I cannot believe this...


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2009
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MIL AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She gave me and my OH our christmas presents today (which was lovely)
but she's bought presents for my, MY, UNBORN CHILD!
what the hell?!!?!??! :shrug:
(im not ungrateful, of course not, but wtf)
ITS NOT HER FIRST CHRISTMAS, she's not even here!
(that sounds terrible but its true!)

nobody seems to get this... :dohh:

WHY couldn't she just wait until she's born to give her a 'welcome to the world' gift or something?

she's trying to take over so everything MY child has is from her Grandmother.

i'm being so good and not making a big deal out of it so my OH doesn't feel bad, but :growlmad: im not pleased.
I totally get this. This is our first christmas in our new home together, and last one as just the two of us. I don't have the same problems as you, I just know where you're coming from. Plus I think it's abit bad luck to buy presents and stuff already, incase the worst happens. Ofcourse I don't want it to happen, but it's just something that I obviously think of in the bad of my mind.

Why don't you suggest you put them away, so that next year she can open them?
- you know, i was thinking of just opening them myself (well obviously little one cant do that anyway!) and saying how nice they are etc. like you say, i'll wrap them up for next year then.

It's not fair :( it's like i can't enjoy this christmas just me and my OH on our own, so i understand that you might be getting asked every five seconds, ''what are you doing for Christmas day'' - ''er, staying at home, eating stupid amounts of chocolate and watching everything on tv'' - what else do you do at Christmas?

arghh *pulls hair out*
sound like my gran, she is a flamin nightmare, to he point where last time she gave me a bag full of baby clothes she told me that 'we' didnt need to buy anything else - HELLO MY CHILD????

dont really know what to suggest tbh, she may just think she is being helpful, as my gran does, but it could get worse when lo is here :(
Yeah i understand its all 'helpful' and 'kind', but hello? annoying aswell? hahaha.

- thats my major worry, if i have no control over it when LO is here.

fingers crossed it doesnt though :) x
I understand completely where you're coming from. My MIL is still shocked each year that we don't want to spend Christmas day, the whole day, at her house. Our very first year together she threw a literal, hysterical tantrum because we didn't visit on Christmas Eve....even though we'd already agreed we'd visit on Boxing Day weeks before. This year she seems to think I should want to get in a car and travel to her three days before my due date....be at someone else's house if my plug goes, my waters break or I just start getting contractions. No thanks - I'll be slobbing around the house in my jim-jams and visiting no-one. My MIL also seems to forget I actually have parents of my own I might want to see occasionally......

Oh, and did I mention my MIL expects us to tell her (note: not "them", not my FIL too, "her") when the baby's born before we tell my parents? I mean, before she started on this one it hadn't crossed my mind which set of parents we'd tell first, but now she's making a big deal of it we'll be telling my parents first....it's me doing the actual birth-giving :winkwink:

You're not alone hun :hugs:
Snoopy - HAHAHA, im telling MY parents first too!!! :rofl: Just to spite her so she's doesn't go around saying 'Oooooh i knew first'
I feel your pain! i can't believe your MIL threw a fit like a 4 year old! Grow up love.

My MIL is divorced from my FIL, SHE CHEATED ON HIM. ohhhh gossip. :rofl: so she is NO saint. My FIL is amazingly lovely and caring. MIL is just pushy and programmed to try and treat my OH like a child for the rest of his life.

do you think this is because maybe she feels like she's losing him? i've been putting it down to that. x
Snoopy - HAHAHA, im telling MY parents first too!!! :rofl: Just to spite her so she's doesn't go around saying 'Oooooh i knew first'
I feel your pain! i can't believe your MIL threw a fit like a 4 year old! Grow up love.

