~*~ Hoping for Our Special Stocking Stuffers! ~*~ December Testing: 7 BFP's, 1 angel

My update, I must be something like 5.5 weeks now and last night spotted pink when visited loo. Now today has gone to dark brown and little more of it. Slight cramping but nothing major, feel sick too.

Not sure if this is start of mc again or not. My previous mc was missed and started pink then brown then full on from there. All I can do is wait.

Doesnt look good though. Urgh, this process is a nightmare.

I will keep my fingers crossed this won't turn into anything.
I'm keeping my FX for you fandabby.. Hoping for a sticky bean!!
My update, I must be something like 5.5 weeks now and last night spotted pink when visited loo. Now today has gone to dark brown and little more of it. Slight cramping but nothing major, feel sick too.

Not sure if this is start of mc again or not. My previous mc was missed and started pink then brown then full on from there. All I can do is wait.

Doesnt look good though. Urgh, this process is a nightmare.

I will keep my fingers crossed this won't turn into anything.

As will we! I am very sorry you have this to increase your worries regarding your pregnancy. Likely, it is nothing to be concerned about- but I know that there is nothing that will put you at totally at ease, so :hugs:
We are here for you! When is your first scan?
My update, I must be something like 5.5 weeks now and last night spotted pink when visited loo. Now today has gone to dark brown and little more of it. Slight cramping but nothing major, feel sick too.

Not sure if this is start of mc again or not. My previous mc was missed and started pink then brown then full on from there. All I can do is wait.

Doesnt look good though. Urgh, this process is a nightmare.

I will keep my fingers crossed this won't turn into anything.

As will we! I am very sorry you have this to increase your worries regarding your pregnancy. Likely, it is nothing to be concerned about- but I know that there is nothing that will put you at totally at ease, so :hugs:
We are here for you! When is your first scan?

Thank you. No scan booked yet. Don't see midwife till you're 8 weeks because of high mc rate. Think way of NHS saving money.

So not due to see her until the New Year. I'll know by then if I've miscarried presumably depending on how this bleeding goes.

I've told hubby to get wine in for incase, so can drink over christmas if inevitable happens.

I was thinking earlier, is it better for your body not to get pregnant if it's going to end in a loss and only become pregnant when it will result in a healthy baby born or better to become pregnant and be thankful you can then hope it's viable and if it isn't cope with the pain if it. :shrug:

Not sure how to feel, bit detached and trying to be tough. Still cramping but blood is no heavier just when go to toilet and wipe. So time will tell. :nope:
My update, I must be something like 5.5 weeks now and last night spotted pink when visited loo. Now today has gone to dark brown and little more of it. Slight cramping but nothing major, feel sick too.

Not sure if this is start of mc again or not. My previous mc was missed and started pink then brown then full on from there. All I can do is wait.

Doesnt look good though. Urgh, this process is a nightmare.

I will keep my fingers crossed this won't turn into anything.

As will we! I am very sorry you have this to increase your worries regarding your pregnancy. Likely, it is nothing to be concerned about- but I know that there is nothing that will put you at totally at ease, so :hugs:
We are here for you! When is your first scan?

Thank you. No scan booked yet. Don't see midwife till you're 8 weeks because of high mc rate. Think way of NHS saving money.

So not due to see her until the New Year. I'll know by then if I've miscarried presumably depending on how this bleeding goes.

I've told hubby to get wine in for incase, so can drink over christmas if inevitable happens.

I was thinking earlier, is it better for your body not to get pregnant if it's going to end in a loss and only become pregnant when it will result in a healthy baby born or better to become pregnant and be thankful you can then hope it's viable and if it isn't cope with the pain if it. :shrug:

Not sure how to feel, bit detached and trying to be tough. Still cramping but blood is no heavier just when go to toilet and wipe. So time will tell. :nope:

It is hard. So sorry you have to deal with these questions again...I always leaned towards the hope of things being ok, and dealing with pain should it come. But when you are going through it yourself it is so much more...raw. We are all pulling for you here, lady.
Take it easy (as much as you can), and lean on hubby. :hugs:
My update, I must be something like 5.5 weeks now and last night spotted pink when visited loo. Now today has gone to dark brown and little more of it. Slight cramping but nothing major, feel sick too.

