~*~ Hoping for Our Special Stocking Stuffers! ~*~ December Testing: 7 BFP's, 1 angel

No, I never mentioned it. I'm in school for my MBA, and it's finals week. I have one test due tomorrow night at midnight, and another due Wed at midnight. This has been my worst semester-finalizing wedding planning, wedding, honeymoon, babymaking all wrapped into a very short period of time.

I MIGHT be taking a First Response test. HA!!HA!! fx fx :shrug:
Yes! You're doing the right thing TerriPeachy :winkwink: Keep in mind that at 11dpo the line is probably going to be light if there is one. But a line is a line! I can't wait to hear! And feel free to post pics for us to squint at with you :haha:

Good luck with your finals! I did a second degree while pregnant with my first, finished a month before he was born! When will you be done?
Hello ladies sorry I've been MIA but we finally have All our belongs at the new house!!!
Ds1 and I stayed up all nite moving and we still had to go move stuff in the Garage today!!!

So no temp this Am since I haven't been to sleep I'm in Zombie mode at the moment but wanted to check in on Everyone!!

Oh yea another dark test Fri Am :shrug:

Thanks to whoever used me as a referral on FF!!! :)
GL ladies !!!
No, I never mentioned it. I'm in school for my MBA, and it's finals week. I have one test due tomorrow night at midnight, and another due Wed at midnight. This has been my worst semester-finalizing wedding planning, wedding, honeymoon, babymaking all wrapped into a very short period of time.

I MIGHT be taking a First Response test. HA!!HA!! fx fx :shrug:

That's cool! My SIL has her MBA, and has worked at AmEx in the city for quite a few years now.
Good luck on your finals- you are a trooper to go through all of that this semester and stay on track!
BTW- I never get positives until 13dpo at the earliest- so don't think a thing of it if tomorrow it is not positive. I'll be stalking :ninja:
Both of you girls are so right. The positive thinking is really important in this journey. Like fandabby said, universal law. This cycle, I've been really positive and feel really good about things. I've heard it's good to actually assume that what you want is actually happening. Think it and feel it, as if you've already got it. So (crazy me) I'm trying to think that we already fertilized the egg, and I'm really imagining being pregnant. I try not to let my mind think otherwise. :)

Good sounds like your on path, read The Secret, gives lots of stories.

I often stray and negatives creep in, so hard to stay positive all the time and the times I fell, think, say negatives things go wrong. :dohh:

Keep if up. :flower:
Definitely both :thumbup: . Your thinking has to be in alignment for any spell to work. I fell in love with this rabbit hole quite a while ago :cloud9: and really, I need to get back to my center with it. I've been thinking (in between breakdowns :haha:) that maybe that's a huge part of why I'm going in circles with all of this, I'm supposed to be studying, progressing, and I'm wobbling off course. Or this is all part of my course and is helping me refocus. Life is one fascinating ride I tell you what! <3

Good luck getting centred and focussing on your dreams. I meditate too which I find helps to ground me when I'm feeling a wreck... my meditation in morning is 6 mins protecting me and my family and at bed time I listen to one about letting go of worry and anxiety which is about 20 mins long. Helps keep me calm, mind over matter. :thumbup:
No, I never mentioned it. I'm in school for my MBA, and it's finals week. I have one test due tomorrow night at midnight, and another due Wed at midnight. This has been my worst semester-finalizing wedding planning, wedding, honeymoon, babymaking all wrapped into a very short period of time.

I MIGHT be taking a First Response test. HA!!HA!! fx fx :shrug:

Lots of good luck coming your way, for your finals, eek no pressure then.
Of course
Your first response test.
So you won't be nervous at all then for this week :dohh:

OK girls!! I'm awake. My temperature was 98.7 AGAIN! hee hee. Maybe I should have trusted yesterday's temp, but true to my word, I snuck in the linen closet and got the test. After three minutes, I only got one solid line, so negative. So, yes, now I'll be more prepared the next time I take an HPT. I had to hold my pee to make sure I read through the directions and knew what I was supposed to do. I don't feel as bad as I thought. Something is still definitely going on with my body, so maybe I'll have better luck on the 19th. And lucky for me, there are coupons in the package, so I can use that when it's time to buy another one. :dohh:

I have PART B of my last test question to finish today and then I'll have to start studying for my next final.

ttcinseattle, not sure how you did all that WITH child. It's a great accomplishment though. :)

Sis-nice jump in temps. woohoo!

I think I may save my one beer until the Ravens game tomorrow night. I'll be checking in later. :sleep:
Sis ~ glad you got all moved in. Now, go get some well deserved rest!

Terri ~ Good luck with the finals, and the frer!

