Thanks for sharing your experiences with me on this thread and for following my story girls!!
I am home laying upstairs in the master bedroom relaxing. DH is being really sweet and he is waiting on me on hand and foot. He is making me dinner right now.
So we got to the surgical center on time at 6:30 am. We woke up super early at like 4:45 am because we live a little over an hour away from the surgical center.
I was calm up until I was in the back and I gotten undressed and had put on my gown, When the nurse put in the needle into my hand for the IV, it stung like a hot pocker, and my nerves got the best of me and I started crying.
They gave me warm blankets asked a bunch of medical questions related to my medical history, and they also confirm your identity and repeadetly ask what surgery you are there for.
My Dr came in and he was very nice and calming. he talked to me about the surgery and asked ifI had any questions. Next thing I know I am being taken into the surgical room, with a bunch of nurses and the anathesia people. Once I was strapped onto the table the anathesia guy told me he was putting something into my IV to put me to sleep, I felt my eyes go rolling into my head and than next thing I am waking up in the recovery room.
My DR stopped by to let me know that he was able to unblock my second tube, so now I have 2 open tubes!!!
he successfuly removed my polyp from my uterus and now it looks good. He also removed some scar tissue well he was in there, and he found endometrios which he removed as well. So it was a good thing he did the lap because he was able to remove the scar tissue and discovered that I have endometrios. So overall I am happy about the end result, but a little worried about the endometrios and how that is going to affect my TTC.
But he removed it, so hopefully it wont have an impact now? I need to talk to the DR about this and do some research about this on my end. Well I was in the recovery room I was shivering because it was so chilly, and the nurse was making me do breathing exersizes to calm me down, because I was freaking out a little after I woke up. They also gave me juice and grahm crackers, ice pop, crushed ice, I started out with the light fluids and than had the food after.
I have a bunch of color pictures from the surgery that I want to scan and post so you girls can see. Hopefully I will be able to do that soon. They are pretty neat pictures.
So I am recovering okay. I was prescribed a RX for an antibiotic and for pain meds. I am super sleepy from the anathesia and keep falling asleep.
My belly is all bloated from the air in it, and i have 2 cuts, a bunch of small ones above my belly button, and one cute inmy groin area. The cut in my belly button is draining alot and has blood coming out and pooling up behind my bandage, I have changed it once and will be changing it again soon. The belly button is worrying me a little, but I did read in the paper work that it is normal to have some draining from that wound. Hopefully it will stop bleeding soon though.
My maxi pad was soaked after the surgery with alot of blood, But now the flow is much lighter, so that is good.The nurse warned me that if the blood stayed heavy and was soaking maxis in one hour than i need to goto the ER, but the blood flow has subsided. I also keep feeling like I need to go pee, and no matter how much I pee it isn't enough, I think it was from the IV fluids they gave me though. The feeling is getting better now and subsiding so hopefully it will be gone in a few days. MY throat is really soar from the breathing tube, and I cant eat hard dry foods like bread without it feeling like it will get caught in my throat, so far I ate ice cream and I am having soup for dinner.
Overall the experience wasn't to bad. I think the anticpation and waiting is the worst part. My DR and the nurses at the surgical center were all very nice to me.