I think I ovulated :D anybody wanna wait with me?

Country my cycles range from 27-35 days before the mc. I think it might take a while for my cycles to return to normal. I don't normally get sore boobs till after o but they have been sore about 5 days now but only lightly. Sometimes they don't feel sore at all! Still getting ewcm too :( you are very lucky that you have short cycles, you don't have to wait long :) I wish my cycles were like yours! Dimmu I hate waiting, I feel your pain with the opks that's why I don't want to use them again they are more frustrating than helpful when you have irregular cycles! But at least they let you know where you stand as far as if your going to o soon goes. Hope they darken up for you soon! I had awful af type cramps last night! Had to go to sleep to make them go away
Dinky it does sound like your body is still quite not back to normal after the mc.:(
It's so frustrating when OPKs don't give you a positive, but I think I will continue to use them nonetheless as otherwise I just wouldn't know if I'm about to o or not, my cycles are just too irregular to know for sure. There's of course temping as well but not overly keen on that. I hope I'm not in for another mega long cycle. Will do another OPK im a couple of hours and again tonight.
Finally! The bottom one is from today. Not sure if it's quite positive yet but getting close!

We BD'ed this morning but unfortunately OH didn't finish. Hopefully can try again tonight.
How much time do we have now, I assume I'm likely to o tomorrow so should BD tonight and tomorrow?
Wow that's definitely close! I think you have 24-48 hours after a positive opk but I'm not sure. Sorry your dh couldn't finish :( hope you get some more in!!
Id say you are very close dimmu!! I have always Od on my second day of positive OPKs. So I would guess you will O tomorrow or Saturday. I have not had any cramps today, but my boobs are still sore. Still lots of creamy/watery cm. I am so tired and hungry and still peeing a lot.. i have my fingers crossed. I am sure I will cave and test at 9 DPO which is Tuesday.. I haven't tested today.. im just going to wait.
Had a bit of a chat with OH, he does find the pressure to perform too much with ttc, hence not wanting to BD or being unable to finish.
We talked about our options and think we might try something like self insemination next time, it does feel like we need to separate our sex life and ttc as on my fertile days BD'ing is a chore, not a pleasure. And I also get very stressed about the whole thing, not just about conceiving but more so of getting him to BD and of course stress is not doing me any favours.

So think I'll do some searches about inseminating here and on google so that we are all prepared next month.
DH's just gone off to a local for a pint, that usually puts him on a good mood so hopefully he'll be up for BD when he gets home so that I still have a chance this month.

Country can't believe you're already approaching test days, I do envy your short cycle!
Dinky how has today been for you?
I have actually done a lot of research on at home insemination and attempted it a few times due to some issues we were having conceiving. I can't be sure if my last pregnancy was the result of at home insemination or natural because we did a bit of both but if you have any questions I might be able to help. I'm sorry your poor DH feels so much pressure I am sure that can make it hard. Whenever we were TTC I try and not even tell DH when I am fertile as we usually have enough BD time regardless. Try and make it as spontaneous as possible and still romantic. Yes I will be 6 DPO already tomorrow. I will probably start testing this weekend at 8 or 9 DPO lol. I am weak. Short cycles are nice unless the month is a long one and AF comes twice on one month!
Oh that's so cool if home insemination is something you're familiar with countrymomma, I mean that's cool for me!!
Ideally a bit of both is what I'd like to do as well. In general we just don't BD enough to leave it to nature alone, my work hours are different from his and I go to bed and wake up earlier than he does making BDing difficult, and of course with DD around there are no such things as lazy weekends in bed like there were a few years ago!!
I am tired of feeling stressed about the whole thing, and I hate being a sudden sex pest for one week every month lol!
I have to do some research but I saw on another thread here that people have had some success with soft cups with home insemination, did you ever use those or just a cup and syringe?