AFM ~ 6 dpo and a temp dip. Please oh please be implantation! (I tried putting the praying smiley here, but can't get it to work.)
Terri ~ we must have been posting at same time. Hopefully it was just too early. Your chart looks great though!
OK girls!! I'm awake. My temperature was 98.7 AGAIN! hee hee. Maybe I should have trusted yesterday's temp, but true to my word, I snuck in the linen closet and got the test. After three minutes, I only got one solid line, so negative. So, yes, now I'll be more prepared the next time I take an HPT. I had to hold my pee to make sure I read through the directions and knew what I was supposed to do. I don't feel as bad as I thought. Something is still definitely going on with my body, so maybe I'll have better luck on the 19th. And lucky for me, there are coupons in the package, so I can use that when it's time to buy another one. :dohh:

I have PART B of my last test question to finish today and then I'll have to start studying for my next final.

ttcinseattle, not sure how you did all that WITH child. It's a great accomplishment though. :)

Sis-nice jump in temps. woohoo!

I think I may save my one beer until the Ravens game tomorrow night. I'll be checking in later. :sleep:

Wow, you only looked at it after three minutes? You ARE strong! I would be back in there 20 times squinting at it.
Oh- and good luck on your exams!
Thanks Momof3. The pressure got to me. hee hee. I will let you know how things play out in the next couple days. My official day is the 19th, so my hormones have 4 days to get it together. hee hee. I hope your dip was an implantation as well. Do you normally have a dip?I have a FID (fake implantation dip) every month.

Oldermom-The test said 3 minutes, so that's what I did. I figure if it was positive, it would've showed right up. You ladies make me laugh.
I have a question, ladies- that I thought I would just throw out there. I have been scouring the internet and can find NOTHING. Normally, when someone has a chemical pregnancy, their periods afterwards are normal, if not heavier and crampier. I have only had a flow of one day since DD's birth, even on the chemical pregnancies. I haven't been scanned mid-cycle since her birth- is it possible these losses are due to a thin uterine lining? Most ladies I hear about have a period of 3-6 days, and mine are 1 day- and not even that heavy or clotty. :(
Oh- and I look at my clearblue fertility monitor sticks- and the E2 line this past cycle looked like it never faded any (indicating low levels of estrogen, maybe?).
Definitely both :thumbup: . Your thinking has to be in alignment for any spell to work. I fell in love with this rabbit hole quite a while ago :cloud9: and really, I need to get back to my center with it. I've been thinking (in between breakdowns :haha:) that maybe that's a huge part of why I'm going in circles with all of this, I'm supposed to be studying, progressing, and I'm wobbling off course. Or this is all part of my course and is helping me refocus. Life is one fascinating ride I tell you what! <3

Good luck getting centred and focussing on your dreams. I meditate too which I find helps to ground me when I'm feeling a wreck... my meditation in morning is 6 mins protecting me and my family and at bed time I listen to one about letting go of worry and anxiety which is about 20 mins long. Helps keep me calm, mind over matter. :thumbup:
Yep! Meditation is the cat's meow, love it <3 . We have so much going on here all the time, I've got to figure out how to sneak it back in. I've fallen off on so much of my spiritual nurturing and it's time to jump back in. All about ebb and flow this business here, ha!

OK girls!! I'm awake. My temperature was 98.7 AGAIN! hee hee. Maybe I should have trusted yesterday's temp, but true to my word, I snuck in the linen closet and got the test. After three minutes, I only got one solid line, so negative. So, yes, now I'll be more prepared the next time I take an HPT. I had to hold my pee to make sure I read through the directions and knew what I was supposed to do. I don't feel as bad as I thought. Something is still definitely going on with my body, so maybe I'll have better luck on the 19th. And lucky for me, there are coupons in the package, so I can use that when it's time to buy another one. :dohh:

I have PART B of my last test question to finish today and then I'll have to start studying for my next final.

ttcinseattle, not sure how you did all that WITH child. It's a great accomplishment though. :)

Sis-nice jump in temps. woohoo!

I think I may save my one beer until the Ravens game tomorrow night. I'll be checking in later. :sleep:
GL with the rest of your finals terripeachy! You're dancing on that particular stress's head it looks like so I'm sure you'll do great :thumbup: . POAS makes me crazy and I don't like it :haha: . With my DS2 I got BFN at 10 DPO then BFP three days later. You're definitely still in :) .

Sis ~ glad you got all moved in. Now, go get some well deserved rest!

Terri ~ Good luck with the finals, and the frer!

AFM ~ 6 dpo and a temp dip. Please oh please be implantation! (I tried putting the praying smiley here, but can't get it to work.)
[-o&lt; :dust: <3 :dust: [-o&lt;

Hello ladies sorry I've been MIA but we finally have All our belongs at the new house!!!
Ds1 and I stayed up all nite moving and we still had to go move stuff in the Garage today!!!

So no temp this Am since I haven't been to sleep I'm in Zombie mode at the moment but wanted to check in on Everyone!!

