Hoping April is Our month for good things to happen

Welcome JCM! I am sorry to hear how many shots and meds you need daily. Hopefully you will get some good news at your appointment on May 1st. Do you temp or use opks at all?

We have been ttc for a year and have an appointment on May 6th with a FS, I had a m/c in December and started charting in January. I have had 3 cycles with 8-9 day Luteal phases. I am hoping our fertility issues are a quick fix and I hope they can also run a SA on hubby. My two OBs have been awful and won't help me out at all, so it is time to move on.
Hi everyone. I wanted to thank you all for posting. I've been following these threads off and on and they have been really helpful to me. I am 28 and my husband and I have been ttc #1 for 6 months. I know it hasn't really been that long, but it's still been hard with co workers and friends getting pregnant with the first and second left and right with no trouble. Since being off bcp my cycles have ranged from 24 to 34 days. I have started charting a couple months ago. I am trying to remain positive that there is nothing wrong with either my husband or myself and that these things just take time...really thought ttc would be a more fun process than it is turning out to be!

Thinking of all of you and saying a prayer for good things to come!

P.S: I don't know all of the abbreviations used in these forums if anyone wants to fill me in! Thanks!!
For awhile I was having 21 or less day cycles and that's when I demanded a specialist. I was so tired of hearing "you're young, just relax" UGH! So apparently my hostile uterus was a problem. All of these meds seem to help. I feel good and my cycles are back to normal. Also, my prolactin was so high that I always had the super sore boobs and nipples for 18 days on a 21 day cycle. I was miserable. My husband had a vasectomy reversal last January so I was afraid it didn't take or was scarring up. So he started clomid giving us some higher numbers but not back to normal yet! It's so nice to have a doctor that doesn't brush you off when you have concerns about ttc.
I have never got into temping because I feel like that would make my mind more crazy...did I mention I have 4 stepchildren? My life has been nuts this last 2 years. Lol we have 50% custody so I keep busy! I did use a clearblue fertility monitor for about 5 months. It frustrated me because I made sure to have sex on all of the high fertility peak days and here I am, getting ready for iui!
I joke with my husband about him not having to actually have sex with me to get me pregnant from here on...I have a feeling clomid might turn me into a bigger ttc monster! Lol
So sorry about your miscarriage. Was it your first baby? I have a friend that has a husband that refuses to have his sperm checked because "he's not the problem" so she's been on clomid for too long. She has one ovary. I think it's smart to have both people checked. Saves you a lot of time and stress! Our insurance doesn't cover anything fertility related so it's all out of pocket! Does your insurance help?
Oh, and I threw my monitor in a drawer this cycle! So I have no idea when I ovulate this month. Haha trying to do it the old fashioned way and trying to stick with it is hard! I'm such a control freak
Hi everyone. I wanted to thank you all for posting. I've been following these threads off and on and they have been really helpful to me. I am 28 and my husband and I have been ttc #1 for 6 months. I know it hasn't really been that long, but it's still been hard with co workers and friends getting pregnant with the first and second left and right with no trouble. Since being off bcp my cycles have ranged from 24 to 34 days. I have started charting a couple months ago. I am trying to remain positive that there is nothing wrong with either my husband or myself and that these things just take time...really thought ttc would be a more fun process than it is turning out to be!

Thinking of all of you and saying a prayer for good things to come!

P.S: I don't know all of the abbreviations used in these forums if anyone wants to fill me in! Thanks!!

I always thought as soon as you wanted to get pregnant it would happen the first month or two. Guess I paid too much attention in health class, but they obviously gave us the wrong information.

A few abbreviations I commonly use are:
O = ovulate
RE/FS = fertility specialist
DPO = days past ovulation
CD = cycle day
BFN = negative test
BFP = "big fat positive" ...we all want to see lots of these!
OPK = ovulation predictor kit
BD = baby dance, intercourse

