I think FF got my O day wrong, please help

Af showed up yesterday perfectly on time. I am wondering whether my doctor was right about the timing.!

I hope you havr a great Easter!

Af showed up yesterday perfectly on time. I am wondering whether my doctor was right about the timing.!

I hope you havr a great Easter!


Happy Easter to you and your family! :flower:
AF started this morning. 1st April and new beginning... my cold is completely over, my friends have gone, but I just realised we will be having some other friends over a couple of days - 2 weeks from now..during my fertile period...hm..that will be a challenge..
I have to admit with each cycle I feel as if a little peace of hope that everything will be fine - is gone..:-(

In my opinion it is absolutely good idea to BD every other day during longer period, we plan to d that to...start at cd 8 or 10 and continue until cd 22..
Susanne, how is your DH taking all of this? My has been very sweet, pretty relaxed and not worried..but I have noticed every now and then that he gets a bit worried and says something in the line- maybe the problem are my swimmers..and tries to make somekind of joke about it (typical defense mechanism..). It breaks my heart when I see him like that..:(
Susanne, how is your DH taking all of this? My has been very sweet, pretty relaxed and not worried..but I have noticed every now and then that he gets a bit worried and says something in the line- maybe the problem are my swimmers..and tries to make somekind of joke about it (typical defense mechanism..). It breaks my heart when I see him like that..:(

:hugs: I hope your hubby does not loose hope too soon. According to my OBYGN, it is absolutely normal for even a healthy couple who times it right to take a year to get pregnant. She told us of cases, where couples fell pregnant with the first right a way and then took years to conceive number 2. My hubby does not seem too stressed out yet, as he is convinced that the doctor was right and that we missed ovulation the last 5 cycles. Furthermore, he thinks that my body needed all that time to get rid of the effects of being on the pill for 15+ years. We have agreed that if we have not yet conceived by August, we'll start with some basic tests: a semen analysis and a check whether any of my tubes are blocked. Funny enough, my hubby who has a varicose vein in on testicle (which can cause low/bad quality sperm) does not seem concerned. He is much better than I at looking for God's will. :thumbup: He seems to have mellowed so far towards the idea of adoption.

Susanne, how is your DH taking all of this? My has been very sweet, pretty relaxed and not worried..but I have noticed every now and then that he gets a bit worried and says something in the line- maybe the problem are my swimmers..and tries to make somekind of joke about it (typical defense mechanism..). It breaks my heart when I see him like that..:(

:hugs: I hope your hubby does not loose hope too soon. According to my OBYGN, it is absolutely normal for even a healthy couple who times it right to take a year to get pregnant. She told us of cases, where couples fell pregnant with the first right a way and then took years to conceive number 2. My hubby does not seem too stressed out yet, as he is convinced that the doctor was right and that we missed ovulation the last 5 cycles. Furthermore, he thinks that my body needed all that time to get rid of the effects of being on the pill for 15+ years. We have agreed that if we have not yet conceived by August, we'll start with some basic tests: a semen analysis and a check whether any of my tubes are blocked. Funny enough, my hubby who has a varicose vein in on testicle (which can cause low/bad quality sperm) does not seem concerned. He is much better than I at looking for God's will. :thumbup: He seems to have mellowed so far towards the idea of adoption.


Thank you :hugs: I took a look at all my charts and found out that this will be our 5th cycle in fact if FF is right about my O day and our timing with that. We started in Sept (1), Oct we were on a long trip and didn't manage to BD, Nov (2), Dec was the wacky cycle when I started this thread and we missed the O, Jan (3) and Mar (4) so all is good..I'm just impatient..I blame the movies and romantic novels where the woman is pregnant right away, and ofcourse is totally unaware of that and doesn't test until after her period is late and so on...:haha: And because I'm such a planner this experience is hard on me...with each cycle my mind wanders on due dates and when we would tell our parents etc...so naturally with AF all my plans go down the drain..I know I should stop making plans, but I can't help myself..it's just the way I am..ahhhh:shrug:
Susanne, how is your DH taking all of this? My has been very sweet, pretty relaxed and not worried..but I have noticed every now and then that he gets a bit worried and says something in the line- maybe the problem are my swimmers..and tries to make somekind of joke about it (typical defense mechanism..). It breaks my heart when I see him like that..:(

:hugs: I hope your hubby does not loose hope too soon. According to my OBYGN, it is absolutely normal for even a healthy couple who times it right to take a year to get pregnant. She told us of cases, where couples fell pregnant with the first right a way and then took years to conceive number 2. My hubby does not seem too stressed out yet, as he is convinced that the doctor was right and that we missed ovulation the last 5 cycles. Furthermore, he thinks that my body needed all that time to get rid of the effects of being on the pill for 15+ years. We have agreed that if we have not yet conceived by August, we'll start with some basic tests: a semen analysis and a check whether any of my tubes are blocked. Funny enough, my hubby who has a varicose vein in on testicle (which can cause low/bad quality sperm) does not seem concerned. He is much better than I at looking for God's will. :thumbup: He seems to have mellowed so far towards the idea of adoption.


