Hoping April is Our month for good things to happen

Glad it sounds like you're feeling more positive this morning Savvy! And seriously, I love the positivity on here and the fact that I feel like I can share this kinda scary/overwhelming process with you ladies.

My DH asked an interesting question today, he pointed out that other than ovulation (midcycle) what does temping actually tell you? Why do we bother to temp after the O spike? I told him that we might be able to see an I dip or a dip before AF, but of course those don't happen with most charts, seems like a minority actually get those. Needed to have answer for him so he's still patient about the 6am beeping thermometer (he's actually great about it...always sleepily asks...how's the temp today? and then a groggy follow up...but what does it MEAN? hahah :shrug:). Anyway, thought I'd see if you guys have more insight about this.

I think it's important to keep temping so that you see the pattern at the end of your cycle too. When the spike occurs, that makes us feel confident that we O'd, but they have to stay up to really mean anything. So at the end of your cycle, most of your pre-O temps will be lower left quadrant, and post-O temps will mostly be upper right quadrant. And for most, when your temp drops below the CL, it usually means AF will be there that day or the next (although that's not the same for everyone). It's a nice little heads-up for me. All the other stuff is just sorta fun stuff to watch for. But it's mostly that pattern that you're looking for. And after you have several full charts, it gives you an idea of how your body works. :flower:
Yes, beaglemom, I was able to reschedule my RE appt for next Wed. :). I'm pretty excited about it. A little torn since they JUST unblocked my right tube (DH and I wondered if maybe we should just be patient for a few more months after that), but I decided I want to get established with one now, because if I were to not get prego in a few more months, I'd be kicking myself. This will be a new chapter of our journey, with savvy as well! :)

Savvy, yes, I am going to see about switching to Femara now. Even though the clomid got me pregnant once, I'm now terrified of getting another cyst like the one I just had removed! The Dr didn't guarantee that the clomid caused it though, so if the RE suggests I stay on clomid, I won't be that worried. But there are other reasons I think I should switch too. Apparently for women over 35, Femara is a better option for a couple different reasons. If my m/c was from a thin lining, at least I know that the Femara doesn't do that. So I'll just see what the RE says when he looks at my medical records and hears everything I'll tell him.
Yes, beaglemom, I was able to reschedule my RE appt for next Wed. :). I'm pretty excited about it. A little torn since they JUST unblocked my right tube (DH and I wondered if maybe we should just be patient for a few more months after that), but I decided I want to get established with one now, because if I were to not get prego in a few more months, I'd be kicking myself. This will be a new chapter of our journey, with savvy as well! :)

Savvy, yes, I am going to see about switching to Femara now. Even though the clomid got me pregnant once, I'm now terrified of getting another cyst like the one I just had removed! The Dr didn't guarantee that the clomid caused it though, so if the RE suggests I stay on clomid, I won't be that worried. But there are other reasons I think I should switch too. Apparently for women over 35, Femara is a better option for a couple different reasons. If my m/c was from a thin lining, at least I know that the Femara doesn't do that. So I'll just see what the RE says when he looks at my medical records and hears everything I'll tell him.

I think it is important for the dr to know your pace. You could just do a few monitored med cycles with timed intercourse. Seeing an RE doesn't always mean IUIs or IVF. Your odds are very good you can do it again with just meds.
I called my obgyn and spoke with the rn. she was very nice and will call me back shortly she wants my obgyn to schedule an appt for my dh to get a sa. i am so excited yet nervous for him. i know its not me or have anything to do with me but her just saying those words made me so nervous like i was back in school and waiting for a test i didnt study for. ekk. she is going to see if the doctor will order anything else for me to be tested prior to our appt which i will make when i know everything else she wants.

Sorry if I missed this, but did you go to the dr after your mc? When I started my dr did a basic hormone blood test. At the same time was the SA & the HSG. I think those are basic steps to take. Since you were pregnant before, it may just be a matter of time for it to happen again. Good luck! I know it is a nervous process, but believe me after every step, you feel closer & better about your situation. Even if it is not so good news. It feels so much better knowing what you are dealing with.

