icsi in 2011?

I'm doing good! Finally feel like it's coming closer! :thumbup:As soon as AF comes this week I should be on stims! Feeling good! Just lost some weight and going to see someone about accupressure tomorrow. Should be interesting.:winkwink: Also going to visit mom & dad and going with lo for a ride on their new boat!:happydance:
You may have said, but what is your time frame for next round? Wasn't that wedding fab?! And I know that blessing is sure to help next time!
Wow PSP that's come around very quickly! Glad to hear that you are feeling so well, plus the trip you your parents sounds lovely, bet your LO is excited :thumbup: Have a great time and some well deserved rest and pampering for your mum!! Awww and yeah, wedding was lovely, they looked so happy. I kept thinking when the news coverage guy said 'the queen will be happy with this step towards securing the family line to the throne' that what if they have trouble TTC.... God, what's wrong with me?!!! :haha:

Well :witch: got me this morning, crazy to be pleased for once huh?!! I had no inkling other than the general groggy feeling yesterday that I was starting, yet as soon as I saw a bit of blood the cramping kicked in with a vengance!! It was wierd and made me think was the pain all in my head?!!! Told the nurse when was having my blood drawn today (she was very apologetic for making me come back!) She checked dates and I am still on for my injection teach on 16th may. I don't think that will be the day I start DR. Going off last cycle my first injection was on CD21 which in this case would be 21st May so assuming it is the same. Isn't it silly I haven't actually asked them this?!! KInd of going along in blissful ignorance until I HAVE to sit up and take notes! Scary stuff, just trying to keep calm and positive. Defo easier said than done!!! Eeeeekkk....

Love to all my B'n'B ladies, hope that you are having a lovely weekend :hugs:

Lolly xxxxxxxx

I just had a question about the trigger shot which Im due to have on monday night, just wanted to know is it the same as all the other injections Ive had or is it different?
Might be a silly question but Im starting to worry about it :)
Thanks xx
Hi guys!
Lolly I love Cornwall in fact I've just come down this morning for a couple of Nights as I live in Bristol so not to far to go! Where is your home church? Would be lovely to get married down here but I did it near where I live in the end!

Psp the boat sounds lovely I hope you had fun?!

Fisher my trigger was a pre filled syringe but that was the only difference in how to do it but I believe the drug works differently to the stimms but as with them it was still injected into my tummy x

Afm well I've been asleep for two hours this afternoon think the ninja/s are starting to take thier toll well I hope so anyway it's almost a comfort to feel a symptom!! Xx

I just had a question about the trigger shot which Im due to have on monday night, just wanted to know is it the same as all the other injections Ive had or is it different?
Might be a silly question but Im starting to worry about it :)
Thanks xx

Well, I have to say, mine is an IM injection, meaning in the muscle. Which is not the same as the stims, which are Sub Cutaneous (under the skin -smaller needle) The last 2 times as well as this time it has been the same. Even says on the box "for IM injection only". It's the 1 & 1/2 inch needle. Not sure of the volume though. Mine is not a pre-filled syringe, it's a mix, but I'm sure they come in different ways. Depends how much they want you to use. IMs are not suppose to be injected in the abdomen! We do them in upper outer quad of buttock area (where the muscle is) It's a matter of absorption. You can sometimes do them in the arm (deltoid muscle) but depends on the amount.
It is possible that different clinics recommend things different so probably best you should check with your FS first! (PS, I'm a nurse so I have a bit of experience with injections)
oops! just occurred to me that you may be using a different trigger medication, hence the difference! I am going to be using HCG (says Chorionic Gonadotropin), What are you using?
Thanks PSP2011
Im going to be taking Ovitrelle so it might be different....will find out tomorrow :)
Hi Fisher,

Hope you're doing ok, my collection is probably going to be Friday now, follies growing well, just a little slower!

I took Otrivelle last time and it's basically the same as sticking in the other injections. The only difference is it feels a little cold as it's been in the fridge.
I had to do mine at 12.30am last time, I went to bed about 11pm, set the alarm, jumped up ran down to the fridge, stuck it in and was asleep again within 5 minutes!
It's fine, I just pinched my flesh a bit harder when I felt the cold.

Good luck, let us all know how you get on.

