Horrified .. drinking and smoking

i absolutely love my once a wk wine glass of beer on a friday evening, its something i look forward to at the end of the working wk, where as before i got pregnant we used to go out partying every weekend, where as we now watch a movie,have a good homecooked dinner and my once a wk glass of beer!!

As for smokeing and as my mum so often will tell me when we speak on the phone that her generation smoked and drank throughout there pregnancys with no obviouse signs of damage (i do have a naff memory!! lol), its not just my mum who's said this but many a mum of her generation have said this too, i dont agree with smokeing when pregnant but i found it terribly hard at first to not smoke and will (god forbid me for admitting this on a baby forum)admit to the odd puff in the beginning til my mw came up with a great solution to this...a doppler!! once i heard my babys fast and strong heartbeat that did the trick!!
it really is difficult to stop, i tried many times when ttc but i'm thankfull that the dreaded drug has been put to rest now.
again sofie, just MY OPINION and I wish you much luck in quitting!! I'm sorry if my post offends you or anyone else, but reading posts that justify smoking/drinking offends me. The forum goes both ways. Looks like some of us will have to agree to disagree!

simmer down ladies.... I'm not going to argue with you. If you don't like my opinion than that's OK with me. My opinion may be judgemental, but I will always stand up for what I believe in and I believe that smoking and drinking during pregnancy is irresponsible. I'm going to be a wonderful Mommy. I have high expectations for myself and my family. I'm sorry you are so angry, and I'm not here to make enemies. I wish you ladies the best of luck in your pregnancies.
So am I to assume you haven't eaten any of the foods advised against in pregnancy? Am I to assume you haven't drunk any fizzy drinks, sugar, processed foods, or walked somewhere where there are car fumes. All those have been researched and shown to cross the placenta (just as alcohol does) so if I'm a bad mum because I enjoy the odd glass of wine, then every pregnant woman on the planet will be a bad mum.

I also laugh at your declaration of you're going to be a wonderful mum - if you're this judgemental to a group of people you don't know what the fuck will you be like with your kids :D I suggest you meet with the real world at some point, there is more to being a good mum than never having a drink (oh and high expectations normally results in being unhappy and people never meeting your expectations - but you go for it :)
Why do people keep bring up food as a comparison to alcohol? It maskes no sense?

And car fumes can hardly be avoided can they?

These are silly comparisons imo

And is there really a need for swearing at people?
I was about to say too, what's the need for the swearing!?!!
OT but i love ur pink hair sb22 :D It really suits you x
oh dear, i just saw the topic starter then posted my comment before i then realised this's got to be quite a heated debate, its really difficult to read and run when you've read something you dont believe in ie smokeing when pregnant but its soo easy to judge someone for doing what you would deem unfit, i smoked , i will more than likely smoke after my pregnancy though im not smokeing atm, its such a hard habit to kick and i understand none smokers or smokers being horrified at someone who choses to smoke when pregnant, just remember that these women who do this are doing it as its there own choice and should be left to do this as remember it doesnt affect yourself, you are only giveing yourselfs unnessesary stress reacting to someone elses life choices you can not influence.
yeh but it affects an innocent child who has no say in the matter :shrug:
Why do people keep bring up food as a comparison to alcohol? It maskes no sense?

And car fumes can hardly be avoided can they?

These are silly comparisons imo

And is there really a need for swearing at people?

again sofie, just MY OPINION and I wish you much luck in quitting!! I'm sorry if my post offends you or anyone else, but reading posts that justify smoking/drinking offends me. The forum goes both ways. Looks like some of us will have to agree to disagree!

simmer down ladies.... I'm not going to argue with you. If you don't like my opinion than that's OK with me. My opinion may be judgemental, but I will always stand up for what I believe in and I believe that smoking and drinking during pregnancy is irresponsible. I'm going to be a wonderful Mommy. I have high expectations for myself and my family. I'm sorry you are so angry, and I'm not here to make enemies. I wish you ladies the best of luck in your pregnancies.
So am I to assume you haven't eaten any of the foods advised against in pregnancy? Am I to assume you haven't drunk any fizzy drinks, sugar, processed foods, or walked somewhere where there are car fumes. All those have been researched and shown to cross the placenta (just as alcohol does) so if I'm a bad mum because I enjoy the odd glass of wine, then every pregnant woman on the planet will be a bad mum.

I also laugh at your declaration of you're going to be a wonderful mum - if you're this judgemental to a group of people you don't know what the fuck will you be like with your kids :D I suggest you meet with the real world at some point, there is more to being a good mum than never having a drink (oh and high expectations normally results in being unhappy and people never meeting your expectations - but you go for it :)

Love it!! :)

You can't win with some people- if they can't understand what we're trying to say about the comparisons ie, we all (unless we're 'perfect' like PugMama22!!) 'consume' things that are NOT good for the baby-in and out of our control (even if you abstain from alcohol, most of us consume crap from some foods that YOU CHOOSE to eat), then I think we just have to give in trying to explain- they will never understand. In fact I think they would rather not understand so that it justifies them looking down there nose on others as 'bad mums'.

No-one is perfect, so take a few steps down and face reality!


ahh yes but my point is, that its not mine or yours buisness to tell these ladies that is it, as i'm sure they know the effects it as on there unborn child i'm confident these ladies are not stupid , they are simply hooked on smokeing and again its there buisness not yours, you are merely venting your frustration and you own beliefs that these ladies will not just give up because you have told them its bad for there unborn child!
I dont really get the whole its not your baby its not your business thing. People can still have a opinion on it.

