Hoping April is Our month for good things to happen

Fellowes, thanks for your kind words! I know once I have an appointment with a FS I will feel much better :)

Beaglemom, thanks, I am hoping since it is the same hospital that they would have my records since they are in the system. I am hoping my m/c doesn't interfere with it being 1 year...I want the whole package, all the test for both hubby and I.

Suzy, you are not out! It is only 11dpo and if it is cramping you are feeling it could be implantation! My fx'd for a bfp for you!

crayons, how was your check up?

floridasian, I am sorry you have to have surgery next week. I am hoping your hcg numbers have dropped this week. Keep us posted.

Erin, glad you posted an update! I was getting worried about you. That is crazy it was the size of a softball. I think you said you were interested in trying femara instead of clomid? Is that possible for the next cycle? I think house planning has kept me occupied this month, but now I am driving my husband insane between ttc and houses! :)
I keep forgetting my damn opks to bring to work! But I tested last night...I don't think I had enough urine because it almost looked like a neg hpt. So I will test when I get home, but the monitor still says high. I am putting those opks in my purse when I get home! I am estimating the IUI will be Monday based on last 2 cycles. I still don't know for sure. If I do not have a pos opk on Thursday morning, I will call the dr & go ahead & set it up for Monday in case I O over the weekend. My office closes at 12 on Fridays, so it is nearly impossible to get a call back...that's why I am calling Thursday.

Erin, I would love to meet up in Orlando. I am still not sure yet. So sorry I am usually more decisive. But I am supposed to meet with the New Age person on Sunday with my husband. It would mean an early drive on Saturday & an early drive on Sunday. Just have to make sure I am up for it. But we can always reschedule the New Age...but if my IUI is on Monday, I want all the good mojo I can get before that. I will keep you posted.

Savvy let us know when you get an RE appointment. I am actually a little excited the 2 of us may be making this journey together. I am actually hoping this cycle takes for so many reasons. One just because I want to get pregnant, Two the money I have spent so far, and Three having a Christmas baby!

Erin have you rescheduled with the RE? I guess you will be on the same journey as Savvy & me. I am very nervous & excited. It is a big step in our journey.

Floridasian sorry about the scar tissue...but the way I see it, when you find something wrong with a good/easy solution, you are only moving forward!
Oh & I forgot to mention. It has been hard for me to keep up on this thread with so much new activity....I really love it! Something I forgot to mention when starting this thread for the newbies...our theme here is positivity! We have actually had a few people join just because they loved reading our posts to one another. One of my biggest pet peeves on the threads is seeing negative reactions. I have told people I do unmonitored clomid/IUI & people have reacted with WHY? Ultrasounds are better, clomid needs to be monitored...blah, blah. I am not disagreeing with those statements, but there is a better way to say things. Like mentioning concern...not just trying to make someone feel scared & stupid. We show concern for each other, back them up when they symptom spot, & are just here in general for support. A lot of us are sharing embarrassing stories that we can laugh at after, but is also good to know we are not alone. I know that when I post negative hpts over & over, I still have people say it doesn't matter because AF hasn't started. It may be false hope, but it is hope none the less...& we all need some hope & faith around here.

Okay...enough of all that...welcome to the new people & I really hope you are enjoying the thread & the great ladies we have here.
I love that these threads are positive...and that is why I have to apologize for my negativity yesterday. I am usually super positive, I guess seeing my doctor acting like an idiot got me down yesterday. The sun is shining, it is a beautiful day and I am back on track. Staying positive will help me get my positive hpt soon!

beaglemom, we haven't had many embarrassing stories lately, time to dig up some funny stories! Okay I might be going too far here, but since your boss is talking so much about ttc....maybe you need to tell him he needs to install a opk/hpt machine in the bathroom, that way you wouldn't have to worry about remembering them! :rofl:
I haven't called for an appointment yet, I had errands this morning and figured I would call after the lunch rush this afternoon. Obviously I am hoping and wishing we all don't need our FS appointments, but I am glad that you and Erin will be with me on my journey too...we started this way back in November on the clomid thread and here we are now. Dear Santa...:xmas6: please bring us our Christmas miracles!
Yes I also love your positive outlook on this long, nerve-wrecking journey! I really need it!

I'm glad everything went well, Erin! I can't imagine the pain with a softball size cyst!!