If you have any questions, just ask! We are a chatty bunch of girls.
For awhile I was having 21 or less day cycles and that's when I demanded a specialist. I was so tired of hearing "you're young, just relax" UGH! So apparently my hostile uterus was a problem. All of these meds seem to help. I feel good and my cycles are back to normal. Also, my prolactin was so high that I always had the super sore boobs and nipples for 18 days on a 21 day cycle. I was miserable. My husband had a vasectomy reversal last January so I was afraid it didn't take or was scarring up. So he started clomid giving us some higher numbers but not back to normal yet! It's so nice to have a doctor that doesn't brush you off when you have concerns about ttc.
I have never got into temping because I feel like that would make my mind more crazy...did I mention I have 4 stepchildren? My life has been nuts this last 2 years. Lol we have 50% custody so I keep busy! I did use a clearblue fertility monitor for about 5 months. It frustrated me because I made sure to have sex on all of the high fertility peak days and here I am, getting ready for iui!
I joke with my husband about him not having to actually have sex with me to get me pregnant from here on...I have a feeling clomid might turn me into a bigger ttc monster! Lol
So sorry about your miscarriage. Was it your first baby? I have a friend that has a husband that refuses to have his sperm checked because "he's not the problem" so she's been on clomid for too long. She has one ovary. I think it's smart to have both people checked. Saves you a lot of time and stress! Our insurance doesn't cover anything fertility related so it's all out of pocket! Does your insurance help?
Oh, and I threw my monitor in a drawer this cycle! So I have no idea when I ovulate this month. Haha trying to do it the old fashioned way and trying to stick with it is hard! I'm such a control freak

I was going to go in to get tested back in January but I ended up getting my bfp on December 1st. I had a m/c and the nurses at the office were so extremely rude and did not handle my situation well (I was on vacation in the mountains with limited cell service...long story). I ended up switching OB's, I had hoped he would start testing since I had a m/c but he said he didn't see a reason to test either of us and to have "well timed intercourse" and within 6 months I would be prego. He told me to aim for CD7-12 since my cycle were averaging 24-26 days long. I started temping and using opks and found that I ovulate between CD17-CD20 and have an average 9 day LP. My cycles are a bit longer since I had the m/c too. Anyways, I emailed him my concerns of my short LP and he did test my Progesterone last cycle and it was 7.0 and he said I was perfectly fine and just focus on well timed intercourse. No testing either of us. I am finished wasting time and booked an appointment with an RE. Right now I don't care what the cost is, I just want a few basic tests run and if I have to pay out of pocket...it is better than wasting more months if there is something that can be done about it now. My husband and I sat down and agreed upon what our plans are right now, which is good to be on the same page. My hubby had a double hernia surgery back 3 years ago, his surgeon did say it could effect his fertility but no one will do a SA for him. We have wanted him to get checked since November. I have IBS and am on a special diet. I also have low vitamin D, like extremely low. We have been married for almost 10 years and we are both 30+. This will be our first baby!
Insurance will cover some testing but no procedures, right now we agree I could do IUI but I want to get tested first and see if that is our best option. I am hoping a longer LP or ovulating earlier is all I need to get my sticky bfp. Wow, sorry that was long!

Wow, 4 stepchildren! I guess you do keep busy! I am glad the meds seemed to help balance out your cycle. My hubby and I follow SMEP (basically BDing every other day until a + opk and then BDing 3 days in a row, skip 1 day and then BD one last time) we find it helpful, we have a plan and know what night we are going to BD. Romantic? Maybe not but it works for us. I was unsure about temping but decided to try it, it is free, quick and easy. I ended up loving it and the information I get from it. But it isn't for everyone and if you have 4 little ones running around it might get tricky. Are your stepchildren older or younger?
I'm so sorry about your grandpa and your mom. It's everything at the same time... not easy at all. I know what you mean with people being insensitive, especially some in laws. You did the right thing to vent with us. It's not easy for DH to be caught in the middle I suppose and you don't want to be the bad guy. Hope this rough patch blows over soon and everything goes back to normal. BIG HUG :hugs:

Thanks Suzy, no way would I ever tell my hubby my feelings on his family! He is super defensive and right now I don't feel like fighting.

I just worry that this is the end for my Grandpa, he is old, weak and very sick.

Okay back to ttc....Suzy, any sign of a + opk yet?
My temp went back down just a bit...not sure if I will even get CHs since my temps are super crazy this month. Maybe I didn't ovulate? Thinking I am out this month will all the added stress but looking forward to my appointment in 2 weeks with the RE!

No + OPK so far. I'm super busy with the move this week and am basically stressed and exhausted. I think that could delay O but I really wish it wouldn't.

