Hurry up BFPs!!! We are ready when you are :-)

Ticklemonster - how long has it been? I'm at nearly 8 weeks post op but i ovulated last thursday so at least now it's on its way. My hcg took around 4 weeks to be low enough to get negative opks and hpts.

I think my body is quite lazy though as it doesn't ovulate until quite late ( anywhere between cd 19-28). It's hard to know when to start the bding. I don't want to exhaust all dh's supplies. His balls end up shrinking to next to nothing one month as i ovulated on the late side and we had dtd everyday for about 2 weeks. I think he got quite offended when i started to weigh them up! I'm sooo jealous of you ladies with normal cycles. I'd love to be able to plan it a bit better!

Have you guys heard of smep? I read on another thread that it has very high success rates. I think it stands for sperm meets egg program. If i had regular cycles I'd def give it a go!

Nina - so glad the spotting has stopped. You must have been terrified!!
I read all about SMEP, and tried to do it but DH and I fought about too much planning. So we just ended up DTD every day! I got tired, but was afraid I'd miss out. I was happy O passed and I didn't have to stress about sex. TTC takes it's toll on sex life, no matter what people say.
The plan does make sense, but I really think that if everything good with OH sperm, every day would be OK as well.
Hilslo, I had my erpc 5 weeks ago. I'm hoping when they ring tomorrow it has dropped but I still got a faint positive at the weekend. I'm not sure when I ovulate either. I don't understand all this counting and temping business. I am positive with my first baby I conceived right after my period had finished, but it wasn't a true period as I had just come off the pill a week earlier. I'm just so down because of obviously everything that has happened over the last 3 months I just want my body to be back to normal for a short while. My hormones seem to be all over the place at the moment xx
Hilslo, I had my erpc 5 weeks ago. I'm hoping when they ring tomorrow it has dropped but I still got a faint positive at the weekend. I'm not sure when I ovulate either. I don't understand all this counting and temping business. I am positive with my first baby I conceived right after my period had finished, but it wasn't a true period as I had just come off the pill a week earlier. I'm just so down because of obviously everything that has happened over the last 3 months I just want my body to be back to normal for a short while. My hormones seem to be all over the place at the moment xx

It is so frustrating isn't. Just wanting to know what's going on in there is the worst. I do temp as it helps me work out when i o. I therefore know i have o'd so don't have to worry about af now as i know it's on its way. If i didn't temp i'd still be massively stressing! give it a go. I swear you'll love it. Sarah is a convert so can back me up on this! Though i realise that though it stops me from stressing it might stress some people out more!

Nina - not sure this is relevant to you anymore :)) but dh and often make the distinction between baby making sex and normal sex. For us it helps the normal sex stay good and means we can just get down to business on the days we are tired. Hb may be 34 but still has the hormones of an 18 year old so is loving being asked to perform on demand. He loves being used for his sperm!
Nina im so glad the pink spotting has stopped, I'm also glad to hear of another person who never to a positive O test.

Even the month I had 2 eggs released I had no Positive O!....I'm going to DTD everyday too.....what's there to lose eh

Tickle.....should ur HCG still be faint positive or should it be zero now
Hilslo, I had my erpc 5 weeks ago. I'm hoping when they ring tomorrow it has dropped but I still got a faint positive at the weekend. I'm not sure when I ovulate either. I don't understand all this counting and temping business. I am positive with my first baby I conceived right after my period had finished, but it wasn't a true period as I had just come off the pill a week earlier. I'm just so down because of obviously everything that has happened over the last 3 months I just want my body to be back to normal for a short while. My hormones seem to be all over the place at the moment xx

It is so frustrating isn't. Just wanting to know what's going on in there is the worst. I do temp as it helps me work out when i o. I therefore know i have o'd so don't have to worry about af now as i know it's on its way. If i didn't temp i'd still be massively stressing! give it a go. I swear you'll love it. Sarah is a convert so can back me up on this! Though i realise that though it stops me from stressing it might stress some people out more!