Liz x
Fisher, yep, sounds like it's different. Mine is not refrigerated either. Sounds like it's just sub-Q. Either way, we do what we gotta do!! lol!
Wow PSP that's come around very quickly! Glad to hear that you are feeling so well, plus the trip you your parents sounds lovely, bet your LO is excited :thumbup: Have a great time and some well deserved rest and pampering for your mum!! Awww and yeah, wedding was lovely, they looked so happy. I kept thinking when the news coverage guy said 'the queen will be happy with this step towards securing the family line to the throne' that what if they have trouble TTC.... God, what's wrong with me?!!! :haha:

Well :witch: got me this morning, crazy to be pleased for once huh?!! I had no inkling other than the general groggy feeling yesterday that I was starting, yet as soon as I saw a bit of blood the cramping kicked in with a vengance!! It was wierd and made me think was the pain all in my head?!!! Told the nurse when was having my blood drawn today (she was very apologetic for making me come back!) She checked dates and I am still on for my injection teach on 16th may. I don't think that will be the day I start DR. Going off last cycle my first injection was on CD21 which in this case would be 21st May so assuming it is the same. Isn't it silly I haven't actually asked them this?!! KInd of going along in blissful ignorance until I HAVE to sit up and take notes! Scary stuff, just trying to keep calm and positive. Defo easier said than done!!! Eeeeekkk....

Love to all my B'n'B ladies, hope that you are having a lovely weekend :hugs:

Lolly xxxxxxxx
Lolly, my day yesterday was okay. I did manage to get a great massage and learned some pressure points I can try to increase circulation! :thumbup:We didn't end up going out on the boat because it was too windy and cold. But it sure is really nice! I did get to have lunch with my mom and visit a bit at the house with her and my Dad. I mentioned the procedures only being 2 weeks away and her response was "oh boy!" And that was it! :growlmad:It really stinks that I'm so excited about this and my family isn't! Of course she is to the point where she finds the idea of taking care of kids exasperating! And, well, it's not like she only had 1 kid either, there are 3 of us! So you'd think she'd be a little more understanding about wanting another! Oh well, can't please everyone I guess!:shrug:
As for the ignorance, I'm like that too! I have this huge box of meds, again, and don't know when I have to take what! Just much less overwhelming if you take the instruction bit by bit I think!
Well, chat with you ladies later! Gotta do some ebay listings today and work tonight!:dust:
Thanks Liz and psp2011

Not feeling soo worried about it now, not sure why I was in the first place though.
Lizz hope your follicles keep growing..I will find out tomo morning if my EC will def go ahead on wed.

Im still feeling bit uncomfortable so having nice relaxing weekend.

Well had my scan today and everything is looking good, I have 11 really gd ones and 8 slightly smaller ones. She didnt tell me the size today but she was very positive about it all looking good.
Got to do my trigger shot tonight at 10 oclock... it is a pre filled syringe with only 0.5ml so I am not worried about it all. Im pleased it going to be the last injection for a while!

How did you get on Lizz?

Im getting bit nervous about the egg collection but trying not to think about it too much, got to be at hosiptal for 7am nice and early.

The doctor did say she thought the ET would be on Saturday but I suppose we need to see what happens on Thurs and Friday.

Hope everyone is having gd day :)

Hi Ladies,

Well i'm up to 18mm now on a couple! Had the scan this morning and bloods, was wondering why I've been so tired - I had the growth spurt i was after. I have 10 big ones on each side and a few little ones too.
All looking good for Friday. I can really feel them now, the nurse said my ovaries as big as my fist!

Fisher - glad everything is progressing well and good luck with your trigger tonight. Hope you're not feeling too uncomfortable. Don't worry too much about EC, you will be fine and it will be all over really quickly. Lots of deep breaths. I'll be thinking of you.

Hope you're all ok.

Liz x
Hi everyone, hope you have all had a fab weekend :kiss:

We have just got back from North Wales. We went down Thursday night to spend some time with friends that live there. Have had a great time, lots of lazy days in the sun and a few wines and Mojitos. Maybe a few to many :blush:

Lolly, Cant believe you will be DR this month :happydance::happydance::happydance: How was it at St Marys, I have heard that they are very bust at the minute. Its really making me worried about when our appointment is going to be, I have a feeling its going to be quite a wait :growlmad:

I also went to church on easter sunday and as you can image my prayers were very simular, said a little one for all my B&B ladies too :hugs:

Fisher and Lizz, GL to you both for EC. You both seem to be doing really well so far. Lets hope we have 2 more :BFP: by the end of the month then Lolly and PSP and Nayla cn follow :thumbup:

PSP, sorry you are not getting much support from your familly :hugs: I know its not the same but you always have us :kiss:

Nayla, I am so pleased to hear your cyst has shrunk by half!!!!! Sorry you have been bleed and in a bit of pain but fingers crossed it will be all systems go now :happydance:

Annie really hope your scan comes round quick, yay for the tiredness though. have you told all your friends and family???
Hi Everyone!!

