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wannabubba - I got my pool yesterday, I am trying to decide whether or not I should open it. If it is unopened I can return it in case of preterm labour and in that case I wouldn't open it until 36 weeks to make sure there is no leak.

But I really want to open it anyways. I'm sure I will be able to resell it no matter what afterwards anyways. :)
Congrats urbanbumkin!!

I found that following my home-birth turned C-Section writing my birth story was very therapeutic. It helped me come to terms with why I made the decisions I did. I still have a few should'a would'a could'a moments about the whole thing. I think what if I just have waited a bit and insisted on getting to fully and pushing....but I have to remind myself that during the labour it looked a probability that she would come out poorly or worse if we did this.
Winegums, how old is your LO? Like you I am planning a HBAC with my next baby (gotta conceive first!!) but am a little wary of what they will say if I have them close together.
my son has just turned 1... so about 20 months when I am due!!! The midwives told me not to get pregnant within 2 years!!! yeah right i want my children to be close <3
wannabubba - I got my pool yesterday, I am trying to decide whether or not I should open it. If it is unopened I can return it in case of preterm labour and in that case I wouldn't open it until 36 weeks to make sure there is no leak.

But I really want to open it anyways. I'm sure I will be able to resell it no matter what afterwards anyways. :)

Hi -mine came with instructions to try it out within 30 days to check for leaks etc, any returns to be made within this time so I'll try mine out at the weekend. I'll let you know how I get on :happydance::happydance:

You two will be of great interest to me with your HBAC plans!

We had thought of having a second fairly quickly (if we cope with one!), but I guess I will see how I feel. Right now getting in and out of bed is a struggle, let alone anything else!

Good luck!
You two will be of great interest to me with your HBAC plans!

We had thought of having a second fairly quickly (if we cope with one!), but I guess I will see how I feel. Right now getting in and out of bed is a struggle, let alone anything else!

Good luck!

It gets better pretty quickly. A week after my section I felt like I could do a lot, almost normal again until I took a 1hr walk to town. About 2 weeks after I felt reasonably back to normal but couldn't bend down to put shopping on the bottom of the pram. By 4 weeks I felt fab. Only thing now is my tummy still feels a bit numb around the scar.
Just to add, if you are feeling a little emotionally sensitive about the transfer, make sure all your home birth accessories are put away before you get home. I got home to find the blankets still in the living room and the towel for aromatherapy still out and it made me sad.
Congratulations Lola Ann!!

This thread moves far too quickly for me, though I am checking the front page!!
oh and congratulations Urbanpumpkin!!

Oh I havent been on here for so long....it is so tiring with two kiddies and with Remi being the boobie monster she is, I just about get 5 minutes to wash my sticky-from-milk body and run a brush through my hair!! lol

Loving that everyone is still going for their homebirth plans....i tell anyone and everyone about my birth as i am so proud...even strangers!! I could talk about it all day!! lol

I have started my girls' scrapbooks and printed off my birth story for Remi's one and was so nice reading it again!! Wish I could do it all again!!
Just wanted to share this with you ladies.... I am completely addicted to Navelgazing Midwife's blog (it's getting me thru my insomnia!) and I came across this little nugget on there, relating to looking back on our births and the regrets we might have....

And I believe, as trite as it is, that we learn from everything we do or see or hear about or we are no longer living. If you weren't wanting to change something, I would be supremely worried.

Even if it was "perfect", likely you would find SOMETHING, one small little thing that you wanted to change, that you would do differently if there was a next time.... This is a good thought for me to hold on to, not just in looking back to my last birth but in looking forward to this one.

That is all, carry on :thumbup:
Hello all! Unfortunately no natural, water, home birth here, but a baby nonetheless: Murdo Fraser, 8lb 6 and 57cm long.

In simple terms 'meconium staining sucks' but 'hypnobirthing rocks'.

I'll do my full birth story in the announcements section at some point when I have access to more than my mobile but I ended up in hospital with an'intervention cascade'. I laboured at home until the midwife came out when the contractions were every 3 mins and I was 6cm dilated at that point with only hip wiggling, hypno breathing and sitting on the loo to aid me. She wasn't happy at all with the heavy level of meconium staining of my waters and strongly advised transfer. As I was so far along, and because they had been so great as a team all along I took her advice and went in.

