I think I ovulated :D anybody wanna wait with me?

I'm on cd19 now, had very nearly positives yesterday on the opk but back to hardly a line today it's so annoying! I know I haven't ovulated yet as my boobs aren't sore at all! I think I like tracking o because then I'll know when af is due and since my cycles are irregular, it's better to be expecting it than be caught out of the blue by it lol.

Nice to see you back dtrisha what cd are you on now?
Today is cd 16 almost positive ppl at 10am so I'm assuming it'll go positive in a few hours. I went to the doctor and they told me to do the first day I get a positive then skip a day and do the next. I was telling. Her I was doing two days in a row but she thinks will have better luck with every other day since sperm can live 24 hours.

Still no positive dinky ? Are you trying again?
Hey guys Dtrisha I hope you get a BFP on OPKS FX

AFM CD2 AF is in full swing I've decided to take clomid again I've had a two month break so took my first pill today if I'm honest though I don't think Clomid is working for me as Oing isn't the issue and if it did work I would expect multiple egg releases each time I think they're maybe other issues as to why we are struggling but before we can move on to IVF we have to do another 3 months with clomid I'm not hopeful though xx
Hey ladies, nope still no positive opk but I think I'm getting closer to o as I've had loads of ewcm today and yesterday. My opk today was darker than yesterday's. No we aren't ttc yet just keeping track of my cycles, it's annoying that I haven't o'd yet, haven't o'd this late in years! Normally cd22 I'd the latest I will o and that is rare!

Sounds good with the opks dtrisha sounds like your getting closer! And they do say it's best to did every other day when ttc as it gives the sperm time to rebuild it's army!

Good luck with the clomid this cycle ang
Yeah got a positive yesterday night. Then like always got a super positive today. So we DTD last night and will do it tomorrow night too. And then two days after to make sure. I've been pretty relaxed this month so hopefully it's our turn. My birthday is next weekend and our anniversary is the weekend after. Fingers crossed !
FX for you Dtrisha xx

AFM I have purchased ICS 6 DAY Earlies ready I'm taking pregnacare conception and CQ10 100mg I'm also healthier working out eating more healthy tee total and caffeine free so I just can't see what else I can do now I have all my IC OPKS and digi opks ready at hand for O and will be starting them as soon as AF goes as first month on clomid last month I Od not long after AF went wish me luck guys xx
Good luck with clomid. My doctor is talking about maybe putting me on it because I told her about my LP. So I'm thinking she might want to so my O is earlier we will see.

Good luck everyone
How do you feel about that Dtrisha Clomid is fine hun it's not as bad as you'd think what is your next step are you under going at present time and tests xx
Finally got a pos opk today! Should ovulate tomorrow or fay after. Atleast I'll know when to expect my period :)
I'm fine with taking clomid but my NP had to talk to my OB and I haven't heard back yet. I don't know if they'll test of what not they didn't say anything about that. Im sure if I do it'll be a low dosage as I think I O on my own already. Im down for anything that helps me have a baby :)
I'm same hun my infertility is unexplained infertility they can't explain why we are struggling I O every month without fail so clomid is meant to help me xx

AFM CD4 Clomid day 3 on my 4th cycle I'm feeling a little sorry for myself today if I'm honest another family member has just announced they are 6 weeks pregnant totally unplanned I've done the whole smiling thing and congratulations and I am truly happy for them but deep inside my heart is breaking I feel defeated already like at tho mo I'm just taking the clomid because I have to if I want further help but I have no faith in it or my body I just don't think it will ever happen now and I'm waisting my time xx I don't know maybe it's the clomid playing crazy with my hormones but that's how I feel.

