Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Thanks so much hun. I think the problem is that the MW I saw today (mine is now off for an operation :( ) is being cautious because she has had a lady with an undiagnosed breech and the first they knew was the bum presenting. She's been qualified 4 yrs and my regular MW has been around since I was born! So I guess she might be a bit influenced by the experienced MWs diagnosis and is nervous from her own experience. Add that to the home birth and I guess she thinks better be over cautious. The MW sonographer who scanned me said she wouldnt expect him to turn back now and I think I would have know about it if he had!

Thanks so much for replying honey - I know you must be very busy with that gorgeous girl! :cloud9:
Thats fine, Im happy to help...Im sure baby is head down, keeping my fingers crossed for you, I want everybody to experience a fab homebirth!!!

Huge congratulations Cupcake, what a beautiful, perfect little girlie you have there :hugs:

I am so happy for you that you got the Home Birth you so wanted.

Lisa, I am sure that you would know if Sid had shifted again as you say and I am hoping that he hangs on until your usual MW is back and you get the HB that you so want.

As for us, we had our first Hypnoborth class on Monday which was all good. We are now so far along the wanting a homebirth road that we will plan for it as much as we can and see how we go.

I'm suffering a bit today with what I think it a trapped nerve / sciatica and so I am hoping it goes as quickly as it comes!

Aww Cupcake, your LO is gorgeous! :)

We're meeting with the MW today - any suggestions for questions we should ask? I've already written a few down, but no doubt I've forgotten something important...Anything that would be worth asking just to gauge whether we'll get on or not? (I'm gonna take a brief overview of my birth plan, so obviously that'll give me some idea, I want to make sure she's going to be easy with letting me decide what's best for me, labour-wise, iykwim? Position changing, quiet, peaceful atmosphere and so on...)...

I think it's important that you gel and that like you've said she'll be happy for it to be YOUR labour and birth with her in attendance and not directing you. Do you need to check that she has a relationship with a local hospital in the event of transfer? Check what she knows about hypnobirthing maybe? ie that you'll want your OH to be the one she directs questions to if you are in deep relaxation and that you might not want a very active labour - you may want to get comfy and drift off for long periods of time.
Congratulations again Cupcake, your daughter is beautiful look at those lovely long locks of hair! :cloud9:
Manda - It looks like things are starting to move in the right direction for you now. I can tell things are progressing nicely, I have a feeling you will have a baby before the weekend. :happydance:

Mervs Mum, I really hope that midwife is wrong it does sound like she is probably being over cautious though, you know your own baby and to be honest you knew before when he had turned so your instinct is probably right that he is still head down. Big hugs to you hun :hugs:

Update on Me - I had a bit of itchiness/tinglyness on my hands yesterday and went into hospital for some bloods to be done just to be on the safe side but boy oh boy do I think I shouldnt of bothered?! :dohh: I think I have just got dry skin, because reading up Obstetric Cholestasis it all seems preety intense and Im not scratching at all, but my hands did feel a little tingly but they seem to be Ok now I wouldnt have been able to sleep if I didnt go to get checked. BP was fine, Urine was fine but will call tomorrow for blood results. I almost felt like the doctors WANTED me to have it, even though I was the one that suggested it. Trying to get me to go consultant appointments and all that lark, I thought they can bloody well sod that Ive been there got the t-shirt with that jazz!! :haha: I said, I only want the results!

Nursery is coming along lovely though, Im so pleased with it I could gaze at it all day..:cloud9:
Spoke too soon...Manda is in labour at hospital from her facebook status :happydance: x x
Aww I just went and looked!! Looks like her HB is out the window but at least things are moving along!! :D
Thanks! I added a couple of things to our questions...

The meeting went much better than I was expecting! It was fab! There are 2 midwives and they're both really friendly. One of them actually had a hypnobirth with one of her six children! They seem really open and easy-going; said it was OUR birth and they are just there for safety reasons, to offer advice and provide extra support if it's needed. :) Their transfer rate to hospital is 10% and they were very open discussing what happens with transfers - said that generally transfers are because momma is getting tired and wants some relief, rather than emergency cases. They also transfer to the hospital I really like (the one that allows women to labour in pools, but aren't allowed to say they'll let them deliver in the pools...) which I'm happy about - hopefully I won't need a transfer, but it's good to know if I do, I know the hospital and it's the one I would choose if I had to. :thumbup:

I also asked if they have a lot of first time moms, which she said they do - she also said it's better to have a homebirth with the 1st, because then you don't go into a hospital and get convinced that there's something wrong with you - eg requiring interventions (that you don't actually need) and so on.

They said something about $65 for a birth kit..disposables etc, but they made it sound like we get it from someone else...what does this consist of? If it's just disposable bits and pieces I'm sure we could get it for cheaper than $65?...

