High cervix defo sounds like a good sign country! Dtrisha I kind of wish I hadn't either lol but I'm happy that I know where I stand, I know I haven't o'd yet as my temp is still low but the opk I did last night was quite dark so I'm hoping I surged over night and missed it on the opk. I doubt it though lol
Yours def looks like they are super close dinky. Mine always looked like that right before my positives. Dtrisha yours looks like they are darker then before so you could be getting close as well.
So I was thinking and if I have another 33 day cycle then I wouldn't even ovulate till the 20th or so. So I still have a few days to see if I do. But should they be getting darker already ?
I should be ovulating around now so I want my tests to get darker today! Won't be taking another opk for about 5 hours I really hope it's positive today as it's cd20 and me and dp dtd last night and now he is on nights for the next 4 days so won't get to bd again until next Tuesday night!!!
I hope today is the day for you dinky! It would suck to have come this far and then not be able to BD close to O day! 16 DPO and cycle day 27, still no AF.. Hopefully still a good sign for me!
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