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Hoping April is Our month for good things to happen

Hi everyone i am coming back. I am currently in the process of miscarrying. So sad especially since this will be 2 in a row. I will have to get caught up with everyone again.

Sorry Curly :hugs:
AFM, my appt went really well this morning. They had my AMH results from the initial blood tests and said it was 3.5, which is supposedly an excellent number, especially for my age. The nurse made the comment that we'd see that as a norm in a 25-yr old. I breathed a sigh of relief, because I was really worried about that one, and as it turns out, the news was way better than I even thought it would be! Then while the Dr was doing the scan, she saw several follies at the size they should be on Day3 on both ovaries, and said she was very pleased with what she was seeing (which apparently correlates directly with my AMH level...?). Anyway, they said I'm ready for the Femara, so I start it today for five days, and I go back in one week for the next scan to make sure the follies are nice and large, and I guess that's when they'll tell me to do the shot.

I'm liking all this good news Erin. Everything is lining up to be a good cycle. I know it may be funny but I have a good feeling about this one :thumbup:
Ugh, can I vent? Please feel free to skip this, it really has nothing to do with ttc I just have no one else to talk to.

My Grandpa is doing worse, he is in the ICU and in isolation due to his diagnosis. My mom is still sick and since my Grandpa is not doing good we have to cancel our girls trip for this weekend. Honestly I wouldn't feel right about going, but I am still bummed since I look forward to going every year. My MIL is starting to really piss me off, saw her yesterday and all she talked about was my SIL and her being pregnant again...I have my health issues/special diet and she never once asked me how I was doing (that sounds kind of vain, but still hurts my feelings). Now she is calling my DH every couple of hours for an update on my Grandfather...I just want to yell "Why the **** do you care about my Grandpa?? You didn't even come to my Grandmothers funeral in February...why care about me or my family now?" My feelings are hurt and I am so frustrated and upset.

I'm so sorry about your grandpa and your mom. It's everything at the same time... not easy at all. I know what you mean with people being insensitive, especially some in laws. You did the right thing to vent with us. It's not easy for DH to be caught in the middle I suppose and you don't want to be the bad guy. Hope this rough patch blows over soon and everything goes back to normal. BIG HUG :hugs:
I'm so sorry about your grandpa and your mom. It's everything at the same time... not easy at all. I know what you mean with people being insensitive, especially some in laws. You did the right thing to vent with us. It's not easy for DH to be caught in the middle I suppose and you don't want to be the bad guy. Hope this rough patch blows over soon and everything goes back to normal. BIG HUG :hugs:

Thanks Suzy, no way would I ever tell my hubby my feelings on his family! He is super defensive and right now I don't feel like fighting.

I just worry that this is the end for my Grandpa, he is old, weak and very sick.

Okay back to ttc....Suzy, any sign of a + opk yet?
My temp went back down just a bit...not sure if I will even get CHs since my temps are super crazy this month. Maybe I didn't ovulate? Thinking I am out this month will all the added stress but looking forward to my appointment in 2 weeks with the RE!
Savvy maybe the stress is messing up your temps.

Still no af this am and no cramping last night. But last few cycles it showed mid morning. We shall see.
Beaglemom, long cycle...hope that is a good sign. Will you test again tomorrow before your class?
Beaglemom, long cycle...hope that is a good sign. Will you test again tomorrow before your class?

I plan to test tomorrow morning. I was using cheap tests, but now all I have are frer & a digital. So I will use the frer if nothing shows by then. My cycles on clomid have ranged from 30-32 days. So the latest AF has showed is CD 33...so if nothing today, then I would say I am late. I hope it is a good sign. I can't believe I went almost all cycle with no major stressing & now this...just sitting around waiting. It wouldn't be so bad except, AGAIN, timing. The good news is my insurance will let me take any of the injectables. So I will call today & see about how often they have a class. The class is specific to the drug.
Erin - sounds good!!

Beagle - keeping my fingers crossed for one of us! Do they plan on putting you on injectables this cycle? I thought you were doing a femera round first.

Savvy - sorry about your situation - this is the place to vent.

I'll be sticking around, prob not really "talking" much though - more just stalking.
Erin - sounds good!!

Beagle - keeping my fingers crossed for one of us! Do they plan on putting you on injectables this cycle? I thought you were doing a femera round first.

