Hoping April is Our month for good things to happen

Can I jump in on this thread too?

I'm 26, been married for 3 years and we just started TTC for baby no. 1 :)

AF is due in 2 days so I'm just waiting patiently. Noticing every twitch, smell, sneeze... Trying to get babies off the brain with no luck ;-)
Thanks girls...I was beginning to think I overreacted but I am just so disappointed because I had hopes that he was actually going to help me. I am worried that he won't give me a referral and I really would like to see a FS at the same hospital (largest and nationally known) but I am worried that maybe all the doctors there are the same and don't really run tests or anything. I am going to call and ask if they run tests and make sure I am not wasting my time.

My hubby just doesn't understand, he thinks this guys is ridiculous but doesn't understand why I want to skip straight to a FS. He thinks I should try different hospital and OB. Ugh. I guess I just want the whole package, I want every test that could possibly be run or I will just sit here, google and worry myself into another mess of depression and hopelessness. Took me over 3 years to get out of my GI slump and I am finally doing better and now I have to deal with this...plus now I have AF cramps, April fools and the joke is definitely on me this year.
Going in for my SHG and repeat HCG tomorrow morning - I'm getting really nervous at what they might find. Praying hard for an "all clear"!!
Thanks girls...I was beginning to think I overreacted but I am just so disappointed because I had hopes that he was actually going to help me. I am worried that he won't give me a referral and I really would like to see a FS at the same hospital (largest and nationally known) but I am worried that maybe all the doctors there are the same and don't really run tests or anything. I am going to call and ask if they run tests and make sure I am not wasting my time.

My hubby just doesn't understand, he thinks this guys is ridiculous but doesn't understand why I want to skip straight to a FS. He thinks I should try different hospital and OB. Ugh. I guess I just want the whole package, I want every test that could possibly be run or I will just sit here, google and worry myself into another mess of depression and hopelessness. Took me over 3 years to get out of my GI slump and I am finally doing better and now I have to deal with this...plus now I have AF cramps, April fools and the joke is definitely on me this year.

Hey Savvy, keep your head up. If the joker (and I completely agree with you on that...I would be SO frustrated) doesn't refer you to a FS, then maybe you do a fresh start at a different hospital. Is it possible for you to read reviews of OB/hospitals before selecting where to go? I did that this last time around and it made really happy to find an OB that delivered a friend's baby and helped her through the whole process. If you can get a personal recommendation that would really be ideal.

As for testing, AF is due around the 8th, so I'll wait until then I think. Not feeling preggers and not seeing any of the signs people talk about.
Hey ladies! AF did show and the pain is awful!! DH went and got me midol and reeses eggs :) He didn't know that I hate reeses. He was like here babe and I looked at him and said thanks but I hate reeses. He was like what?! How do I not know this? He also told me that the lady working was making fun of him for doing that for me which I thought was really rude! Be he told her off lol.
Anyway... I got really emotional yesterday at my appointment at the REs office. I was sitting in the room waiting on the doctor and the nurse decided to come in and talk to me. She just did that on her own. I got teared up talking to her about this surgery but she agreed that I do need it since every ultrasound I have at least 2 mature follicles. I thought that was so nice of her. I held it together more with the doctor. But he knew I was nervous and upset. I could tell he was really trying to ease that for me and he answered all the questions I had the best he could. He did tell me that he thinks my chances of having endometriosis is about 70%!!! I hope not!
I don't remember who asked this but I live in Ohio. Sorry I don't remember who asked. There was a lot of action on here today lol

Savvy I would go to the FS too! You are at the year mark. PLUS this doctor doesn't seem to know much about getting you pregnant. Did you respond to that email? I would and he frank with the doctor. Tell him you have had a year of TTC and you want to be pregnant ASAP and think that your care would be better handled by the FS/RE. He sounds like my soon to be old OB... A JOKE! The FS will be able to run test for you and create an action plan to get you pregnant asap.

Floridasian Hope you get great news!!