Nina - not sure this is relevant to you anymore :)) but dh and often make the distinction between baby making sex and normal sex. For us it helps the normal sex stay good and means we can just get down to business on the days we are tired. Hb may be 34 but still has the hormones of an 18 year old so is loving being asked to perform on demand. He loves being used for his sperm!
Oh no, just going to the loo befor bed and there was some pink spotting. I'm only 6dpo and I usually spot for a day or two before I come on. That would give me a luteal phase of 6-7 days :growlmad: It's way too early for implantation bleeding so can only be AF on it's way

When I came off the pill it was 8 and it gradually worked it's way up to 11 but 6-7 days is far far too short. I'm so upset. it feels like a final kick in the teeth, not only have I lost my baby but now my body is totally screwed up. I know it is my first cycle but this is not a good sign...
:hugs: hilslo. Hopefully its not AF!

You know if I wasnt taking these damn OPK's I would have thought for sure I was ovulating!! I have now gained 2kg overnight (water retention) which is normal for me around ovulation and period. Opk is back to half strength this morning. Also temp rise again this morning but only like 0.3? Also highest temp so far but that doesn't say much because I missed so many other days LOL.

Driving me craaaaazy! I need to know one way or the other.
mornin lovelys,
how are we all?
nina hun, was af due around the time of your little bleed? as i had periods all the way through with josh, and its very common to have light menses in the first trimester :) xxx
well girls, i went to my friends last night and her dad was there (he's a doctor) so i was talking to him about ttc etc, i told him i want the tests done, he was like the hormone tests? hehe yeah thats it, i told him i'd started temping... and he started laughing, well i know i'm a scatter brain, but i think its brill, :( , anyway he said pull up your FF chart from last cycle... lmao, so i did, he starting laughing at it... i was like i know its only half a chart, he said no i'm laughing at what it says about implantation on cd21???? i was like yeah, he said theres no such thing as an implantation spike, its your progesterone taking over... well did i feel like a wally, well i didnt actually, cos i'm not pregnant and i didnt say it lol, he said there's nothing wrong with me... so if i want the hormone tests done, he said tell them your temps stayed low all the way through, i said what about ovulation? he said well i dont see a rise???? and winked, so that means.... if i say they stayed low, and i got a positive smiley, then theres something to investigate... oooh dont you just love knowing a dr hehehehe :)
so hows my girlies today? xxxxxx
Hilslo its not too early for IB hun! FX its that!!

Awww Sarah thats great that he told you all that! to get stuff done you do have to tell the odd little white lies now and then! Whe nare you booking your apt?

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh my charts has moved ov from cd11 to cd17 so theres not a chance in hell of a bfp this cycle xxx
Hilslo its not too early for IB hun! FX its that!!

Awww Sarah thats great that he told you all that! to get stuff done you do have to tell the odd little white lies now and then! Whe nare you booking your apt?

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh my charts has moved ov from cd11 to cd17 so theres not a chance in hell of a bfp this cycle xxx

:growlmad:aaahhh no way, ffs... when did you say you usually ov hun? is that early or later than you thought?? :shrug: hey this charting gonna confuse the hell out of me, looks like its gonna be an every dayer this month... :haha:
could the chart be wrong in anyway, i mean i'm a 2 dotter.. and aint got a bloody clue? can it predict it, then change its mind hun??? xxxxx:hugs:
Well last cycle i ov on CD18 cause i was stressed but its normally CD14/15, we were lazy this cycle and only dtd twice so i kinda knew we wouldnt get a bfp next month DF is going to get it big time lol!!

I think so hun!! Also like someone else mentioned i could have slept with my mouth open so it can mess your chart up, im going to start temping vaginally next cycle as theres nothing that can mess the temps up like sleeping with your mouth open lol!

I see you take a lot of vitamins hun i think i might do that too xxx
Well last cycle i ov on CD18 cause i was stressed but its normally CD14/15, we were lazy this cycle and only dtd twice so i kinda knew we wouldnt get a bfp next month DF is going to get it big time lol!!

I think so hun!! Also like someone else mentioned i could have slept with my mouth open so it can mess your chart up, im going to start temping vaginally next cycle as theres nothing that can mess the temps up like sleeping with your mouth open lol!