Thank you :hugs: I took a look at all my charts and found out that this will be our 5th cycle in fact if FF is right about my O day and our timing with that. We started in Sept (1), Oct we were on a long trip and didn't manage to BD, Nov (2), Dec was the wacky cycle when I started this thread and we missed the O, Jan (3) and Mar (4) so all is good..I'm just impatient..I blame the movies and romantic novels where the woman is pregnant right away, and ofcourse is totally unaware of that and doesn't test until after her period is late and so on...:haha: And because I'm such a planner this experience is hard on me...with each cycle my mind wanders on due dates and when we would tell our parents etc...so naturally with AF all my plans go down the drain..I know I should stop making plans, but I can't help myself..it's just the way I am..ahhhh:shrug:

Today it is actually me feeling down. I had a co-worker who just had her baby and everybody is talking about her and her new baby. She got pregnant on her second cycle trying. I really hope that my doctor is right and we just missed the window. I will not temp this cycle and try to take things a litter easier.

Oh I feel for you...it's really not easy listening to other people happy stories when you are in the ttc process and although you are happy for them, the overall feeling is being sad because you wonder when it will be your turn..be strong and be positive - soon it will be you :) I have tons of friends around me who have had recently babies/are pregnant and it can be challenging at a time.. It especially can be difficult when some people are hurtfull - some people know we are ttc and I have SIL who is mean and everytime we hear from her she aks - soooo, when is your baby coming and something in the line of provocing us :( I have trust in God, so that helps me a lot, but I must admit I didn't expect this journey to be so hard...I can't believe how emotional I am about it. Try to make something nice for you and/or DH every day, that helps. This experience has brought me and DH even closer so I thank God for that blessing. DH and I were toghether 8 yrs before getting married year and a half ago <3 so almost a decade of being toghether :)
Oh I feel for you...it's really not easy listening to other people happy stories when you are in the ttc process and although you are happy for them, the overall feeling is being sad because you wonder when it will be your turn..be strong and be positive - soon it will be you :) I have tons of friends around me who have had recently babies/are pregnant and it can be challenging at a time.. It especially can be difficult when some people are hurtfull - some people know we are ttc and I have SIL who is mean and everytime we hear from her she aks - soooo, when is your baby coming and something in the line of provocing us :( I have trust in God, so that helps me a lot, but I must admit I didn't expect this journey to be so hard...I can't believe how emotional I am about it. Try to make something nice for you and/or DH every day, that helps. This experience has brought me and DH even closer so I thank God for that blessing. DH and I were toghether 8 yrs before getting married year and a half ago <3 so almost a decade of being toghether :)

:hugs: Thank you! My hubby and I have been married for almost seven years and have been dating for nine years! He is my high school sweetheart and it is actually a small miracle that we found each other, as we are from two different continents! My husband has suggested that we pray a novena for conception this time around, for instance, for the intercession of St. Anne, St. Gianna or Blessed John Paul II.

wow!!! You have been together for 15 yrs!! That's wonderful! <3
I love the idea from your hubby and yesterday I started a novena to St. Anne and St. Joachim. My mom told me she prayed to St. Anne while ttc and while being pregnant :) I will pray for you too.
wow!!! You have been together for 15 yrs!! That's wonderful! <3
I love the idea from your hubby and yesterday I started a novena to St. Anne and St. Joachim. My mom told me she prayed to St. Anne while ttc and while being pregnant :) I will pray for you too.

I hope you had a great weekend! We did a lot of relaxing things, making our own yoghurt and baking Artisan bread. So far, I have really enjoyed not having to take my temperatures and taking OPKs.

We'll start our novena on CD 12 when we start Bding. We'll pray for you then, too! :happydance: Maybe, two novenas prayed in a row will do the trick? :winkwink: I'll even light a candle at church. As the weather has finally improved, we have started to jog again (after more than a 5 year hiatus). Hopefully, this will help bding, too!

wow!!! You have been together for 15 yrs!! That's wonderful! <3
I love the idea from your hubby and yesterday I started a novena to St. Anne and St. Joachim. My mom told me she prayed to St. Anne while ttc and while being pregnant :) I will pray for you too.