Do you have any symptoms yet? Too early I guess. But you did BD during O right?
No + OPK so far. I'm super busy with the move this week and am basically stressed and exhausted. I think that could delay O but I really wish it wouldn't.

Do you have any symptoms yet? Too early I guess. But you did BD during O right?

Hopefully the move, stress and exhaustion won't delay your O. Hopefully you will get a + opk soon.

The only symptom I have is very bad AF cramping, it has gotten worse throughout the day. Not sure if it is maybe delayed ovulation or stress? Probably should BD tonight just in case but not feeling like I want to. We BDed 4 nights in a row and skipped last night.
Just checking in quickly. I read all the posts but haven't had time to post. All I do now is box and unbox stuff and move furniture... Ah! My lower back hurts a little but I think that's because I lifted a heavy table yesterday. Still no + OPK. The yams sure are taking their time.
I'll keep on reading all of your updates oin the meantime.
Just checkin in. I finally got caught up on everyones posts. FX for everyone. I know some are starting new cycles like me and others are still in the TWW.

AFM I have a miserable cold that started as a sore throat on Saturday. It made Easter not so fun trying to keep up with all our activities that day but the weather here was 75 and that's crazy high for WI this time of year so I wasn't going to let a cold keep be down.

Just waiting to O and working on getting our wedding together, only 18 more days.
For awhile I was having 21 or less day cycles and that's when I demanded a specialist. I was so tired of hearing "you're young, just relax" UGH! So apparently my hostile uterus was a problem. All of these meds seem to help. I feel good and my cycles are back to normal. Also, my prolactin was so high that I always had the super sore boobs and nipples for 18 days on a 21 day cycle. I was miserable. My husband had a vasectomy reversal last January so I was afraid it didn't take or was scarring up. So he started clomid giving us some higher numbers but not back to normal yet! It's so nice to have a doctor that doesn't brush you off when you have concerns about ttc.
I have never got into temping because I feel like that would make my mind more crazy...did I mention I have 4 stepchildren? My life has been nuts this last 2 years. Lol we have 50% custody so I keep busy! I did use a clearblue fertility monitor for about 5 months. It frustrated me because I made sure to have sex on all of the high fertility peak days and here I am, getting ready for iui!
I joke with my husband about him not having to actually have sex with me to get me pregnant from here on...I have a feeling clomid might turn me into a bigger ttc monster! Lol
So sorry about your miscarriage. Was it your first baby? I have a friend that has a husband that refuses to have his sperm checked because "he's not the problem" so she's been on clomid for too long. She has one ovary. I think it's smart to have both people checked. Saves you a lot of time and stress! Our insurance doesn't cover anything fertility related so it's all out of pocket! Does your insurance help?
Oh, and I threw my monitor in a drawer this cycle! So I have no idea when I ovulate this month. Haha trying to do it the old fashioned way and trying to stick with it is hard! I'm such a control freak

I was going to go in to get tested back in January but I ended up getting my bfp on December 1st. I had a m/c and the nurses at the office were so extremely rude and did not handle my situation well (I was on vacation in the mountains with limited cell service...long story). I ended up switching OB's, I had hoped he would start testing since I had a m/c but he said he didn't see a reason to test either of us and to have "well timed intercourse" and within 6 months I would be prego. He told me to aim for CD7-12 since my cycle were averaging 24-26 days long. I started temping and using opks and found that I ovulate between CD17-CD20 and have an average 9 day LP. My cycles are a bit longer since I had the m/c too. Anyways, I emailed him my concerns of my short LP and he did test my Progesterone last cycle and it was 7.0 and he said I was perfectly fine and just focus on well timed intercourse. No testing either of us. I am finished wasting time and booked an appointment with an RE. Right now I don't care what the cost is, I just want a few basic tests run and if I have to pay out of pocket...it is better than wasting more months if there is something that can be done about it now. My husband and I sat down and agreed upon what our plans are right now, which is good to be on the same page. My hubby had a double hernia surgery back 3 years ago, his surgeon did say it could effect his fertility but no one will do a SA for him. We have wanted him to get checked since November. I have IBS and am on a special diet. I also have low vitamin D, like extremely low. We have been married for almost 10 years and we are both 30+. This will be our first baby!
Insurance will cover some testing but no procedures, right now we agree I could do IUI but I want to get tested first and see if that is our best option. I am hoping a longer LP or ovulating earlier is all I need to get my sticky bfp. Wow, sorry that was long!