I have my follicle tracking next Thurs which is very early I won't be anywhere near O date I don't think so if nothing shows I hope they bring me back in for another scan xx also I'm going to speak to her about having bloods taken to check my progesterone levels as I do think mine are low looking at the symptoms I have quite a few and my periods are getting lighter which can't be a good sign xx

I did want to ask has anyone taken pregnacare post conception my pee seems to have turned bright yellow that can't be good can it xx
Good luck with clomid! Do you mind me asking if you have any kids at all? Or are you still trying for first. I haven't ever taken that so not sure.
No no kids we're trying for our first xx

Been trying for 2 yrs 7months now started taking clomid in Jan 2016 50mg for 5 days did three months no joy had two months off Clomid still trying no joy now back on it for three months if no joy then we move on to IVF xx
Awh I'm sorry. I hope clomid works for you! What about IUI? Or is that not a option?

Fortunetly we got pregnant before so I don't think we're infertile it's just taking a little longer now.

But I sure do have my fingers crossed for you that's a long time trying and frustration and stress.
Yeah I had a MC last August at 5 wks so we can get pregnant but that's the only one in the whole of the time we've been TTC it's happened xx

IUI isn't an option as due to me living in UK I get free fertility treatment due to us not having any kids at all we get three free tries at IVF if we wanted to do IUI then we'd have to substitute one of our IVF goes for it and the success rate for IVF is higher so it makes no sense xx

Clomid does work and works for a lot of people but I don't think it works for me, there also another drug called femera which is just like clomid but less side effects xx the only issue with clomid with people with unexplained infertility is it can make you over stimulate one month I released three eggs so there's a higher risk of multiples xx

Have you tried supplements I've started taking pregnacare post conception it contains zinc and Iran which help fertility and I take Coq10 which is good for cell rejuvenation it's meant to help with egg quality I've started taking them this month so we'll see if they help xx
How long have you been trying for Dtrisha have you got any kids at all xx
I haven't taken many things to help. Only thing really right now is b6 because I think my LP is to short.

With clomid I wouldn't mind multiples I guess. More than 2 would be crazy for our first though. My husband is a twin but I know it skips a generation so I'm kind of hoping we don't get them. Not that I wouldn't be grateful because I would but I would rather just have one at first lol.

No I don't have any kids. We had the ectopic back in September 2015 and ever since that happened we have been trying since end of December when they told us we could try again. And with that pregnancy it only took us 2 months. So now I obviously am starting to worry because it's been. Almost triple the time as long trying and nothing.

What's the difference in femara and clomid other than side effects? Anything ?
Nothing I don't think Clomid I think is stronger but femera appears to work better for people suffering from PCOS who can be immune to clomid the side effects I get from clomid is slight dizziness, spots, emotions go up are heightened I get all emotional over soppy stuff and teary for no reason and I get slight hot flushes xx
Dtrisha my oh is a twin too! But twins only run in females as it's some females that can release 2 or more eggs resulting in non identical twins. Identical twins can happen to anyone as that's when 1 egg splits into 2 so unless twins run in your side of the family (they don't in mine) then we should be safe from twins unless you take clomid! I got pregnant with twins when I had dd1 but that was because of the clomid lol!! My ohs mum got pregnant with non identical twins twice as she releases 2 eggs each month naturally.

I think I ovulated yesterday! Have sore boobs today and opk was neg :)
Hey ladies, how are you all doing? I had my tubal on Wednesday and at the moment I am completely regretting it. Starting Friday I have been bleeding so heavy that I actually ended up in the ER last night. I am passing huge clots every time I go to the bathroom and everytime I try to sit down on the couch to relax I bleed through my pants in about 30 minutes. At the ER they took my blood and said my levels were low but not dangerously and that the bleeding wasn't heavy enough to constitute doing anything. I was floored. I can't sleep or relax because I am constantly worried about leaking and I am constantly in the bathroom. They said that since I am not showing any symptoms of low blood levels such as dizziness or fainting than I am not in danger. I have been so tired and lethargic since the surgery no matter how much sleep I get. I am just at the end of my rope. They explained the bleeding being due to an instrument they used during the procedure but I can't imagine this much bleeding is normal. I tried taking my kids to a parade yesterday and in about an hour and a half I had bled through a super pad, my undies, and my jeans. I just can't help thinking "what the hell did I do?" Is this going to be how my AF is going to be from now on? I feel pissed that the ER and my OB who did the surgery just kind of dismissed the bleeding.. Hope you all are doing well.

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