hormone crash after ERPC

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Glad you are doing well too Hopie! and Def stay positive! Good things are coming for us! Look how much progress each of us has made in just the last couple of weeks or so! Keep the faith Ladies we are all awesome and there are good things coming our way! :thumbup:
Oh hopie your post made me giggle! Glad you enjoyed 'choccy' for brekki ☺
The healthy eating is going well so far (but its only day 2!!) Ive managed to avoid all junk food. Felt peckish a short while ago so i had a pear instead of dipping into the biscuit (biccie) tin. Im sure i must have burnt a stack of calories in the past two days, ive completely gutted the house and have literally just sat down since 6am.
Bernie you are so right - we are all awesome and each day gets better. I really hope we all continue to support each other beyond our soon to be BFPs xx
I just love the UK slang Blu! Our friend goes to the UK every couple months for work and Filming a show out there and he always comes back and tells us the new words he learned, I always think they are so cute! I cant wait til we can tag along on one of those trips with them lol :)
I'm working on healthy eating and exercise too! I sneak a candy bar every once in a while in the car.. I feel like if I throw away the evidence it didn't happen! Haha. I forgot to throw it away one day though and oh found it.. I felt like I cheated on him! Haha sometimes a girl needs chocolate! I'm stuck home on snow days the rest of the week.. I hope I don't bored eat!
Oh Bernie come for a road trip we will teach you stacks of new words. Think ill keep dropping them in now haha.
Puppy I totally get that, if you put the wrapper in the side pocket of the door it didnt happen hahaha. Im feeling much better for being back on track 🍜🍏🍅🍌🍓
Im up early this morning, DH is away at a conference overnight so I got up to see him before he left. Just enjoying a cuppa now then better get ready for work. Have a great thursday ladies 💞
Teeheehee Blu i liked your slang post i haven't called a biscuit a biccie for ages, I'd forgotten it existed haha love it!
You guys are so right we've come so far in only a few weeks we rock! And I'm sure we'll be there to support each other on our future journeys, i feel like we have a bond now having helped each other out of hell <3
Do any of you have journals?

Well done you guys for the healthy eating. I'm eating well at work but still been busting out the choccy in the evenings oops.
I'm having a cuppa too and then better get ready myself. Have a great Thursday all xx
Hi Jaspie, another good day on the eating front here, ive not bought any choccy so i wont be tempted.
I dont have a journal but have seen yours, how did you start it? I think id like to do one xx
I just gave a bit of background of my story, my current situation and what I was looking forward to in the future. It's a good place to get your thoughts out of your head sometimes. You should definitely start one I'll be your first stalker!
One more day in work! Then weekend woooo. Hope you all have a nice evening!
Do you just do it as a normal post though or in a separate place?
Im looking forward to the weekend too, not sure where you are but I hear the weather forecast is good for a few spring days &#128077;
Oh lovely! I hope so :) i love that we're coming out of a dark time just as winter is turning to spring :) it gives me hope. I'm near Cardiff, how about you?
There's a sub forum in ttc called ttc journals just create a new thread xx
I can't wait for it to be the weekend! no rain this weekend and its supposed to be like 75! My Best friend and I made a spa day appt down in Santa Monica and I cant wait for a massage, facial and lunch on the beach! I hope you ladies enjoy the weekend and get some relaxing in too!
I'm so excited! I finally got my positive OPK this morning! :happydance:
Ooh fab ill have a look at that thank you. Im in the west midlands. Its definitely warmer today so may attack the garden tomorrow.
Have you ladies got plans this weekend? Hope its warmer in NYC Hopie?
Im thrilled to report that healthy eating is well on track but keep forgetting folic acid so im leaving it out next to the kettle now to remind myself.
Any more signs post ovulation jaspie? X
Honestly I feel the same now as I did last time on 3dpo. Extremely gassy! Burping constantly was my first symptom right after ovulation until d&c and is not normal for me after ov except that cycle and here it is again. I'm trying to remember though that nothing is normal this cycle and maybe ovulation triggered old pregnancy symptoms again or something with the hormones? I don't know. Trying not to get my hopes up.
Hope you've all had a good Friday! I love the weekend :) Enjoy your spa day Bernie it sounds lovely.
Reading your post Blu reminded me to take my folic acid too!
Hoping for a lie in tomorrow, I forgot how much I wake up in anticipation of taking my temp in the tww....temping is terrible for disrupting my sleep as I get too excited/impatient wanting to see what it is! zzzzz
Sorry I missed your previous post Bernie, your weekend sounds fabulous and high five for the positive OPK!! &#128513;
I really hope this is your month Jaspie. I've never temped or used OPKs but I do get ovulation pain, EWCM and sore nipples afterwards so have a rough idea. Thankfully we've always found it easy to get pregnant prior to the ERPC so I hope that doesn't change now, however staying pregnant is more of a challenge.
No lie in here, DS was up at 6.30 so were snuggled up watching kids TV for an hour. I just love Saturdays. I hope you all have a fab day xxx
Aww i love the sound of mornings like that cuddled up watching kids tv. I love kids tv haha!
Yes same here we got pregnant first month trying so I am praying it is that easy for us again. The pain of miscarriage is bad enough but my heart goes out to those who had to try for a long time only to have it taken away. Hope everything is still as easy this time for us both!
I'm not sure of my plans today, I might pop into town, i want to get my engagement ring cleaned. I also bought my first wedding magazine yesterday so am going to have a little browse through that this morning! Then later is fil's b day celebration so I'm not sure if we're going out over our area or if we're going to theirs which is 40 mins away. I love staying over theirs. Our bed over there is the comfiest bed in the world AND they've got a puppy!
Hi friends!
So much positivity on here, I love it! Congrats on your opk's and all the healthy eating going on. For some reason, my fiance and mom think they can always make me feel better with food. I'll be packing on the pounds any day now. Fiance came home with...Girl Scout cookies!! Am in big trouble.
I think I will officially start healthy eating on March 21st. First day of spring. I have written this winter off. I still look like someone who has been living in the forest, I like my comfort food too much right now, and it is still freaking freezing out there!!
Will be interesting to see if any of you get that crazy choccy (love it!) craving, or sweets craving the days before AF. It was insane. I wanted cake, pie- sweets I never really eat all day long.

