icsi in 2011?

Hello Lovely Ladies :flower:

I see new names All the Best Fisher and Lizz I pray that they got lovely eggs all ready to be fertilised [-o<

Annie Hun I bet thats great to see the digital increase in numbers... im so so made up for you, were all excited for your 1st scan.. to see if your having :baby: or :baby::baby: awwww this is so exciting for us all :happydance: i hope your taking great care of yourself... My Orders!!

PSP- ohh i so hope your period arrives soon, when were waiting she always makes a late appearance... Hang in there Hun you will be starting soon and i hope the dates will not cause you too much bother :hugs:

Lolley- Only a few weeks left for the action to start :loopy: im very very nervous... Oh i just hope this is our time to shine [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<
Dont worry about treating yourself, i also had my fair share of junk this weekend :blush: i forgot how tasty Big Macs are! :haha: i think once stimming starts healthy food it is.... my FS told me eat anything and everything in moderation and i can have 3 cups of tea a day :shrug: but last cycle i had no tea... was very very careful... i guess just one of those things :shrug:

Tink- aww that was lovely you said a prayer for us all xx :hugs: Looked like you had a great time in Wales.. its always nice to hang out with friends and forget all the sorrows and pain of TTC, sounds like you had a laugh, I hope that get back to... i know Manchester is a huge city, i think they take longer in big cities with everything... as we live and work in London the wait was far too long and i think one thing led to another and we ended up going private but oh boy its killing us to the core.... silly things and tests are in the £100s, looking back there are times i wished we were patient and and just waited for the NHS...

We also found out last week that my Husbands Molar needs to be fully removed and he needs an implant to be screwed in which costs £1300 just for 1 tooth :growlmad: hes been in alot of pain recently :nope: and hes told me ICSI comes before his sore tooth and its IMPOSSIBLE for us to find that kind money now... i feel so sorry for him.. i would rather him fix his tooth and get rid of the pain... hes being so so stubborn and hes also scared that the Anti biotics will damage what little sperms he has.. he just doesnt want to take anything or do anything till after the treatment :nope: Also been spotting for almost a week some days more than others... just hoping its the last bit of cyst going away...

hope every one else is doing well... Gill Dwargi etc xx we have to get there one way or another!
Hi Ladies,

Nayla - thanks so much for your kind words.

Fisher - I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, lots of nice deep breathing and you'll be back home being looked after before you know it. Take care of yourself for a few days and let me know how you get on.

Liz x
Hello everyone

Thanks for all your gd luck messages...Im trying not to really think about tomo cos might start getting nervous.
Will let you know how it all goes tomo :)
hi all,

fisher goodluck for tomorrow not that u need it you will be fab!

psp i hope af comes soon its the only time u want it to come tho lol!

tinks i know the wait is a pain but i also know it will be worth it in the end its strange how areas vary from place to place regarding wait lists as well as funding.

lolly and nayla its getting close now i know that you can do this! i will be praying for you all to get bfp's after all i want us to have a icsi sucess pregnancy thread!!!! i know it's your time!!! xxxx

afm, yes nayla im trying to take it easy but work is still there and i cant get away from it!
still really worried about everything and im getting cramps alot i just hope it's ok also very bloated on a evening now too!

Fisher, goodluck tomorrow! You're gonna do great!:thumbup:
Annie, right behind you girl!!:hugs:
Nayla, sorry to hear about your DH's tooth! I know that can be really painful! Poor thing! What a man to do what he is doing, to wait for IVF!:thumbup: And as for your spotting, I'm sure it's the cyst still, that's good though!:happydance:
AFM, still awaiting :witch: maybe tomorrow, but no signs yet!
Dear All

I wonder if you can help me. My husband and I have been told we need to have ICSI and our doctor referred us on 21 February to our local hospital. I understood there was an 18 week wait for treatment to start but as yet we have not heard anything. The 18 weeks will be up on 23 June so surely nothing will start before then now as it is getting ever closer. I know that the funding for my area had ceased until 1 April this year but does anyone think it is worth giving them a call. Am feeling quite anxious about the whole thing and one letter just giving us a date to see a FS would make everything seem that little bit better.

Any advice would be gratefully received.x
Hi Bert & Ladies,

We've been on this roller coaster for a while now and messed about massively by the NHS forgetting to send letters, sending them to the wrong address, canceling appointments at the last minute and not letting me know etc etc.

I would hassle away as much as you possibly can. You have nothing to lose by calling and speaking to them. Go for it. Ring them today.

Had my scan today, follies are massive so I might not be able to trigger tonight if my bloods are too high. I'm so nervous as I had put everything emotionally into collection this Friday (not to mention figuring out what to do with work). I should know by 6pm if we can go ahead and trigger or I have to coast for a few days. Everything is crossed, can't stop staring at my phone.

Apparently my ovaries are kissing......how bizarre, never heard that before but i'm told it means they're touching they're so big!

