I think FF got my O day wrong, please help

Did you change the mode on FF to see whether the research mode is suggesting another O date? If you look at your cervical mucus alone, when do you think you ovulated? Maybe, you really did not ovulate this cycle.

I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Did you change the mode on FF to see whether the research mode is suggesting another O date? If you look at your cervical mucus alone, when do you think you ovulated? Maybe, you really did not ovulate this cycle.

I'll keep my fingers crossed!

When I change the mode it shifts my O day even earlier (on cd 16). I did some research and my O day is probably correct being on cd 18 (I had some fertile CM few days afterwards but it's normal to have it in lutheal phase because of presence of estrogen even in LP). I so regret not taking my BBT full month, that would have given me more clarity. Anywho if day O was correct there are 3 possibilities for 18 days LP: a) my Hcg are too low for HPT to pick it up, in that case if AF does not arrive in 2-3 days I should repeat HPT and it should show positive; b) abnormal pregnancy with low Hcg (it results in miscariage- I have had some very light brown spotting today which could be begining of AF/miscarriage); c) corpus lutheum cyst.
If my O day is incorrect maybe I O-ed on cd 26 but I didn't continue with BBT so I can't really know. In that case today I'm only 10dpo and I have had some very light brown spotting which could be implantation.
Anyways one thing is very clear - only time will tell and I can't really know what's going on without some blood tests or u/s. I decided just to wait a couple of days and see.
Of course AF came AFTER I tested with HPT and took the time to research a bit :dohh:
I'm OK, I wasn't feeling it this month so I just wanted the cycle to come to the end. :wine:
Next cycle DH and I will be doing a lot of travelling :happydance: so I won't temp. I think it makes no sense to do it because I will get up at different times and it would be messed up. We'll BD every other day and that's it. I think I will start a novena to St. Anthony tomorrow :)
What's your game plan?
Of course AF came AFTER I tested with HPT and took the time to research a bit :dohh:
I'm OK, I wasn't feeling it this month so I just wanted the cycle to come to the end. :wine:
Next cycle DH and I will be doing a lot of travelling :happydance: so I won't temp. I think it makes no sense to do it because I will get up at different times and it would be messed up. We'll BD every other day and that's it. I think I will start a novena to St. Anthony tomorrow :)
What's your game plan?

:hugs: I am sorry that AF showed up. For some reason, I did not feel it either this month. Maybe, I am too preoccupied with my husband's work situation. He has another job interview for which we have high hopes. The school year is almost over and I am looking forward to summer break! Where are you guys travelling to?

Our game plan for this cycle is to bd every other day starting CD 10, taking no temperatures and no OPKs, for hubby to find a job and for us to keep up our jogging. We are up to 2 miles now and twenty minutes. My blood tests showed that I am Vitamin D deficient, therefore, I am now taking a supplement in addition to my prenatal vitamin. Research has linked vitamin D deficiency to problems in TTcing.
Of course AF came AFTER I tested with HPT and took the time to research a bit :dohh:
I'm OK, I wasn't feeling it this month so I just wanted the cycle to come to the end. :wine:
Next cycle DH and I will be doing a lot of travelling :happydance: so I won't temp. I think it makes no sense to do it because I will get up at different times and it would be messed up. We'll BD every other day and that's it. I think I will start a novena to St. Anthony tomorrow :)
What's your game plan?

:hugs: I am sorry that AF showed up. For some reason, I did not feel it either this month. Maybe, I am too preoccupied with my husband's work situation. He has another job interview for which we have high hopes. The school year is almost over and I am looking forward to summer break! Where are you guys travelling to?

Our game plan for this cycle is to bd every other day starting CD 10, taking no temperatures and no OPKs, for hubby to find a job and for us to keep up our jogging. We are up to 2 miles now and twenty minutes. My blood tests showed that I am Vitamin D deficient, therefore, I am now taking a supplement in addition to my prenatal vitamin. Research has linked vitamin D deficiency to problems in TTcing.

Hi Susanne! How was your weekend? Mine was great and super busy, sorry I didn't reply sooner:blush: . We were in Washington DC. It was wonderful, we did a lot of sightseeing and had a lot of fun..I just relaxed and forgot all about TTC :) Our next destination is Niagara falls :) we are going teo weeks from now :happydance:
Regarding my cycle...it was a bit longer than usual and my ovaries were pinching yesterday but I think it's because of all the time walking around. Travelling back in the car was also a bit exausting.
Our plan is exactly the same as yours :thumbup:.. I'm happy to have such a perfect ttc buddy :hugs:
Hope everything went great with your dh's interviews. Fx:flower:
Hope everything went great with your dh's interviews. Fx:flower:

I am glad you had a great time in Washington D.C. I have been to Niagara ten years ago when I started dating my hubby. It was the first vacation we went on as a couple in the USA, albeit with my mother-in-law in tow. When you are in Niagara don't miss going to Niagara-on-the-lake, a small quaint town nearby.