Wow, 4 stepchildren! I guess you do keep busy! I am glad the meds seemed to help balance out your cycle. My hubby and I follow SMEP (basically BDing every other day until a + opk and then BDing 3 days in a row, skip 1 day and then BD one last time) we find it helpful, we have a plan and know what night we are going to BD. Romantic? Maybe not but it works for us. I was unsure about temping but decided to try it, it is free, quick and easy. I ended up loving it and the information I get from it. But it isn't for everyone and if you have 4 little ones running around it might get tricky. Are your stepchildren older or younger?

Oh I would have freaked out on those doctors! I don't usually hold anything back...and if I do, my husband speaks up (he is a surgeon and way too smart) I started to feel sad that all the fun of sex was feeling like homework or strictly business. We have only been married almost 2 years and dated 6 months prior to getting married. Everything happened so fast. I was an instant "mother" and I wanted my own I knew for sure. The kids are 14, 12, 10, and 4! And I want to add more!? I'm crazy. Lol
My LP was short too! Once he fixed my inflammation, that changed. He's a little different, my RE. He's incredibly intelligent but when he told me the plan I was like ummmm that's weird. But it worked! This would have been the first month he let me "try" to get pregnant but then I brought in the depressing sperm results. My husbands numbers were up after surgery for awhile and then went down and now they are back up. So, it was a combination of the two of us. If I end up pregnant this month I will be thrilled and probably make everyone with unexplained fertility I know come see my dr!
Quick update...went out with my husbands cousin, came home and stayed up until about 1. Tomorrow is gonna suck waking up for work. Basically forgot all about ttc until getting ready for bed. So no cramping at all. Still brown spotting.
Savvy- I am praying for a speedy recovery! I am also hoping your appointment will shed some light on what needs to be fixed and it will be a quick fix! And that really sucks your losing money on the trip. But family is more important.

Beaglemom- holding out hope that the test turns positive! I am going to ask my RE if he thinks the follitism would benefit me. Anything that will up my chances is fine by me!

Floridasian- did af show?? I bet this next cycle will be better!

Moni- I am so bummed for you. I wish this last IUI would have worked so you all wouldn't have to do IVF. But I know IVF chances are very high and believe that this will be the last stop to your BFP. You can also always hope for a BFP while you all wait on IVF too:)

Allison- awe so cool you got to hear it! So what were you doing your cycle of this BFP? Were you taking medication/trigger and/or anything else? Just wondering when you triggered?

Erose- please keep up posted about your new treatment and progress!

JCM- welcome!! Man that's a lot of meds to take and keep track of! So glad you can do that and endure that each day! Whatever gets us a BFP right?! Hope number are good for you all too!

Hopepeacejoy- welcome to you too!! I thought I would be pregnant sooner than this but here I am 4 years later and still no BFP. It really does take a toll but you know what you want in the end which is a sticky BFP!

Suzy- I am right there with you! No + opk and it's cd23! I did have the surgery and not on femara this cycle. But I have been feeling like I might O. I didn't have any pain in my ovaries and now I am experiencing some pains. Hoping I O so we can at least try this cycle.

Stacy- hoping you feel better soon before O time! Lol

If I forgot anyone I am sending positive vibes your way!!

AFM just waiting to O...feel like I have been waiting forever!!! On cd23 and counting. But I do have O pains in my ovaries so hoping I will O even without femara.
Hi all, I'm new here, and had a MC in March, now I'm in waiting mode again...hope to connect with many here :)
MissStacy, feel better soon! You got an exciting month ahead of you!

JCM, It is a long story but I switched to an OB that worked with my GI doctor. While he was a nice person I think his thinking is just old fashioned. I tried explaining and asking for testing and he won't budge. I think that he basically just wants to do the basics and deliver babies. My hospital has the RE office so I am guessing that if you need help that you just go straight to the RE. I thought about switching OB's but didn't want to waste more time so I went straight to the top. With my GI issues I have learned it is better to just start at the top since those are the people that are dedicated to really help you. It is nice some of the children are older to help take care of the younger 4 year old. Plus they will be good helpers when you have a baby. I am glad you found a great RE. Hopefully you get your bfp soon!