Fisher - I was thinking about you today, hope it all went well.

Liz x
Hi Liz

Hope you get to do your trigger shot tonight fx :)

Everything went well they got 10 eggs this morning so will just have to wait till tomo to find out how many make it!!
I was really nervous this morning especially when I got into the theatre but I had nothing to worry about it was over soo quickly. Im tucked up in bed now resting.
Im not really in any pain just feels bit like period pain.

Cant wait for the phone call tomo....hope its good news!

Hope everyone else is ok :)

Hi Fisher,

Brilliant news, well done you! Have a lovely sleepy and relaxed afternoon and evening, try not to think too hard about the call in the morning and let DH look after you and spoil you rotten. I'm sure you'll have lots of lovely eggs fertilised in the morning. Isn't it amazing how quickly it's over?!

I'm so nervous about my bloods this afternoon, I've come home from work early and watching re runs of Jeremy Kyle (dreadful but sooo addictive!!) and can't keep my eyes off the clock! It's only 10 minutes since I last checked it! I should know by 6pm.

Liz x
Hello everyone!

Well caught my DP peeking at this thread this morning, i'd left the screen on on our laptop! Told him not to look as I didn't want him to be upset about what i'd put about him :haha: Talk about paranoid, heehee!! Gave me my 5 mins of entertainment before having to go to work!!

Lizz... Kissing?!!! Oh my god that sounds so uncomfortable, poor you. I hope you hear soon to, time must be standing still. These things never run smoothly, i'm really hoping you can trigger as planned and get them out friday! Good luck and keep us posted :hugs:

Fisher... :happydance: for 10 eggies, that a really good number. I would be over the moon with that! Here's praying for a good fertilisation rate, i'm sure that you have every change of fab news in the morning! And just to echo Lizz's words, lots of R'n'R and TLC for the rest of the day. Thinking of you :hugs:

Slb... Any signs??? On knicker check yet??? Enough to drive you :wacko: Good luck!

Hi Bert... Is it 18 weeks for treatemnt or 18 weeks for first contact. I'm sure it must be the latter thinking of my own experiences. But definately give them a ring and also to put your mind hopefully at rest regarding funding. I had a missed appointment for my first consultation as it got lost in the christmas post, had been seen a month before. I rang chasing it and was told that my appointment was scheduled for that day in half an hour. Was no way I could make it and had to wait another 5 weeks. :cry: But lesson learnt, ALWAY chase the NHS as they won't chase you!! Good luck!

Annie... I hear ya girl :haha: Come on the ICSI successes, I so hope we can all follow in your footsteps. Hope you are staying well.

Hi Nayla... How is the spotting? All seems very good and sure that cyst is long gone. I'm so sorry to hear about DH and tooth, what a sweetie putting up with his pain. I so hope that he is rewarded with a lil :baby: I hope we all are... How are you feeling about round two? I'm starting to freak a bit again and soooo trying to rein it in, I don't want to go back to 'the depression'. Scared :nope:

Tinks... Hi hun!! How is your week going? I bet you feel in limbo land. Don't worry about ventig and what others have had to go through. You have, and are, to and you feel exactly how you want to feel. Sending you :hugs:

Hi Dwrgi, Gill and all the other lovely ladies :hugs:

Not much to report really. Just waiting for 16th and trying to keep myself busy (yeah who am I kidding, I feel like i'm thinking about it every second of the day, its exhausing!) I'm so terrified if it doesn't work, I honestly don't know how I would cope. Although in saying that, my attide is more postive this time I think... Ahhh, my emotions are all messed up, eeeekkk! :wacko:

All my love ladies,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Why are things never sodding simple...? I got the call from the clinic, i am ok to take the trigger tonight which is great news - BUT, my estrodial levels are 20,000 so high. This means that they have to drop in order for me to have a day 5 transfer, otherwise they will have to freeze any we get and go for FET......

I go in as normal on Friday for collection and then they said come in wed for transfer and they will see if I am ok to do it depending on test....

Does anyone know of any tips to get it lower? I'm drinking lots of water, high protein foods and have read that leafy green veggies might help (so about to get out to the shops!).

I am slightly panicking, I have no idea how long it would be before I could do an FET if it doesn't go to plan. Any ideas?

Liz x
Lizz just saw your post - good luck for tonight!

Will they blood test you again at EC on Friday and then again before ET day? If you're booked in for next Weds that's a whole week to bring down the oestrogen, although no idea what to do I will check my Zita West book for any tips.

I hope you're managing to somehow stay sane... get some good telly on and make your other half wait on you hand and foot :)

Lizz, what a nightmere!!! Sorry i cant advise on lowering the numbers :hugs::hugs::hugs: hope one of the other girls can. Try and stay possitve :thumbup:

Nayla, how sweet of DH. Hope he isnt in too much pain. How are you doing? Any sign of the spotting stopping?

Fisher, 10 eggs is great. Cant wait to here how many embies you get :happydance::happydance::happydance: Make sure you take it easy now.

