I want them here!!!!!

Thanks ladies! We finally made it home this afternoon! And believe it or not it was the girls that kept us there not me. They woke up Friday and Caitlin was quite yellow so they had bloods took for jaundice, they we're just below the treatment line so had to have them repeated, they had improved but drs wanted to keep half an eye on them over night. Dr saw them just after change over this morning at about half 10 and said he was happy for them to come home, we got back at about 12. Having to wake them for feeds sometimes as they'd just sleep which is part of the jaundice I'm told. They're super laid back and chilled out ATM though! We tried to breastfeed and lasted just over 24hrs before I ran out, so started to supplement them but nothing came back on my part, tried a few more times but they have ruined my nipples, Hattie in particular as she's quite aggressive when she feeds and has bruised my nipples so much I couldn't stand to have them on me. Thus we have switched to formula. Little disappointed as I wanted to bf them as much as poss but the main thing is they're getting fed!

I'm sore but not too bad, getting quite a lot of stinging along my incision when I first stand but it's easing off. Resting as much as I can without just sitting around which is easier said than done cause I could quite happily just curl up in bed haha xx
Congratulations! Enjoy being at home!
Congrats for coming home! Hope they continue to sleep well for you and that you get a good recovery time :)
Owie for the nipple though :( Sorry BF didn't work out, it didn't for me either and my boys are thriving nonetheless, so don't beat yourself up :) xx
Not that there is anything wrong with formula, but if you want to BF you don't need to give up so soon. My Harriet (also Hattie) came out ready to feed and knew what to do right away, but her little brother didn't feed properly until about 4 weeks. The only thing that kept me going was a woman who told me her twin son suddenly got it at 6 weeks! I pumped, and used a nipple shield to keep my supply increasing and now my twins (9 weeks) are almost exclusively breast fed. Still time to try if you still want to!
Glad you are all home safe and sound. It was jaundice that kept us in for 8 days Oliver kept rebounding Samuel was always just below treatment line. .. Then he went above it and also needed treatment. Can't wait to see a picture of your girls when you get a second (haha). As for feeding, no matter how you choose to feed they will thrive! Enjoy these early days as much as you can it flies by far too quick xx
On a side nite...I used witch hazel when my scar got a little infected on one side. I wiped all asking it with cotton wool and it healed really quickly after that and i felt it helped with that stinging sensation x
Thanks lovelies :)

We're doing alright I think! Lol Caitlin seems to have a few hours in the night where she's unsettled and doesn't know whether to feed or cuddle! I think it's partly because DH cuddles them until they're asleep after a night feed whereas I feed, settle and put them back in their basket! I have told him not too but hey lol his fault as he's the one up with her!

With regards to feeding I think we'll stick with bottles as both girls are much more settled with them.

Today I need to get all their clothes they have been bought put away! Wish me luck!

Aww they are absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations! And your little boy is such a sweetie pie too! What lovely pictures!! :D
Awww beautiful girls! You look really well too! Congratulations Again! As for dh cuddling one to sleep If it were me I would be telling him not (and being firm about it to!)to as you will be the one who is left dealing with having to do that. I never allowed anyone to cuddle or rock mine to sleep (not even me!) And I have 2 babies who will settle very easily I can't imagine having to cuddle and rock them to sleep at the same time x
Thanks sweetie :) we're all rather smitten with them!

Bleeding question - I've hardly had any blood loss at all and it's got even less, but when I go for a wee I loose clots, lots of little ones I think as they tend to clump together. But still nothing massive! As they're tiny I've not really thought anything of it, does this seem ok? I'll mention it midwife when she next comes, tomorrow I think.
I lost tons, big and small clots, but I had a vaginal birth so not sure if that's different
It's just a little weird, my pad is clean all day but when I wipe there's a substantial amount there and small clots in the loo!

Also spd is worse now than while pregnant! Yesterday I could barely lift my legs without agony in my groin. Had to reduce the painkillers too cause the ibuprofen was affecting my asthma and I couldn't walk anywhere because of that, now it's just the pain :haha: oh the joys of child birth ;)

On another note, the girls are a week old already! :shock: where has that week gone?! Xx
Lovely pictures. :) I didn't take the ibuprofen at all because of my asthma but as I have gotten older my asthma has gotten much better and now I can take them without effect! I can't remember exactly what the bleeding was like as mine are 7 yr old now but sure I bled for a few weeks, maybe a month.
My bleeding got light and then would come back again and I went on like this for 13 weeks :( mention it to your midwife just to be sure. Also on the spd front mine got worse to :/ I an now seeing a chiropractor who is straightening my pelvis gradually as it's very twisted :( my back is so tight compensating for my pelvis. I've had 3 treatments so far and even though it's going to take months I am starting to feel the difference now x
Twinmum it doesn't usually bother me, I'm guessing it's due to the strength of it. Down to paracetamol twice a day now though :)

Oh shells that's not nice! I mentioned it to mw and she said as long I'm not soaking pads it's alright. I want to get on some bc ASAP to help with my cycles. Oscar was 12wks before I had my first period after having him and the first 3-4 we're horrendous! I couldn't leave the house for days cause if soak through tampons and pads within 30-40mins and I really don't want that again!

Both girls have started being quite sick, Caitlin more so :( I really hope it's not the start of reflux! Think we're going to try her on mam bottles and see if she's just getting too much air with TT ones!

Oh I hope it's not reflux! Hoping they both get better with a change of bottles. I tried the dr brown ones but they boys were still being bf as well and the teats were totally wrong shape for them. I found the tt advanced comfort work really well and Oliver uses them and Samuel uses the original tt ones. I got my first pp af 3 weeks ago. .. my second is on its way. Seems being pregnant hasn't made my body give me longer cycles still stupid 22 days :( however I was expecting super heavy but it wasn't it was fairly normal x
Me too! Some days it's worse than others, yesterday wasn't a good day! Infacol seems to be helping but only if used with every single feed, if we miss it out we know about it!

They're much better with the mam bottles thankfully although they had gone up to 4oz feeds we've dropped them back down for now as that was making their sick much worse, even if they still only took 3oz :shrug:


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