My MIL is divorced from my FIL, SHE CHEATED ON HIM. ohhhh gossip. :rofl: so she is NO saint. My FIL is amazingly lovely and caring. MIL is just pushy and programmed to try and treat my OH like a child for the rest of his life.

do you think this is because maybe she feels like she's losing him? i've been putting it down to that. x

Oh yes, mothers of sons can be appalling. Not all of them, obviously, but it's a very well-known phenomenon. There are plenty of "I hate my mother-in-law" sites around to cater to this :p For some reason the bad ones seem to think their grown-up sons are still their babies and that their mums should be the most important people in their lives. Thankfully my OH doesn't stand for any of it :p

What I never understand is why the FILs are always so lovely! I don't know how they stand it.
So will the baby not get first christmas stuff next year because it will be her 2nd?? :haha:
Doesnt most first christmas stuff have the year on it? Not a wise move granny:haha: She could have bought you a mum to be thing or like my mom last year bought us a tree decoration of a door and it said something like "first christmas in our new home"
wow i think i'm lucky, my mil isnt even bothered about the fact she is going to be a grandmother, none if the oh's family seem to care, mine however are mad about it but wouldnt dare by xmas pressies for her.

i did get them a 'from the bump' xmas card though, just had to get it when i saw it lol
So will the baby not get first christmas stuff next year because it will be her 2nd?? :haha:
Doesnt most first christmas stuff have the year on it? Not a wise move granny:haha: She could have bought you a mum to be thing or like my mom last year bought us a tree decoration of a door and it said something like "first christmas in our new home"

it just seems silly to get anything for this year when she's most likely going to be arriving 2 maybe 3 weeks later!!! Madness :dohh:

- that's really nice, getting a tree decoration :) x
weve got presants to kameron (baby) i also got ppl pressies from him, like my mum, dad ect as i just think its cute :lol: xx
aww :hugs:
i know what u mean - i cant see my MIL buying anything for our baby as shes too superstitious - this is mine and my husbands first christmas together as a married couple and our last on our own! so we want it to be special.

we ve agreed we're not running around after his families parties this year as i need to take it easy!

plus i can do with avoiding his cousin as she realllllllllly pisses me off!!

i sed ill be saying something on NYE if she calls my baby Felicity one more time! :angrymad:

As I'm due on Boxing Day I've got my hubby a card and a little gift from Flump. I haven't wrote the card yet in case he turns up in the next few days. But if he doesn't I'm going to put 'sorry I couldn't be there to see your face when you unwrap this, but Mummy is just far to comfy.'
I have presents for LO from family- i can't wait to get them lol I think its more exciting than getting my own. Then again I think they are "my" presents but because I am expecting a baby that is just the type of presents they got me. After all anything I recieve for baby is a godsend because then i dont have to go and get it myself. :haha:
My mum gave me my xmas gifts yesterday and I asked why she HADNT brought anything for the baby!! I dont see the problem with people buying bump gifts? Im grateful for it
I have a feeling my MIL has got our baby something for this Xmas too, I just pray to god its not more pink clothes.
I have specifically said throughout this whole pregnancy that if she is a girl I dont want loads of pink things, as im not girly, I dont mind dresses but for some reason I just really dont like little girls being dressed in pink all the time lol.
So far any clothing that she has bought has been... Pink.
Do they not listen? or do they do it on purpose? as if to say "how dare your little girl not wear pink, well i will soon sort that out!"

Also she has knitted about 20 cardigans in various colours with matching bonnets and booties, which again is very nice of her, but I have allergic skin reactions to Wool, so dressing my baby in woollen cardigans is not really very practical lol.

The other annoying thing is they constantly go to baby shops and ring me up and say "we have seen this and this, you should get this..." I live literally 5 minutes walk from Toyrs R Us, I know the store off by heart lol, and yet they still ring me whilst in there and say " have you seen this pram,cot, high chair, ooo its lovely"
Yes I have and No I dont like it lol.

You are not alone in the world of annoying MIL's! xx
i really like it lol... we dont have many gifts but people have bought us loads for "christmas" for her. mainly stuff we need though thats in her hosp bag!
well my dad who i dont speak to and havent got a relationship has passed on a present through my sister putting to Charlie or Michel (its gonna be charleigh or michael) from grandad! I found out what it was and its a COIN!!! with 2009 which apparently will be its year of birth??? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm due 31st.
Whats a baby gonna do with a coin? my dad has no idea when baby is due and no idea if its here yet unless his family have told him!

well my dad who i dont speak to and havent got a relationship has passed on a present through my sister putting to Charlie or Michel (its gonna be charleigh or michael) from grandad! I found out what it was and its a COIN!!! with 2009 which apparently will be its year of birth??? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm due 31st.
Whats a baby gonna do with a coin? my dad has no idea when baby is due and no idea if its here yet unless his family have told him!


I'm sorry but this made me laugh.

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