So I was looked today at an online pregnancy calculator and if we get pregnant the next cycle then the baby will be born about February 6th and DHs Bday is the 10th. I told DH that if it does fall on his birthday that he will never forget the babies bday lol. He is awful with dates!! Then if we don't get pregnant that cycle but do the next one the baby would be born around my birthday!
Hey Savvy, keep your head up. If the joker (and I completely agree with you on that...I would be SO frustrated) doesn't refer you to a FS, then maybe you do a fresh start at a different hospital. Is it possible for you to read reviews of OB/hospitals before selecting where to go? I did that this last time around and it made really happy to find an OB that delivered a friend's baby and helped her through the whole process. If you can get a personal recommendation that would really be ideal.

As for testing, AF is due around the 8th, so I'll wait until then I think. Not feeling preggers and not seeing any of the signs people talk about.

Thanks prachipie, I have some GI issues (IBS) and I am on meds and a very specific diet through the same hospital as my OB. I wanted to try to keep everything together for the ease of looking at my charts, checking meds and the doctors could talk too. I am going to call over to the FS tomorrow and plead, beg, cry...whatever it takes to get an appointment. I wish I could get a recommendation but unfortunately besides me, DH, joker OB, my GI doctor and all the fabulous girls here...no one knows we are ttc. I am over 30 and my friends and family have given up thinking we would ever have kids. The hospital I am at is one of the top hospitals in the country, I know if I had issues with the birth, etc. that I would be more than well taken care of. Decisions...ugh!

I too have zero symptoms except some heavy cramping right now, though I am hoping that is due to the stress. Going to go to bed early and try to relax tomorrow, I gotta put my energy into growing a baby bean!
Hey ladies! AF did show and the pain is awful!! DH went and got me midol and reeses eggs :) He didn't know that I hate reeses. He was like here babe and I looked at him and said thanks but I hate reeses. He was like what?! How do I not know this? He also told me that the lady working was making fun of him for doing that for me which I thought was really rude! Be he told her off lol.
Anyway... I got really emotional yesterday at my appointment at the REs office. I was sitting in the room waiting on the doctor and the nurse decided to come in and talk to me. She just did that on her own. I got teared up talking to her about this surgery but she agreed that I do need it since every ultrasound I have at least 2 mature follicles. I thought that was so nice of her. I held it together more with the doctor. But he knew I was nervous and upset. I could tell he was really trying to ease that for me and he answered all the questions I had the best he could. He did tell me that he thinks my chances of having endometriosis is about 70%!!! I hope not!
I don't remember who asked this but I live in Ohio. Sorry I don't remember who asked. There was a lot of action on here today lol

Savvy I would go to the FS too! You are at the year mark. PLUS this doctor doesn't seem to know much about getting you pregnant. Did you respond to that email? I would and he frank with the doctor. Tell him you have had a year of TTC and you want to be pregnant ASAP and think that your care would be better handled by the FS/RE. He sounds like my soon to be old OB... A JOKE! The FS will be able to run test for you and create an action plan to get you pregnant asap.

Floridasian Hope you get great news!!

So I was looked today at an online pregnancy calculator and if we get pregnant the next cycle then the baby will be born about February 6th and DHs Bday is the 10th. I told DH that if it does fall on his birthday that he will never forget the babies bday lol. He is awful with dates!! Then if we don't get pregnant that cycle but do the next one the baby would be born around my birthday!

misaacs, so sorry AF showed and is terrible. That was sweet of hubby to get you meds and chocolate - what a wicked cashier though! Sorry you don't like reese's eggs...I love them and I can't eat them (due to my stomach issues)

I am sorry you are feeling so down but the surgery is necessary and it is what you need to finally get your bfp. Your doctor and staff sound wonderful! It is nice to hear they care and are helpful and compassionate.

Thanks, no I didn't respond to the OB. I know I wouldn't have anything nice to say so I just figured I wouldn't respond. I am hoping I can convince the FS to schedule my appointment without his referral...I will find out tomorrow morning.