I did go to my obgyn after my mc. she was very positive and said she woupd like me to keep trying for six months on my own. so i am hoping to have a July appt. that would put me at 13 months of trying and 6-7 cycles after the mc. i am hoping she will do the hsg too but i think that will come after blood work and a transvaginal u/s.
So I had to rush to my acupuncture appt. My boss just goes on & on. I think this TTC has gotten me all distracted at work...I am just not focused & mostly just not caring. So I get to my appt & told him I was sick & had headaches after. So today he put a needle in the crown of my head. So bizarre. I have been having headaches off & on for a few days. I think it is the clomid not the acupuncture. Clomid usually gives me headaches. So when I was done he started counting out 5 days. But I said I think the procedure will be Monday. How do I need to time it? He said the day before & day after. I guess he is closed Sundays so I would only be able to go Tuesday. So I said it could be later. And he said (in his Asian accent) Tuesday would be better. He said it as if I have a choice. I thought it was funny. I would prefer Tuesday as well...I don't like the hectic feelings of Mondays. But we will have to see. Finally took another opk just now. Didn't have to go since I got home until then. It was clearly negative.
Hello Ladies. Sorry I have been so hit or miss on the threads lately. Busy Busy! For those that don't know me, I'm Stacy. I am 33 years young and have been trying to conceive on and off for about 4 years. My fiancé is also 33 and has 2 children who will officially become my step children in about a month when we get married.

I finally got serious about TTC late last year and started on Clomid which we did for 3 months with no luck. My fiancé had a SA which he passed with flying colors. We went off Clomid for 2 months while I dealt with some pain issues and saw an OB who specializes in Endometriosis as we thought I may have it. I had surgery almost a month ago which confirmed Stage II Endo. my tubes were stuck together and to my bowel and my uterus was stuck to my bladder. I also had a blockage in my right tube and some scar tissue. They got as much as they could cleared up and we are now back to TTC.

Right now I am waiting to ovulate and testing twice a day. I should be O'ing in the next day or so. Starting to feel some little pangs on my right side so I think it's coming.
Erin, so glad to hear that everything went well and that you don't have to take any cycles off! I think going to an RE is a great idea. My RE seemed to help so much more and be more proactive! Not to mention that when you get your BFP an RE will normally bring you in sooner than a regular OB and monitor your early pregnancy more closely. That part has given me a lot of reassurance! It's so relieving to know that I'll have 3 ultrasounds before I'm even 12 weeks, so an RE definitely pays off! It's gonna happen soon for you, I know it! : )
Wow - I missed a lot in the last couple days!

Erin glad you are back - wow softball size - craziness!! My IUIs will prob be this weekend - scan tomorrow to see where we are at.
Wow - I missed a lot in the last couple days!

Erin glad you are back - wow softball size - craziness!! My IUIs will prob be this weekend - scan tomorrow to see where we are at.

I think im going in Mon. Looks like we will be waiting together again :)
Just spoke to the nurse about my hCG yesterday. It was finally negative - less than 1!! Yay! That means no tumor, no cancer, and I can possibly go back to TTC after my hysteroscopy this cycle (if I don't o before then). YAY!! Best news EVER this year!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Awesome news Floridasian...I feel good things are coming in this thread ;)

I may be losing my mind...I can't focus & I feel anxious for no reason. I also can't seem to get it in my head that today is Thursday, not Wednesday! I am going to try to take a bath tonight & hopefully get some of this anxiety & negativity out of my body.
Misaacs- thinking of you today as well!
Erin- thanks for the advice :)
Real quick... Here is a story that you guys might get a chuckle out if.
So, my AF is due until 4/9, so clearly it's to early to test. I had one test in my house that I had been dreaming of peeing on since Sunday. POAS last night and obvi BFN. I took a pic just so I could zoom in to make sure there wasn't a line (haha). Fast forward 2 hours and I am out to din with my hubs. I was showing him a pic of something else and he scrolled through my photos... There was the pregnancy test! Lol. Thank goodness it was only him and not someone else but now he literally thinks I am a lunatic. Hope this made someone laugh :)
MissStacy, so happy to see you back, and officially TTC again, wuhu!! Welcome back, and baby dust to you!

