Hurry up BFPs!!! We are ready when you are :-)

Agree with Mrsd :-D

Where are you at in your cycle hun? I think I ov fri but as we went out sat and was hungover still thos am I haven't temp xxx
It was nice to hear that some of you think im self centred from Sarah which was lovely to hear as I was the one who suggested putting everyones bfps on the front page but there you go......

Any who. ttcers who are 'bitter' we will all get there....maybe not for a while but we will :-D in the meantime we will just be there for each otber....that includes the pg ladies before I come across self centred and pathetic :rofl: xxx

I'm not sure if this was directed at me, but I never said or thought you were self centered or selfish. I was agreeing with you that the bfps on the front page was a lovely gesture, however not needed. We have the pregnancy chat (however quiet it is) and that's enough. We could easily put the BFP count on there with no issues. I would love to see everyone on there and this ttc thread retired. We'll all get there :hugs:
O my goodness a lot happens in a day!

Good evening ladies,

I too think the new title is perfect, to be honest I hated reading '11bfp's' knowing there weren't 11 pregnant ladies remaining and scared I'd be another or could be another (this happened when I joined January number was there but I was gone)

Anyway I think the new title is brill esp as October is just tooooooo close!! I feel that the first post with all the bfp's and maybe the expected due dates would be nice, but I'm easy I come here as its my fav thread and I feel like I know you lot the best on BnB

But guess what......I had another sneaky scan is now moving arms and legs which reassures me....I've been so scared as my friend went for her 11 week scan and there was no hb so that terrifies me.
Oohhh no hun def not directed up you :hugs: just directed at those who thought that about me :hugs: I take it both threads have gone
Helena what would u like us to do to help u to feel welcomed? I dont mean that to sound nasty lol im just asking so we can welcome more people in a better way :)


there doesn't need to be anything done, as I said, many of us felt we had to stay clear of this thread as us being pregnant was hurting some. So we did and we post in the pregnancy chat section. That's sort of how it goes, i suppose. i still check in because I want to support all of you, but no longer feel comfortable voicing that support. Just know that I cheer everyone in here on daily and get SO excited to see some awesome charts and, of course, new bfps. We all deserve our rainbows and I know we will all get there. This thread isn't about me or even about anyone who is pregnant. It's ttc thread and it should be just that.
I know how much it stings to see any pregnancy related thing after a loss. Honestly, even my own pregnancy stings me. It's a constant feeling of being so happy for this baby, but also terrified that anything could go wrong at any second. I'm also constantly sad that I would be due with my first in less than 2 weeks.
I had my two early scans through my specialist, but my OB couldn't book me for my first visit until I'm 15 weeks along. I've been walking on eggshells over trying to be happy and grateful for this pregnancy, but worried sick over something being wrong when I'm finally seen. I'm sure everyone who has experienced a loss misses the perfect innocence of a pregnancy before a loss.
I guess that explains the tension :shrug: we're all struggling, just over different things.
Awwww c.m.c try not too worry I know its much easier said than done but its your forever baby! Xxx
Thanks cath....I'm defo more relaxed after today. Last scan baby wasn't fully formed as only saw arm and leg buds but now I've seen it fully firmed and moving well I've promised il relax!!

So what's the Craic with everyone? 8..... Think O will be early if you're sore and your O tests faint now

Cath...where are you cycle wise?

MrsB when is your holiday?? Af stay awaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!!

Hilslo are you planning on TTC again now or are you waiting? I hope u managed to get to get to Vancouver even though I know it was the worst week of your entire life.

Ll84, can you officially try now again or is it 2 weeks left?

Sorry I'm trying to catch up lots!!!
Is Sarah banned again then????? ,??
What the hell was all that about !!!! I don't know wether to laugh or cry !!! What the hell happened Sarah !!! Weird or what !!!! Anyway everyone ttc or pregnant we all are on this journey together and hopefully are here to support each other . I have no issue with the name change or an expectation that those who got their BFP are listed somewhere . We are all here to support each other xxxxxxx
Morning Girls,

I went to bed & missed the rest of the drama. I think it's just a tricky situation all round - there are PM's going on behind scene and hurt feelings from different peeps.

I think we need to remember this is primarily a TTC thread :) I just think that us girls who have the BFP's want to still contribute and have some contact with the rest of you as we are a group first and foremost and have been together under the worst of situations. Nothing is definite in pregnancy until you are holding a baby so a lot of us don't want to move permanently to the other thread as a) we're supporting you and waiting for you all to c'mon over and b) we're scared. I know a lot of us lurk and read from the sidelines. Anyway I think Helena summed it up well in her post :)

Anyway.... That's how I feel {hugs}
Good morning ladies,

It's so sad what happened in the previous pages :(. I don't think I can express my feelings any better than Susan:

I think we need to remember this is primarily a TTC thread :) I just think that us girls who have the BFP's want to still contribute and have some contact with the rest of you as we are a group first and foremost and have been together under the worst of situations. Nothing is definite in pregnancy until you are holding a baby so a lot of us don't want to move permanently to the other thread as a) we're supporting you and waiting for you all to c'mon over and b) we're scared.

That said, I truly can not understand what made Sarah so agressive. Hope she is fine and will find another support group soon...
ece- I was actually able to speak to Sarah. Some PM's were sent to her, so she was rather provoked. She just felt like she had to say something and, according to her, is fine without being on here.
Helena she has also told me about those pms but for her outrage yesterday was out of order. If someone has a problem they should speak up we are all here for the same thing - I know you might side with Sarah but for her to say she will 'snap me like a twig' just proves the type of person she is.
Anywho - lets not mention it again, whats happened has happened.

How is everyone and where is everyone at etc??
Are we women trying to be mums or children in a school yard lol......... Lets move on girls and focus on the task at hand supporting each other on the journey :) xxxx
was only responding to what ece said. She's late to the game :haha:
Helena that wasn't directed at you :) it's was a general comment and was meant with humour ! Hope everyone including Sarah is ok xxx
I dont know anything about PMs to Sarah. Its no excuse to be provoked then take it out on others. hassle over hopefully x

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