Savvy - sorry about your situation - this is the place to vent.

I'll be sticking around, prob not really "talking" much though - more just stalking.

Femara, follistim, ultrasounds, & the trigger. We are going all out this round! I am just ready to get a move on one way or the other. I would love to be pregnant...just not feeling this cycle is the one. I need to look back at my psychic readings. I think I had January...which means either this cycle with a late delivery or next cycle. I also had someone specifically say a Christmas baby which would be this cycle. We will see. I just can't stand the waiting around!

Moni, I am so excited for you & what is to come. I hope you stay in touch. And who knows, maybe you will be one of those people who get pregnant while on a break ;) Just take care of yourself...try to be as healthy as possible so when IVF comes around, your body will be in tip top shape!

I am excited all around for our group. We are all moving ahead in great directions! 2015 is definitely our year! EARLY 2015 ;)
Beaglemom, great news about your insurance! Though this cycle is still looking good...keeping my fx'd! Would the RE do a blood test if you were uncertain tomorrow?

Moni, thanks. Hope you stay around and chat with us when you can.
Erin - your numbers are great! :thumbup: Very excited for your new cycle!!

Savvy - I'm sorry your grandfather isn't doing well and your MIL is being insensitive about it. Family situations are always the toughest. Vent away!! My parents are coming to visit next week and staying for two and half weeks and I'm dreading it. I'm not sure how I'm going to TTC with them here. I'll try my best!

Beaglemom - no AF is good! Maybe you have a late implanter?

moni - good luck to you on your continued TTC journey and please check in when you can. You, beaglemom, and I have been in this journey together since the SMEP days - was it July or August of last year? It's about time we all get a BFP (and a THB for me!)

Suzy - how are you feeling?

Temp continue to drop so AF will probably be here tomorrow. I did get some beige/light brown CM last night which was very unusual because I don't spot at all. The only time I ever spotted before AF was the cycle I got my BFP and ironically also at 12 DPO. However I have no other symptoms - skin's been perfect (usually a mess in LP and horrible zits at my BFP cycle), and temps are dropping (went up and up at my BFP cycle). I guess I'll chalk it up to leftovers from the surgery.
Not sure if I can get a test or not tomorrow. I know my OB will probably not do it...although I could check & see. Also, how long does it take to get a result?

Floridasian it has definitely been a while. I think Savvy also came to us through the SMEP thread. I think I have been on this journey since about July...so I think it was Aug/Sept when the SMEP thread started. I still can't believe how close I am to the 1 year mark. For those of you who don't know, I have been on BC for 10+ years. July is when we decided to start all the testing processes. Before that, we were content with a childless marriage. But I turned 30 & my needs changed...took 18 months to get my husband back on board & he is back full swing. Sometimes I think he is more excited than me. I had this onsie saved for when I told him we were pregnant. I found it last night when I was packing the baby stuff in a closet because we have family coming tonight for a visit. It is Star Wars. I went ahead & gave it to him. I am just so excited to be pregnant soon...I think I am more excited to make him a dad, you know? I also don't feel like it's pointless anymore...I actually see a light at the end of the tunnel...for all of us!
Hey ladies, just checking in. I've been reading y'all's updates, just not posting, I've been super busy working! I'm 10 weeks now though and have my next appt on Monday. I got one of the at home dopplers and found the baby's heartbeat last night, it was really exciting.

I'm so glad to hear about all the positive things going on! So cool that Erin is moving on to IUI, I think you'll have a great chance! I took the trigger shot twice, not so many side effects. Just remember when testing that it can take about 9 days or so to leave your system, so try not to test too early. Beagle mom, I think this'll be it for you too! And to answer your question, if they did a blood test at your RE, they should be able to get the results the same day if your appt is early enough. At least mine was able to, and that was even with sending it out to another place. My fingers are crossed so much for all of you ladies!! : )
Hey ladies, just checking in. I've been reading y'all's updates, just not posting, I've been super busy working! I'm 10 weeks now though and have my next appt on Monday. I got one of the at home dopplers and found the baby's heartbeat last night, it was really exciting.

