Horrified .. drinking and smoking

Ok, let's not act like Martyrs here! Sibelle has clearly apologized for her post so let's all get over it! She has stated it was not meant in the way that it came accross so no need to badger her, just MOVE ON.
LOL! I don't think that post was meant for you Lalabelle ;)
This was a very interesting thread to read.

I personally believe that in moderation, the occasional glass of wine is fine. They do say that red wine is good for the heart, and since the heart works 10x's harder then usual, it cant do that much harm :D

On the smoking issue; yes, its not good for the baby. Everyone knows that. People who quit, IMO are amazing. I personally have managed to cut down to 2 per day ( 1 in morning, 1 before i go to bed ). Im working on cutting out the last 2. My 'quit day' is Friday 11th March, the day of my 1st scan. :)
This thread has made me laugh quite a few times. Here we are all about to be moms and we're acting like little high school girls over something that really at the end of the day isn't any of our business. We each are going to do what we think is best for ourselves and our babies...some people just need to relax!

I've never smoked, but I can only imagine how hard it is to stop. I've watched my MIL struggle with quiting for the last 3 years and each time it just eats her up inside. For those women who have given up smoking or who have reduced how much they smoke: CUDOS!

As for drinking, I had 1 glass of champagne on New Year's Eve (I was 11 weeks pregnant), but that's all.

I don't understand how some women can be so rude and throughltess on this forum. We're here to help each other out throughout our pregnancies regardless of what issues we're each overcoming...well, that's what I thought at least.

Just popping over from first tri... this is just my opinion, but if one isn't ready to give up smoking and drinking then MAYBE one isn't ready to be a parent? I mean, I'm no expert, but it seems like just another SACRAFICE parents do to give their babies the BEST opportunities in life. Life is hard enough without the complications of potential physical and mental disabilities. Again, just MY OPINION! Carry on....
Just popping over from first tri... this is just my opinion, but if one isn't ready to give up smoking and drinking then MAYBE one isn't ready to be a parent? I mean, I'm no expert, but it seems like just another SACRAFICE parents do to give their babies the BEST opportunities in life. Life is hard enough without the complications of potential physical and mental disabilities. Again, just MY OPINION! Carry on....

Smoking is an addiction. Not a habbit, you can't click your fingers and give up in one day!

It is just as addictive as heroin. I think your comment was a bit harsh to be honest. I am ready to be a parent! And I have had to make sacrafices for my unborn child.

Let me tell you, I could only wish I could quit smoking for my child. But when he is here I intend to go on champix (form of help - In tablet form) which unfortunatley you cant have when pregnant.

Champix is completely different to patches and gum champix send a chemical to your brain to kill the craving.

So next time please think before your write down your opinion about smoking during pregnancy and how insensitive your comment actually is.
again sofie, just MY OPINION and I wish you much luck in quitting!! I'm sorry if my post offends you or anyone else, but reading posts that justify smoking/drinking offends me. The forum goes both ways. Looks like some of us will have to agree to disagree!
Just popping over from first tri... this is just my opinion, but if one isn't ready to give up smoking and drinking then MAYBE one isn't ready to be a parent?

One of the most ridiculous things that I've read. Who are YOU to judge and say someone isn't ready to be a parent? Do you not realize that you could go by the book in your pregnancy and your baby have abnormalities and disabilities! I know you said it's your opinion, just because it is - does NOT give you the right to be judgmental or make comments about if someone is ready to be a parent!
Just popping over from first tri... this is just my opinion, but if one isn't ready to give up smoking and drinking then MAYBE one isn't ready to be a parent? I mean, I'm no expert, but it seems like just another SACRAFICE parents do to give their babies the BEST opportunities in life. Life is hard enough without the complications of potential physical and mental disabilities. Again, just MY OPINION! Carry on....

again sofie, just MY OPINION and I wish you much luck in quitting!! I'm sorry if my post offends you or anyone else, but reading posts that justify smoking/drinking offends me. The forum goes both ways. Looks like some of us will have to agree to disagree!