I see you take a lot of vitamins hun i think i might do that too xxx

:haha:hey i read that in the leaflet of my thermometer, hehe what if you poke the end through your cervix??? see thats how silly i am, :haha:
i take vitamin b strong compound, prescribed by the doc, omega 3, folic acid, epo up until ov, and we both take sanatogen mother and father to be :haha: we tried pregnacare his and hers, but i tell you, i felt pregnant and i hadn't even ovulated :haha: sick, bloated, my boobs hurt... he felt sick too... so i told him to stop taking them, and my friend (the one with a the doc) took sanatogen through her pregnancies, and we've been on them for well this will be our 2nd cycle, i feel fine, so does he... :thumbup: i get them off ebay a box for both £4.95 fpp, where as the pregnacare was £15.95 :growlmad: and actually my own gp's wife took sanatogen mum to be!
the epo helps with your cm, if you track it, but to stop it once you ov cos it can cause contractions, and you dont wanna contract the little one out xxxx:hugs:
oohhh really?! I thought I was just making up rubbish lol!! Well i think you only have to put it in a lil bit lol this sounds soooo wrong haha aslong as the metal bit is inside its correct i think!?

Can you get the Vit B compound frm health shop or boots etc? I think im going to have to try all that hun it sounds like youve got it all mapped out! My diet is shocking, im a size 8 but I cant eat healthy stuff, the only veg i eat is peas really so i need to start on that now, given up smoking for 5 weeks - i always gave up when i was pg but started as soon as i lost it! xxx
:rofl: no its not rubbish, its actually one of the accurate methods, that way or anal :haha::haha:
:nope: unfortunately vit b strong compound is from the docs, i need it for my liver, they thought i was anemic, so they have me on that.. so that covers all the b family, you can get b complex, from like asda.. or savers :thumbup: yeah my diet is very poor, i'm a size 6 :( with a quick metabolism :growlmad: so basically whatever i eat, i burn it off straight away, and i dont eat in the day, cos i just don't get hungry :growlmad: they said eat chocolate, but i hate chocolate :haha:
yep i smoke too, about 20 a day, i said once i get pg i will give up :shrug: i bought one of those dopy electronic fags... what a pile of shit, it does make you smoke less, thats cos its friggin awful :haha::haha: xxxxxx:hugs::hugs:
haha we are so alike!! My metabolism is fast too, and i get aneamic now and then but nothing major really!! Ill check in savers tonight thanks hun!! oohhhhh I really dont fancy doing it analy haha! What about chicken hun? Thats good for quick metabolisms!
oohhhh mine is AWESOME iv tried some really rubbish ones in my time but this is amazeballs!! !! I v currently got Black currant flavour! xxx
haha we are so alike!! My metabolism is fast too, and i get aneamic now and then but nothing major really!! Ill check in savers tonight thanks hun!! oohhhhh I really dont fancy doing it analy haha! What about chicken hun? Thats good for quick metabolisms!
oohhhh mine is AWESOME iv tried some really rubbish ones in my time but this is amazeballs!! !! I v currently got Black currant flavour! xxx

:haha:no way, my oh just bought one of those, its sitting here on the table... :haha: he paid 30 for it or i paid 30 for it:haha: he doesnt bother with it anymore, i've had a puff on it, friggin hell, nearly choked!! its so strong, his is rolling tobacco, but as the same as mine, the novelty wore off :haha: mines in my handbag, i do smoke it if we like go out for a meal and its raining lol, but i promised when i got pg, i would quit... or at least try on the old vapor fag :haha:
oohhh whats chicken do hun? i love chicken xxxx:hugs:
Hahaha their amazing hun!! the tobacco flavours are strong but i smoke the fruit flavoured ones and i love them!! Heres where I get mine from, nicest flavours are Apple, cherry, Black Currant and peach!

Hahaha yeah you dont want to go outside to smoke in the rain!! but saying that most pubs are banning the E-cig now!

Im not really sure lol we had a personal trainer come into work and took our fitness levels and bmi etc and told me I need to eat more and after I told him i eat NON stop he said to eat chicken!? lol xxx
Hahaha their amazing hun!! the tobacco flavours are strong but i smoke the fruit flavoured ones and i love them!! Heres where I get mine from, nicest flavours are Apple, cherry, Black Currant and peach!

Hahaha yeah you dont want to go outside to smoke in the rain!! but saying that most pubs are banning the E-cig now!

Im not really sure lol we had a personal trainer come into work and took our fitness levels and bmi etc and told me I need to eat more and after I told him i eat NON stop he said to eat chicken!? lol xxx

:haha:chicken for tea tonight then hun :haha::haha:xxxxxx:hugs:
Chicken is high in calcories. Im a size 6 and trying my best to eat more. I eat high calcorie foods and use a calcorie counting app on my phone to write down what i eat each day. Women need 2000 per day so i try to eat at least 2200. Xxx

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