hospitals stopping providing formula

they're still providing bottles at the hospital, just you hve to fill them with your own milk. and as i said before, its not every hospital yet, but it will be in the future, so just check lol!!
Thanks for that bubbles May be the best idea :) .
I have just took layla to pre school , And took a look at asdas and they sell the glass bottles you get in hospitals they sell them in a little crate thing i think they were £5 ish .
Only problem is they are only in cow and gate and sma so would have to be one of thoose .
And from what i could see they had the rubber teats on them too like the hospital ones :) .
Hope this helps everyone . xx .

Thats exactly what i was thinking of using, a bit pricey mind 12x100ml pre made bottles for £14 odd, but its got to be easier that flapping around with bottles and sterilizers aint it.

suppose it is a good idea to make sure my hospital isent providing them first.

This is complete bollox and I completly disagree with any 1 saying u should provide ur own milk..!

1. why do we pay taxes??
2. babys are gonna get ill cause a mother who has just given birth cant be expected 2 sterelise her own bottles and make up formula when u got a screaming baby..!

this aint 2 promote breastfeeding at all its so hospitals can con us out of even more care..!

I'll definatly want 2 discharge myself as soon as Lo is all cleared if my hospital are putting this into practice..!
My opinion on this is really different.

It's my baby, my responsibility to feed it, provide everything it needs whilst we are there. Charlie - you're saying "no nappies, no formula, no maternity pads" but it's not for them to provide for you? I took all of my own stuff.. what makes you any different? *not meant to sound harsh, just want your view*

If this is the case, then when I have my next baby I will just take some small bottles of the SMA, or the cartons.. not a problem. I do agree on the breastfeeding though, no one offered me good support whilst I was there - they were useless!

i was never saying i have a problem with it, i said that my hospital dont provide it, never once did i say they should because i dont think they should, not there place to pay for it

edited to add and i took all my own stuff to, and i would have even if it had of been provided to make sure i had it for sure and there was no chance of running out!
I did mention this policy a few weeks back.
From my own experience of having 2 children at a hospital which DIDN'T provide milk for you, and i was in for 5 days with both of them.

You take in your own milk cartons or powder. you take your own bottles aswell, one or two are fine but they can provide more if you need them, disposable one use ones. They have sterilisers and kettles in a kitchen right next to the ward, where you can go sterilise your bottles, and then make up feeds as you need them, if you are unable to get out of bed the nurses and midwives on duty will make bottles up for you to start with. The little pre mixed dumpy bottles that the hospitals always use are still available to use but they will usually be given as first feed (if you are not BF'ing) and also if you have any complications with feeding and have not planned formula feeding.
The idea behind it is more so people who plan to bottle feed can come prepared and save the hospital some money. It is designed also to promote breastfeeding but obviously if you are physically unable to they will not expect your baby to go hungry hence the extras still being available.

I hope that helps some of you and if you have any more questions justy ask i'll try to remember.
I think everyone should just be thankful that your country provides a public health system - they provide you with all the prenatal care required, a hospital to birth in with drugs if you require them and midwives, doctors, surgeons on hand to assist if there is a problem, and then home visits afterwards to ensure you and your baby are doing well. Sure, sometimes the service is not 5 star but just image if you lived in America, you would have to birth at home if you didn't have health insurance - ($861.5 BILLION spent on "the war on terror" and yet they still "can't afford" to care for their own citizens!)
I will be bringing my own nappies, maternity pads etc to hospital even if they do provide them, as usually they are the economy type crappy ones anyway!
Hmmm....... i was going to take in my own cartons of milk anyway as my hospital don't provide the brand I will be using.
While in hospital having my 1st I was told by a Midwife that all the SMA and Cow & Gate ready made bottles are DONATED!!! By the company themselves, so if this is true then they wont really be saving any money will they?!

I think the choice should still be there though, most of us pay taxes and national insurance for the majority of our lives so it's technically not a free health service we have......
Plus, if the NHS are willing to provide junkies and alcoholics with drugs to treat their "Illness", then I think our babies should be allowed some free milk at the beginning of their lives if needed!!
What happens to mothers who have problems breast feeding :confused:

when my baby boy was born he was taken away from me 2 hours due to having a dangerously low blood sugar level. he was tube fed and a drip was put up. a few days later he was allowed food FROM A BOTTLE - formula milk!!! I asked to breast feed and the doctors said i couldn't cos they wanted to measure how much milk was going in as his blood sugars were being checked before and after each meal.

after a few days Ali was allowed to go to my boob but he just wouldn't latch on. i was drained and emotional and gave up and i give him formula and some expressed breast milk.

so, wonder how their ban will treat women in a similar situation to mine?

