icsi in 2011?

Im here, Have had a busy week this week, not had a minute for anything. Not had chance to go through all the old posts but I do hope everyone is well. Annie keeping my fingers crossed so hard for you. Lolly good news about your meds starting. Nayla, use this month to relax and enjoy yourself? I am sure you will get your bfp next cycle xx
Hi Annie that sounds good! any pain or niggle must be good :thumbup: I hope its implanting now [-o< Quick question are you feeling really wet down there yet?? everyone says its from the Progesterone i had to wear panty liners was that bad.... :wacko: Well done for not crying! i think im an emotional creature anyway :dohh: and what use to make it worse when my DH would say do you feel anything? compare yourself to last month? does anything feel different? bless him he wants this as badly as me :hugs:

Hi Lolley yeah the Scraping is much better today (gosh sounds like something from a SAW movie :haha:) Shes told me i need to do it again on CD2 when i POP in :wacko: will definitely ask for some pain relief or something! I can take alot of pain that was too much for anyone :shrug:

Luckily i went for a Brazilian Wax a few days before my period, im very paranoid even having one Hair down their i will pluck it! I like to be super clean before each appointment Imagine if i didnt have my wax and they did that scraping! (I will be so stressed!) with ultrasound usually its under the sheet and she doesnt even peep anymore she just knows where to push it up :blush: Are you ladies are obsessed as i am when it comes to being clean down there :wacko: i hear women that just go with huge bushes and forests and really are fine with it :haha: i dont know i think i have a disorder and im sure they have seen all kinds of Fu Fu's :haha:

Also at the Clinic they have training nurses which i think they should ask me first if i dont mind? the other day there was 3 of them with clip boards and when ever i looked up they were making notes and im sure looking also :blush: I know there going to be our fture Drs but it will be nice for them ask me first... 1 is ok but sometimes theres like 5 People in the room and i hate that with a passion, I feel like an experiment, and she was saying 'you see on the screen ladies thats a a big Cyst ' I feel like saying i dont want all my personal problems spoken about :growlmad: but usually im so shy to say anything..... just get on with it I guess... if im going to have a baby i dont mind 100 people in the room :haha:

Hi Slb80 we missed you in here :hugs: Oh i so hope so dear mentally i feel like im cracking around the edges :wacko: my DH said i should chill and go with the flow :thumbup: (easier said than done)

Lolley i so hope we cycle together all depending on this silly Cyst, if it has gone im more than certain we will be going through this together :friends:

hope everyone enjoys the long weekend and HAPPY EASTER :bunny:
I have been trying to keep myself busy and not think to much, we cant do anything until I get my blood results from st marys on the 11th July, at least then we will have a better idea if we will be aaccepted for egg sharing, the wedding preparation is keeping me pretty busy now.

I can only try and imagine how you are feeling Nayla :hugs:

Regarding waxing styles, I don't wax as I get such bad ingrowing hairs it looks dreadful, but I do shave and would never dream of going to an appointment unshaven! I am a beauty therapist and my god I have seen some sights so I am sure the drs and nurses see worse!
I'm with you Nayla and Slb, gotta be clean and fresh before anything or anyone does anything regarding that area :haha: Don't know why as you come out feeling icky from all the stuff they use!!!

Annie, that sounds like a good sign to me! The fact that the pains have now subsided may be your LO bedding in? Oh I do hope so, keep us posted hun and good luck!

Nayla, I hope you are doing ok. I agree that they should at least ask you. I have a friend going through similar stuff and she made a fuss about a trainee being in the room. She is asian and I think as she was discussing her DHs SA she did it out of respect. But i'm like you, bit too shy. Silly huh? Its our body!! Grrrr!! Hope you have a fantastic weekend and try and enjoy some sunshine and time with DH :hugs:

Well ladies I had an absolute emotional breakdown yesterday! Finished work at 4.30 and got back around 5 to a voicemail. Was a nurse saying, and I quote 'hi Lauren we have some of your blood tests backa nd they are all ok and being processed. Unfortunately we need to repeat one of them so give us a call.' That was it! I couldn't ring them as it was past 5 at this point when they shut so reading between the lines convinced myself something was horribly wrong. Rang DP then my mum in bits. 'why me, end of the world, will never happen, everything always goes wrong, its not fair' I could go on. Cried my eyes out, thinking my levels are too high and our chance was all over and there was something seriously wrong. DP told me to calm down and it was something of nothing. We were going to my mums for easter and he said he wouldn't take me in this state and ruin the holiday (he calls it tough love). Kept thinking with the easter closure they kept banging on about that I wouldn't be able to speak with anyone til tuesday. Finally calmed down and we went, slept in a service station are getting stuck in M6 traffic! Arrived this morning and thought would ring on off chance of anyone being there. They were and put me on hold to find my notes. Was shaking and pacing for what felt like ages. ANYWAY, turns out that they had dated the blood form wrong on one and it wouldn't be accepted so had to do it again!!! I should have been mad to have to go back to manchester but was too relieved. My cycle is still going ahead as planned and had to put up with many I told you sos from mum and DP! Think i've finally gone :wacko: But do feel the nurse could have explained it slightly better... oh well, all is still good, phew!!