Thanks to everyone here for dealing with my rant tonight, I was feeling so down and I am starting to feel better and glad to be moving forward. Hoping to hear good news tomorrow morning when I call the FS. :flower:
Hey ladies! AF did show and the pain is awful!! DH went and got me midol and reeses eggs :) He didn't know that I hate reeses. He was like here babe and I looked at him and said thanks but I hate reeses. He was like what?! How do I not know this? He also told me that the lady working was making fun of him for doing that for me which I thought was really rude! Be he told her off lol.
Anyway... I got really emotional yesterday at my appointment at the REs office. I was sitting in the room waiting on the doctor and the nurse decided to come in and talk to me. She just did that on her own. I got teared up talking to her about this surgery but she agreed that I do need it since every ultrasound I have at least 2 mature follicles. I thought that was so nice of her. I held it together more with the doctor. But he knew I was nervous and upset. I could tell he was really trying to ease that for me and he answered all the questions I had the best he could. He did tell me that he thinks my chances of having endometriosis is about 70%!!! I hope not!
I don't remember who asked this but I live in Ohio. Sorry I don't remember who asked. There was a lot of action on here today lol

Savvy I would go to the FS too! You are at the year mark. PLUS this doctor doesn't seem to know much about getting you pregnant. Did you respond to that email? I would and he frank with the doctor. Tell him you have had a year of TTC and you want to be pregnant ASAP and think that your care would be better handled by the FS/RE. He sounds like my soon to be old OB... A JOKE! The FS will be able to run test for you and create an action plan to get you pregnant asap.

Floridasian Hope you get great news!!

So I was looked today at an online pregnancy calculator and if we get pregnant the next cycle then the baby will be born about February 6th and DHs Bday is the 10th. I told DH that if it does fall on his birthday that he will never forget the babies bday lol. He is awful with dates!! Then if we don't get pregnant that cycle but do the next one the baby would be born around my birthday!

misaacs, so sorry AF showed and is terrible. That was sweet of hubby to get you meds and chocolate - what a wicked cashier though! Sorry you don't like reese's eggs...I love them and I can't eat them (due to my stomach issues)

I am sorry you are feeling so down but the surgery is necessary and it is what you need to finally get your bfp. Your doctor and staff sound wonderful! It is nice to hear they care and are helpful and compassionate.

Thanks, no I didn't respond to the OB. I know I wouldn't have anything nice to say so I just figured I wouldn't respond. I am hoping I can convince the FS to schedule my appointment without his referral...I will find out tomorrow morning.

Thanks to everyone here for dealing with my rant tonight, I was feeling so down and I am starting to feel better and glad to be moving forward. Hoping to hear good news tomorrow morning when I call the FS. :flower:

I don't know if this will help but I did not need a referral for my RE. I just called and scheduled. Hope that its the same for you! I think it would be stupid for them not to take you since you will be a paying customer/patient.
Can I jump in on this thread too?

I'm 26, been married for 3 years and we just started TTC for baby no. 1 :)

AF is due in 2 days so I'm just waiting patiently. Noticing every twitch, smell, sneeze... Trying to get babies off the brain with no luck ;-)

Welcome Kimmy! Fx'd you get a bfp!! :)
Savy - I'm sorry you feel down :( Try to dig deep for some hope and happiness... It WILL happen. Doctors, even if some are jerks, will help us all get our well deserved babies. Some people are just so insensitive (Your doc!) but you have all of us and I'm sure real life people to pick you up when you are down :) Sending you loads of happy thoughts!!!

Misaacs - I'm sorry AF showed :( and... How do you not like Reese's?! Lol :) Your hubs sounds sweet!

Prachipie- I'm not feeling any symptoms either, sigh.
Hey ladies. Just moving over from the March thread. I am 26 DH27 we have been trying for a year come June. i had a positive hpt in Dec/Jan. miscarried early January. I generally have 34 day cycles. we are taking a break this month for trying. more less ntnp. if it happens it happens but not actively trying. hopefully we can get another bfp this year.
For me, I need ibprofen, mt dew, and usually I want a whole chocolate cake! My poor husband tries. He brought home a Hershey's and mt dew around day 3. I said that is sweet but I only want it around day 1 then the need is over. I have told him over and over. But you can't get mad. They try hard to understand something that they will just never get.

