Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Welcome erinaimee! Of course I'll add you:) As Manda said, I could just do to know which baby number you are on and if you know if you're having a boy or a girl :thumbup:

there are a few great links for Dads on the first post ;)
Oh and from me - I just got a call to say I'm clear for Group B Strep! :happydance:
Good luck today Celesse - give us and update when you get home and see if you can beg a sweep out of her ;)
Great News MM on the group B strep and good luck for today Celesse.

Welcome to the group Erinaimee x x
Celesse, I had stronger period-type pains ever since the sweep but nothing regular. I put on a pad right after the sweep and bled a bit. Then I put on a fresh pad after my bath in the evening and have bled a bit on that. Even though the baby's moving as often as he normally does, they're slower movements, so I hope that means he's slipped down a bit more. For now, I'm bouncing away on my birth ball and waiting to see the midwife again this afternoon. I hope things get going for you!

Lisa, brilliant news on the negative status. One step closer to that home birth!
Congrats cupcake. :)

PS: I know I said I kept my vit k in the fridge, I didn't mean to imply that it had to be kept there, just that that was where we were asked to put it, as it was easily accessible to the midwives.
I'm actually feeling like this HB really is going to happen now! :D I see the MW in the morning and I should get my birth kit to bring home and once I hit sunday then I can relax and wait for him to make an appearance! I went shopping with my mum and Dad yesterday and I was getting some sharp pains in my cervix. They werent pleasant but I have to admit they got me a bit excited because I remember them starting as the end neared last time. We could be another 5/6 weeks off yet but that's nothing when you think I've known I was pregnant from 3+5 or something daft!! :)
Back from midwife and everything is fine with BP ect.

I am going to have a sweep next week at 41+6. I could have got her to come out sooner, but I don't think it's gonna do much. This baby seems resistant to anything designed to make her come out.

At 42 weeks I have a well being scan booked and induction is declined. She has recommended a hospital birth if I do go past 42 weeks, which I am happy to go along with. If I got into labour spontaneously after 42 weeks it will be a pretty natural birth, just the location will change...they aren't going to hook me up to a CTG or anything. I'm happy with the decision. 42 weeks does take things out of the "normal" range, so a natural labour in a hospital setting seem appropriate to me.
I've posted this in one of the Lovebug threads, but I thought I'd post here as well.

I've just had my second sweep. Not much change from yesterday, cervix slightly posterior now instead of just posterior. Light brownish/pink bleeding continuing from yesterday, which midwife confirmed was fine as long as it's mucousy. Just went for a wee and had a glob of brownish/pink mucous. Cervix still 1cm long and 1cm dilated and soft. I've another sweep scheduled for Thursday morning but loooove to be in labour before then!
Hi girls i am new to the home birth situation and hoping to have one. So far i have persuaded the hubby to let me have a home water birth in our dining room :)
i am going to go ahead and plan it even though there is a 60-80% i will get obstetric cholestasis and have to be induced. I have my fingers firmly crossed that i don't get it again not just for the well being of my little girl but for the chance to experience a home birth as this is our last baby :)
ooopppss! lol

i have 2 girls, 4 + 2, and i am preg with little boy now . xxx
Congratulations, cupcake!

And that sounds promising, MandaAnda.

I am sat in a house full of dust with no hot water. Our boiler died so we are having new central heating installed (which involves removing a 25 year old boiler and 3 ancient dust filled fireplaces). Better now than closer to the birth I guess!

And the new boiler means filling the pool won't be a problem when we get to that point. But the dust, the dust!
UB, that sounds like an excuse to go out and do some shopping if I ever heard one!

I was up nearly hourly last night having to wee. Gah! More period pains than usual, more BHs than usual, some stabbing pains in the bum and vaginal areas down low - but still no proper contractions or anything. But every time I wipe, I get globs of what must be my plug (mucousy brown/pink bits of jelly) instead of just "old blood" bits, so I guess that's good. And everything in the hip/pelvic area is soooore. I wish this baby would just do something!

I've got to have ANOTHER scan! :hissy:

The MW who saw me today thinks he's breech.....I dont.

I supposed it's best to keep checking but I think I would have known about it if he'd turned again. My mate's baby turned at 38 weeks and she almost passed out it!!

I'm really starting to think he's never been breech. The movements havent changed really over the past months. He's in the same position today that he was at the scan. The only thing that makes me think he might have been breech before is that I could really feel him trying to turn just before the last scan. It was bordering on painful......oh I dont know.........I do know that I am totally 'over' being pregnant now.

I collect my home birth kit friday or should I say OH will - they said it weighs too much for me to lift it. She rang the birth centre to organise it then told me not to go into labour till after the scan next thursday!

So yeah...thursday....scan then consultant appointment. Meh!
Hopefully your baby just has a bony butt! Good luck with the scan.
hello ladies, thought whilst I had a chance I would add my story and pics...I hope you are all doing well.

My home birth story

Sat 27th I started to get my show...not much happening contraction wise but was hoping this was a good sign that baby was on her way...

