How do you manage to wait till 6 months before 'weaning'?

To answer the original question, Robyn is 5 1/2 months and is EBF. She currently feeds every 2 hours (ish) in the day, maybe every 1.5 hours in the evenings, and frequently at night. She's not small (75th centile for height and weight). I 'manage' not to give her solids by simply breastfeeding her whenever she seems hungry.

It's incredibly important to me to wait to wean, until either 6 months or until she shows ALL the signs of being ready for solids (no tongue thrust, being able to feed herself, sitting unaided, at the moment she only has 2/3 signs). Watching you eat isn't a true sign of being ready. She watches everything I (or other family members) do, it's just showing an interest in the world!

The reason it's so important is because I was given things like rusks to help me sleep, and I am not fine. I have a condition called Crohn's disease, which is an autoinflammatory disease where my own body attacks the tissue inside my intestines. No one really knows yet what triggers the disease (there is a genetic component but it appears there also needs to be an environmental trigger). I wasn't diagnosed until I was 24 and became extremely ill, so just because a child is 'fine' at 1 year, 5 years, 15 years, whatever, doesn't mean that there might not have been some damage done. Early weaning might not have had any effect in my case- but I'm not taking the risk with Robyn.

Also, early weaning has been linked with things like wheezing and skin conditions, not just digestive problems. My niece was weaned at 10 weeks old, and suffers with her chest, she has inhalers and long term antibiotics for her wheezing.

So that makes 2 of us weaned early and not fine. Anecdotes about 'well we were all weaned early and are fine' are not incredibly helpful. Guidelines exist because research shows that, on average, babies are healthier this way. It's not a guarantee, but I will do what I can to lower Robyn's risk of getting something like Crohn's or her cousin's chest problems.

Edit: of course, I don't blame my mum for my health problems, she did what was thought best at the time. However, if I didn't do what was thought best at the time, and Robyn later developed Crohn's, I know I'd blame myself. If she does get it, at least I know I did all I could.
No but their feeding changes all the time, a change in how they want to feed does not mean they are ready for solids no matter the age.

No but at 5 months old that particular mum decided to go with it. LOTS of people start weaning around 5 months old.
I'm not saying it is right to give a baby rusks at 4 weeks old but I was listening to my mother as 'mum knows best' and thought it was the right thing to do (obviously not knowing any better) so I took on her advice. We all make mistakes and I didn't know I was making a mistake as it was the norm in my family so I didn't know any differently :shrug: of course now I know it probably wasn't the best thing to give her but it's done now and she's fine! No point crying about it now!
Surprised he could swallow rusk at 4weeks. My dd is 7weeks and pretty sure she would gag.
Is everyone thinking of thick, porridge like rusks? It was watered right down with her formula milk, it was like water it was no where near thick or lumpy etc
I weaned at 4 months because my LO had reflux and it did help alot. If she didn't have reflux then I have no idea when I would have weaned?! Maybe she could have made it to 6 months, maybe not. I do think 4 weeks is wayyyy too early for food, espesically rusks, but tbh I couldn't care less when other people wean. I'm sure the op had her reasons for doing so, who am I to judge her.
I'm not saying it is right to give a baby rusks at 4 weeks old but I was listening to my mother as 'mum knows best' and thought it was the right thing to do (obviously not knowing any better) so I took on her advice. We all make mistakes and I didn't know I was making a mistake as it was the norm in my family so I didn't know any differently :shrug: of course now I know it probably wasn't the best thing to give her but it's done now and she's fine! No point crying about it now!

You live and learn, right? Moms are great (love mine!) but a lot of the guidelines have changed based on current research. My mom has given me a lot of great advice (feed on demand, cuddle your baby because you will miss these times) and lot of really bad advice (she will sleep better when she eats solids, let her cry because it's good for her lungs). You have to use your own judgement. I've made a ton of mistakes as a first time mom, but now I can be better educated when (and if) the second comes around. Now you have that opportunity as well.

Here's a great link on the true signs of readiness for solid foods. It really helped me. I started earlier than I should have as well and my baby clearly wasn't ready. So I'm right there with you:

■Baby can sit up well without support.
■Baby has lost the tongue-thrust reflex and does not automatically push solids out of his mouth with his tongue.
■Baby is ready and willing to chew.
■Baby is developing a “pincer” grasp, where he picks up food or other objects between thumb and forefinger. Using the fingers and scraping the food into the palm of the hand (palmar grasp) does not substitute for pincer grasp development.
■Baby is eager to participate in mealtime and may try to grab food and put it in his mouth.

