~*~ Hoping for Our Special Stocking Stuffers! ~*~ December Testing: 7 BFP's, 1 angel

SPP- Get cleaning!! Then you can come to my house and do it again. I absolutely hate cleaning. If I was rich, I'd totally have a maid for our small place. She'd probably whip through everything in an hour.

ttcinseattle-I don't know what happened to Lovepink81. I guess Santa will keep whistling until she gets here. A few more testers coming up, so I'm getting excited for them.

Ashnamber-Oh great about getting one more AI in. Go for it!! Your comment about DW made me laugh. I don't blame her. If it didn't make babies, I'd be kind of grossed out too. It is a necessary evil. HA!!HA!! I am curious, are you Ash or Amber?

I am Ash :) or Ashley whatever suits you..

Amber is a pure mess with the AI stuff.. If I'd let her get away with it she would be more then happy I just do it myself but no matter what she says I want her to feel like she is part of the process. She will even joke around and say uh huh you can't get pregnant with out me :haha:

So question.. Is anyone else having name fever.. I can't seem to watch a show or movie with out saying something about a name.. lol
I figured you were Ash(ley) since your name was first.

I haven't had name fever because I already know that my babies will have first letters with K after my hubs, but the past few weeks at church, the pastor has been talking about women in the Bible who were either pregnant, having trouble getting pregnant, or getting pregnant (finally!). I guess he is just giving me hope, even though I'm not doubting anything. I know another lady in the congregation is also trying to have kids, but I haven't talked to her about it. She just mentioned it one day in passing. Maybe the sermon is targeted to her. hee hee.
I'd love twins! Especially boy/girl twins. In nine months, we'd go from just me and DH, to family of four. That would make me happy. :flower:

Ashley, that's great you got another AI in, wuhu!! How exciting! And honestly, I don't blame Amber...I'm not exactly in love with the stuff myself, lol. Except that I know it's gonna make my dream come true! :haha:

SPP, I know, right!? Holy temp spike, geez. I'm sure it'll drop back down to normal tomorrow. I feel fine, so nothing to pin it to except my weird hormones maybe, lol! I had more side effects this cycle from clomid than my prior two cycles (dr upped my dose), but they all went away after I O'd. But perhaps it's messing with my prog now.
ERose-I see that sky high jump. Crazy!! Our bodies are so bizarre. I hope it comes back down to a more normal range, or else, maybe you are getting sick. I don't get colds often, so I have no idea how that affects our temperatures. You would think it would be higher, but who knows. I don't know exactly what DPO you are from memory, but I'll put money on your FID tomorrow or the next day. It's how we roll! ;)

Yea, it's inevitable I'll get a FID! I think I'm 5dpo today, so you could be right about tomorrow or the next day. And if it does come tomorrow, I'm gonna have one funny looking chart. Well hey, what's new! Ha! Btw, Im still having this feeling your chart is gonna be triphasic... I bet your temp will still be in this higher range tomorrow. :)
Thanks Momof3. The pressure got to me. hee hee. I will let you know how things play out in the next couple days. My official day is the 19th, so my hormones have 4 days to get it together. hee hee. I hope your dip was an implantation as well. Do you normally have a dip?I have a FID (fake implantation dip) every month.

Oldermom-The test said 3 minutes, so that's what I did. I figure if it was positive, it would've showed right up. You ladies make me laugh.

I don't have many non pg charts that go past 3 dpo to know how often, if at all, I get any fid's. When not TTC, I chart to confirm o and then stop so I can keep track of how my LP's are doing. When we're TTC, I keep going with the temps post o to see if it's triphasic or not. :haha: So, most of my charts with lots of post o temps are pg charts anyway. Last two cycles, not pg, but did have lots of post o temps since we were TTC. Nothing that would even look like an id with them. #2 had a dip, also at 6 dpo. #3 had a flat line, same temp each day to 7 dpo. Eight dpo, it went triphasic. #1, I don't have access to her chart at the moment. It did go triphasic, but I don't remember off hand what dpo it did that or if it also had a dip or not. My two chemicals, no dip, not triphasic.

