I know it's not new but anyone else really hacked off about the child benefit cuts?

She says it was a bank loan, so if it was quite a substantial loan then the repayments of £1000 will be normal.

Aside from that I agree there has been a lot of posts that were some what personal, which does mean that some posters might get offended, and if they are then they have every right to respond to the posts they are offended by.

But on a serious note - if people are actually getting enraged and upset by this thread, I'll be bowing out now. I like a good debate, especially about social welfare and mobility but it's not worth it when people actually get hurt.

You're all only doing what you think is best whether people (even me) agree with you or not. I'm off to look for pictures of other peoples cute babies while I watch mine sleep.


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OT: £1000 a month for a car before tax insurance ect?! What is it? A Bentley?! I work in the trade, you either have a very nice car or a very poor finance deal!

1000 a month on a car??? I have to agree with the above!
Lucky you for being able to use the money to save for your daughters future. I cant afford to do that to put my child benefit into a savings account because i need it.

Am I the only one that doesn't see £1k a month for a car not being a big deal?

£50k car (not uncommon these days when you look at Audi, Merc, Jags), over 4 years = £1k a month without interest.

As I said earlier, we pay £400 a month for a £17k car :shrug:
No you're not the only one, I don't think it is that big a deal either.

But on a serious note - if people are actually getting enraged and upset by this thread, I'll be bowing out now. I like a good debate, especially about social welfare and mobility but it's not worth it when people actually get hurt.

You're all only doing what you think is best whether people (even me) agree with you or not. I'm off to look for pictures of other peoples cute babies while I watch mine sleep.

Oh and everyone - I posted the picture in self-deprecation, not to make fun of anyone else! Just so you know x
OT: £1000 a month for a car before tax insurance ect?! What is it? A Bentley?! I work in the trade, you either have a very nice car or a very poor finance deal!

1000 a month on a car??? I have to agree with the above!
Lucky you for being able to use the money to save for your daughters future. I cant afford to do that to put my child benefit into a savings account because i need it.

Am I the only one that doesn't see £1k a month for a car not being a big deal?

£50k car (not uncommon these days when you look at Audi, Merc, Jags), over 4 years = £1k a month without interest.

As I said earlier, we pay £400 a month for a £17k car :shrug:

Agree 👏
It isn't a big deal and we certainly haven't got a bad finance deal. We just have a very expensive brand new audi. Yes it's a luxury yes we should probably have a cheaper family car but meh. As I said previously, we all spend on things we can't always afford.
It isn't a big deal and we certainly haven't got a bad finance deal. We just have a very expensive brand new audi. Yes it's a luxury yes we should probably have a cheaper family car but meh. As I said previously, we all spend on things we can't always afford.

It's one of the reasons why DH won't let me go car shopping alone...I would come back with a brand new Audi R8 or a Jaguar XF :rofl: We could afford the Jag....probably not afford to eat though...
It isn't a big deal and we certainly haven't got a bad finance deal. We just have a very expensive brand new audi. Yes it's a luxury yes we should probably have a cheaper family car but meh. As I said previously, we all spend on things we can't always afford.

It's one of the reasons why DH won't let me go car shopping alone...I would come back with a brand new Audi R8 or a Jaguar XF :rofl: We could afford the Jag....probably not afford to eat though...
You could if you still got child benefit :haha:
Haha people can spend on what they like I suppose. Some people would think what I spend on kids clubs is excessive and yes we would have to stop if we didn't have enough but I wont turn it down while offered!
OT: £1000 a month for a car before tax insurance ect?! What is it? A Bentley?! I work in the trade, you either have a very nice car or a very poor finance deal!

You wouldn't get a Bentley for £1000 a month when paying back over 3 years. But it was a lovely car thank you, and it was a very good APR, as it was a bank loan and not a finance deal.

Usually, a good debate is me in my element. However, it's no longer a debate when people start getting personal and judgmental. There was absolutely no need for words like 'ludicrous' to be used. I don't judge people, nor jump on people, for choosing to claim benefits, or choosing to not flush their toilet. It's a person's choice. I may give them my reasons for not doing it. But I wouldn't go as far as to ridicule them. And I don't expect others to.