When you do start, I'd advise against putting anything in a bottle (rusks, baby rice, etc). It's not safe because it's a choking hazzard.
TBH I'm not sure what you mean, if a 4 week old is still hungry an hour later, then give them more boob or another bottle. 3-4 hours is pretty good for that age, many 4 week olds will be waking for food hourly, 24/7. My 1st was 9lb 3oz but had reflux so a bad example, but my 5 month old (smaller, 8lb 7oz born) is on 100th percentile but just takes a lot of boob, so he's fine without solids. I don't see a big deal about 4-6 months at all but I don't see how anyone could say a 4 week old can't be full on milk alone without serious medical issue?

wss ^^^ 3 - 4 hours is an amazingly long sleep at 4 weeks old. My lo had reflux too and comfort fed so was on my boob almost constantly at that age. I'd be lucky if he slept 30mins, but their stomachs are the size of marbles at that age. They can't take much milk, but then they use it quickly so they will feed very often. It doesn't mean that milk isn't satisfying them. Milk is far more nutritious and higher in calories than baby jars etc

I guess I'm one of those people that contribute to society's obesity issues because I couldn't give a rat's ass when someone weans THEIR baby? Lovely, made my day. Thanks for that :) :flower:

I don't see it's any of my business and choose not to give unsolicited advice but then I can't stand being confrontational either.
I have read through a lot of the replies, and I see the same holier than thou posters coming up time and time again. If you cared, you would give more constructive replies.

You might wait till 6 months to wean, but looks like you are going to teach your children that its okay to treat people like poo. What a great role model you must be for you diet perfect kids!

(if you think this post applies to you, it probably does!)

So much for sisterhood!

To end on a positive - Some really good constructive and helpful posts here too. :)
I have read through a lot of the replies, and I see the same holier than thou posters coming up time and time again. If you cared, you would give more constructive replies.

You might wait till 6 months to wean, but looks like you are going to teach your children that its okay to treat people like poo. What a great role model you must be for you diet perfect kids!

(if you think this post applies to you, it probably does!)

So much for sisterhood!

To end on a positive - Some really good constructive and helpful posts here too. :)

I have to agree with this. I don't mean to be preachy, but at the end of the day I think it's best to ask yourself if what you're posting is actually helpful before hitting submit.

We've all made mistakes. We've all been misinformed. We're all human.

Attacking someone, making fun of them or accusing them of being lacking in common sense is NOT going to get your point accross. And sure, I'm guilty of it too. If you really want to change the way someone feels about an issue, compassion, understanding and non-judgemental advice works wonders. I've changed my opinion based on things I've learned on BnB.

Being right for the sake of being right is really dumb.
I don't care if someone weans their baby at 4, 5 or 6 months. guidelines are different everywhere and people get all sorts of conflicting advice from doctors and HVs etc. In my opinion it is best to wait until 6 months but at least 4 months is generally considered to be safe.

Whereas no health professional is going to tell you to give solids to a one month old baby and it is widely known that it is potentially risky to their future health. Why on earth not just give another bottle instead of bits of rusk?
Whereas no health professional is going to tell you to give solids to a one month old baby and it is widely known that it is potentially risky to their future health. Why on earth not just give another bottle instead of bits of rusk?

I think the OP mentioned she did it because her mom recommended it. I think there are many new moms out there who take advice from their own mothers.
I think if you read the full thread you would see that most people try to say,in the nicest possible manner, that giving food to a 4 week old newborn was not a good idea, following current guidelines. I don't think it's anything to do with being some angel, I think people have got so passionate about the subject as the OP seems to try and justify her decision and almost try and make it seem ok and that we are mad for not agreeing - If every one is allowed their own opinions then why can't we as opposing people on this subject?

Of course every woman should be able to make the choices for her baby as I always believe that a mum knows what's best for her baby, but I am amazed at the amount of ladies at the end of this thread seemingly agreeing that nobody should of said anything to the OP. Whilst a pp is saying that they do not care when others wean, they then go on to refer this to a 4,5,6 month old baby- we are talking about a newborn that is 4 weeks old!!! I think if the OP didn't want to hear opinions then why post on an Internet forum? She has been a member long enough to know that certain subjects don't go down well with the majority on here and weaning a newborn is obviously one of them.
I have read through a lot of the replies, and I see the same holier than thou posters coming up time and time again. If you cared, you would give more constructive replies.

You might wait till 6 months to wean, but looks like you are going to teach your children that its okay to treat people like poo. What a great role model you must be for you diet perfect kids!

(if you think this post applies to you, it probably does!)

So much for sisterhood!

To end on a positive - Some really good constructive and helpful posts here too. :)

I agree that things may of got a bit heated during this discussion, but surely the point of sisterhood is to tell someone your honest opinion when you think they are doing/ done something that could be wrong? I know if the OP was my friend or sister I would disagree in the same way and to be honest be just as horrified.

I may not be as qualified as others on here however I think some pp posters have given some real good evidence as to why this practise is such a bad idea, and it's not like we on BNB have just made this stuff up, giving food to a 4 week old baby has been proved to be dangerous. I know as a ftm if I did something that could cause danger to my boy that someone would say something to me, even if it had to be strong worded to get the point across.
Of course we can all have different opinions. I also don't think a 4 week old needs solids and it's potentially very dangerous.

But my point was that there's a difference between giving your opinion and being a jerk. Telling someone they lack common sense because they genuinely didn't know about current guidelines is not only unkind, it's no way to actually get your point accross.
I agree baby's shouldn't be on solids at a few weeks old. Guidelines state 6 months but they say if your baby is read you can try after 4 months!!

I don't think anybody should be nasty about the subject it's just a discussion and everybody can make there own choices with there own children!

To the op I'm sorry if anything I've written has offended you in any way I can assure you that it was not ment to I was merely having a laugh with you not at you x

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