Misaacs, thanks. My mom is going to call her friend, she just went through chemo and deserves a vacation. We are going to see if her and her hubby would like to take our trip for us. If we are going to lose our money we might as well bless someone else. Still bummed though since this is the 6th year we have gone on vacation together, I was thinking it would probably be the last if I got prego. But my Grandpa is way more important. I really hope you O soon! Are you using opks?

Welcome Live42day! I am sorry you had a m/c back in March. How long have you been ttc?

Beaglemom, I am thinking positive thoughts for you! Hope your class goes well today.

Update on my Grandpa - he is stable right now and they are running more tests including pneumonia so we should know more later today. Thanks to everyone who is sending positive vibes, I appreciate your support. :)
MissStacy, feel better soon! You got an exciting month ahead of you!

JCM, It is a long story but I switched to an OB that worked with my GI doctor. While he was a nice person I think his thinking is just old fashioned. I tried explaining and asking for testing and he won't budge. I think that he basically just wants to do the basics and deliver babies. My hospital has the RE office so I am guessing that if you need help that you just go straight to the RE. I thought about switching OB's but didn't want to waste more time so I went straight to the top. With my GI issues I have learned it is better to just start at the top since those are the people that are dedicated to really help you. It is nice some of the children are older to help take care of the younger 4 year old. Plus they will be good helpers when you have a baby. I am glad you found a great RE. Hopefully you get your bfp soon!

Misaacs, thanks. My mom is going to call her friend, she just went through chemo and deserves a vacation. We are going to see if her and her hubby would like to take our trip for us. If we are going to lose our money we might as well bless someone else. Still bummed though since this is the 6th year we have gone on vacation together, I was thinking it would probably be the last if I got prego. But my Grandpa is way more important. I really hope you O soon! Are you using opks?

Welcome Live42day! I am sorry you had a m/c back in March. How long have you been ttc?

Beaglemom, I am thinking positive thoughts for you! Hope your class goes well today.

Update on my Grandpa - he is stable right now and they are running more tests including pneumonia so we should know more later today. Thanks to everyone who is sending positive vibes, I appreciate your support. :)

I am using opks. Another - this morning and last night:( also temping which shows no O either. Thinking this tea doesn't work on me.
Ok…so I don’t have too much time to talk. If I stay on here too long I will get upset & I just calmed myself down so I can work. Basically AF started this morning. I called the office and I was told that after my class they order my meds & it can take up to 7 days. No one told me that. But the way I am looking at it, is even if I had taken an earlier class, the earliest one would have been yesterday…so it would not have helped. I need to start taking meds on CD 3. So I am pretty bummed to say the least. My husband is pissed, but like I said, no way it could have been avoided except we would not have gotten our hopes up for this cycle. So I have popped a few IBprofen, got a mt dew & chocolate bar & just trying to make it to 11:30 when I leave for my class. This cycle will just have to be all natural…but the good news is my husband is working with a much better count than my last natural cycle.

I do, however, plan to talk to the nurse today at class just to make sure there is no way to overnight the drugs & somehow speed up the process. I just can't believe offices can be so different...but it basically boils down to insurance companies, I think. I am going to try to stay positive & my husband has already vowed MORE SEX! So I am not losing all hope. Just need a day or 2 to get these period hormones out of my system & I will feel much better.
AF found me this morning - actually started spotting a little bit just before going to bed last night. Beaglemom, looks like we're starting this cycle together. I go back for my post-op on Friday. Not sure if an ultrasound is going to be done since I'll still be on my period but I have lots of questions for the doctor about my surgery. I didn't really get to talk to him much the surgery because I was still groggy and not really all there at the time.

This cycle I'm going all out - drinking soy milk and eating soy bean oat meal pretty much every day until O. Forcing myself to eat more red meat (I'm not a red meat person so I really have to push myself to get at least one serving of red meat per week). Lots of fresh vegetables! Cut back on processed food. Drinking two cups of raspberry leaf tea per day. Drinking 8 oz of pomegranate juice per day until O. Castor Oil Pack, Fertility Massage, Femoral Massage daily until O.