Tinks, sounds like a lovely time! Don't beat yourself up about the vinos, you deserve a bit of you time and I bet you feel all the better for it! Good on you! There were a few ladies in the waiting room when I went at the weekend. All having scans by the looks as I was straight in and out and could see them thinking 'why is she jumping the queue?!!' :haha: When do you think you will chase them regarding your letter? Must have been nearly 6 weeks now? Its crazy, I remember waiting for so long to. Had my first appointment scheduled for when we were away so had to rearrange. Second appointment got lost in the christmas post so had to wait another month. Then had to have and MRI and 3 months of injections before even starting. All in all it was a full year (i'm sorry, i'm not meant to be depressing you, our circumstances are totally different so please don't worry about that) And then waiting another 9 months between cycles. My point I guess is now it doesn't even feel like I had to wait. Its all forgotten once you start and it feels like its all suddenly rushed up on you. I know its hard now but honestly, once you start that first injection its a total whirlwind. I really hope that it will be very soon for you now :hugs:

Annie, that sounds fab. Everyones been away for easter! I hope you had a fantastic time and you took some rest. Tiredness must be a good sign! Its crazy with this whole process... we don't want AF, then in order to start treatment we pray for AF. Then BFP and you pray to feel sick and ill. Other people would think we were crazy!! We went as far as you can go, to Lands End. My parents live a mile from there so we were right on the cliffs. Love it there and will always be home! Just forget how remote it can be. Although sometimes its lovely to get away from the 'real world'!! I hope you and LO are doing well :hugs:

Hey PSP! Like Tinks said I'm sorry that you didn't get the reaction you wanted from your parents. Back to the same old story that no matter how hard, no one can really understand this crazy journey at all. But massage definately sounds good!! Bet you are on AF watch now huh?!!

Lizz that is great news :happydance: What good numbers, you should do well on friday!! I remember the nurse saying the same thing to me about the size on a fist. She actually made a tightened fist just to totally freak me out!! Hope the last few days arn't too uncomfy for you :hugs: Keep drinking the fluids!!

Fisher, good luck for the trigger tonight. Must say you'll find it very strange taking nothing tomorrow! All sounding very positive for you! Good luck hun!

Hi Nayla, Dwrgi, Slb, Gill.... Hope you girls are all ok!

Well DP is back with our last holiday treat of chinese before the big diet kicks in!! Will be hard as loads coming up soon, SIL to be's hen night, end of uni party, weddings. Drinking or lack of will be tricky too, have everyone second guess.... :growlmad: Love to you all,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxx
fisher sounds the same as my egg collection u will be fab it wasnt as bad as i imagined at all the got 12 eggs from mine!

tinks its good to go away and let your hair down while you can cause u maybe on avino ban for 9 months before you know it!!!sounds like u had a fab time!

lolly i do love cornwall i've just got back but it rained all weekend boooi hope your enjoying your dinner too sounds lush!!

afm, well i just did my second and last digi at 5 weeks with afternoon wee and i has moved to 3+ weeks so bang on track! dead chuffed! the tiredness continues and the boobs are so painful i even feel it over a speedhump! ouch! but otherwise i feel fab and still dont think theses sticks are telling me the right info!

big hello to everybody else! xxxx
I know Lolly, I should be just making the most of it being just the 2 of us than stressing about times. It will be 5 weeks on Thursday, I did call last week but they said they are very busy and not to worry until you have waited 6. The lady was very nice though. I want to know wether DH will need SSR or not the most though as this is what I think it most likely to hold things up :dohh:

I am sure you are all right and as soon as tx starts it will be like a whirlwind :hugs:

Lolly hunny, you have has some bumps in the road havent you :hugs: I shouldn't really be moaning. I am so gratefull for the funding and that. I think its the whole thing being out of our control and relying on other people :thumbup:

Hi Annie, yey for sore boobs as well. I know its a pain but its a good sign :hugs: The test must have put you mid at rest also, means you HCG is increasing :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

DH and I are also about to order a chinease :blush: eaten so much rubbish this weekend but I have just done a big tesco order so will be back on track as from tomorrow night lol.

Hope you all enjoy whats left of the bank holiday :thumbup:
Thanks for the support as always ladies!
Yep, I'm waiting on my AF. Impaitiently! :growlmad:As last BC was saturday, but I'm still wondering how long I will end up stimming for since I'm suppose to have EC on the 15th. :shrug:I know dates can change but with work schedule already arranged, I hope not!:nope:

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