Hurry up BFPs!!! We are ready when you are :-)

Same day as me Cath. Dont stress u dont need to dtd until u get pos opk anyway. Do it tonight etc and good luck xxx
Ohhh mrsb you should dtd before a pos opk to give spermies a good chance of getting all the way up there hun. My body I have to dtd atleast 5 days before a pos opk and then every other day even tho dfs sa has come back fine those spermies have a lot of obstacles to over come haha well its still pos and notemp rise :-D :-D

How you doing chick? Our cycles are always close arent they lol xxx
Cath- it only takes one strong swimmer!
You DTD every day and then after a +OPK every other? isn't it the other way around? :wacko:

I think we might try NTNP this cycle. Maybe just BD every other day. I'm exhausted. :(
Its what ever works for you hun depending on hubbies swimmers etc, we normally just dtd every other day starting from CD8/6. What has got us preg before (the 2 times) was every other day which coincidentally ended up being a pos opk day aswell so we didnt make any special precedent on that day but the time in June when we caught we dtd 4 or 5 days before a pos opk! each time my legs have been in the air and a certain position during sex haha

They do say every other day is the best hun rather than every day so maybe it is worth giving it a shot? we are only dtd every day this week as df says we dont have sex enough WTF?! hes already pulled a muscle in his hip haha xxx
Well, we got pregnant the first time after DTD every day and then the day after +OPK we didn't.
The second time we DTD every day except the day before +OPK.
Both times were morning sex and hip elevated. I was so SURE that was the trick. I feel lost! Actually, these past 2 months we DTD in the afternoon/late morning of the +OPK. Hmmm, maybe that's where I went wrong ;)
Every month, hormonal changes in a woman’s body cause an egg to be released from the ovaries. This egg travels into the fallopian tubes, which connect the ovaries to the uterus (womb). This is called ovulation.

You’re most likely to get pregnant if you have sex within a day or so of ovulation. Ovulation usually happens about 14 days after the first day of your last period.

An egg lives for about 12-24 hours after it’s released. For you to get pregnant, a sperm must fertilise the egg within this time. Sperm can live for up to seven days inside your body, which means an egg is often fertilised by sperm that entered the body before the egg was released.

Learn more about the monthly cycle and pregnancy in When can I get pregnant?

Sex and pregnancy
If you’re hoping to get pregnant, having sex every two or three days throughout the month will give you the best chance.

You don’t need to time sex around ovulation. Trying to do this can be stressful, and being stressed may mean you have less sex.

“Some people buy special kits, or use temperature charts, to try to monitor when they’re ovulating,” says Professor Ledger.

“But temperature charts can be hard to keep and aren’t always reliable. Both kits and charts can cause unnecessary anxiety without being much use.

“Knowing your exact day of ovulation is only useful if you want to time intercourse to the day. Aim for less stress and more fun. After all, it should be a happy time.”
Try doing it in the mornings then hun? Maybe thats your trick ;-D Brand new cycle for you this month so give that a try :-D

I have noticed as well that whenever we have caught its been fun sex - DF and I giggling like a paid of kids etc :-D xxx
Try doing it in the mornings then hun? Maybe thats your trick ;-D Brand new cycle for you this month so give that a try :-D

I have noticed as well that whenever we have caught its been fun sex - DF and I giggling like a paid of kids etc :-D xxx

Having fun is probably the way to go :)
Maybe morning sex is my trick. I'd better get back at it! ;)
Heres a good one hun - heres looking at other peoples 'schedule lol' for what they did before their bfps! xxxxx
Good morning ladies,

Nina - Sorry af got you! I'd say, go on with morning BD!

Cath - As Nina says, it only takes 1 strong swimmer. You're not late at all! You know those who want a boy start to dtd only after they see the +opk!

MrsBP - Happy that you're O'ing on your own. Maybe Clomid really tricked your brain after all!

LL - Every time I say this, it feels so strange but hope you get AF soon!

Sarah - Hope you'll get your sticky bean quickly once you start TTC again!

Susan - Hope the health problems resolve quickly.

All the others - Hope you're OK.

AFM - I postponed my scan to next Wednesday. Since complete molar and ectopic were ruled out, I wanted to give the little bean some more time to grow. Hoping and praying we'll see a strong HB that day [-o<
Very true Ece hun - I dont think I could ever only dtd as soon as we see a pos opk though I would FREAK out haha! Well todays OPK was darker than the other line so i might have ov today?! who knows?

How far gone will you be then hun? xxx
I'll be around 7 weeks hun. That's why I'm praying for a strong HB!
Ah yeah I dont blame you for putting it forward :-D Any symptoms?! xxx
I am a little nauseaus but nothing too serious. However, it keeps me from drinking water which I know is sooo much important. I'm really forcing myself to increase my water intake! Ohhh, and the most important thing is I have sore boobs (or nipples) for the first time in my life. So I'm taking it as a good sign ;)
Hi Girls

Blood Pressure was within normal parameters in each arm but kidney function test came back with elevated levels which is caused by high BP. There is no protein in the urine but this could be first step in what turns into pre eclampsia so GP wants me to wear a 24 hour BP monitor to see how BP behaves. I see my Ob next Thursday so will discuss with her then. I think I really need to be on BP meds.

Right....As for sex when TTC we started cd6 and every 2nd day until O+ which was cd 12 and then we did again morning of cd13
Well af is here bang on day 28 so cycles have returned yay in back to it ladies!!!
LL84 welcome back to trying again.

Girls i know its best to dtd regularly before pos opk but its still not too late. Sex 2 days before ov is the best time to conceive so that is about when u get a pos opk. For me anyway.

LL84 welcome back to trying again.

Girls i know its best to dtd regularly before pos opk but its still not too late. Sex 2 days before ov is the best time to conceive so that is about when u get a pos opk. For me anyway.


You're definitely not late! I usually ovulate the day after a +OPK.

How are you doing MrsB?

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