Oh yea another dark test Fri Am :shrug:

Thanks to whoever used me as a referral on FF!!! :)
GL ladies !!!
Hope you got caught up on your zzz's Sis!

OK girls!! I'm awake. My temperature was 98.7 AGAIN! hee hee. Maybe I should have trusted yesterday's temp, but true to my word, I snuck in the linen closet and got the test. After three minutes, I only got one solid line, so negative. So, yes, now I'll be more prepared the next time I take an HPT. I had to hold my pee to make sure I read through the directions and knew what I was supposed to do. I don't feel as bad as I thought. Something is still definitely going on with my body, so maybe I'll have better luck on the 19th. And lucky for me, there are coupons in the package, so I can use that when it's time to buy another one. :dohh:

I have PART B of my last test question to finish today and then I'll have to start studying for my next final.

ttcinseattle, not sure how you did all that WITH child. It's a great accomplishment though. :)

Sis-nice jump in temps. woohoo!

I think I may save my one beer until the Ravens game tomorrow night. I'll be checking in later. :sleep:

Wow, you only looked at it after three minutes? You ARE strong! I would be back in there 20 times squinting at it.
Oh- and good luck on your exams!
I have a question, ladies- that I thought I would just throw out there. I have been scouring the internet and can find NOTHING. Normally, when someone has a chemical pregnancy, their periods afterwards are normal, if not heavier and crampier. I have only had a flow of one day since DD's birth, even on the chemical pregnancies. I haven't been scanned mid-cycle since her birth- is it possible these losses are due to a thin uterine lining? Most ladies I hear about have a period of 3-6 days, and mine are 1 day- and not even that heavy or clotty. :(
Oh- and I look at my clearblue fertility monitor sticks- and the E2 line this past cycle looked like it never faded any (indicating low levels of estrogen, maybe?).
Hmm, I've been battling the opposite issue: periods excessively heavy and clotty. Let me see if I've got anything bookmarked on AF being too light. I'm pretty sure I've come across that in my quest to balance my hormones...
Hmm, I've been battling the opposite issue: periods excessively heavy and clotty. Let me see if I've got anything bookmarked on AF being too light. I'm pretty sure I've come across that in my quest to balance my hormones...

Thank-you SPP. Incidentally, I used to have really heavy clotty periods...when my endo was at its worst. Have you been tested for that?

I don't mean to be nosy, just a thought :)
Hmm, I've been battling the opposite issue: periods excessively heavy and clotty. Let me see if I've got anything bookmarked on AF being too light. I'm pretty sure I've come across that in my quest to balance my hormones...

Thank-you SPP. Incidentally, I used to have really heavy clotty periods...when my endo was at its worst. Have you been tested for that?

I don't mean to be nosy, just a thought :)
I haven't been tested for endo oldermom. AF has just gotten this bad over the last year+, after my first m/c. I've always had heavy periods but not like the way it's been, omg :wacko: . And the clots were completely out of control :nope: . I've never had clots like that! Well, not unless it's been post birth, and even then it wasn't that bad. Since I've been treating the hormonal imbalance the flow has been cutting back and the clots have gone away for the most part. This cycle got bad again though, ugh! I think the progesterone may have played a part in that. Trying to balance back out just sucks! Not easy at all. One of the worst things is being randomly nauseous all the time :rolleyes: .

Haha, I don't think you're being nosy, just trying to spread some info that might be helpful :kiss: .
This isn't what I was looking for but I did come across this link:


Still looking though...
Still not what I was looking for :haha: but here's a good one:

Hmm, I've been battling the opposite issue: periods excessively heavy and clotty. Let me see if I've got anything bookmarked on AF being too light. I'm pretty sure I've come across that in my quest to balance my hormones...

Thank-you SPP. Incidentally, I used to have really heavy clotty periods...when my endo was at its worst. Have you been tested for that?

I don't mean to be nosy, just a thought :)
I haven't been tested for endo oldermom. AF has just gotten this bad over the last year+, after my first m/c. I've always had heavy periods but not like the way it's been, omg :wacko: . And the clots were completely out of control :nope: . I've never had clots like that! Well, not unless it's been post birth, and even then it wasn't that bad. Since I've been treating the hormonal imbalance the flow has been cutting back and the clots have gone away for the most part. This cycle got bad again though, ugh! I think the progesterone may have played a part in that. Trying to balance back out just sucks! Not easy at all. One of the worst things is being randomly nauseous all the time :rolleyes: .

Haha, I don't think you're being nosy, just trying to spread some info that might be helpful :kiss: .

Yeah, that does suck. I had that with endo, too- during the times I was bleeding, mainly.
I just figured if I had lower levels of estrogen, and scant periods- maybe that is my problem with implantation. So strange to go from one extreme to the other! Stupid body! ](*,)

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