I hope you had a great weekend! We did a lot of relaxing things, making our own yoghurt and baking Artisan bread. So far, I have really enjoyed not having to take my temperatures and taking OPKs.

We'll start our novena on CD 12 when we start Bding. We'll pray for you then, too! :happydance: Maybe, two novenas prayed in a row will do the trick? :winkwink: I'll even light a candle at church. As the weather has finally improved, we have started to jog again (after more than a 5 year hiatus). Hopefully, this will help bding, too!


I had a wonderful weekend. The spring has finally arrived and we try to spend as much possible time outdoors :)
I loooooove baking bread too <3 Back home I had a bread making machine but here in the US I make it in the oven.
I'm sure you feel much more relaxed...I was thinking of letting go of temping and OPK's last month and then this month but I could not do it. When I told DH that maybe I will stop the OPK's he was concerned we would miss our window. I told him if we BD every other day then we won't but I didn't insist bc I noticed HE wasn't ready for me to let go of the OPK's :haha: But next month DH is going on a trip, then we'll have some friend staying over at us and then we'll be going for a trip so I'm not sure I'll use OPKs or temp..We'll see.
DH and I strated the novena on Thursday, I'm so happy about it. You will start at about time we will be finishing so we have this month covered :happydance:
I hope it will do the trick :flower: Certainly can't do no harm :hugs:
Our BD "marathon" started yesterday and it was quite fun :blush:. Spring really does improve romantic feelings :haha:
Good for you for jogging! I'm jelaous.. I have no will power...I always say to myself - I will start today! but never do :blush: Generally I hate jogging but DH and I made an effort and jogged toghether summer and fall 2012 and you really feel better and full of energy..but winter come and I start to hybernate :) I will start some exercise..tomorrow..:haha:
We will start Bding on CD 12 as I am still bleeding. Af seems to linger with me! The jogging program we are following is a smart phone app, Couchto5k, and hopefully, we will be able to run 5k by the end of May. When we first came to the US, we got out of the habit of jogging. In Germany, we had to walk places to get around!

We will start our novena on Friday and I will make sure to say an extra prayer at mass and might recruit a friend to help with the novena.

We will start Bding on CD 12 as I am still bleeding. Af seems to linger with me! The jogging program we are following is a smart phone app, Couchto5k, and hopefully, we will be able to run 5k by the end of May. When we first came to the US, we got out of the habit of jogging. In Germany, we had to walk places to get around!

We will start our novena on Friday and I will make sure to say an extra prayer at mass and might recruit a friend to help with the novena.


This Monday is Boston Marathon and I will watch it..maybe that will motivate me :) I am naturally thin and athletic but the hardest thing for me is to start with some routine.
Go Susanne! :thumbup: I'm sure the 5k will be yours :)

I found a prayer for motherhood so I added that to the novena which we pray until Friday :) I too have a friend who prays for us and I'm sure my mom has us in her prayers all the time. My family knows we are ttc. Did you tell yours? Sometimes I wish I hadn't told them, but on the other hand it is nice to feel the support.

Today I was feeling a bit down, for no aparent reason. My boobs are already aching and my skin broke out and now that I think of it maybe it's bc I started drinking soy milk in the morning. My sister recomended it to me, she said it helped her with shortening of her cycle. She thinks "normal" milk is full of hormones and is not good. I'm not sure though that that was a good idea. I found opposite opininions on internet. Some people used soy isoflavones (that's soy in capsules, but in much higher dose than a glass of soy milk) as a natural clomid, but other people said that soy messed up their cycle completely. I remember how primrose oil didn't work for me and perhapse the change in my nutrition in regards of adding soy milk isn't for me. We'll see. So far I think that it's too soon for aching boobs and brakeouts. Oh and I forgot - increased sex drive:haha:.
I think I will drink the bottle and then return to regular milk :dohh:
Did you read/hear something about that?

Did your AF finish? I know how spotting after AF frustrates me..it seems like it will last forever.. I wish you a happy and successful BD marathon too :):thumbup:
I hope you are having a wonderful Friday! I have never heard about milk/soy, but I have read many women take soy to regulate their cycles. Have you heard about Vitex? It is supposed to have the same effects: https://natural-fertility-info.com/vitex. I am thinking about taking it myself.

Hubby and I have told nobody in our family that we are TTCing, we prefer not to add any additional pressure.

I weight myself this morning and nearly fell off the scale. It seems that in about a month I managed to gain another 10 lbs?! :nope: We actually have been exercising more and being very careful what we eat. This is getting weird. I have decided to make a doctor's appointment to get checked out. I am starting to wonder whether I have PCOS? I am not a happy camper today. :cry:

I hope you are having a wonderful Friday! I have never heard about milk/soy, but I have read many women take soy to regulate their cycles. Have you heard about Vitex? It is supposed to have the same effects: https://natural-fertility-info.com/vitex. I am thinking about taking it myself.