Savvy my FS didn't seem to need a referral either. I think the referral helps more with getting all your med records. Good luck.

My boss has been in a real chatty mood lately with my ttc. It's strange for me because I am so private. But it is nice to have someone who cares about me know. And he isn't overbearing about it.
So I'm out this month. :witch: hasn't arrived yet but I can definitely feel her now and it's really painful. I'm upset and cranky. I really had a good feeling about this one...
On to the next cycle. At least we keep each other company.

Misaacs sorry about AF. I'm with you.

Savvy I agree that your doctor is an a**. Only you know what's best for you so find a RE that will help.

Hi to all the newcomers.

And of course :dust: to all
Savvy I also meant to add I don't think you are rushing when wanting to see an RE. After 1 year & the fact you have factors that lead you to believe there are issues is a good reason to go to the RE. Good luck!
Good morning, ladies.

Sitting in the doctor's office...waiting. I thought I'd schedule just a checkup since I haven't had one forever and don't have a doctor in town yet. Been waiting forever though. All these ladies going ahead of me are so obviously about to have babies. Ugh. Maybe I should've waited to schedule an appointment.

How are the rest of your mornings going?
FutureBabyG - your chart's looking good!

Suzy - you're only 11 DPO. A lot of the early pregnancy symptoms can be very similar to AF symptoms. Hang in there!

Savvy - I hope you get your appointment with a RE soon. I didn't need a referral and was able to get in within 2 weeks. I really wasn't scared or felt defeated that I needed to see a RE. I was more excited than anything else I think because I was finally taking control of my body instead of just letting it do its own thing.

beaglemom - do you know when you're going in for IUI #3 yet?

misaacs - sorry about AF but your DH is so sweet (even though you didn't like what he got you, but it's the thoughts that count, right?)

Looks like I'm joining you on the hysteroscopy train.

Had the SHG this morning and it showed that the scarring from before my pregnancy/miscarriage was still there so I'm scheduled to have a hysteroscopy next Thursday with the pre-op on Tuesday. Did your doctor say you could try the same cycle as your hysteroscopy? I was too embarrassed to ask today because it was probably obvious I couldn't. It'll be CD13 for me the day of the hysteroscopy and before my m/c I always ovulated on CD13 and with the lining being scraped off during the hysteroscopy it probably won't have enough time to build back up this cycle even if I o late like last cycle anyway. I did ask him if I needed to wait two cycles again like after my D&C and he said no.

It's just ironic that I'm back to exactly where I was four months ago - waiting for the hysteroscopy again.

Also had another repeat HCG but I won't get the results back until later today. Doctor didn't see any obvious pregnancy tumors (other than my fibroid but will look more closely too at the hysteroscopy).
Hi girls, sorry I'm just now checking back in! I've been meaning to post for 3 days, and just now getting around to it. I saw the April thread started, so I figured I'd update here. Btw, thanks to all the girls who responded about the cysts and the surgery, etc. It helps to read others' stories. :flower:

Surgery went fine. It was the size of a freakin' softball! Let me just tell ya'... I'm 5'3" and 110 lbs, so I'm not sure where that thing was fitting! No wonder I was in so much pain. My Dr came in before surgery and told me he was glad I made it through the weekend without it bursting or flipping my ovary. Now I'm just resting and healing. It's not too bad. Since it was laprascopic, I'm mostly just a little sore, and really bloated. I have pain meds, and sometimes when I get too uncomfortable, I just take one of those, and I don't feel a thing, lol. My Dr. doesn't think we need to take this cycle off from TTC, but he said sex might be uncomfortable, so he said I can just determine on my own whether or not I'm up for it, but it will be an unmedicated cycle. Doc said its very possible that the clomid caused the cyst, but he said lots of things cause them, so he couldn't be totally certain. I'm pretty sure it was the clomid though... I had the HSG beginning of March, and I feel like if it was there then, they would've seen it on the xray. So if it became the size of a softball from then until now, surely it was the clomid.