Forgot to say, doctor definitely did not find any retained tissue, so that's good. And my tubes are clear too (not sure how he was able to determine that from a SHG). I don't know if I'm definitely out this cycle since I forgot/was too embarrassed to ask if we could try this cycle but it might depend on what they do/find out at the hysteroscopy. I will ask him when he calls me back about my hCG.
Glad it sounds like you're feeling more positive this morning Savvy! And seriously, I love the positivity on here and the fact that I feel like I can share this kinda scary/overwhelming process with you ladies.

My DH asked an interesting question today, he pointed out that other than ovulation (midcycle) what does temping actually tell you? Why do we bother to temp after the O spike? I told him that we might be able to see an I dip or a dip before AF, but of course those don't happen with most charts, seems like a minority actually get those. Needed to have answer for him so he's still patient about the 6am beeping thermometer (he's actually great about it...always sleepily asks...how's the temp today? and then a groggy follow up...but what does it MEAN? hahah :shrug:). Anyway, thought I'd see if you guys have more insight about this.
I love that these threads are positive...and that is why I have to apologize for my negativity yesterday. I am usually super positive, I guess seeing my doctor acting like an idiot got me down yesterday. The sun is shining, it is a beautiful day and I am back on track. Staying positive will help me get my positive hpt soon!

beaglemom, we haven't had many embarrassing stories lately, time to dig up some funny stories! Okay I might be going too far here, but since your boss is talking so much about ttc....maybe you need to tell him he needs to install a opk/hpt machine in the bathroom, that way you wouldn't have to worry about remembering them! :rofl:
I haven't called for an appointment yet, I had errands this morning and figured I would call after the lunch rush this afternoon. Obviously I am hoping and wishing we all don't need our FS appointments, but I am glad that you and Erin will be with me on my journey too...we started this way back in November on the clomid thread and here we are now. Dear Santa...:xmas6: please bring us our Christmas miracles!

Savvy, I think being negative about your own situation is normal. We all have bad days & we need to get it all out. Which is why our REACTIONS are so important. I don't think we should ever hide when we feel down. We have each other to bring us back up! For me, I always feel down day 1 of my cycle. I sometimes stay off the boards for a while because jut typing out my situation makes me cry. But I would never hesitate in letting out my frustrations here. I usually just need time to regroup & get myself on track. I have said this before...I may not be the best at keeping myself up, but I hope that I keep everyone else up when they need it. I know if I do that, you guys will return it back to me.
Glad it sounds like you're feeling more positive this morning Savvy! And seriously, I love the positivity on here and the fact that I feel like I can share this kinda scary/overwhelming process with you ladies.

My DH asked an interesting question today, he pointed out that other than ovulation (midcycle) what does temping actually tell you? Why do we bother to temp after the O spike? I told him that we might be able to see an I dip or a dip before AF, but of course those don't happen with most charts, seems like a minority actually get those. Needed to have answer for him so he's still patient about the 6am beeping thermometer (he's actually great about it...always sleepily asks...how's the temp today? and then a groggy follow up...but what does it MEAN? hahah :shrug:). Anyway, thought I'd see if you guys have more insight about this.

Not sure how to answer your question. I like to temp to keep on track, if I stopped temping for a week or two I would probably forget for the next cycle too. There are all sorts of theories like "implatation dip" or the "Triphasic chart" which is basically a second rise in temps, it doesn't confirm pregnancy but gives you a better chance I think. Or 18 days of high temps and a missed period gives you a better chance too. Some girls get the drop in temps and then AF shows up the next day. My charts get weird at the end of my cycle, I don't know if it is because of the shorter LP. My hubs didn't like the beeping at first but now barely notices it, I guess it just becomes a routine. I don't know why they had to make the thermometer constantly beep...but I bet a man designed it, so let our husbands have to deal with listening to the beeping! :) Hopefully others are able to answer your questions too.
Savvy, I think being negative about your own situation is normal. We all have bad days & we need to get it all out. Which is why our REACTIONS are so important. I don't think we should ever hide when we feel down. We have each other to bring us back up! For me, I always feel down day 1 of my cycle. I sometimes stay off the boards for a while because jut typing out my situation makes me cry. But I would never hesitate in letting out my frustrations here. I usually just need time to regroup & get myself on track. I have said this before...I may not be the best at keeping myself up, but I hope that I keep everyone else up when they need it. I know if I do that, you guys will return it back to me.

Thanks Beaglemom, I try not to be negative but that doctor got the best of me yesterday. I am glad the ladies here (including you!) are always so positive, that is why I have continued following along for all these months! :)
Glad it sounds like you're feeling more positive this morning Savvy! And seriously, I love the positivity on here and the fact that I feel like I can share this kinda scary/overwhelming process with you ladies.