I'm so glad to hear about all the positive things going on! So cool that Erin is moving on to IUI, I think you'll have a great chance! I took the trigger shot twice, not so many side effects. Just remember when testing that it can take about 9 days or so to leave your system, so try not to test too early. Beagle mom, I think this'll be it for you too! And to answer your question, if they did a blood test at your RE, they should be able to get the results the same day if your appt is early enough. At least mine was able to, and that was even with sending it out to another place. My fingers are crossed so much for all of you ladies!! : )

Thanks, Allison. So glad your pregnancy is moving right along. Exciting!

I plan to get cheap tests & test my trigger (if it comes to that). Still no cramping today...it is so strange. I think my body is just trying to screw with me. Do you guys think it could have been the progesterone cream? I stopped taking it on Saturday I think. And I wasn't taking a lot & the cream isn't supposed to be that intense anyways.
I used the cream and it didn't delay AF. The actual supplements did, but not the cream.
I joined the group in November, I was on a thread with Erin and FBG and we hopped over to the clomid thread that Erin started, even though I was never on clomid! :) We were ntnp last winter when I stopped bcp and I was stupid enough to think we would get pregnant the first month...I started reading up online and really started ttc in May, so I guess that would mark my 1 year anniversary.

Floridasian, thank you! As nice as a visit from the parents can be, kind of makes it difficult around O time. Could you send them out to a nice dinner as a surprise? That way you can have a few hours alone in the house! I am dreading the summer since we go to the lake house most weekends with my parents. I figured I am going to do my best to schedule around O and hope that is the one weekend a month we can stay home. Do you plan to test if AF doesn't show tomorrow?

Allison, glad you checked in! Congrats on 10 weeks! Keep us posted on your progress, I am hoping we can all join you soon with our baby bumps! :)

Beaglemom, it seems like the cream wouldn't delay it that long especially since you weren't using too much of it. Not sure how long the labs take, my progesterone labs were drawn at 9:30am and I had the ob notes and results by like 2pm. The frer will be better detecting lower hcg.

My Grandpa is doing a bit better, he is alert and talking but still in the ICU. My mom and I officially cancelled our trip, there is no way we can leave and be that far away for a week. Bummer too because we are losing all of the money we paid for the trip, but my Grandpa is a little more important than money. I have had some lower cramping, I should be at 2dpo so it is too early for symptoms yet...probably nerves.
So I just called about my class & I guess I need to take it before I start my cycle so they can be sure I get my meds. I think I was not explained well on that one. But I don't think it should be too big a deal because if I start, I would only be like CD 1-2. So hopefully it will still be okay. So unless I get a positive hpt tomorrow, I guess I will be taking this class. I hope I am wasting $55 & don't need any of this stuff. I am trying not to get excited.

Savvy, again I am sorry you are going through this. Most important, I feel bad about your grandfather...and then on a lesser scale your trip being cancelled & the added stress which can reflect in your cycle & may cause some confusion later. So now your body may be out of wack & it could be ANYTHING...implantation, pregnancy, anxiety, stress.
Beaglemom, one way to look at it is, if you take the class and pay $55 and then you end up getting a bfp a day or two later, you lost $55 but you have your bfp!
Thanks, I appreciate that you girls are letting me vent here. I guess when I started this cycle I told myself I wasn't going to go too crazy since I had the trip coming up and the RE appointment in May. So I am okay with waiting and not getting my bfp this month. Since I didn't schedule any work until next week, I suddenly have quite a bit of free time. I decided to pull out my scrapbook supplies and make some pages of my Grandparents.
Hello! Can I join? I have been ttc#1 for over a year! Low sperm count and motility until he started taking clomid...so now we are awaiting the next sperm analysis for may 1st to determine iui or ivf/icsi. This wait is killing me because I like to be prepared! So we thought we would give it one last natural try this month without any ttc stress. That worked for about 30 seconds! Lol I'm a crazy obsessed woman. I'm on day 10 of what is usually a 22-26 day cycle. My fertility specialist has me on heparin shots twice a day and 3 other meds for inflammation of my uterus and high prolactin. I feel like a pin cushion already so I'm really afraid for ivf. It seems iui is a tolerable thing so I'm really praying that's the way we go. It all depends on the numbers in 10 days! Or it would be fabulous if I conceived naturally this month but I'm not counting on it! Trying to get pregnant has become a nightmare...

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