ETA: I'm aware that this and my previous post are perhaps a bit of an over reaction, I'm blaming all the extra hormones I'm being pumped with:blush:
I'm a bit late to the party, but here's my tuppence worth...

It was begun as a universal benefit, paid to the mother back in the day when mothers tended not to earn much and couldn't rely on their husbands to give them the money they needed for the kids. It's only been paid to either parent for the last twenty years or so.

I think it should remain as a universal benefit because you never know the situations people live in.

We earn about 75k combined and yet we are perpetually skint. Our mortgage is huge, we have negative equity and our house is falling down. We don't even own a car. I know we're in a much better situation than a lot of people but the 80 quid a month pays for nappies and other baby stuff. It's not essential but without it we'd really struggle.

There's no other benefit or tax credit we can claim. And I am a higher rate tax payer. I don't begrudge the tax because I appreciate the services I'm paying for.

Lets complain about how this government treats hard working families like us badly and has failed us by stagnating the economy when every other country is in recovery. Stop picking on people who work hard for their cash and yet don't see that much of it when all the bills are paid!
It isn't a big deal and we certainly haven't got a bad finance deal. We just have a very expensive brand new audi. Yes it's a luxury yes we should probably have a cheaper family car but meh. As I said previously, we all spend on things we can't always afford.

It's one of the reasons why DH won't let me go car shopping alone...I would come back with a brand new Audi R8 or a Jaguar XF :rofl: We could afford the Jag....probably not afford to eat though...
You could if you still got child benefit :haha:

:lol: The R8 is amazing. But so flash, my goodness! I love the audi TTs we had one before child but lifting the car seat in and out ruined my back!
Actually, if everyone who didn't 'need' CB didn't claim, then there would be a substantial amount of money to be spent on other things, things that truly are important that have been cut, such as women's refuges and help for homeless people.
I have a daughter with a disability, you think I don't know about things which are truly important being cut? I live it every day. These cuts are directly affecting her standard of care. If I thought for one minute me not claiming Child Benefit meant she (and others like her) would get what they need instead of what the government thinks they can get away with I'd give it back and more. The cuts are being made to pay back the UK's debt, not to share out amongst those who need it most.

I HATE this attitude. It's disgusting. People don't pay taxes as a nice little pension scheme!!! And we all get a great deal back from taxes; we get health care, police, social services, help if we truly need it etc etc etc... Taxes are paid (thank god) to improve the country. Money that you said yourself you would not struggle without is not exactly helping you, it's just a nice little extra for you. But the thing is, it isn't meant as a "wee thank you", taxes are paid to improve the state of the country, help people in need, and pay for the many many services and provisions we have access to.
Taxes are paid for the benefit of all, not just the needy. And of course the money helps. Yes I can still feed my family and put a roof over our heads but that doesn't mean the money isn't useful. To not have that £80 a month AND to have to save the same amount means we have to find it somewhere. Forgive me but protecting our daughter's future is more important to me than not offending a bunch of complete strangers.

No one is saying you can't buy what you like with your money, but it's fairly safe to say, I think, that if you can buy yourself a nice big car etc etc you shouldn't be complaining about CB. Yes, people live within their means, but why should the government give top ups to people living within much higher means than people really and truly struggling?! It seems fairly straightforward that if you're intelligent enough to get yourself a high salary you can do the simple maths that works out you'll be no longer receiving a tiny £1k a year and budget around that.
I'm not complaining about CB. Everyone else is. If it gets taken away, I'm fine with that. I can live without it. I accept the government has decided it should no longer be universal, but I'm still eligible within the parameters they have set out and so I shall claim it.