Loads of love ladies xxxxxxx
hi guys!

slb glad to see you back hun and glad is all ok!

nayla your last post really made me chuckle like slb i shave make sure everything is prim and proper and clean oh and carry femfresh wipes wherever i go lol!!! in fact i made a deal with my sil when she was due id do her trimming if she couldnt and went into labour (thank goodness she managed ha!)

lolly im glad all is ok and that it was just a bottle label issue hun its so true to feel like that when they call isnt it!!

well girls just a little more symptom spotting for you i think could just be a coincidence but i have been sooo tired yest and today just hits me suddenly and i have to sleep then and there ive had a horrendous headache too and just a couple of little niggles!

well girls
Hi ladies! I haven't posted on this thread before but I had to say you got me cracking up here! :rofl:I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking about my hygiene before scans! Especially the one that they do when you're just finishing your AF!:blush: And I have to go after working all night! Alot of times I ask for a washcloth to clean up or bring something just in case!:thumbup:
Okay I'll admit I don't shave cuz I do get the ingrown hairs, plus it itches like crazy! But I do trim! lol! I guess it does take all kinds of "Fu-Fu's"!!
I must be crazy to say this to people!:dohh:
So just to give some quick info on me for those of you I haven't chatted with before: This is my 3rd IVF attempt, first one was successful in 2002 and I have my wonderful son! Second one was in Feb and was :bfn:. I'm on BC right now, hope to begin stims in about 1 & 1/2 weeks and should have procedures week of May 15th.:thumbup:
Hello to all of you!!!!:hugs:
Hi girls, sorry I have been AWOL. Waiting around for my next letter/appointment was killing me so had to take some time off, decided to decorate the living room so went crazy with a paint brush. We now have a lovely fresh living room. I still need to paper the chimeny but its looking good :thumbup: Kept my mind busy for a week at least.

Still no news from me, St Marys have not yet been in contact with an appointment date and we are now in the 4th week. I have a feeling all the bank holidays will be holding things up but surely it dosent take 4 weeks to get bloods back :shrug: at this rate we will be lucky to see a cons before August :growlmad: Sorry about the moan, think I need another room to paint lol.

I havent had chance to cach up properly but a big hello to everyone.

Nayla, so glad to hear from you. Its great to hear you are doing well also. Glad you are able to take a little break before you next go and sorry to hear how painfull that scrape was :hugs: Good luck hun, lots of :hugs:

lolly, its fab news about you starting so soon now :happydance::happydance::happydance: I kow what you mean about the car park, its a nightmere!!! All the levels seem to merge in to 1 :dohh: What a bitch at the hospital with your perscription. I really wish the staff would realise a little more what we are going through :growlmad:

slb80, so sorry to hear about the funding. It really is not fair, I feel i little guilty about moaning now, sorry hun. Glad you have a plan though and I wish you all the luck in the world for egg sharing. This would be our route if the funding is stopped for us. We have no savings and just average jobs, there is no way we could fund private.

Annie, PUPO!!!!! OMG, feels like I have missed loads. I am praying for you hun and keeping everything crossed :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

I am really sorry if I have missed anyone, its just a quick post. Love to you all :kiss:
P.S I always make sure I am trimmed to an acceptable length and clean for scans :haha: They scan the do during AF is just wrong, there is no way you can feel clean enough for that :dohh:
hey psp nice to join us more the merrier he he!! xxx

naylaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa im so glad your back i have miseed you my dear i really wanted you to know i was pupo but i would not get to excited im pretty sure a bfn will be coming my way soon dispite a numerous amount of symptoms!

Annie stay possitive hun :thumbup: symptons are good. I know we have to stay realistic but dont count yourself out yet :hugs:
P.S I always make sure I am trimmed to an acceptable length and clean for scans :haha: They scan the do during AF is just wrong, there is no way you can feel clean enough for that :dohh:

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing! Hopefully I will be done before they do the baseline scan this time! yuck!
Hey PSP2011, hello and welcome to the thread.

Sorry to hear about your failed cycle but I wish you all the luck in th world for this next one :hugs:
Happy Easter..

