Im not going to argue it out! genuanly intrested!

Just to clarify there: I'm not against bottle feeding at all! I'm just for breastfeeding. I think babies can grow up perfectly happy and healthy on formula. I just think breastfeeding gives both baby and you so many extra benefits. For starters there are lots of good things in breastmilk that help your babies immune system and general development. But it's also so much more convenient (sterilise bottle, heat water, mix formula, make sure it's not too hot vs take your boob out :D), cheaper and always on tab. It also helps you bond and mummy to heal and get back to her pre-baby body.
I can understand that you'd be worried about your anorexia though. I don't think there'd be anything to worry about nutrition wise (you could always top up with formula. If baby get confused and doesn't want the breast after a bottle there's also expressing). But if you think it's going to cause you too much stress then I think that's a good reason. I also understand the getting-daddy-involved argument although I think we can bond in other ways. But if you feel strongly about that then maybe expressing would be good? Not ver convenient but good for baby and can be monitored easily (in terms of amounts). If you're unsure about whether breastfeeding is for you you cod always read a really good book on it or find a breastfeeding association online and get more info there?

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