Not all low earners are imbeciles who haven't gotten an education nor worked for what they have, you know?! And no, why should people who have nice highly paid jobs be rewarded?! They're rewarded by their high earnings. People on lower paid jobs do receive top ups that make the wages substantially higher but only to the extent that they can actually survive on such wages- they're not being pushed up to £50k! And people in lower income jobs work, on average, just as hard as anyone in a higher paid job, and often the more menial jobs are so incredibly mind numbing that the feelings associated with such rival the stress of many higher paid jobs. As you said about the nurse and teacher etc, I don't know about people in such jobs in very expensive areas, such as London, because of course when the cost of living is higher things change, and if you truly need the benefit there is a big difference, however you have already stated that you yourself do not need it, and thus are arguing from the perspective that everyone should get it regardless.
I never called anyone an imbecile. Nor did I claim that anyone on a low wage does not work hard. Salary and hard work are rarely linked. Some high earners work hard and some do not. Some low earners work hard and some do not. But I've heard time and time again that many people are in a situation where by taking a job or getting a payrise means they end up losing out because they will face a cut in benefits. The system pays people to work less rather than encouraging people to work more. This is not the fault of those who claim the benefits, but the fault of the system itself. Why would a person work harder and longer to make the same money when they can work fewer hours and have it topped up by the government? And why would a struggling family take a cut in income and increase their working hours when the government pays them not to? I'm fairly certain if taking a job meant ends would stop meeting then I'd not take the job.

I also take issue with the phrase "menial jobs" As far as I am concerned, whether you clean toilets or are the head of a large multi national, your contribution to society is just as valuable. Maybe if people stopped seeing these jobs as menial, those who do them wouldn't have to feel like second class citizens and experience the stress you mentioned. I've cleaned my fair share of toilets on my way up and I know well enough how people feel if that job isn't done well.

You say 'how other people live their lives' like it's a choice to struggle. Many many people on lower income jobs work in the roles they do because they have no other choice. It isn't many people's dream to work 12 hours a day stacking supermarket shelves, but, especially with how the economy is at the moment, that's what happens for many- educated or not. And for professional low income jobs- whilst the choice to enter the profession was indeed a choice, it is oft not a choice to receive government benefits- or, usually, just tax credits-, it is a necessity. If you're on minimum wage, you'd have to be living in a hostel and eating supernoodles for every meal to survive without government help, as the cost of living (and I'm not talking nice cars and a social life, I'm talking water, electric, food, basic transport to work) has long surpassed the minimum wage. Thing is, the government know this full well, hence the benefits and tax credits, and that's the wonderful thing about this country in comparison to many: it is striving to make people equal in the ways that matter, i.e. basic standards of living, despite wages. And to get a better paid job?! I'm sure billions would love to just go and get a better paid job. For many, though, getting a job at all is extremely difficult. And to get another? So people should have to work 18 hour days to simply survive, because they didn't have the good fortune to fall in to a well paid job, or have the chances in life that led them to it?!?! Now I know you said you're not gonna say that, but the fact that you even wrote that suggests that people claiming in low income jobs is similar to people in higher income jobs claiming because they can. It's not.
I didn't fall into a well paid job. I also had no more opportunity than the 600 other children at my high school, nor the tens of thousands of others at the high schools across the nation. The education there was provided free to all by the government for anyone who wanted to benefit from it. I went to university without a grant or a bursary and with the same student loan that was available to all. I couldn't afford to live away from home so I stayed with my parents. I worked 3 jobs whilst studying to make enough money to be able to afford the things I needed to complete my degree. On graduating I took a low paid job and have worked my way up in the industry. At various points I have been without a degree led job and yes, I've stacked supermarket shelves too, and cleaned hotel rooms, worked in bars and restaurants. I've worked 12 hour days and 80 hour weeks - in all the jobs I've done. It's rarely been by choice here either. Other members of my family work as long and as hard as I do and earn a pretty good wage despite not doing so well in the education system as I did. We made our own opportunities out of the different skills we had. Fine, I get that some people haven't been able to do that, but that doesn't mean that we've somehow had all these opportunities handed to us on a plate and doors opened. My parents lived hand to mouth for most of my early years. They decided they didn't want to do that any more and changed it. I have no idea why it was possible for them and isn't for others. I'm not sure anyone knows why. It is certainly a question Governments always seem to be asking and not coming up with an answer. Maybe you can answer it, if you are in that situation? It can't just be the poor economy because it was happening the past 15 years when employment was plentiful :shrug:

If you can afford comfortably not to claim, or to give the money to charity, then really, you shouldn't. Why claim simply for the sake of claiming?! Yes, you're putting it in to a savings account for your LO, that's great, I completely get what you said about her needing help as an adult, but would you not be able to put aside £20 a week otherwise? It isn't exactly the epitome of virtue to take money you don't need when the economy is crippled and others are in dire need, and claim you're entitled, simply because you pay taxes. As a PP said, the sense of entitlement so many have is exactly what is wrong with the western world.
I didn't claim for the sake of claiming. I was handed a form and told I could claim it and I did. And as I said, at the time I was on maternity leave, the money did make a difference. I save money in addition to the £80 a month both for her and for our family. That way if I ever do lose my job, I'll have no need to come looking for hand-outs. I also pay a big chunk into my pension, so I won't be reliant on the government for hand-outs when I retire. As I own my property, if I ever need a care home, I'll be paying for that too. Then there is the private healthcare and dental care I have, which I took out because I do actually think if I can afford to pay for that and leave more in the NHS for those who need it, that's a good thing. I even refused to buy prescription meds over the counter when pharmacists pointed out I could get it cheaper than the prescription charge. Whenever Abby is poorly the doctor always offers a prescription for paracetamol etc and I never take it. I could reduce my tax bill by claiming for stuff when I do a tax return and I never do. We pay for private physio for ourselves and for Abby when we need it. We pay privately for much of her equipment even when it is available from the Government. So forgive me if I'm happy to take my "measly" 1k a year. If any of that means I have a sense of entitlement then I'll wear that badge with pride.

As for charitable giving. As a volunteer for Bliss, a parent representative on a national Neonatal MCN, a fundraiser for Bobath, parent helper at Pre-school and nursery, even without the money we donate to charity (and never offset against tax - last year we gave waaaaay more to charity than I got in CB) I think I'm doing enough, don't you?
ETA: I'm aware that this and my previous post are perhaps a bit of an over reaction, I'm blaming all the extra hormones I'm being pumped with:blush:
I wouldn't say it was an over-reaction. I've been gobsmacked at some of the comments.
It isn't a big deal and we certainly haven't got a bad finance deal. We just have a very expensive brand new audi. Yes it's a luxury yes we should probably have a cheaper family car but meh. As I said previously, we all spend on things we can't always afford.

It's one of the reasons why DH won't let me go car shopping alone...I would come back with a brand new Audi R8 or a Jaguar XF :rofl: We could afford the Jag....probably not afford to eat though...
You could if you still got child benefit :haha:

:lol: The R8 is amazing. But so flash, my goodness! I love the audi TTs we had one before child but lifting the car seat in and out ruined my back!

Surely the TT is worth a ruined back:wacko:

As would the RS6. I don't think they have an orgasm smiley. But if they did I'd be posting it right now.
ETA: I'm aware that this and my previous post are perhaps a bit of an over reaction, I'm blaming all the extra hormones I'm being pumped with:blush:
I wouldn't say it was an over-reaction. I've been gobsmacked at some of the comments.

Thank you, usually trivial things like people I don't know don't get to me. But just now I'm unsure what's me and what's not.
You know don't you that this is what the Tories want? They want to demonise the poor by creating an artificial divide between rich and poor to justify their ideological spending cuts. Don't let them. It's not normal parents like is that caused this; we are not to blame. Be kind to each other.
I just want to add, still not taking sides because it is a bit pathetic that a financial thread needs to turn into "us and them", but no one is a hero for not taking money entitled to them, that money doesn't automatically get moved to somewhere "more in need" the CB budget will be sufficient to cover everyone who is entitled, you're not going to suddenly see a hospital with one more bed in it or a homeless person given a sleeping bag, they have to account for everybody. If you really want to be a martyr about it you're seriously better off claiming it and giving it to a charity. As for people saying people shouldn't claim because they have enough money, this just kind of makes me laugh, they're entitled, they're not doing anything "morally wrong", I only took issue earlier with people belittling the payments when it is quite clear it is valuable to some more than others, so just be respectful- but this works both ways!!!!!!! Really shocked by some of the comments made here.
You know don't you that this is what the Tories want? They want to demonise the poor by creating an artificial divide between rich and poor to justify their ideological spending cuts. Don't let them. It's not normal parents like is that caused this; we are not to blame. Be kind to each other.

Divide and rule, just what they want, Daily Mail would be rubbing their hands gleefully looking at this.

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