After that the level of monitoring did for me, I was on a continuous monitor which only worked if I was stood up or perched on the edge of the bed (or laid down - but no way was I doing that) and gave me a range to 2ft square. If I bent forward or sat on a ball it would lose the trace. Baby was back to back so obviously this wasn't ideal for moving him.

My dilation went backwards to around 5cm and my contractions dissappeared. I got advised to go on the synto drip which I resisted for a while knowing it would make the contractions more intense and that with limited movement I didn't have many ways of dealing with that. But the hypnobirthing was brilliant, in the end I got to contracting every minute fully dilated, except for a small anterior lip, on the synto drip, with a limited range of movement and an OP baby on nothing more than humming and breathing! I half heard the midwife ask MrUrban if I normally had an exceptionally high pain threshold, and later say to him "this is not what a women at 9cm normally looks like" as I stood there humming and breathing. She asked loads of questions about it and is now thinking about training in it.

At this point though although he had half turned his head was still highish and he wasn't putting enough pressure on that last bit of cervix to get rid of it. So in the end the consultant advised c-section. He said we could leave it longer but that he wasn't convinced that it would get us anywhere but more tired. So we went with it. Thinking about it now I wish I had ripped the monitors off at that point and got down on all fours to move that baby round! But hindsight is a wonderful thing at the time the section seemed like the unfortunate but right decision.

The team were all very respectful of my birth plan, and were very good on using quiet voices, leaving us to discuss things, and not distracting me when I was 'in the zone' with my breathing. And I got almost immediate skin to skin and plenty of it. Murdo crawled to the breast but has been a bitreluctant since, prefering to sleep or suck his fist! But ultimately the experience was very medical. But I feel quite zen about it, I think the hypnobirthing has helped there too. I would highly reccommend it.

Wow, that was longer than I meant it to be!

Tell me if it is too negative to have all that on this thread, I really wouldn't mind deleting it, and finding somewhere else to put it if people wanted me to, so do just say. I wouldn't want it to put anyone on a downer.

Congrats UB, I'd say that's a very positive birth story, although not the way you planned it. That's where hospitals are best imo, as a safety net when things don't go to plan, I would have transferred in an instant with heavy meconium for monitoring, no doubt in my mind. Congrats on your son and thanks for sharing.
20 week scan today guys. We're on team blue and he is perfect in every way.

my full birth story and some pics
Hello! Hope everyone is doing OK :)

I'm feeling much more positive about Peanut's arrival atm... I'm just holding on to the reality that they can advise me or even pressure me till they are blue in the face, but they can't MAKE me do anything or go anywhere if I don't want to. And also that it doesn't matter if I do end up transferring.... I can still have a wonderful experience wherever I am. 90% of it is in my mind, right?

One thing that has helped is that I started telling my mum about the MWs and her reaction was EXACTLY what I hoped for... her philosophy is the same as mine. She even said "do you have a team of people to stick up for you if they do start pressuring you on the day?" All I have is OH... that's a big "all" but a woman who has given birth, who is positive about birth, has every confidence in me and will stand up for me... well, that would be a HUGE help. (I keep thinking praps I should have looked into having a doula!) So mums been invited to be here on the day and it's like a weight off my shoulders :) I haven't tried to talk her round or anything, we are just on the same page about pretty much everything birth-wise, so I think it will be good to have her here. Plus, when she was a young woman home births were completely NORMAL. You only went to hospital for a c-section, pretty much.

Just wondering, who is everyone else having with them on Birth Day?
Madasa - glad you're feeling a bit more positive!

I'm going to have my mum and kev here, I think the combination of the two will be a better experience! x
Glad your mum is going to be your advocate :) She sounds like a great birth partner.

I'm not sure where you are but there may be trainee doulas (like myself) who are offering to be your birth partner for no charge. Doulas have to attend 4 births to complete their training and be classed as fully qualified so that's another option (for anyone reading this without a mum like yours ;) )

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