Not sure if this is start of mc again or not. My previous mc was missed and started pink then brown then full on from there. All I can do is wait.

Doesnt look good though. Urgh, this process is a nightmare.

I will keep my fingers crossed this won't turn into anything.

Hope it's not a mc and just some pregnancy bleeding :hugs:
Well BFN for me but no AF either. See if she comes on Christmas Eve or more POAS!

Sorry you got BFN on your test. Not over yet! How are you feeling?

Thanks Fandabby, I feel fine, strangely not at all pre-menstrual. I had a temp drop yesterday and it went back up today, so :shrug: Did another POAS and BFN. Ether way I will be happy as this means that my LP is longer. Today I am 11 dpo and for the last 5 months it has always been 8 or 9 dpo, so tbh all good even if I get AF. :thumbup:
Charlie15-Don't say that you'll be happy with AF. Booooo…It is still pretty early at 11dpo, so I'm remaining confident for you. Awesome with the longer LP though. That's great.

Fandabby-No negative thoughts!! I'm sure things will be ok. Stop worrying and stop going to the bathroom unnecessarily. hee hee. Just go when you have to go. *hugs*

Oldermom-I see your temp creeping back up so now I'm singing the Price Is Right song when the hiker goes up the mountain. My temp is on the downward slope so time to get BD'ing right before we head to New Mexico.

For everyone else, I'll try to check in from the ABQ (ha ha-Albuquerque), but I'll be posting on the sneak. Don't want my family all in my business, so we'll see how it goes. If I don't login, I hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas!!! Love to you all.
oh god I heard the guy yodeling up the mountain :haha:

I hope you have a wonderful trip Terri, Look forward to hearing all about it :) With your temp dropping looks like your on your way to O! :dance: you will be in the TWW before you know it!
I have three OPK sticks leftover from last time, and not sure if my grand master meter will work from last month, but I'm going to try. If it doesn't work, I'll be home the afternoon of CD10 and can buy a new kit altogether and hit the bullseye. If I get a flashing, I'll at least know I'm on my way.

I'm excited too about your chart. I really need to get a life. HA!!HA!! :hugs:
Well temp is down even further today so I'm sure the Witch will land soon!!! :(

Think FF still has my O day wrong cuz a 15 day LP is unheard of for me!! :shrug:

GL to all our testers today!!!!!
I have three OPK sticks leftover from last time, and not sure if my grand master meter will work from last month, but I'm going to try. If it doesn't work, I'll be home the afternoon of CD10 and can buy a new kit altogether and hit the bullseye. If I get a flashing, I'll at least know I'm on my way.

I'm excited too about your chart. I really need to get a life. HA!!HA!! :hugs:

oh hunnie, we are all the same.. Were all chart stalkers :haha: :hugs:

Well temp is down even further today so I'm sure the Witch will land soon!!! :(

Think FF still has my O day wrong cuz a 15 day LP is unheard of for me!! :shrug:

GL to all our testers today!!!!!

Im still keeping my FX until you say she has shown.. But I know when we get that dreadful dip we can't help but to feel out :hugs: holding on to hope for you..

I'm starting to feel a odd throbbing on the lower left of my stomach :wacko: its not painful it's I dont even know how to explain it almost kinda makes me laugh :haha:

tugging or fluttering.. maybe that's a better way to describe it..
My update, I must be something like 5.5 weeks now and last night spotted pink when visited loo. Now today has gone to dark brown and little more of it. Slight cramping but nothing major, feel sick too.

Not sure if this is start of mc again or not. My previous mc was missed and started pink then brown then full on from there. All I can do is wait.

Doesnt look good though. Urgh, this process is a nightmare.

I will keep my fingers crossed this won't turn into anything.

Fandabby....I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. Please try and relax as much as possible ( I know easier said than done). Just know we're all rooting, praying and hoping the best for you. :hugs:
Hi ladies....getting caught up on the posts here. Man, you ladies sure do move fast!

First, sorry to everyone who AF had paid a visit to :hugs:. 2014 Will be a fresh start but from reading, it looks like 2013 will go out with a bang for a few of you though.

Second, HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you all, I hope each and everyone of you enjoys the time with your family and friends and for those traveling during the holidays...safe travels.

Good luck to all the upcoming testers...hope to see some more BFP's on the thread before the year ends.

