I think I ovulated :D anybody wanna wait with me?

Good morning. Thanks dinky and dimmu.. We will see what happens. No AF when I woke up so I guess that's a good sign. I think the CB digis with the weeks indicator go down to 25 or sometimes even less.. But still may not be high enough. I hope your cross hairs are right dimmu and you have ovulated!! I still get some EWCM sometimes after O. I didn't this cycle though. You are getting so close to being able to test yay! So just went to the bathroom to check CP and there was pink blood on the TP... Guess AF might be here after all... We will see how it progresses throughout the day.
Good morning ladies :).
Country- it could still be implantation bleeding or just bleeding in general. If it sticks to pink and pretty much only when you wipe you'll be fine :).

I just woke up about 20 minutes ago and my face feels really hot. Took my temp and it's 98. I know I don't temp and I can't go off that. But I'm usually around 72-74ish. Again I know it's nothing j can go off but all I can hope is that it's implantation spike? How long did it take eebrhone to get a positive after your spike? I ended up testing when I woke up but it's negative. I just had to lol. I'm so impatient. Today is only 7dpo so who knows.
How is everyone's morning?
Haven't seen no ewcm since this morning and i normally see it everytime I wipe! Been to the toilet about 5 times in the last 2 hours and not seen any :) hoping that was the last bit just working it's way our this morning. Country a lil bit of pink spotting should be OK I bet you don't even need a pad or anything do you? Hope the witch stays away for you!
Thanks Dtrisha. We will see.. it has only been when I wipe so far so my fingers are still crossed. Still crazy tired, having vivid dreams, very sore boobs and cramps that aren't AF cramps, also my hips are killing me.. I just don't feel like AF should be here.

That temp spike may be a good thing! I have never temped so I am not sure about all that business. I have been feeling really hot lately too.
Yay! No more EWCM is good news dinky!! Its about time lol. No, I don't need a pad yet, it is literally only when I wipe, kind of a darker pink. How it started a few days ago at 9 DPO..
All your symptoms tell me you're pregnant! I will be totally shocked if you're not. AF is supposed to show today? And yeah the temp thing I'm not sure so who knows. I just always forget to temp be fire I get up so that's why I never have started doing it. Cause I remember last time I was pregnant I felt really hot for a few days. Fingers crossed for you and me :)
I know! I would be very shocked if I wasn't either. AF was due either today or tomorrow. If I go by O day it would be today but if I go by normal cycle length of 25 days it would be tomorrow. I just have never been super serious about TTC so temping wasn't really a priority.. My fingers are crossed for you too!!
Apart from that little bit of ewcm I had this morning im pleased to report that I've had no more! Absolutely none! So touch wood that is the last of it :) yey so I probably have ovulated! Not sure i would of caught the eggy tho as we last bd'd a few days ago. But fingers crossed!
I know :) thank you! Can feel a mood change as well been so short tempered this afternoon :/
Yay that is awesome dinky!! I am so happy for you that you have finally Od!!

I have just a had a little bit more spotting today and DH just had a tiny bit of blood he had to clean up after DTD..but BD did not cause the bleeding to get heavier, which it always does with AF.. I was at walmart so figured what the hell and grabbed a .88 test. Came home and tested with pretty diluted urine and faint line showed up right away.. I wasn't able to get a picture of it within 10 minutes though because DH came home and decided he wanted to BD.. so I took a pic about 30 minutes later.. line was a bit darker but not sure I trust it so if AF still doesn't come by morning I will test again


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Yeah it's really hard to tell. I think I see something.
Thank you country I am glad that the waiting to o is over with and can now look forward to the tww :) the tww is defo more fun than the wto and I've done all we can do this cycle so let's just wait and see :) I can't really see a line in that picture sorry, maybe it's just my phone
Nah, its probably not your phone lol.. its like damn near invisible.. but still no bleeding so fingers crossed!! The TWW is def more fun than waiting to O.. I am praying for you!
Had some tingly cramps for about a hour today. Took another test tonight and still bfn.
Yeah :(. It just felt like it. Oh well. I just don't know if it happened this cycle.

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