We started our bd marathon on CD 12. I have been having a lot more cervical mucus than I normally do. Maybe, the vitamin D supplement I have been taking to alleviate my vitamin D deficiency has an effect. When I googled vitamin D deficiency after the results of my blood test came in, problems conceiving came up as one of the effects of vitamin D deficiency. We'll see whether it helps! :happydance:

My hubby's job interview went very well, thanks for asking! :hugs: We are now in the "two-week-wait" after the job interview hoping to hear back from the prospective place of work.

Hope everything went great with your dh's interviews. Fx:flower:

I am glad you had a great time in Washington D.C. I have been to Niagara ten years ago when I started dating my hubby. It was the first vacation we went on as a couple in the USA, albeit with my mother-in-law in tow. When you are in Niagara don't miss going to Niagara-on-the-lake, a small quaint town nearby.

We started our bd marathon on CD 12. I have been having a lot more cervical mucus than I normally do. Maybe, the vitamin D supplement I have been taking to alleviate my vitamin D deficiency has an effect. When I googled vitamin D deficiency after the results of my blood test came in, problems conceiving came up as one of the effects of vitamin D deficiency. We'll see whether it helps! :happydance:

My hubby's job interview went very well, thanks for asking! :hugs: We are now in the "two-week-wait" after the job interview hoping to hear back from the prospective place of work.


Thank you for the advice! We'll be sure to check it out.

Hope both of your tww will be fruitfull :flower:

I'm taking prenatal vitamins from twinlab and sometimes I add omega 3. My DH is taking folic acid and omega 3. I will have a yearly obgyn check up in July so maybe I'll ask for blood panel for vitamins too.

I must admit this month I'm having difficulties in getting in the mood for BD-ing. That never ever happened to me. Usually I'm the one who is initiating it. We BD last night but I did it because of ttc. :( maybe I didn't notice it but the stress of ttc was creeping up on me..:shrug: And I keep telling myself it's ok but this month I don't feel the excitement of potentialy succeding and getting a bfp. I just feel I don't want to think about ttc or getting pregnant, but then again I would feel guilty if we didn't bd. Sorry for the rant.
Hope everything went great with your dh's interviews. Fx:flower:

I am glad you had a great time in Washington D.C. I have been to Niagara ten years ago when I started dating my hubby. It was the first vacation we went on as a couple in the USA, albeit with my mother-in-law in tow. When you are in Niagara don't miss going to Niagara-on-the-lake, a small quaint town nearby.

We started our bd marathon on CD 12. I have been having a lot more cervical mucus than I normally do. Maybe, the vitamin D supplement I have been taking to alleviate my vitamin D deficiency has an effect. When I googled vitamin D deficiency after the results of my blood test came in, problems conceiving came up as one of the effects of vitamin D deficiency. We'll see whether it helps! :happydance:

My hubby's job interview went very well, thanks for asking! :hugs: We are now in the "two-week-wait" after the job interview hoping to hear back from the prospective place of work.


Thank you for the advice! We'll be sure to check it out.

Hope both of your tww will be fruitfull :flower:

I'm taking prenatal vitamins from twinlab and sometimes I add omega 3. My DH is taking folic acid and omega 3. I will have a yearly obgyn check up in July so maybe I'll ask for blood panel for vitamins too.

I must admit this month I'm having difficulties in getting in the mood for BD-ing. That never ever happened to me. Usually I'm the one who is initiating it. We BD last night but I did it because of ttc. :( maybe I didn't notice it but the stress of ttc was creeping up on me..:shrug: And I keep telling myself it's ok but this month I don't feel the excitement of potentialy succeding and getting a bfp. I just feel I don't want to think about ttc or getting pregnant, but then again I would feel guilty if we didn't bd. Sorry for the rant.

:hugs: I am feeling a little bit like you do about bding! To some degree, it has become a little bit of a chore that has to be accomplished. I am not really feeling it, either, this month. Might be all the stress with DH's job. In addition, hubby got a nasty viral infection which threw off our schedule. Let's keep our fingers crossed!

I miss temping...I don't like this feeling of not knowing when is O..so I today tested with OPK. I could not stop myself..:dohh: I have O pains and clasic symptoms so I wanted to check if I'm right.. Next month I'm back on temping.. :)
bD-ing this month feels so much as a obligation, luckily DH is into it. I think his male pride is really starting to get hurt so he is determined to have me pregnant asap :haha:
I am CD 29 today (8 dpo). AF would be due on Thursday. This cycle, progesterone induced sleeping problems are taking their toll on me.

