Home education/schooling

That's awful can EO help at all? What about your MP or a solicitor? They are totally abusing the law
I'm looking into various things, I have contacted education otherwise about this before and asked on their forum about it (which only members can post on and their various staff are on the forums as well) and they just said to keep copies of all letters and correspondence since the LEA are being quite overbearing but they aren't actually taking us to court or anything concrete like that. Also the LEAs do try to abuse some more recent legislation about children absent from school/playing truant, according to this legislation they are legally responsible for any children absent from school and not being educated adequately, while elective home-ed is obviously not that sitation some LEAs try to make out it is.
thanks for the info for preschoolers i'll look at it when we get back from hols, thankfully my parents at least will be supportive of however we educate the boys , not sure DH's father will take the same approach though lol, I do want to at the very least make sure they are able to keep up with what they are given work wise if we send them to school but i dont think during the younger years that edcuation needs to be as formal as schools make it and think the exams and reviews constantly are pointless wastes of time as it means the children get taught what they need to know to follow the curve and pass the exams not what they actually need to know
So does anyone have any good websites for 3 year olds? I'm always on the look out
hi can i join we arent 100 per cent sure if were going to home ed or send him to public/private school but were 85 pr cent set on home ed

my lo is 11 months so got a little time to research ect x
Of course you can join, all are welcome in the home ed community (except horrid LEA officers lol)
Am taking a deep breath from the unschooling thread in kids/teenagers lol
Just read it (and posted!) I wish I could just keep my mouth shut when it comes to this sort of thing, but I never can!
Lol, it takes me forever to post on threads like that as I have to keep checking I'm not away to offend someone.
i know what you mean. It's a shame not everyone is so thoughtful!
REALLY biting my tongue now. My own fault for asking in the first place I guess.
Careful you don't bite right through your tongue after that one lol
Wow. Judgemental much? I had to bite my tongue too. The bitch in me comes out at times like this and I must reign her in!

Albert is starting nursery next week. It is a child first nursery where they are allowed to do whatever they want. I really hope it sets him up well for home schooling. I didn't want to send him at all but OH won't get up in the mornings to look after him!
I didn't bite hard enough. Oops.
Hi, I'm Andrea and have 2 daughters, Sophia aged 2 and a half and Helena aged 6 months. Home education has always been at the back of my mind for my children but I am now starting to seriously look at it and read as much info about it as possible. There are a number of reasons HE appeals to me, I have discussed it with my husband and so long as we are in agreement and I have his support then I think it's something I would really like to go ahead and do with both my girls.
So far just mentioning that it's something I'm considering receives negativity from family and friends, asking if it's legal and frowning, looking at me with a sad face implying that my girls will miss out by not attending school, so it's nice to come on here and read that I'm not alone and to read encouraging stories form those who are already home schooling.
Hi Andrea, welcome to the group.

I hate to say it but you'll probably need a thick skin if you're going to home ed as you'll even get strangers on the bus telling you off for 'ruining your children'. But if you stick to your convictions you really will be giving your children the very best, and you'll be able to point to them when they're all grown up and say 'I told you so' to all the detractors.
I know it VERY early but I'm thinking about homeschholing. :wave:

Do you make sure your kids know what they should for their age according to the national curriculum? What about when they are older and you dont understand their seconday school work?

Im really liking the idea of home schooling but im scared ill make my kids a bit thick :wacko: xx
There's a LOT of different ways of doing home ed. There's the schooling approach where you maybe spend a couple of hours every morning doing schoolwork, there's the unschooling approach where the kids lead the way and the parent simply supports and assists, and then there's everything in between. We will not be following the national curriculum and the age kids should learn things is very much debated. It's totally up to you what method you use to educate your own children.

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