Hi fairycat,
probably it's good you are seeing a doctor. I had some minor spotting with my first O cycle after my D&C (early August), but since then I haven't had any irregular spotting. This third O cycle I had none... maybe a tiny bit of brown the last cycle (around O).
I would take what that person on the phone said with a large grain of salt. From what I was told, spotting/bleeding this late after a D&C is a reason to see a doctor.
Good luck - let us know what you find out! I hope you get some answers.
probably it's good you are seeing a doctor. I had some minor spotting with my first O cycle after my D&C (early August), but since then I haven't had any irregular spotting. This third O cycle I had none... maybe a tiny bit of brown the last cycle (around O).
I would take what that person on the phone said with a large grain of salt. From what I was told, spotting/bleeding this late after a D&C is a reason to see a doctor.
Good luck - let us know what you find out! I hope you get some answers.