Lolly, the thought of it not working is just to overwhelming and its going to be so much worst following a failed cycle. Stay string hun, I know you will do it :hugs: You have me worried about my appointment now if St Marys lost yours :dohh:

Bert, I would chase them NOW. NHS are a nightmere, you have to keep on at them. I have heard that they have to provide treatment within 18 weeks but I have to say that I have not heard of it happening within this timescale very often :dohh: we have to keep the faith though :haha: GL

Annie, sorry about you not feeling to great with cramps and bloating, hope it eases soon.

No news my end, still no appointment. Getting very fed up with not knowing whats going on :growlmad: Please please please let me get an appointment soon :cry:

slb, how are you hun????

Hi to everyone else, sorry if i have forgotten anyone :kiss:
Bert I just wanted to echo what Liz said about chasing up. You should definitely be active in doing this and with the clinic too if the treatment takes place elsewhere than NHS hospital.

For my very first appt with FS they gave me 1 day notice and my husband couldn't get off work so I had to go alone, then they were funny with me as they obviously thought he couldn't be bothered to accompany me!

And whilst the clinic have been really lovely, they have been a bit chaotic at times and I've had to keep them on the ball. They kept booking me in for IUI even though that is not my treatment, then everybody had a different understanding of our treatment dates, including today which is when we actually began.

I'm not trying to freak you out as I'm sure in most cases it's fine, but just to say you may have to drive things yourself a wee bit.

Good luck!

Littlemouse, what a nightmere with the hospital and clinic!!! Good luck with your treatment, I hope it all goes smoothly now :hugs:
Liz - I'm so sorry sweetie, I know exactly how you feel. As u know this happened to me
also, my estrogen on the day of my trigger was 26000. So there was no chance of transfer. I had collection yesterday and they got 29 eggs (far too many), I was told they won't do transfer with estrogen over 15000 however they do take into account the amount of eggs you get if they're both high it's a no, but if you only get a few eggs it may be possible. I'm sorry I can't give u better news, but don't want to build u up for a
fall. Did they lower ur trigger dose? Did they say how many follies u have? I will be thinking of you and hoping you get a better outcome. Lots of love x
Hi everyone!:hi:
Bert, good luck with getting your appointment! Nice that you are able to get funding, now on to the treatment right?!:thumbup:
Nayla, surely your cyst is gone by now? How is your DH? Is there any pain meds they can give him at all that won't affect his :spermy:
Fisher, 10 eggs is awesome! You should get some nice embies from that!:happydance:
Lizz, good luck with decreasing your level. I have no advice for it unfortunatly since I never had to deal with that. Hopefully it will go down and you can have transfer.:thumbup:
Tinks, hopefully you will get an appointment soon!:hugs:
Please, 29 frozen is a huge number! :thumbup:You will have lots to play with when you have your FET! I know the waiting is crap, staying busy will help!:hugs:
Geez, had to make notes on you all to keep track! Sorry if I forgot anyone sending :dust:your way!
AFM, still no :witch:I am sure it's on it's way as I felt compelled to eat 2/3 of my lo's Dove chocolate bunny yesterday!! :rofl:Happens everytime, huge craving for chocolate that time of the month! Plus my face is breaking out a little. All things considered, today (Thursday) seems like it would be my normal day to start so maybe. :shrug:But I have to call FS today anyway as they said, and hopefully I can go on Friday for baseline anyway. Seems like work schedule will surely be messed up now. :growlmad:I might not be able to get my 5 days off post transfer like I wanted!:growlmad:
Oh, well! Will let you now what happens!:dust:
Hi Ladies,

Abby - thanks for your kind words - i was so upset for you when I heard your news, hope you're ok. Glad you have your EC over and done with though, sounds like they got a huge amount of eggs! Make sure you relax and try to chill over the next few days.
What a chuffing irony eh? I'm hoping I can get it down, they said to go in as normal for ET (obviously providing all goes well tomorrow) and they can make a decison then. Nervous, me? So I spent hours last night googling 'what can bring estrogen levels down' and i came up with a (spurious and possibly ridiculous) list - cabbage, broccolli, cauliflower, hyptonic sports drinks.....obviously i'm eating loads of protein too as advised by the clinic. So i'm stuffing my face with all of the above as we speak! God i'll stink of cabbage tomorrow, but i'll try anything to get it down for Wed.

I don't know whether i have to go in for bloods in the meantime, or if we can't do the transfer how long it might be before we do a FET. Also need to ask them whether this counts (for NHS purposes) as another cycle, as we get 2 fresh, 2 frozen. I'm concerned this might be counted as the first frozen, so i'll only have one left.

Trying to be calm......triggered at 11.30pm last night. All good but pretty achy today.

Tinks, Lolly, Psp2011 - thanks for all the encouragement, I hope you are all ok. It is such a strange place to be isn't it?

Liz x

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