Overall I'm really pleased, they seem to have similar beliefs/ideas to us and we both generally felt comfortable with them. :)

So $2300 for all the care, DH is ringing up tomorrow to confirm...we have to have that paid by 36 weeks.

I just pinched this from Manda's FB status to update you all :)

Amanda & james are so happy to announce the birth of Jack William on 3.3 @ 2320. 8hr labour @ hospital due to grade 3 meconium. Only tens & g&a, tiny unsutured tear, phys 3rd stage. 8lb, 11oz & 21.5cm. Just had 25min bf!

Congrats Manda!! Cant wait to hear your story!! :hugs:
I just pinched this from Manda's FB status to update you all :)

Amanda & james are so happy to announce the birth of Jack William on 3.3 @ 2320. 8hr labour @ hospital due to grade 3 meconium. Only tens & g&a, tiny unsutured tear, phys 3rd stage. 8lb, 11oz & 21.5cm. Just had 25min bf!

Congrats Manda!! Cant wait to hear your story!! :hugs:

Ive just seen it yay! :happydance: Even though she didnt get her homebirth she has clearly done so well. Very happy for her x x
Gosh this whole pregnancy lark is such a rollercoaster at times! I feel very up and down again at the moment and for those of you who 'know' me, that's so not me!! I am totally Mrs 'UP'! I know 3 and a bit weeks to my due date is ages in some respects but I think it's dawning on me that maybe it's not that far off really....I felt so elated at the last scan being told he's head down....now I feel deflated again. I have to wait another week till this scan (next thursday) and then what? I feel like they will say he's head down BUT as soon as I go into labour and I'm palpated will they be 'humming and ahhing' and sending me for another scan....:( I made the fatal mistake of Googling last night (must take my own advice :dohh:) about 'unstable lie' and now the whole prolapsed cord thing is rearing it's head. I dont know think they are saying he's unstable but I feel like he changes from breech or head down to transverse quite a bit.....but it could be the BHs across my bump I'm mistaking for him laying across ways.....Oh I dont know....sorry to come and rant on here girls.
Gosh this whole pregnancy lark is such a rollercoaster at times! I feel very up and down again at the moment and for those of you who 'know' me, that's so not me!! I am totally Mrs 'UP'! I know 3 and a bit weeks to my due date is ages in some respects but I think it's dawning on me that maybe it's not that far off really....I felt so elated at the last scan being told he's head down....now I feel deflated again. I have to wait another week till this scan (next thursday) and then what? I feel like they will say he's head down BUT as soon as I go into labour and I'm palpated will they be 'humming and ahhing' and sending me for another scan....:( I made the fatal mistake of Googling last night (must take my own advice :dohh:) about 'unstable lie' and now the whole prolapsed cord thing is rearing it's head. I dont know think they are saying he's unstable but I feel like he changes from breech or head down to transverse quite a bit.....but it could be the BHs across my bump I'm mistaking for him laying across ways.....Oh I dont know....sorry to come and rant on here girls.

Oh Hun it's really not like you. Was sid actually breech to start with? When I was preggers with alfie my MW always got his bum and head mixed up as he had a big bum :D My sister's baby turned breech at 28 weeks and she said she really FELT him move during the night while she was asleep and it was an uncofortable feeling. Surely you would of felt sid turn at 34+ weeks and he's above average. X
Congrats Manda!

Cupcake your Lo is so beautiful, well done xxx

MM I really really think you would have felt him move at 36 weeks. I felt baby move from transverse lie to I think head down, but in any event I felt him move and it was bloody uncomfortable.

I really wouldnt stress about it (easier said than done I know). Is a private scan an option if you are worried about waiting til Thursday?
Congrats Manda! Another beautiful baby safely with us :cloud9: Can't wait to see some pics and hear your story :hugs:

Lisa love, you know where I am if you want to call or whatever for a moan, if I was closer I'd bum shuffle over there today and bring you cake and cuddles! Seriously though, you know I'm always here for you, you're my fave girl :flower:

Thanks girls :hug:

I am starting to wonder if he ever was breech. I mean it doesnt matter really does it. I DEFINITELY felt him trying to turn the days before the last scan. I would jump like :shock: and he kept me awake most of the night after I had the hypnotherapy but while he's stayed mega active, he's not doing anything that comes near to that crazy flipping of the other week......*sigh*

Any how....I decided to book a pedicure for next tuesday then I got chatting to the girl at the Spa I use and she recommended some reflexology. I'm going to have that instead and she'll pamper my toe nails too. The reflexology is another deep relaxation thing which sits nicely with hypnonbirthing so let's hope it gets me back in my regular chilled and happy state of mind. :)

:kiss: to you all - I feel better already :winkwink:
MM - glad to hear that you are feeling more positive today! Pregnancy is definitely one big rollercoaster! I've been having a rough week myself and can't wait to get over this hump. :)

Manda - congrats! I am so proud of you and can't wait to hear your birth story.

nightkd - your midwives sound wonderful! congrats!

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