AFM...I am 6DPO so there is nothing major to report. I've decided to not sympton check this month, not pee on 50 million sticks :nope: and just wait it out to see what the next week or so brings. I am remaining hopeful that this will be our month but if it's not at least we have the appt on 1/2 with the fertility specialist to see what's going on. I never imagined the emotions I would be forced to deal with on this journey and I never imagined I would stumble upon such a great group of supportive women. You all have helped me more than you know in such a short amount of time by sharing your knowledge, stories, emotions, insights, and yourselves...so thank you for making me feel alot less lonely on this journey. :hugs: to you all.
Sorry you didn't have any luck at the store. Hopefully DH will be able to find something tomorrow. And perhaps, he's more willing to wait in line. I always like to shop early because I can't STAND the lines. I couldn't figure out what to get my bestie, so I ended up getting her a gift card BUT, they are going to wrap it in a nice box and mail it. Hopefully it'll arrive earlier than they predicted because I was SLOW figuring out what to get her.
He went after work last night 'round midnight or so :haha: and he did really well! I'm glad b/c I really didn't want to do it lol.

Sorry for everyone AF got this week - onto 2014!! Good luck to all the Christmas testers - heres for some Christmas miracles.

AFM ~ Still waiting for AF. Another BFN this morning. I went to the doctor since it is "odd" that AF has not shown when I took the ovidrel on Dec 3rd. The scan was normal and the blood work won't be ready until Friday due to the holidays - so just wait and see. At least he didnt SEE another cyst. So for now I just continue waiting for AF (which means constantly going to the bathroom...)

Merry Christmas everyone who celebrates!
Sorry about the BFN moni :hugs: . The wait & see can certainly be aggravating; constant undie watch gets annoying :dohh: . But yay for the doc not seeing another cyst :thumbup: .

Bleh AF has officially reared her ugly head. :( it looks like I will be babydancing to ring in the new year! At least babydancing is fun even if AF can kiss my a**!
Damn right stupid AF! :finger: Sorry she got you gal :hugs: but bring on NYE BD :D .

Well BFN for me but no AF either. See if she comes on Christmas Eve or more POAS!
Sorry about the BFN charlie but with no AF just yet FX still! :af: And woohoo for a longer LP! :dance:

ERose-getting SO excited and nervous. My stomach is seriously tickling when i look at your chart. Symptom spot for a moment. Anything??

Ha! Ok, symptom spotting... let me see. My boobs hurt like a son of a B. But ever since clomid, that seems to be the "thing" in my tww (I've been tricked by it before). I got nauseous while standing in line finishing up my shopping on Sat, but I blame that on how hot it was in the store, and the fact that I hate lines. I feel otherwise totally normal. The only thing maybe slightly different from other cycles is that I don't FEEL AF coming on, if that makes any sense. By this time in my cycle, I have either a) dull cramps, b) brown spotting, or c) moodiness/tired. I always get several days notice that AF is on its way, but nothing at all so far. But I betcha it means the higher dose of clomid is just going to make my cycle last longer. Fab.

Btw, you are too funny! Your stomach is tickling looking at my chart, lol. I totally know the feeling when I look at someone's great chart and I'm thinking, "Oh, that could be a BFP!" Thanks for the optimism. It's that kind of stuff that makes me love this forum! Here's to hoping!
I'm not feeling pre-AF stuff either. We shall see :coffee: . Hope the Clomid isn't playing tricks on ya girly!

My update, I must be something like 5.5 weeks now and last night spotted pink when visited loo. Now today has gone to dark brown and little more of it. Slight cramping but nothing major, feel sick too.

Not sure if this is start of mc again or not. My previous mc was missed and started pink then brown then full on from there. All I can do is wait.

Doesnt look good though. Urgh, this process is a nightmare.

I will keep my fingers crossed this won't turn into anything.
Big, big :hugs: doll. I know that the only thing that will make this better is if the spotting stops and you can see that beautiful heartbeat of a growing baby :hugs: . We're all thinking of you and sending out the very best, most positive energy we can. Hoping this is benign bleeding fandabby. It's so awful that bleeding can mean anything at all during a pregnancy, so anxiety producing :nope: . Just breathe and know that today you are pregnant :hugs: .

oh god I heard the guy yodeling up the mountain :haha:
:rofl: Me too! :haha:

Well temp is down even further today so I'm sure the Witch will land soon!!! :(

Think FF still has my O day wrong cuz a 15 day LP is unheard of for me!! :shrug:

GL to all our testers today!!!!!
Damn these temps! :growlmad: They seem to have missed the memo that they're supposed to stay up b/c pregginess is happening! I hate the temp drop part of charting :dohh: . Even if a woman is pg it scares the hell out of her! Hmm, looking at your chart I'd be more inclined to think you O'd CD13.
Hi ladies....getting caught up on the posts here. Man, you ladies sure do move fast!