Sun 28th still having a show but started having tightening every 10mins, not painful just uncomfortable, things stayed like that throughout the whole day

Mon 1st woke up at 1.50 with a strong contraction and I knew I would be having my baby!!!! (I’ve got a contraction timer app on my iphone so started using that) contractions were irregular, ranging in length and strength, tried to sleep in between until it got to 5am and I decided that the kitchen was too messy...planned a homebirth and I didn’t want the midwives to see my messy kitchen, lol.

Called my mum and midwife around 6 and both arrived around 6.30, my son was getting up so he started getting ready for school...the contractions seemed to stop and I felt like a fool for calling my mum and midwife out:dohh:....midwife was happy to examine and at 7am I was 4cm, she gave me a good old sweep and after a 20min chat my contractions started coming thick and fast....I kept upright/ mobilising throughout the labour, a student midwife come around 10am and she was fantastic, massaging my back throughout with clary sage oil...4 hours later I started to use gas and air as the contractions were becoming intense, got a bit emotional at this point as I really wanted her out!:cry: And was so scared that I was still only 4cm...protocol is to examine every 4 hours during labour but the midwife and I were happy to wait and see as I seemed to be showing good signs of progress. Just before 12 I started to get really upset and needed to know what my body was doing so asked the midwife to examine me, I was 8cm and as I was getting distressed the plan was for me to go and have a warm bath with clary sage oil....it was lovely being in the bath, I was using G&A and was left with my OH, whilst the MWs popped in and out to listen to the FH but after 20minutes the contractions became more intense and I was starting to lose it!!!:wacko:

I was encouraged throughout to keep using G&A but I was finding this very difficult and felt that the baby was coming, I was involuntary pushing at this point and thought I was about to split in half!....I got out of the bath at 12.55, I stayed upright, my right leg on the bath edge with my waters bulging, screamed at the midwife to break them and she did at 12.57...nice and clear, baby’s head was just there and for me this was the best part, I was able to breathe her out nice and slow....my beautiful baby girl was born at 13.00hrs, a hand on her face and screamed immediately, I held her straight away, skin to skin, holding her so tight, I didn’t want to let go! :cloud9::cloud9:

The midwives made the floor comfy for me to lie down, we waited for the cord to stop pulsating, about 15-20mins later my OH cut the cord, and he held our daughter...I got up 5mins later and with one push the placenta come out, minimal blood loss. Despite my darling daughter coming out with her hand on her face I only got a couple of grazes. I took co-dydramol as I was already getting some strong after pains...I didn’t realise they could be so painful!

I quickly had a shower and got myself sorted whilst the midwives checked baby over, 40 minutes later I held baby skin to skin and she went onto my breast like a pro. :happydance:

I found this labour to be very intense and I was definitely more vocal this time round but my homebirth experience was fantastic, I had the support I needed throughout and my wonderful midwives could do no wrong! I'm so happy! :happydance:

We finally named our daughter Mya...


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Oh Cupcake she's a little beauty!!

While you're online...I dont know if you've read my situation with being diagnosed as breech since 28wks by a VERY experienced MW and 2 others seemed to agree. I'm not on the cusp of full term and really wanting this home birth - I collect the home birth equipment from the birth centre this friday. I have ANOTHER presentation scan next thursday. If I go into labour before then or even after and the CMW who comes to me palpates me and still inst sure if he's breech, can they send me for an urgent scan then if he's head down let me home to labour and give birth? I know they are being cautious and that's obviously the best way but I'm back feeling like my HB is potentially drifting away again :( Could it be that he just has a boney bum? His heartbeat is in a funny position for head down too which is adding to them saying he's breech. I just fell at this stage with a baby they have said is right at the top of the chart for size, I would know about it if he'd turned since my last presentation scan.....Thank you if you get chance to reply x
Oh Cupcake she's a little beauty!!

While you're online...I dont know if you've read my situation with being diagnosed as breech since 28wks by a VERY experienced MW and 2 others seemed to agree. I'm not on the cusp of full term and really wanting this home birth - I collect the home birth equipment from the birth centre this friday. I have ANOTHER presentation scan next thursday. If I go into labour before then or even after and the CMW who comes to me palpates me and still inst sure if he's breech, can they send me for an urgent scan then if he's head down let me home to labour and give birth? I know they are being cautious and that's obviously the best way but I'm back feeling like my HB is potentially drifting away again :( Could it be that he just has a boney bum? His heartbeat is in a funny position for head down too which is adding to them saying he's breech. I just fell at this stage with a baby they have said is right at the top of the chart for size, I would know about it if he'd turned since my last presentation scan.....Thank you if you get chance to reply x

Hi hun,

I’m quite surprised the midwife thinks baby is breech considering you only recently had a scan...do you think she is just being cautious because your having a homebirth? at 36+ weeks you wouldn’t really expect baby to change position and you say yourself that you feel baby is head down.

I would let the midwife come to your house and make her own assessment, if she really thinks baby is still breech and your happy to go into hospital then having a quick scan in delivery suite to confirm presentation is a good idea HOWEVER don’t let them find excuses for you to stay in hospital..if baby is head down and there are no other concerns go straight home and continue with your homebirth plans.

It’s not ideal going into hospital during labour, I can’t imagine what this does psychologically and the effects this can have on you physically...especially when you have invested so much into your homebirth.

Best thing to do is not to go into labour until you have your scan anyway as you are still preterm.

Good luck!:flower:

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