Anyway, I will do a separate post introducing myself to the new ladies and catching up with everyone... I feel like my posts are way too long these days since I don't check in as much lately! LOL
Welcome to all the new ladies who have joined us! Just wanted to introduce myself... If you've seen anyone refer to "Erin", that is me. :) I'm 37. I started when I was 36, and am now in my 17 month or so. No issues with DH's SA, so my Dr put me on Clomid in Oct. I got pg in Dec, at exactly 1 year of TTC, but had a very early m/c. Earlier this month, I had an HSG done, and the good news is that there was a blockage in my right tube that they were able to clear! I know it seems weird to get excited about a blockage, lol! But for me, it gave me some answers as to what has been contributing to taking so long. I dont know how often I O from my right side, but however many times I did, I didn't have a chance of getting prego. For me, it made my infertility not quite such a mystery. And I did get prego once during that time from my left side (confirmed from u/s), so things just made more sense after that HSG. Of course, if they had NOT been able to clear the blockage, it would be a totally different story. But they did, and I'm excited about that. This cyst showing up (on my right ovary), put a damper on things for a bit, but I'm feeling positive again, and I feel like my BFP is just around the corner. :)
savvy, very exciting news about the house! I hope you guys get to build your dream home! As for your OB, i'm glad you are moving on. What a clown!! I feel like he is just repeating himself to you, and not taking this as serious as he needs to, when it's really important to you. So i'm glad you are moving on. I don't blame you one bit! As much as I love my OB, I'm seeing an RE for the first time next Wed. Since they JUST cleared that right tube of mine, I've been a little back and forth on whether I should just be patient for a few months, or just go ahead and see the RE, and I decided to just go ahead and at least get established over there. If I don't, I'll be kicking myself if I'm not prego in a few months.

Beaglemom, FXd for this next IUI. So did you say it's April 7th? Btw, I hope you do make it to Orlando and that we can meet up!

misaacs, so you are having surgery again tomorrow? And is it for the same thing? Just like the cyst you had the first time? Sorry if you already said what it was for... I had to read through and catch up pretty quick. Regardless, GL hun!

Sarah, yay for a good SA! I know it only makes you wonder even more what's causing it to take so long, but still, a good SA is a wonderful thing. I think you've been trying about as long as me, right? Remind me, are you seeing an RE/FS?

Floridasian, so your Dr said you don't have to wait two cycles to start TTC again, right? So that's good news, right? Is this cycle out for sure? Keep us posted on your HCG results. FXd that the number is way down Hun!

Moni, that's great about the back-to-back IUIs! That basically doubles your chances, so that's awesome! When will that happen? I'm thinking when I see the RE, I will probably switch over to Femara. I'll tell him what happened with this cyst and just see what his thoughts are. It didnt happen in any of the other months I was on clomid, and I even got prego on clomid, but since Femara doesn't thin the lining and doesnt usually cause cysts, it might end up being a better option for me.

Fellowes, I wanted to mention something about the HSG... The consensus seems to be that if you don't have a blockage, you'll just feel mild AF-type cramping. The insertion of the catheter and all that is sorta similar to a pap smear and I didnt have an issue with that. The ladies who have had blockages seem to be the ones who have more discomfort during it. As was my case. They had to add more dye and pressure in order to clear the blockage, and it was quite painful for me. But it was worth every second of the pain (which was really probably only 10 seconds, lol!). It doesn't last long, and it gives you answers. And if you dont have a blockage, I think it's easy as pie. So either way, it's a win-win as far as I'm concerned. :)

suzy, i wanted to thank you for your kind words in the March thread. :flower: It was very sweet of you, and its always so nice to have people to chat with who understand.

And again, hello and welcome to all our new gals! And Allison, rub some of that baby dust on all of us here, heheh! I'm happy everything is going well for you! :)
I have had the surgery before. But now they are also doing hysteroscopic to check and make sure everything's clear. My right tube is still blocked so they're going to clear that as well. As for the ovarian cyst he told me monday that he doesn't know what he's going to do about it and I'll just wait to see what it looks like when he goes in there.

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