Allison, thanks for the kind words and positive vibes! And yes, super excited about seeing a specialist since their main goal is to get women pregnant, lol! I love my OB, but fertility is not a specialty of is, so while he was able to prescribe the clomid, run certain tests, and write out the HSG referral for me, it doesn't go beyond that. The specialist will know exactly what questions to ask, whether or not my test results really were as good as my Dr said they were, and what my next steps should be, AND most importantly, he'll be ready to have me take those next steps. :)

FBG, I think its great that you're scheduling appts and looking into some tests around July. :thumbup: I think you'll find that its somewhat of a relief to have these tests done... I know each time I had something new done, I just felt so much better. I figure if it's good news, then that gives me peace of mind. And if it's bad news, at least there's usually a way to fix it, and they can get on top of that right away usually. So good things are coming your way, but I'm hoping for your BFP before July anyway! :)

beaglemom, I agree, I have a feeling since they just unblocked that one tube, the RE will probably suggest a few medicated and monitored cycles before moving on to IUI. I'm sure he'll be testing my ovarian reserve as well, as I'm sure that makes a difference in how easy it is to get prego, so if it's low or anything, then he may suggest moving a little faster. Either way, my limit on waiting for IUI will be three more cycles. If I don't conceive in three more medicated cycles, then I will move on to IUI. Unless he feels we should do anything any different after he checks my ovarian reserve. Btw, good luck with your IUI on Monday! I love that you're doing it with the acupuncture... I've heard of that working for a few women, so the odds are in your favor, I think. :)

Moni, thanks! And good luck on your IUI over the weekend as well! FXd for you! I think the back-to-back IUIs were a great idea, as that will double your chances. :)

Floridasian, congrats on the great news!!! I'm so happy to hear this for you! :happydance:

Misaacs, thinking of you today... I hope everything goes well. Give us an update when you're up to it. :flower:

Fellowes, I did laugh at your story about the HPT pic on your phone. When I got my super faint BFP, I had a ton of pics on my phone, because I kept trying to get a good one to post on here to get people's opinions. And then I'd update again the next day. At one point, several weeks later, I was going through deleting pics I didn't need, and I came across those, thinking, omg, people would think i'm crazy if they saw 15 pictures of a pregnancy test on here, lol!

AFM... My opks are super dark right now... dark enough to ALMOST be considered positive. I'm only cd 7, but have had these dark lines (SO super close to positive, that some might even consider them actually positive) since cd5. I'm wondering if anyone knows if that could be due to the cyst I just had... I know one small cyst wouldn't do that, but could a huge one like that have changed my hormones up so much that I'm having a ton of LH? It was remove Monday, so I would think it wouldn't affect opks by now, but I don't really have a clue. Also, what are people's experiences with O right after having a cyst removed? Could I O super early? If so, I'm not too happy, as DH left town today for the weekend, and won't be back until Sunday. And I was still too sore last night to BD, so that wasn't happening.
Misaacs- thinking of you today as well!
Erin- thanks for the advice :)
Real quick... Here is a story that you guys might get a chuckle out if.
So, my AF is due until 4/9, so clearly it's to early to test. I had one test in my house that I had been dreaming of peeing on since Sunday. POAS last night and obvi BFN. I took a pic just so I could zoom in to make sure there wasn't a line (haha). Fast forward 2 hours and I am out to din with my hubs. I was showing him a pic of something else and he scrolled through my photos... There was the pregnancy test! Lol. Thank goodness it was only him and not someone else but now he literally thinks I am a lunatic. Hope this made someone laugh :)
I also have pictures of my BFP hpt's on my phone, as well as pictures of my first ultrasound that I refuse to delete. I've also taken pictures of the family planning aisle at CVS so I can compare prices. Some of these pictures were taken around the holidays and DH wanted me to show our Halloween pictures and pictures of our cats we took around the same time to family members around Christmas. I had to be REALLY careful which pictures to show them. DH said, why won't you just give them the phone and I was like "NO!" He had no idea! :haha:
Floridasian, that's so funny! My DH would not understand why I had all those pics, lol. He knew I'd posted a couple here, but I don't think he knows the extent of my obsession at that time, lol. Also, I'm right there with ya.... I won't delete some of them. I deleted the super faint ones, but I kept the one good dark one that I had (before they started going the opposite direction). I got a little sad running into those pix. Hit me right in the gut. But I'm okay now, and I mostly just have the one for sentimental reasons. I kept the actual hpt too. It's the only thing I'll ever have from that short-lived conception, so it's not going anywhere. :). And it's now a positive reminder of what I know is soon to come again.
Glad it sounds like you're feeling more positive this morning Savvy! And seriously, I love the positivity on here and the fact that I feel like I can share this kinda scary/overwhelming process with you ladies.