Also, this seems to be a pg symptom of mine: at least four out of my five pregnancies, I developed a yeast infection during the 2ww, and I don't get them very often. I don't have a full blown infection yet, but I am starting to feel a little itchy down there like one is starting to begin. I've also started feeling extreme fatigue, which has always happened to me at this point in all five. Something different this cycle is that I've been feeling slightly queasy on and off, and m/s never begins for me until six weeks along. I don't normally feel queasy during the LP part of my cycles, TTC or not. So, with that, and my 6 dpo temp drop, I'm starting to get really anxious to know if we were successful or not this cycle.

I have also been curious about lovepink. Are you out there, hun? We are waiting for you to check in!
Interesting Momof3. A lot of randomness there until the end. I'll have to go back and look at your test date (oh, 12/21) but your nausea and yeast infection, although icky, may be telling!

My hubs thinks I have extreme fatigue, but I get home at 4, and I am online or cooking or doing whatever until he gets home at 8. When he gets home, my day is just about over and I'm spent. He'll really find out what extreme fatigue is very soon. HA!!HA!!

My fingers are totally crossed for you. Keep us updated, of course!
I don't have many non pg charts that go past 3 dpo to know how often, if at all, I get any fid's. When not TTC, I chart to confirm o and then stop so I can keep track of how my LP's are doing. When we're TTC, I keep going with the temps post o to see if it's triphasic or not. :haha: So, most of my charts with lots of post o temps are pg charts anyway. Last two cycles, not pg, but did have lots of post o temps since we were TTC. Nothing that would even look like an id with them. #2 had a dip, also at 6 dpo. #3 had a flat line, same temp each day to 7 dpo. Eight dpo, it went triphasic. #1, I don't have access to her chart at the moment. It did go triphasic, but I don't remember off hand what dpo it did that or if it also had a dip or not. My two chemicals, no dip, not triphasic.

Also, this seems to be a pg symptom of mine: at least four out of my five pregnancies, I developed a yeast infection during the 2ww, and I don't get them very often. I don't have a full blown infection yet, but I am starting to feel a little itchy down there like one is starting to begin. I've also started feeling extreme fatigue, which has always happened to me at this point in all five. Something different this cycle is that I've been feeling slightly queasy on and off, and m/s never begins for me until six weeks along. I don't normally feel queasy during the LP part of my cycles, TTC or not. So, with that, and my 6 dpo temp drop, I'm starting to get really anxious to know if we were successful or not this cycle.

I have also been curious about lovepink. Are you out there, hun? We are waiting for you to check in!

Wow sounds promising. All this charting baffles me with the temping. Hope your symptoms do suggest it could be the making of your BFP.

Good luck and here's lots of :dust:
Terri, on a side note (totally off topic!), I'll be rooting for your Ravens tomorrow night. I need them to beat the Lions so that my Bears remain #1 in our division. So go Ravens!

Sorry bout that ladies, lol! Now, back on topic... So, I think my DH has a whole new respect for this whole ttc journey... He's always been sweet and supportive, but we don't really have any other friends who've had difficulty getting prego. He just found out that his good friend's wife has been ttc for two years. He came home telling me all the stuff they chatted about, and I have to say it was kinda refreshing to hear him have some new perspective on it. I also found it comical envisioning two guys (especially my DH) sitting around talking about eggs and ovulation. :haha: Anyhow, the good thing is that she is now prego (which is how the whole convo came up to begin with).
ERose-I thought you might be a Dolphins fan. That was a great game for the Dolphins!
I hope the Ravens beat the Lions too. I had Matt Stafford as my fantasy QB, but since I didn't make the playoffs, I hope he forgets how to play tomorrow night. :)

Maybe DH's buddy told him that the fertile window is "where it's at!" HA!!HA!! That is pretty funny imagining them talking about it. Sometimes talking about sports all the time gets old, so a new conversation topic is probably welcome. Congrats to your friends! You can use her baby clothes!