The NHS is there to provide MEDICAL care, not to feed your newborn for you. It's your responsibility to take into hospital the things you will need to care for your baby. At the end of the day how you feed your child is a choice and if you choose to bottle feed then it is up to you to provide the formula.

I'm sure there will be provisions for exceptions, where the mother can't breast feed for example.
But can i ask why do they provide moms with meals while they stay in hospital though? surely we should have to take in our own food in that case then?

Will probably get abuse
Exactly..! The goverment spend alot of money on care for people who have drug/drink issues. for instance...If a heroin addict takes an accidental overdose and has to stay in hospital ,they'd be offered food..! sooo Why shouldnt I " some1 who has payed tax since I was 16 and never received any health care" not get offered milk 4 my child..? its crazy..! my child is a patient like anybody else and should get fed like one..!
Anybody whos admitted to hospital is entitled to meals ... they dont turn round n say bring in your own food. So why should it be any different for babies? Ok yes i understand the motives behind doing it. I breastfed both my children but i also enjoyed having the peace of mind that if the breastfeeding didnt work other supplies are available.

To take in your own milk might even stop a mother attempting a breast feed in first place, as the decision of whether you want to breastfeed or not has to be made before you go into hospital.

Just another view point. I think its very unfair to deny a baby of what is there food intake - which every other patient in hospital gets for free.

Those people are ill or unable to care for themselves. Having a baby or being pregnant doesn't make us invalids.

U will get patients who are seriosly ill but not everyone in hospital is seriously ill / unable to care for themselves. You will get all types admitted to hospital for so many reasons but they are all offered meals.

Dnt get me wrong i am not against taking in my own things - in fact for both previous labours i have taken everything in with me nappies pads clothes blankets. I am in no way in search of freebies.

Having a baby dsnt make us invalids yet we're given meals - a baby is the responsibility of its parents and its needs should be met by its parents i totally agree with that -but my point was that if every other person is getting a meal in the hospital than why not a baby? ... its about equality.
Exactly..! The goverment spend alot of money on care for people who have drug/drink issues. for instance...If a heroin addict takes an accidental overdose and has to stay in hospital ,they'd be offered food..! sooo Why shouldnt I " some1 who has payed tax since I was 16 and never received any health care" not get offered milk 4 my child..? its crazy..! my child is a patient like anybody else and should get fed like one..!

Really?!!! Oh my, so you've never seen a GP? Never seen a midwife? Never paid ~£6 for a prescription? Never had free dental care as a child?

Out of interest, why aren't you planning to breast feed your baby?
just thinkin...what happens if at say 4 weeks old a baby's admitted to hospital? you reackon they provide milk if they're bottle fed?
They don't provide free breast pads or nipple cream for breastfeeding mothers so why should they provide formula for bottle feeding mothers?
Really?!!! Oh my, so you've never seen a GP? Never seen a midwife? Never paid ~£6 for a prescription? Never had free dental care as a child?

Out of interest, why aren't you planning to breast feed your baby?

I think I can count on 1 hand the amount of times ive visited my gp- I admit dental care ive had like anyone else, and I am very grateful of the pregnancy related treatment Ive received so far..escpecially talking to some people from the usa on here who have 2 go private..! However... My whole point of this is that If im being supplied food then why aint my baby..! Its just about the principle..!

Ive decided not 2 breast feed as I just dont personally feel comfortable about it...and thats my personal choice..!

Im in no way wanting hand outs I work fulltime and am paying tax sooo why shouldnt my baby and I be treated fairly.. This whole thing is suppose 2 be 2 promote breast feeding..when infact its blackmailing people..!
I don't see why they should have to, they are providing free health care. I'd rather free care then pay huge insurance bills. I would think if you were going to FF you'd bring your own formula in...
They don't provide free breast pads or nipple cream for breastfeeding mothers so why should they provide formula for bottle feeding mothers?

Exactly, why should it be any different?
Obviously I'm not from the UK so I don't know how things work there but I do know that here the hospitals are given free formula to give mothers (among other things)..........makes sense really if the hospital is giving you a certain brand of formula and diapers mothers will assume it's the best and than go out and buy that brand.
I'd rather free care then pay huge insurance bills.

You mean rather than the 11% you have taken from your wages every month. Not technically 'free'... in fact the avarage person in the UK is paying more on healthcare that the avarage person living in the US.

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