If i gave my baby booze or a cigerate after it was born would people still be saying its my business and my baby so keep your opinion to yourself?
after this post i promise to not post another in this topic but really, when you say 'if i were to give my baby booze and fags when its born', you know you really wouldn't do that and obviously no sane person would do this, i think you went a bit to far with that comment trying to make your point that smokeing when pregnant is not a godd idea, again i was just saying its really none of your buisness what these people do nor is there unborn baby any of your buisness, it doesn't matter to them what you say, they will continue to do what they want as its there decision not yours,
i take it we wont become bump buddies seen as were due at the same time!
I think people expect topics like this to be sugar coated and the fact of the matter is that women who smoke while pregnant and are not ashamed to admit it offend others who strongly (and rightfully so) believe it is wrong to. It is not a question of judgement but rather the fact that some things are frowned upon by social standards and that is just the way it goes. For those of you that are at least trying to quit, then props to you! but for those that are not even giving it a go and who keep saying that "it's an addiction similar to heroin ect.." let me just say that where there's a will, there's a way. I did, and that doesn't make me super woman, I just made a choice and stuck to it. So for those of you looking for an "it's ok to smoke while pregnant, don't worry" you will not get that here. Please respect that women have taken years to conceive and are therefore VERY adament about their baby's health and NO, smoking is not comparable to eating deli meats or inhaling car fumes?
As a non-smoker, this is a non issue for me, but I know for a FACT that doctors will tell their patients to "cut back" to the bare minimum while pregnant.

I hate to say it, but when doctors are telling people to cut back, but not stop then maybe these patients should listen to them, and you should MYOB.

That said, I will continue to eat chocolate, eat deli meat, have the occasional diet coke, and every other bad thing I have done, and I could give a rat's ass what anyone here thinks about me. :D
Smoking and drinking during pregnancy is just another form of child abuse, in my opinion.

You are extremely self-righteous LaLaBelle - and frankly, having read all the other comments that led up to yours, I would have thought you'd have the sense to keep your mouth shut.

Excuse me? I hope that you are confused, and are referring to SiBelle, who is not me.

Apologies, I didn't mean you. Should have put my eyes in properly but got so bloody heated at the "child abuse" line. Big sorry.
Ive commented with regards to drinking but as far as smoking goes here's my unasked for (lol) opinion (because last time I checked, this is an open forum for discussion and opinions right?).

Smoking is carcinogenic. That means it causes cancer. Smoking also causes high blood pressure and atherosclerosis (damage to the arteries).

I get its hard to give up, I really do and to all those who have given up or who have struggled to cut down...well done. Its truly a hard thing to do (Ive never smoked but have seen many patients struggle with it) so bravo.

To those who for some bizarre reason seem to think its ok to smoke pregnant or not...I suggest you pay a visit to your local respiratory ward or your local hospice.

Ive worked in both in the last year and have seen countless of wonderful people die a horrible grim death from either cancer or COPD (aka emphysema...caused EXCLUSIVELY by smoking). These people were told years ago it was ok to smoke, in fact it was good for them back in the day. They died very very young in their 50's and 60's due to their smoking. And let me tell you, both are awful deaths to have and awful deaths to watch. These people are probably of a similar age to your parents who have told you 'I smoked when I was pregnant and you're fine now'. My mum said the same to me. I say back to her 'mum, my brother and I both have asthma!!!'.

Please, think of your own health when you put that ciggie in your mouth. You're inhaling something that causes cancer and you're inhaling it willingly. You have the choice to do that, fair enough. None of us are perfect. But smoking has no benefit, it just damages your body. And you're inhaling substances that...in the future...will cause serious health problems for you and your children will have to watch you become ill and you may be robbed of precious time with them.

Am I being dramatic? No. Im not only speaking as a Doctor but Im speaking as a 27 year old first time mum who's mother (who is a very heavy smoker) has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer and will never get to see her grandchild grow up. Im too young to lose my mother but Im going to and very soon. I dont blame the cigarettes entirely. But I dont think they helped matters at all.

As I say, you smoke those carcinogenic substances willingly. Your child has no say in the matter. So those cancer-causing substances will be crossing your placenta. Those artery-destroying substances are screwing up your placental blood vessels and also crossing over to your child's delicately growing cardiovascular system.

Ive seen lungs of smokers...they are speckled with black tar from the ciggies. I have also seen the placentas of smokers....also speckled with black tar from ciggies.

I know we cant avoid EVERYTHING that is bad for us, you cant avoid pollution with the best will in the world. But please, I beg, try if you can to cut down if not quit. Consider just how much damage you are doing to your own body as well as your child.

Im not judging anyone, please dont think I am. Im asking those who havent considered the things I have said to consider them if you can. Smoking full stop is just horrendous...Ive seen too many people gasp out their last breaths too young because of the ciggies to think any other way. Dramatic? Nope. Realistic. I wish I hadnt seen half of what I have seen over my years of medicine and all of these could have been avoided with a bit of quitting.

My practice has a smoking cessation nurse who is AMAZING and has wonderful success rates because she goes through the difficult journey with you. If you havent already, consider making an appointment with your smoking cessation nurse if your GP has one, they're really really helpful.

To the lady who is trying Champix...best of luck. Its amazing stuff!

A nice thing to help you to quit is...buy a little savings jar and if you manage to cut down or quit...put how much you would spend on ciggies a week in the jar and by the time your baby is here, you should have a fair few pounds saved. Then, once the baby is born, you can either treat yourself to something (like a hair cut) or maybe use the money to buy that overly expensive baby gadget that you love and know is unneccesary...but you love nonetheless!!!!!!

I wish you all happy and healthy pregnancies.
Thanks Sarah :hugs: PS. OMG YOU'RE HAVING A BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! :happydance:

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