You know what I think makes for a lousy parent? Stupid, judgmental women. That's just my OPINION. Sorry if my post offends you, but reading crap like you wrote offends me. The forum goes both ways. Looks like some of us will have to agree to disagree!

There's a difference between "disagreeing" and telling people they're going to make lousy parents. And I think that the fact that you can't tell the social difference between those two things means a lot about how you're going to raise your children, but damn, wouldn't that be a horribly rude and judgmental thing for me to say?
I couldnt agree more! each to their own. You cant judge people unless your perfect and none of us are. I know what my opinons are - from someone who smoked 20-+ fags a day until the day i found out i was pregnant - i can tell you that it clearly is possible to just go cold turkey - but it doesnt mean you are going to be a bad mum if you havent or dont! what each lady decides to do in their pregnancy is up to them! chill out ladys xx
simmer down ladies.... I'm not going to argue with you. If you don't like my opinion than that's OK with me. My opinion may be judgemental, but I will always stand up for what I believe in and I believe that smoking and drinking during pregnancy is irresponsible. I'm going to be a wonderful Mommy. I have high expectations for myself and my family. I'm sorry you are so angry, and I'm not here to make enemies. I wish you ladies the best of luck in your pregnancies.
lalabelle- enough is enough. you really need to let it go. sure I laughed it off at first, but i reworded my posting because I'm not here to argue.
i have never drank or smoked during pregnancy. and I dont intend to, but I dont judge others that do. Most that I know that do, are trying to quit smoking, and after seeing how hard it is for my uncle to quit smoking, I can understand.

too much judgement goes on the world. and I dont really want to be a part of it.
Hi again ladies~

I've been keeping tabs on this thread, and I've noticed a couple of posts calling people "bad mothers" or "not ready to be a parent". I'll tell you- the only time I would say that about someone, in regards to this subject, is if they said, "I know drinking a glass of wine might hurt my baby, but I don't care." Get what I mean? It's simply a difference in opinion. Even doctors can't agree! Maybe they're the ones we should be going after!

Now lets play nice :flower:
I sat down for quite a while thinking yesterday after I posted in this thread. I understand everyone's positions and opinions, and by all means we should be allowed to express them. I felt personally attacked by some of the comments on here because I am struggling to quit smoking, and honestly most (not all) of us that are still smoking beat ourselves up daily as it is. It's disheartening to come to this forum seeking advice, answers AND support; only to be left feeling attacked and judged. The child abuse comment in here was absolutely uncalled for and extremely hurtful. This comment has lead me to make the decision to no longer be and active member on baby and bump. I wish you all the best in your pregnancies, and for all of us who are still struggling with our addictions, BE STRONG! Peace to all.

I apologize if my comment made you feel this way. It was meant as a general comment to those who drink and smoke without any remorse, and it happens more often than we think. While others do everything they can to eat healthy and have trouble getting a BFP in the first place.

Still, I should have been more sensitive and thought twice before posting it.
Just the fact that you are on here proves that you care and that you will be a wonderful mother. Quitting smoking is not an easy thing to do. There are far more dangerous things.

Please, reconsider leaving the forum just on the account of my selfish comment. There is so much support on here and I would feel terrible if you missed out on it because of a mistake I made.

I'm sorry, I hadn't seen your apology before I posted this. I understand that sometimes we as humans don't necessarily think of all of the ramifications of what we say. I have no hard feelings towards you or anyone on here, as I honestly don't know any of you! This thread has gotten a bit out of control and I think we may all need to take a step back and maybe just let it die. I'm sure that everyone on here, whether or not we're "perfect" will all be great mommies! :flower: I think I will live and let live and continue reading the great threads that are on here! Have a great day everyone!
Still with the changing bags at ten paces ladies? Why do people have to be rude and offensive to get a feeling across?


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