How are you feeling today Annie? like Tink said its not over your almost there :hugs:

Welcome Back Tinks we missed you :hugs:, I cant believe it will be 1 month on Wednesday since my failed ICSI :nope: its been very very tough and painful i didnt think i would get through those dark days, Yet here i am all ready to go :thumbup:Well I predicted that it would not work at the start, as i have the shittest luck known to mankind! :nope: BuT if anything its made me stronger and more desperate to get that BFP.... Sometimes its nice to stay away from here for 1 week or 2 to get your life back to normal, as i tend to get obsessed when im in here... but i do hope things pick up for you :hugs:

Lolley im sure you had a scare with that voicemail! seriously your so nervous till they put the embryos back in and theres sooooo many things that can go wrong up until ET, im so glad it was a happy ending and that your still on track for May :thumbup:

AFM Hubby been feeling down recently and just sad that were in this mess, i told him we have to keep going :hugs: hes saying say it doesnt work 2nd 3rd or even 4th time?? (god forbid) we have to be strong...

Also i cant see that 5cm Cyst going anytime soon :cry: i would so love for it to be gone in 3 weeks so i can start again... but its a whopper, i have a feeling she will say no :nope: and now she told me its on teh right Ovary i definitely do feel pain and aches when i go toilet and even now....

I hope we all get our heart desires xx
Happy Easter to all!
Nayla, tell the hub you need to take it one step at a time! Focus on this next go and keep thinking positive! :thumbup:"It will work!" keep saying that! And think shrink!!! The power of positive thinking!! Also if, and that's a big if, the cyst dosen't shrink, there are things they can do. When my last FS thought I had cysts, he was ready to aspirate them when after 2 weeks on BC they didn't shrink. Uh, yeah, probably because it was my tube that just looked like cysts!:dohh: (As explained to me the day before surgery :growlmad:by my current FS -whom I have since switched to!) Point is, this are ways to get around things! But I think it is going to shrink and you will be fine!!:hugs:
Hey everyone, just doing a quick read to get updated. Annie, Im rooting for you so bad. Hello to one and all and all the newbies on here :) Hitting the hay now. First period arrived since m/c. As I've learned now for sure, 1st periods are a complete killer, so bed is calling. You guys all come into my head at strange times. Apologies for not speaking to everyone individually. There is so much news on this thread, it's hard to keep up!! It's really nice to have a link with other women who want this so badly too. Hopefully a new happier chapter is just around the corner for everyone here and we will love every sleepless second of it. :hugs:
hey girls i'll keep this brief.....

i had a overwhealming feeling to test at 6pm last night early (OTD weds 27th) and low and behold a BFP popped straight up!! i ran downstairs to DH screaming i think im pregnant there it was clear as day! just burst in to tears cuddling DH!!!

i tested again this morning a bit fainter worryingly (but i had two pints of water before bed!) and then did a first response with a faint line too the other tests were superdrug!
so it looks like im pregnant however im a little worried aoiut a chemical!!

i hope my potential luck spurs you guys on to remember icsi can work and i know you are all gonna have your dreams come true because you deserve it guys!


lots of love! xxxxx
Annie I am so pleasd for you!! Keeping everything crossed you have a sticky bean!! Congrats on your :bfp: xxxx
OMG Annie thats fab. Our first :BFP: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Congrats to you and DH :baby:

I understand you feeling a liitle cautious but keep thinking possitve :thumbup: Have you told any family or friends?

Gill, sorry about AF. You take care hun :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Nayla, try to stay possitve, I am sure the cyst will shrink and if not, like PSP2011 has said, there will be a way round. Keep us updated :kiss:
Oh Annie Well Done!! :hugs:

The tests look Amazing!! im overwhelmed for you.... :happydance: Yes YOUR proof that ICSI Does work!! i hope and pray it goes to plan next try for me and i can join you [-o<

A HAPPY AND HEALTHY 9 MONTHS :happydance::happydance::happydance: I can imagine how happy you and your husband are!!! :happydance: I think i will be running up the streets screaming im PREGGERS!! :haha: Look after yourself Hun that pip is staying for keeps!! xxxxxx YOU DID IT!! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: Really have put a smile on my face!! your so lovely Annie and your going to make a great Mum :hugs:

Thanks PSP And Tinks i do need to stay positive i know, but its so so hard to when everything that can go wrong goes wrong... all the stimming just 6 Follicles than 5 Eggs.. than they put two excellent ones back with 70% it will stick attitude from the professionals!... than its a BFN :cry: a few weeks later a huge cyst is found and they cant do anything till that goes :nope: with a history like that its just hard to see a ray of sunshine... and sometimes i feel if i tell myself she will say no, i will not be as hurt when i pop in with expectation... :nope: Months drag when your waiting for Treatment.... Maybe they can do something?? she did mention surgery if necessary?? but i dont want anymore surgery or invasion to my body.... Hoping it goes itself.

Im terrified i will never get my BFP :cry:

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