Hubby and I have told nobody in our family that we are TTCing, we prefer not to add any additional pressure.

I weight myself this morning and nearly fell off the scale. It seems that in about a month I managed to gain another 10 lbs?! :nope: We actually have been exercising more and being very careful what we eat. This is getting weird. I have decided to make a doctor's appointment to get checked out. I am starting to wonder whether I have PCOS? I am not a happy camper today. :cry:


So far Friday looks so gloomy and rainy :(
Yes, I have heard about vitex and about Maca (that's a tea that women who had problems conceiving have used for centuries), and have thought about taking it bur primrose oil experience stopped me. I will try a couple of cycles without anything and then will think again about natural suplements. If you are thinking about using it next cycle read everthing you can find, FX for you that you won't need to.
There are days (a lot of days in fact :wacko:) when I regret telling anyone. Next time I won't tell a soul.
Susanne I'm sorry you feel so worried. You should do whatever makes you feel comfortable. IMO I doubt you have PCOS, you were on a check up and your OBGYN would notice something like that and reffer you to do some tests. PCOS is a illness made of numerous syndroms, most important is irregular cycles and anovulatory cycles. The ovaries are working overtime producing follicules but none of which are mature enough to ovulate and thus those follicules remain on the ovary making it look like it has a lot of bumps (it's very visible on ultrasound). Other symtoms are acne, excesive hair growth, overweight etc. I highly doubt you have PCOS. Your cycles are pretty regular considering you came off BCP. I think it just takes time for your body to regulate itself. I stopped taking BCP in November 2011 and it took my body 10 months to calm itself and to get somekind of pattern. I remember one month was 26 days, other 50 days, one month I had 3 weeks of spotting. I was driving myself crazy. It just takes time...:hugs: Plus winter just finished- it's normal to gain weight.
These are active threads on vitex:



These are active threads on vitex:




:hugs:Thank you.

As far as weight gain is concerned, I am not worried about TTcing. I think what freaks me out so much about the weight gain, is that for the last month, we have really tried hard to loose some weight and I somehow managed to gain another 10 lb with a four week period in addition to my winter hibernation weight. I made an appointment with my general practitioner to get checked out. I have a lot of weight related illnesses in my family, which I am trying to avoid at all costs.

These are active threads on vitex:




:hugs:Thank you.

As far as weight gain is concerned, I am not worried about TTcing. I think what freaks me out so much about the weight gain, is that for the last month, we have really tried hard to loose some weight and I somehow managed to gain another 10 lb with a four week period in addition to my winter hibernation weight. I made an appointment with my general practitioner to get checked out. I have a lot of weight related illnesses in my family, which I am trying to avoid at all costs.


It's always better to be safe than sorry :thumbup: I hope you are feeling better.. :flower:
I'm my usual self pre-O: iritable, skin breaks-out, backache and cramps...:dohh: Isn't it funny - how is this suppose to attract a male for procreating? Nature is being cruel with me..:haha:
These are active threads on vitex:




:hugs:Thank you.

As far as weight gain is concerned, I am not worried about TTcing. I think what freaks me out so much about the weight gain, is that for the last month, we have really tried hard to loose some weight and I somehow managed to gain another 10 lb with a four week period in addition to my winter hibernation weight. I made an appointment with my general practitioner to get checked out. I have a lot of weight related illnesses in my family, which I am trying to avoid at all costs.


It's always better to be safe than sorry :thumbup: I hope you are feeling better.. :flower:
I'm my usual self pre-O: iritable, skin breaks-out, backache and cramps...:dohh: Isn't it funny - how is this suppose to attract a male for procreating? Nature is being cruel with me..:haha:

How are you holding up? How is your Bd marathon going?

I have pretty much the same pre-O symptoms as you do, plus I think I am getting another cold or maybe, allergies? I am starting to think that my doctor might be right with a CD 17 ovulation: I am seeing a lot of mucus today (CD 16). Noneless, we'll BD every other day until CD 22, just to be save!
I'm not too good today...we were at the Boston Marathon yesterday with our friends and thank God all of us are ok, but it was truly God's hand leading us...we were so very close (1 block away!) to the place of the explosion and whats even more terrifying - we planned on going to that EXACT place..T was running slow so that actualy was the reason why we were 1 block further..anyways today I have a massive headache, don't feel too good, very, very painful cramps (I think my body is trying to ovulate), diahrea..:( My heart and prayers go to all the victims and their family&friends.. :cry:

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