Your weekend plans sound wonderful! Bernie- so lucky-- 75 is the perfect temperature! a spa day sounds just perfect. Let us know how it was. I need to schedule an appointment soon. For some reason I am still letting myself go.. lol.
Saturdays really are the best. Even though I'm not working now, I love Saturdays b/c I have my guy with me. :)

Jaspie- when does your new job start? I will check out your journal!
I should start one. I do have an on-line blog I have to update.
Exciting about the wedding planning. I have to get to that too. We have been engaged a year and a half already!

Feel like rubbish today (another saying I love!) Everything hurts. Feel like I'm 90. Forcing self out to a pilates class. I got back to the city today from being stuck at my parent's from another snow storm. It is finally going to warm up, so we are planning our favorite-- walking around the city, getting hot chocolate at fave place, and tomorrow it should warm up even more for another city walking day!

Keep the positive vibes going..Reading here SO helps me. I feel like I am the real downer in the group, but your positive vibes really help.

I'll leave you with a funny note-- My fiance came to pick me up in Connecticut last night. He could tell from the looks of me, it was a long week at my parents.. We were snowed in.
I told him I spent the day listening to my mom constantly complain about the snow, and the plow guy who never came..There we were - my parents sitting in front of the window trying to get sunlight, my mom bickering away and me sitting on the exercise bike trying to burn off my 5,000 calories of comfort food made by my Italian mother, who handles tough times by cooking. While on the exercise bike, I had binoculars around my neck (because my mom wanted me to be on the look out since she thought the snow plower was going to our neighbor's homes but not ours.) In my hands the reading book, "How to Retrain Your Brain". (my latest self-help book since everything happened).

It doesn't get much stranger than that. But must see the humor in life.

Needless to say, thank God I am back in the city and can see life again!

Hey All, Jaspie and Hopie do you have dates for the weddings? How exciting, congratulations. We have been hitched 6 years in July, its gone so fast. Hopie you are so funny, that sounds like some kind of sketch show haha, have a vision of you say on the bike looking through your binoculars and the neighbours thinking your a peeping tom, too funny.
Weve had a lovely day today, did a spot of shopping earlier, nothing exciting just household bits then weve had an afternoon in the garden, topped off with a yummy homemade lamb curry and rice which was yummy. Im going to have a totally rock & roll saturday nite ony PJ's &#128521;
I think you may have been better had you not been made redundant Hopie, its a shame it all happened at once. I know were all different but I found being at work so helpful to get back into a routine and I feel as though Ive moved forward. Tuesday next week marks the 5th anniversary of my first miscarriage and although i always remember it and also remember my approx due date, i also think had that not happened we wouldnt have been blessed with such a special little boy 3 months later and so its not something i ever feel sad about now, but will always wonder what if? Thats what helps through this period because I know our rainbow baby will come someday and the world will seem a better place.
Love to you all xx
Hi Blu- sounds like a great weekend! Lamb curry..yum. It is warming up today finally and looking forward to another all day city walk, where we eat too much. :)
I am so glad you were blessed with your special boy 3 months later. I know what you mean by wondering 'what if?'. I don't remember feeling too sad after the 1st but this time around..whoa. And you are right, got hit with 3 bad things at once is went spiraled me into a depression. I bet a routine helps a lot. It would for me too if I had a job that was good but that particular job was SO toxic and awful, it wouldn't have helped a bit..In fact the stress would have made me worse. So I have to see it as a blessing.

Wedding date-- I have no idea still! Jaspie - how about you?
I must get on it!

So I am done with my 4 self-help books... I am looking for ways to get my dad better as he is down as well. For anyone reading this who might be depressed, best one I found by far was in the library and not a well known one. Called The 10 best-ever depression management techniques by Wehrenberg. Jas- I know you mentioned anxiety. Author also wrote best-seller: 10 Best-ever Anxiety Mgt. Techniques. Might be worth checking out.
I don't believe in medication for myself, so trying to do cognitive-behavioral therapy to get to a better mindset. :)

We are off to get claypot ginger chicken at Vietnamese place today.. I feel like highlight of life is food lately!

Happy Sunday!
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