I think I ovulated :D anybody wanna wait with me?

Countrymomma any update yet, have you been to the doc's yet? Not quite sure which time zone you're on.

I've not o'ed yet, still getting lots of ewcm so hopefully soon. Dh has a migraine so doubt we'll BD today, but at least managed to get that one session in late last night, better than nothing I suppose.
I have been to the Dr and they said they couldn't order a blood test but my general dr might be able too. So I have to make an appointment with them. I have to go through the VA (veterans administration) since that is the only place I have insurance due to me being prior military.. I think I am just going to wait and see if AF comes on the 31st like she is supposed too.. or a line gets darker on the tests
I am feeling downright aweful today.. been feeling sick to my stomach all day and having dizzy spells.. not sure if I am coming down with something or its that little eggy doing it.. I got really sick with my last two pregnancies pretty early on..
That sounds so complicated, shame you have to go through so much effort to have simple blood work done. But at least you're not too far from actually being able to test!

It all sounds very promising, hope you really are having some pregnancy symptoms and it's a sticky this time.
Yes it is rather a pain in the butt. I could go to a regular clinic but would have to pay out of pocket for it. Not sure how much it is. But yea only three days and I can start testing.

I am hoping this one is sticky as well!
I'm still getting ewcm, it's now the eighth day in a row with either watery or ewcm, on average I get 5-6 days. I hope I will o soon, don't want this to turn into another long cycle where my body keeps trying to o for weeks. Maybe I have to start using OPKs again, gave up with them when I thought I had had my surge.
I'm on my 7th day of ewcm too dimmu! Well I haven't noticed any today yet coz I've just woke up and still in bed lol. We managed to bd last night, we haven't for the previous 2 nights because we have both had stomach troubles but I'm hoping that if I do o today then that will be enough! Sorry to hear you can't get your bloods done yet country must be so frustrating not knowing what's going on inside your own body, wither you are pregnant or not! Glad you have a last reserve with your military insurance incase you need it, I don't know how you can hold off tho lol you must have strong willpower!
Should definitely be enough BD if you o today dinky.
I felt a bit rundown last night so went to bed early, no BD for us. My mum's coming over tonight to stay with us for a few days over the half-term, that makes any further BD tricky as our flat isn't that big. So it really would make sense for me to o today!! C'mon egg, time to get on with it!!
Well I hope you o today dimmu! We don't have family come and stay with us but I can imagine it would make bding very hard! Have you done any more opks today?
Hello ladies.. I am feeling a bit better today than yesterday so far. Having some shooting pains in my boobs and some pinches and twinges down below. Slept in about an hour later than usual. Had some crazy vivid dreams last night! Woke up screaming.. it was rather startling. Woke up just starving to death. Took an OPK today for the hell of it because I found one and I wanted to pee on a stick lol. It was pretty darn dark, not quite positive but almost. Not sure if I should take it as a good sign or not.


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Well they do say that when your pregnant you get dark lines on a opk! So I'd definitely take it as a good sign! I'm getting a lot of ewcm today so I hope I'm close to o!
OPK's can detect pregnancy hormones can't they? There's definitely something going on with you!!

Dinky haven't done an OPK today as have been at work all day and forgot to do one when I got home. I've had lots of cramps and bloating today along with some unpleasant IBS symptoms. :( Cm is different from yesterday's, still stretchy but not as much as yesterday, and it doesn't look as erm.. shiny? on the toilet paper, it's very wet as well. Hoping it means I've ovulated now. I should know tomorrow as cm should dry up a bit. Really hope I have o'ed with my mum on her way here, and my brother is coming as well. Deffo no BD over the next few days!!
They do say that OPKs can detect early pregnancy. It's not super dark but it is def darker than anything I normally get when not ovulating. So I am still hopeful!! I am going to hold out until Sunday which is 9 DPO to use a HPT since that was the first time I got a BFP with my daughter.

I really hope you O soon dinky! You have had EWCM for a long time.

Dimmu I would say you have either Od already ore may be Oing today. My CM changes the day of O and goes watery.
Care if I join? Today is O day for me. DTD last night. Not sure if will be able today so I'm hoping that's enough. Not excited to start this TWW since it feels like decades :( but GL to everyone!!! BABY DUST
Hi dtrisha! Bding the night before you o is definitely enough!! You have gave yourself a good shot good luck! Do you temp or use opks to tell when your going to o? Dimmu it does sounds like you have ovulated if you cm has changed :) yay!!
I have checked my cp and it's high and open!! Also, I don't know if anyone else gets this but *sorry tmi* my labia seems to swell up around o time I completely forgot about that and it's swelled up today like there's more blood flow down there! Does this happen to anyone else? I've downloaded the fertility friend app and I think I will start temping in the morning, really didn't want to but hate not knowing what's going on with my cycles
Hi dinky! Thanks for replying. We got really lucky and got pregnant on our second cycle last time so I'm hoping were good now cause I'm assuming we're pretty fertile :) we BD on Monday too but I know that probably wouldn't of worked.
And I do not temp or use OPK. I tried OPK but I couldn't find my surge. And is usually get up at least once to pee on the middle of the night so temp wouldn't work :(
Hi drtrisha, always nice to have someone new joining the conversation! I was gonna ask the same thing as dinky if you temp or how do you confirm ovulation? I'm also wondering whether to start temping just to be certain that I've o'ed, would certainly help with an irregular cycle like mine.
Yay dinky that sounds promising! I don't get that swelling but if it happens every month must be a sign of o!
I remember last time I was pregnant I woke up one morning pretty hot and temped and was like oh that's high! And was thinking hm maybe I'm pregnant but I didn't think it would happen that fast and then a week and a half later I had a BFP lol
Oh OK do you have regular cycles then like clockwork? I wish I did! Dimmu the swelling doesn't hurt or anything, just feels a lot more sensitive down there lol. I've never linked it to ovulation tho but I've put 2 and 2 together now and with the high open cervix I think it's linked

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