Nips...I tried an ovulation test in May, and I had every symptom in the world. See, I never felt my cycles before my tubal reversal, so I did not know that all the cramps and bloating was normal. I never had all those things, since I got my tubes tied in 2003 when I was 22. I am now 32 and I went psycho with all those tests and decided that I didn't want to go thru all those hoops until I have to. I am too emotional to put myself thru that until I gotta. If someone wasn't bi-polar before ttc, they definitely could be after.

I just want to poas every day of the tww and eat a little pineapple core and some vitamins for at least the first 6 to 8 months and then if I am still not pregnant, I will dig deeper. I know it sounds a little lame, but I will need that emotional help if something happens and it takes me awhile to get pregnant, so I am trying to prolong my sanity. I feel like this month I am out, even though I am either 6 or 7 dpo. I haven't had a single symptom. I actually feel great. Full of energy this month. I sure will be cheering for all the other Ladies on the thread though!