You guys are totally rubbing off on me. I've been googling everything this afternoon regarding these cramps. I didn't find anything super exciting, but it was a welcome break after turning in my exam. One down, one to go! Boop boop!
ERose-I thought you might be a Dolphins fan. That was a great game for the Dolphins!
I hope the Ravens beat the Lions too. I had Matt Stafford as my fantasy QB, but since I didn't make the playoffs, I hope he forgets how to play tomorrow night. :)

Maybe DH's buddy told him that the fertile window is "where it's at!" HA!!HA!! That is pretty funny imagining them talking about it. Sometimes talking about sports all the time gets old, so a new conversation topic is probably welcome. Congrats to your friends! You can use her baby clothes!

You guys are totally rubbing off on me. I've been googling everything this afternoon regarding these cramps. I didn't find anything super exciting, but it was a welcome break after turning in my exam. One down, one to go! Boop boop!

Terri cramps can be a very good sign!
With my 3 children and all my pregnancies, cramps were always present from around 7dpo, looking at your wonderful chart, who knows???
You said you were having them too, so it makes me feel better. It's all just a waiting game now.

I did talk to hubs today and he said that he wants to know I'm prego as soon as I throw up at work. HA!!HA!! He said 'You have a trash can at your desk. No need to run down the hallway to the bathroom.' Oh, I'm running, because I don't want to clean that out of my trashcan. I told him that was a deal, as far as telling him.
Hello ladies just wanted to check in I'm still trying to unpack amount other things took me almost a hr to find my shampoo this Am!!! :haha:

Slow moving w kids running Amuck!! :nope:

My OPK was neg this Am but I didn't take any vitamins yesterday so who knows!!

GL luck Everyone!!
Bleh, I hate cleaning :? . So you just move along with all that there offering to come clean your house Ms. terripeachy :haha: . And I live with three boys too (two sons and a husband). When the three of them get together the constant mess in here is nothing short of clinically insane! Completely understand now why my mom was always on us about cleaning when I was a kid, ha! The ways of your childhood stick with you. When I first moved away from home I chose to be a slob b/c I thought I was grown and I could :rolleyes: . Oh but that quickly changed b/c I can't stand the chaos :haha: .

Glad you're getting settled in Sis :flower: .

I'm glad your DH has a new perspective on the process ERose :thumbup: . Guys can get so disconnected from it all I think. And yep, hormones will sure mess with ya; ask me how I know :rolleyes: .

AshNAmber: We save names 'til the last possible minute :haha: and have waited to name our kids until they were born, see what fit them.

MomO3G: Just a few more days 'til you know! I'm sure the wondering is brutal right about now. Can't wait to see how it all turns out for you this cycle :) .
Me, I have no idea what's going on in there :telephone: . I started getting O pains and ewcf on CD8 but now it may be drying up and I probably won't O 'til CD13 or 14 :shrug: . We shall see what tomorrow brings!
AshNAmber: I think constantly about names. We would like the next child to have names that honor DH's side of the family, as DD has names that honor mine. I have a few picked out...which DH hates. Esperance...how cute would it be to call a kid Essy? :)

Terri: I agree with battyatty. I had cramps with all of my pregnancies (the good and the bad). Never harsh- except the one time I had a SCH with the blighted ovum- usually just a dull achey type. You are right, time will tell!:ninja:

ERose: My fave team is the Patriots (aaaahhh, don't hit me!). Can't help it, I'm from Maine, after all!

SPP: I hate cleaning, too. Don't mind laundry- but the constant crumbs and clutter that my two leave (yep, DH is loads worse than the baby)....GAH!

Sis4Us: It's gotta be so exciting to move into a new house! Yay!

Momof3: :ninja:
^^^:rofl: He knows when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake :haha: . Time for :sleep: myself, I'm pooped! G'night chica :) .
ERose ~ That's funny about your DH and his friend. Congrats to your friend and their pregnancy.

Ash ~ I don't usually think about names. We've had our boy name picked since 2000/2001. We decided on the next girl name about 4-5 years ago.

Terri ~ Yep, cramps can be a good sign. Esp if they don't feel like af cramps, and it's well before af is due.

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