Supplemnet wise I'm taking:
- Royal Jelly: one teaspoon twice a day on an empty stomach
- Baby Aspirin once a day
- Prenatal vitamin with DHA
- Ubiquinol: 200 mg x 3 times a day
- Vitamin D3: 2000 iu x twice a day
- Dong Quai 3 times a day
- Inositol: 1000 mg x 3 times a day
- Wheat Germ Oil: 1200 mg x 3 times a day
- Add in Grapefruit/Grapefruit Juice starting 4 days before O
- Add in Guaifenesin (Mucinex) starting 4 days before O (3-4 hours before BD)

Oh, and exercise!! I run in the morning!
Beaglemom - sorry about the scheduling mix-up. Maybe you'll get your BFP on your natural cycle! How cool would that be!

Savvy - I'm glad your grandpa is doing better. And I see that you got your cross hairs! Yay! Good luck on the TWW!!

misaacs - looks like your surgery might be messing with your cycle. Take it easy and keep using those OPKS!

Suzy - hope you get some rest after all the stress of moving! My dad broke his back helping me move 10 years ago and he's still suffering from it. He refuses to have surgery or take heavy-duty pain killers so he's pretty much in pain every day. I decided to hire movers after that.

Those with stepchildren - kudos to you!! I don't think I have it in me to help raise other people's children. It took me long enough to decide that I do want my own! LOL!

Welcome JCM, HopePeaceJoy, and Live42day! :wave:
AF found me this morning - actually started spotting a little bit just before going to bed last night. Beaglemom, looks like we're starting this cycle together. I go back for my post-op on Friday. Not sure if an ultrasound is going to be done since I'll still be on my period but I have lots of questions for the doctor about my surgery. I didn't really get to talk to him much the surgery because I was still groggy and not really all there at the time.

This cycle I'm going all out - drinking soy milk and eating soy bean oat meal pretty much every day until O. Forcing myself to eat more red meat (I'm not a red meat person so I really have to push myself to get at least one serving of red meat per week). Lots of fresh vegetables! Cut back on processed food. Drinking two cups of raspberry leaf tea per day. Drinking 8 oz of pomegranate juice per day until O. Castor Oil Pack, Fertility Massage, Femoral Massage daily until O.

Supplemnet wise I'm taking:
- Royal Jelly: one teaspoon twice a day on an empty stomach
- Baby Aspirin once a day
- Prenatal vitamin with DHA
- Ubiquinol: 200 mg x 3 times a day
- Vitamin D3: 2000 iu x twice a day
- Dong Quai 3 times a day
- Inositol: 1000 mg x 3 times a day
- Wheat Germ Oil: 1200 mg x 3 times a day
- Add in Grapefruit/Grapefruit Juice starting 4 days before O
- Add in Guaifenesin (Mucinex) starting 4 days before O (3-4 hours before BD)

Well Floridasian...grab my hand & let's just take a leap of faith this month! Despite being bummed, it does make me happy I have someone starting the same day as me.

I am totally unprepared for this cycle. I didn't plan to use my monitor, so no sticks, no opks...I am going to have to hit amazon tonight or later today if I have time. I will pick my fertilitea back up this cycle...I have a lot left. I am taking DHEA, rasperry leaf supplement (easier than the tea for me), omega 3, vit D, vit c, multi vit, prenatal, DHA, zinc, b6, b12...I think that is it. I also have pom juice & other juice at home. So cheers (me holding a glass of pom juice ;) )
Beaglemom - sorry about the scheduling mix-up. Maybe you'll get your BFP on your natural cycle! How cool would that be!

Savvy - I'm glad your grandpa is doing better. And I see that you got your cross hairs! Yay! Good luck on the TWW!!

misaacs - looks like your surgery might be messing with your cycle. Take it easy and keep using those OPKS!

Suzy - hope you get some rest after all the stress of moving! My dad broke his back helping me move 10 years ago and he's still suffering from it. He refuses to have surgery or take heavy-duty pain killers so he's pretty much in pain every day. I decided to hire movers after that.

Those with stepchildren - kudos to you!! I don't think I have it in me to help raise other people's children. It took me long enough to decide that I do want my own! LOL!

Welcome JCM, HopePeaceJoy, and Live42day! :wave:

I am totally with you on that...I usually hate other people's children. Even my mother says she hates all children...they are all awful...except her children & her grandchildren. I basically only love the kids related to me.

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