My DH asked an interesting question today, he pointed out that other than ovulation (midcycle) what does temping actually tell you? Why do we bother to temp after the O spike? I told him that we might be able to see an I dip or a dip before AF, but of course those don't happen with most charts, seems like a minority actually get those. Needed to have answer for him so he's still patient about the 6am beeping thermometer (he's actually great about it...always sleepily asks...how's the temp today? and then a groggy follow up...but what does it MEAN? hahah :shrug:). Anyway, thought I'd see if you guys have more insight about this.
In all honesty - temping is to confirm ovulation and nothing else. It really shouldn't be used to symptom-spot. I know it's hard and it gives us something to do during the TWW but many things can affect your temps during TWW. Some say the implantation dip is a myth and doesn't really exist and is just caused by a secondary estrogen surge.

For me personally, I temp throughout the entire cycle, mostly just out of habit because it's easier to make it a habit and do it every day. In the twilight stage of being awaken by the alarm it's going to be hard to remember which day it is in my cycle and whether or not to temp, so it's easier just to always temp. Also for some people, temps drop a day before AF (but not always) so it's good to know ahead of time to prepare for AF (get those feminine products ready) and save a hpt. Low or rocky temps during TWW can also be a possible sign of low progesterone so that might be another reason to temp throughout the cycle.

But most importantly, you should do whatever feels right for you and works for your situation.

Good luck!
I have a question for you ladies. This month the day i ovulated i actually found out it was my day to ovulate by the pain that stopped me dead in my tracks at work. i have had mid cycle pains before and cysts. my doctor saw them on ultrasound when i was 16. the pain is intermittent and only lasts a few hours. feels like someone is stabbing with a sharp and blunt item in one side or other. this time it was my left side. i have not had this pain in at least 4 years when i went off birth control. if a cyst pops can you or do you release an egg? i know its a dumb question, but since i dont always have the pain i would like to figure this out.
I have a question for you ladies. This month the day i ovulated i actually found out it was my day to ovulate by the pain that stopped me dead in my tracks at work. i have had mid cycle pains before and cysts. my doctor saw them on ultrasound when i was 16. the pain is intermittent and only lasts a few hours. feels like someone is stabbing with a sharp and blunt item in one side or other. this time it was my left side. i have not had this pain in at least 4 years when i went off birth control. if a cyst pops can you or do you release an egg? i know its a dumb question, but since i dont always have the pain i would like to figure this out.

FBG, I really think we have been cycle twins during the last few months. Unfortunately I don't know the answer but reading your question was like reading something I wrote. The day I believed was my ovulation day (last Monday) I had extreme pains on my right side, it felt like I was being stabbed with a knife (or what I think a knife would feel like since luckily I have never been stabbed with a real knife!) It came up in the afternoon and lasted a few hours. I also had a positive opk that day. FF marked my O day as Wednesday because of the rise and fall of my temps and the + opk on Tuesday...if I pretend Tuesday didn't happen, I get marked as I ovulated on Monday. I have never felt pains like that before in my side and was getting quite worried, if they would have lasted longer than a few hours I would have been at the ER.
FS appointment booked! Not thrilled that I have to wait until May but is very typical for specialist appointments at this hospital - I had to reschedule a GI appointment once and had to wait 3 months to get in! So my lesson for the day and advice, schedule in advance...you can always cancel! Now I wish I hadn't wasted time with the joker OB and listened to my gut last month. Anyways, I was to the point with the receptionist and made sure I would be tested and feel very confident that I made the right decision.
Thank you Savvy. I kmow you didnt have a yes or no answer to if we ovulated or not but it makes me feel better knowing i am not alone. i am going to call my obgyn and talk with the nurse to find out what the next steps are if i am not pregant by July that would put me at 13 months of trying and 6-7 months past my early mc. i havent done anything in a doctors office yet. no blood work for hormones. she has only tested my rh factor with my blood type. i havent had any diagnostic tests or even really talked to anyone. Any suggestions?
FBG, seriously sometimes I feel like I start to imagine stuff so I am glad that others have similar symptoms to me, makes me feel like they were real and that was ovulation. However I did read that you can feel pain before, during or after ovulation, so I wonder if that was my body gearing up to ovulate? I think as far as making appointments that is completely up to what you and your DH think is appropriate for your situation. We all vary in ages/months ttc/etc. I am a bit older than some (33) and after ttc for about a year I feel like I am ready for that next step, my LP was short the last two cycles, I had a unexplained m/c, my dh could have fertility issues due to double hernia surgery a few years back. I also have my own health issues, including IBS, low potassium, low vit D, and other low and/or elevated levels which could contribute to my body not being able to become pregnant. I guess at my age I want to start a family sooner rather than later. Whatever you choose I would encourage you to book it in advance, even if it isn't for a few months from now. That way you can get a day and time that would work best for both of you, my hubby isn't too crazy about the day/time I just got for my FS appointment but it was the first available and I took it. I think I will make him take the day off so we can spend the day together.
beaglemom, we haven't had many embarrassing stories lately, time to dig up some funny stories! Okay I might be going too far here, but since your boss is talking so much about ttc....maybe you need to tell him he needs to install a opk/hpt machine in the bathroom, that way you wouldn't have to worry about remembering them! :rofl:

LOLOL!!! :laugh2:
I needed that thanks!
I have a question for you ladies. This month the day i ovulated i actually found out it was my day to ovulate by the pain that stopped me dead in my tracks at work. i have had mid cycle pains before and cysts. my doctor saw them on ultrasound when i was 16. the pain is intermittent and only lasts a few hours. feels like someone is stabbing with a sharp and blunt item in one side or other. this time it was my left side. i have not had this pain in at least 4 years when i went off birth control. if a cyst pops can you or do you release an egg? i know its a dumb question, but since i dont always have the pain i would like to figure this out.

Hi FutureBabyG and Welcome :winkwink:
I think I can help you with this one and hope I'm not mistaken. I had the exact same doubt since I have had quite a few cysts. And I always wondered if I still ovulated that month or not. If they are functional cysts, like mine were, the answer is yes and no. There are 2 types of functional cysts: follicular and corpus luteum. The follicular cyst is basically a follicle that grows but never releases an egg and just keeps on growing. However, when the mature follicle does release an egg, it can close up again and continue to grow. Then you have a corpus luteum cyst. So there, both scenarios are possible. Hope this helps!
I called my obgyn and spoke with the rn. she was very nice and will call me back shortly she wants my obgyn to schedule an appt for my dh to get a sa. i am so excited yet nervous for him. i know its not me or have anything to do with me but her just saying those words made me so nervous like i was back in school and waiting for a test i didnt study for. ekk. she is going to see if the doctor will order anything else for me to be tested prior to our appt which i will make when i know everything else she wants.
I called my obgyn and spoke with the rn. she was very nice and will call me back shortly she wants my obgyn to schedule an appt for my dh to get a sa. i am so excited yet nervous for him. i know its not me or have anything to do with me but her just saying those words made me so nervous like i was back in school and waiting for a test i didnt study for. ekk. she is going to see if the doctor will order anything else for me to be tested prior to our appt which i will make when i know everything else she wants.

Sorry if I missed this, but did you go to the dr after your mc? When I started my dr did a basic hormone blood test. At the same time was the SA & the HSG. I think those are basic steps to take. Since you were pregnant before, it may just be a matter of time for it to happen again. Good luck! I know it is a nervous process, but believe me after every step, you feel closer & better about your situation. Even if it is not so good news. It feels so much better knowing what you are dealing with.
I have a question for you ladies. This month the day i ovulated i actually found out it was my day to ovulate by the pain that stopped me dead in my tracks at work. i have had mid cycle pains before and cysts. my doctor saw them on ultrasound when i was 16. the pain is intermittent and only lasts a few hours. feels like someone is stabbing with a sharp and blunt item in one side or other. this time it was my left side. i have not had this pain in at least 4 years when i went off birth control. if a cyst pops can you or do you release an egg? i know its a dumb question, but since i dont always have the pain i would like to figure this out.

Hi FBG! I had that pain two cycles ago when I O'd. I never had it before and have not had it since. For me, it started at night and even woke me up in the middle of the night, and was mostly gone by morning. It was new for me, and could've been from the clomid, but none of my other clomid cycles have been like that. I know I didn't have the cyst that cycle either, and I definitely O'd. Everyone is different obviously, but since your temp spiked, and is still up, I'd say you O'd for sure. :)

Btw, that's great that you guys are getting the SA! And I agree with beaglemom, the HSG is really great too. I wish I'd done it WAY sooner. If I had, then they would've cleared my blockage a long time ago, and I might already be prego right now. Who knows!

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