First, sorry to everyone who AF had paid a visit to :hugs:. 2014 Will be a fresh start but from reading, it looks like 2013 will go out with a bang for a few of you though.

Second, HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you all, I hope each and everyone of you enjoys the time with your family and friends and for those traveling during the holidays...safe travels.

Good luck to all the upcoming testers...hope to see some more BFP's on the thread before the year ends.

AFM...I am 6DPO so there is nothing major to report. I've decided to not sympton check this month, not pee on 50 million sticks :nope: and just wait it out to see what the next week or so brings. I am remaining hopeful that this will be our month but if it's not at least we have the appt on 1/2 with the fertility specialist to see what's going on. I never imagined the emotions I would be forced to deal with on this journey and I never imagined I would stumble upon such a great group of supportive women. You all have helped me more than you know in such a short amount of time by sharing your knowledge, stories, emotions, insights, and yourselves...so thank you for making me feel alot less lonely on this journey. :hugs: to you all.
:hugs: Yes indeed, this journey is a wild one isn't it? :wacko: Definitely good to have folks to share it with :flower: . I'm not a SS generally since I know what a trickster progesterone is :haha: but the urge to SS can certainly creep in there, ugh! lol
My update, I must be something like 5.5 weeks now and last night spotted pink when visited loo. Now today has gone to dark brown and little more of it. Slight cramping but nothing major, feel sick too.

Not sure if this is start of mc again or not. My previous mc was missed and started pink then brown then full on from there. All I can do is wait.

Doesnt look good though. Urgh, this process is a nightmare.

I will keep my fingers crossed this won't turn into anything.

I am sorry that you have to worry and go through all this wondering and doubt. Praying that things work out for you and that lil bean!

AFM, I am just waiting until AF doesn't show before I test. Possibly Monday if she doesn't appear over the weekend, she is due on Saturday.

Merry Christmas Eve to those who celebrate. Finally got all my shopping done this morning, now off to make cookies with a couple little monsters then off to church service where I will pray extra hard for us all.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!!

Terri- Ha! I haven't thought about the Price is Right in ages! We used to watch it as kids, that is until mom kicked us out of the house for the day! Have fun in NM!

Smiles- This is a great group, right? :)

SPP- Where did you find that smiley giving the finger??? Too funny!

Sis4Us- :af:

ERose- :ninja:

Everyone else- :flower:

AFM- Had my doc's appointment today. It was...ok. Not great, but at least this doc listened to me, although she thinks my problems lie in the chromosomal arena. I figured that would be the big hurdle, so that is not a surprise. I just think 4 chemicals in a row is too many for them ALL to be chromosomal. Anyway, she did an internal exam, and the estrogen is doing its work, my lining is a 9.3- which is good. I should be ovulating very, very soon from my left side (21mm), also good. I felt a sharp pinch from my right side earlier today, so I think that there was something on the right too (I was watching) that collapsed before the appointment.
Anyways, she sent me off with an order for some blood tests on day three of my next cycle, should I not get pregnant this cycle. She is checking my thyroid, and that is good- as both of my parents and two of my brothers have hypothyroidism. The others are tests I have had before, FSH, prolactin, and LH, so there will be no surprises there. She said (I think, she talked a lot) that if those tests were normal that we would go from there. She has four months. If she can't help me in that time, I am going to Dr. Braverman in the States. Yep, pulling out the big (expensive) guns. Gonna solve this problem, dammit.
Oldermom I hope she figures out what's going on so you dont have to spend so much money.. It's great you know when your about to O.. I hope that this cycle is the one and you have a awesome start to a new year with a New Years BFP!!
Today was my test date at 14dpo, and it was BFN. :( I still don't feel any signs of AF, but I do feel like the higher dose of clomid is going to extend my cycle a couple days.

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