My DH asked an interesting question today, he pointed out that other than ovulation (midcycle) what does temping actually tell you? Why do we bother to temp after the O spike? I told him that we might be able to see an I dip or a dip before AF, but of course those don't happen with most charts, seems like a minority actually get those. Needed to have answer for him so he's still patient about the 6am beeping thermometer (he's actually great about it...always sleepily asks...how's the temp today? and then a groggy follow up...but what does it MEAN? hahah :shrug:). Anyway, thought I'd see if you guys have more insight about this.

I think it's important to keep temping so that you see the pattern at the end of your cycle too. When the spike occurs, that makes us feel confident that we O'd, but they have to stay up to really mean anything. So at the end of your cycle, most of your pre-O temps will be lower left quadrant, and post-O temps will mostly be upper right quadrant. And for most, when your temp drops below the CL, it usually means AF will be there that day or the next (although that's not the same for everyone). It's a nice little heads-up for me. All the other stuff is just sorta fun stuff to watch for. But it's mostly that pattern that you're looking for. And after you have several full charts, it gives you an idea of how your body works. :flower:

That's a great observations, thanks! Yeah I actually thought about it this morning a little more, if I hadn't continued to temp, I would have thought FF's initial O date (CD12) was correct, but because I've seen a stronger sustained temp shift (as sooo many BFNs), I know that date is wrong. The more data points the better!

It has come to me hiding HPT in the bottom of our trash bin, haha, to avoid DH questions. For whatever reason, DH is convinced (false hope I think) that we're going to get a BFP when I test next week. I've tried to explain to him that the CM didn't seem ideal, and we only BD once (and probably after O). But he's convinced! Sad that I pretty much know he's going to be disappointed (no symptoms at all). Ah well, how do you guys deal with your DHs' expectations/hopes?

Floridasian, that is great news! Yay for getting back to TTC!
Great news Floridasian!
As far as pics go, I had a few of opks that I immediately deleted after sending to my husband for a 2nd opinion. But I have noticed people are so nosey when looking at your phone. I know a lady who I showed a pic to & she started zooming in to look around my house! So when people start touching my phone, I am like Uh, NO!

My husband has no issues with me testing early. I don't hide any of that from him. He usually is constantly asking me if I test. And it is also good to just have someone to ask should I test. As far as expectations...we just sort of deal with it as it comes. We know we will get there...but the waiting is terrible. Mostly I am emotional day 1...& we don't talk about it. But then afterwards we start right in on talking about the next cycle. And we always talk in the sense that it will happen. Like when we get pregnant, when I am pregnant, when I deliver, & referencing the baby's room. When we go shopping we are always looking at the baby stuff & talking about how we want to do things. I feel like we are pretty in sync on everything. We have also been together for 13 years. After that much time, you sort of know how to deal with each other in all situations. But every couple is different. I think if you know the negatives upset him, don't tell him until AF shows. You just have to know how your husband will react & how to help each other when dealing.
Yeah, that makes sense. It is not so much about the negatives upsetting him or anything. It is more about trying to avoid him getting his hopes up and trying to keep it a fun hopeful process. Plus I have this secret desire to test, get a BFP, and surprise him with a "you're going to be a dad!" gift or something. Of course, that would entail me keeping it to myself for more than 2 minutes...probably not going to happen.
Yeah, that makes sense. It is not so much about the negatives upsetting him or anything. It is more about trying to avoid him getting his hopes up and trying to keep it a fun hopeful process. Plus I have this secret desire to test, get a BFP, and surprise him with a "you're going to be a dad!" gift or something. Of course, that would entail me keeping it to myself for more than 2 minutes...probably not going to happen.

I am definitely in the same boat. I really want to surprise, but when he is under my feet asking it is hard to do. My only hope is a get a positive on a day he works. He is always up & out the door before I wake up. Then if he asks, I can always lie. I am pretty good at lying when it comes to trying to surprise him. I have SO MANY ideas! The newest one that occurred to me is this. He surprised me one day by totally cleaning out his man room...so to be baby room...pulled up the carpet too because we are in the process of putting down laminate. Of course, we have not touched it since. So my new plan is to get really angry & say I hope you get on this project soon! We have too many unfinished projects in this house & we have a baby coming in ______(whatever month)!

I just hope I can keep it to myself to pull off a surprise. I am usually very good at it. But a positive pregnancy test surprise is way different than a yankee tickets surprise.

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