How are you up? Sorry for the late reply!

AF is a day late! I think I have PMS but I am not sure. :-/

AF arrived today three days late. Wonder what happened this cycle. I guess it is back to temping for me!

Hi S! Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. We have been travelling with our friends. This month is a bust for me, because first of all I have no idea when and if I O-ed, and second and more important- we had company and were not able to BD for the last 9 days. I'm expecting AF sometime around next week. I'm getting back o temping next cycle... I thought I would be more relaxed but in fact I don't like the not knmowing what's happening...

Sorry to hear about AF..how are you feeling today? Hope everything is good with DH"s job. Next month will be ours! We got to stay positive..

I hope you had a great vacation! I'm on CD 6 now and AF has been surprisingly nice to me this time around.

I am really confused what when wrong with this cycle. Either I ovulated three days later or my luteal phase was longer than my normal ten days. If my ovulation was delayed, we missed the window totally this cycle (we did not BD beyond day 21). Without temperatures or OPKs it is impossible to tell. I wonder whether my Vitamin D supplement was responsible?!

Anyways, onwood and forewood! What are your plans for the new cycle?

I hope you had a great vacation! I'm on CD 6 now and AF has been surprisingly nice to me this time around.

I am really confused what when wrong with this cycle. Either I ovulated three days later or my luteal phase was longer than my normal ten days. If my ovulation was delayed, we missed the window totally this cycle (we did not BD beyond day 21). Without temperatures or OPKs it is impossible to tell. I wonder whether my Vitamin D supplement was responsible?!

Anyways, onwood and forewood! What are your plans for the new cycle?


We had an amazing vacation, although I feel like I need a vacation from a vacation..:haha: We came home yesterday and today I have a cold...probably from exaustion..:dohh:

It's hard to say anything about a cycle without temping (I'm starting when AF makes it's appearance) but I would guess that probably your LP started getting longer..:shrug: I know I've read that vitamin B6 prolongs LP and that's why ladies with LP defect take it. But longer LP would be a good thing, no?

My plan is temping, not sure about OPKs but probably yes, BD every other day starting with cd 10. Next month is my obgyn check up, if by then nothing happens I will consult him about clomid.

Offtopic but I need to vent- I have a very mean SIL. Today she told me she thought I would be pregnant by now...:growlmad:
I am on CD 12 today. My bleeding was a lot shorter this time. We 'all start bding on CD 15.
I'm having the weirdest cycle EVER!!! :wacko:
Today I'm on cd44 and I *think* (but of course can't know for sure because I didn't temp) that I Oed on cd39..right about when I though AF would arrive..
I suppose my body tried to O, but failed and somehow skipped a lot of time and tried again.. I sure hope AF arrives soon (I never thought I would want to see her :haha:).. This month is a bust and I just want a new one to start!

On the other hand your chart looks great, as if you Oed yesterday (and had a massive pre-O dip)..it looks different from your usual chart so maybe that's a good thing. What did you do this cycle? We did nothing because of the travelling..I didnt take my prenatals or DH his vitamins...:shrug:
arghhh...my crazy body..
I am sorry to hear that your cycle is being so whacky! My last one was very weird as well. Maybe, the travelling messed with your body? Hopefully, AF will visit you soon! :wacko:

I am now on CD 18 of my eighth cycle and it has been quite different so far: I only had bleeding was done after 6 days (normally 10!), I have been sleeping a lot better (only waking up once every night) and no pre-ovulation symptoms. The only thing we did differently this cycle is taking the vitamin D. Maybe, it has lengthened my luteal phase?

I am sorry to hear that your cycle is being so whacky! My last one was very weird as well. Maybe, the travelling messed with your body? Hopefully, AF will visit you soon! :wacko:

I am now on CD 18 of my eighth cycle and it has been quite different so far: I only had bleeding was done after 6 days (normally 10!), I have been sleeping a lot better (only waking up once every night) and no pre-ovulation symptoms. The only thing we did differently this cycle is taking the vitamin D. Maybe, it has lengthened my luteal phase?


Vitamin D sure can't hurt, it can only help (of course if taken in suggested amount :)). What about CM? Do you see any change? My advice would be keep BD-ing just in case. :thumbup:

FF confirmed the O but on the wrong date, but that's because I didn't have the temp input from enough days before O. We did BD on that day but I keep thinking on cd39 my uterus lining is probably soooo old and starting to fall apart so I just want the AF to appear. Not to mention I keep thinking whats the egg like thats ovulated that late..
I have a feeling this one will be a tough and long one AF...:dohh:

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