6dpo that's so exciting! Hopefully I can join you soon in the two week wait, FF is now giving tomorrow as a definite o date. Just remains to be seen where I stand a chance this month, really have to BD tonight for that to happen.
Have you done any more tests or are you just gonna wait and see if you get a referral to a blood test?
Yes, a bit of both is what we did due to scheduling conflicts, and some other issues and obviously it worked because I have a happy 19 month old DD! I also saw that some people had success with the soft cups. I never used those, just the cup and syringe method and them laid on my back for 30 minutes and made sure I had a big O (manually of course). The big key is to just relax and make sure the swimmers are handled with care.

I hope you can BD tonight! Maybe after a few pints the DH will feel up to the task! I will probably start testing just once with FMU tomorrow just to see what the heck is going on.. and because I am impatient.. but tomorrow is my Dr. appointment too so I will ask for a blood test as well.
Sorry to hear about dh dimmu bless him the stress must be getting to him! I saw on another thread that someone conceived on there first cycle of insemination it definitely worth giving it a shot! I've been OK thank you still getting ewcm, boobs are still tender when I press them at the sides and I've started to get a dodgy tummy which sometimes happens either before o or during the tww up until af shows!
I will look into the home insemination next cycle, ttc is just becoming too much stress.

I should hopefully be o'ing today although that LH surge I saw yesterday on the OPK seems to have been very short lived; I tested again in the evening and it was negative, not sure if the surge never peaked or if I just caught the tailend of it.
We managed to BD last night yay! Poor OH he just hates it when BD becomes scheduled and mechanical, the boy needs some romance lol!

Good luck with the Dr's appointment today Countrymomma!
Dinky I hope the o is on it's way now!
Awww bless yas I do feel for you both. I'm the one that don't like doing it on demand but I'm lucky that I can just lie there coz dp don't mind how he does it lol. No romance needed here I'm just like get on with it!! No change for me today I've still got slightly sore boobs and cp is still low and firm but now slightly open as if af is about to show. I've woke up with 4 painful spots on my forehead too grrrr. I am just going to assume this cycle that af will come 13-14 days after my boobs first get sore so I'll expect it on the 29th or 30th! Good luck today country
Dinky I also have four not painful but rather ugly spots on my forehead that appeared overnight lol!!! Hope it's a sign I'm ovulating today. Have ewcm but no other symptoms.
Haha mine are painful! And red and swollen :( let's hope the 4 spots ate a good thing!
Haha I hope so! Just as long it doesn't mean that there are two sets of quadruplets in the making!

Mine have an unsightly yellow head yuck, proper acne! Why do I have to get spots with both o and AF, once a month would be enough! :)
I could burst one of mine but the other 3 were those painful ones that you can't pop coz they have no head on them :( they are just like under the skin! I'm hoping I've got mine because ovulation is just about to happen :) either that or af is going to make a early appearance!
Luckily all four of mine are burstable but still not nice to look at.

I often get those headless ones around AF, and sometimes they stick around for ages.

Hopefully yours are due to ovulation, timingwise it does look like that doesn't it? Too early for AF anyway.
Good morning ladies! I also have 4 spots on my forehead right between my eyes! They aren't painful but they are ugly looking. I spoke wrong yesterday when I said 9 DPO would be Tuesday it will actually be Sunday! So I am sure I will be testing that day lol. I said I would wait until AF was due this cycle because of last cycle but I can't wait. I am peeing like every 5 minutes, I am gassy, and (tmi) constipated, which with my IBS and lack of gallbladder never ever happens to me. The only time I can remember being backed up was when I was preggo with my last. My boobs have not been as sore but I am still having some cramping with some sharp twinges. My stomach has been kind of weird, I am craving the weirdest things. I am super confident that we may have caught that egg! CP is still high and firm and my CM actually seems to be drying up..

Dimmu I am so glad you were able to BD and finish last night! That is such good news. You may have just caught the tail end of you LH surge but you should still be ok. You normally O 24 to 48 hours after your surge.

Dinky it sounds like you are very close with all the EWCM! Hopefully it is O and not AF trying to make an early appearance.
Country I have been the same. My ibs normally plays up around ovulation time and I get awful stomach cramps and sorry tmi I get the runs really bad after a cramping session. This time I have been having the cramps but I'm constipated and that never happens to me either! Can't wait till you test, I'm hoping the line is a lot darker for you!!

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