icsi in 2011?

thank you guys for all your kind words and support at this time it really does mean alot to me :)

tinks i have phoned my mummy this morning as shes on holiday in cornwall so i couldnt wait another week to tell her in person! next we shall see the in laws this afternoon and hopefully my bil and sil! everyone knows we were having icsi so theres no hiding a result really!

nayla lovely words you nearly made me cry again! i have complete faith that you will be going ahead with your icsi asap and its going to bring you the joy (and terror he he) of a big beautiful bfp!! cysts can be dealt with one way or another and thats the main thing!!!!

i'm not going anywhere girlies i have a long way to go to check its viable and how many are there and im gonna be stalking you all all the way to your bfp's!!! xxxx
When do you get your first scan Annie? Have you called the clinic? Oooooohh could be twins :winkwink:

I am so glad we have some possitive news on this thread. With the girls starting May cycles I am sure we will have a few more :BFP: to follow soon :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
i will phone the clinic on my offical test day which is wed 27th and they will book me a early scan for 2-3 weeks after i think it will be approx third week in may!

thats a small positive with icsi girls you get a scan at 7 weeks! xxx
I just told my husband about you! hes also happy! its crazy even though i dont know you girls... i feel like i have known you all for a while! :hugs:

Please dont forget us Annie, your more than welcome to stay in here through out your pregnancy! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Your Scan is so soon!! your got pregnant just before the Royal Wedding lol you will always remember that day!! :happydance:

Tink i hope your correct Hun and The May ICSI'RS will add to the great news in this thread!! were right behind you Annie... :hugs: you have started us off!! xx

Was there anything different than AF symptoms? what made you think maybe it has worked?? would love to hear real life symptoms from friends xxxxxx
all the symptoms i've had have been similar to pms but for some reason yest afternoon i just felt the urge to test i have no idea why because i was convinced it was gonna be a bfn!!

i have had alot of niggles particularly in one spot on the right side of my lower abdo pelvis, and 6dpt 3dt so (9dpo) i had several hours of strong period like pains i can only assume that was implantation! i have been really moody but i put that down to the stress of it all. but the thing that made me think oh maybe was one afternoon i just had to sleep then and there about 3 days ago and im yawning again now!

i also had a incident 3 morning ago when i woke thought period had come as i felt soaking so rushed to the loo and then loads of bubbling noises started down the (sorry tmi) then my friend said to me she had that in her early pregnancy she was convinced i was pregnant!

generally tho i dont feel any different feel a little sicky today but i expect that in my head!

im going nowhere hun ill be right here behind you all i promise!!! xxxx
Congratulatons Annie Im so so pleased for you..... Ive been stalking this thread but havent posted for ages.
Ive got another wk of gonal-f then egg collection on 4th May.
I am hoping to follow in ur footsteps and get my own BFP :)
Well done again so pleased for you xx
Hi Fisher,

I'm at the same stage as you and so is another girl called 'please' on the other thread -

'IVF/ICSI/FET Round 2 (or 3, or 4, or 5, etc.) ladies trying again in 2011'‏

We're all scheduled to have collection on the 4th - wouldn't that be great to get 3 BFP's on the same day!!

How's the stimming going?

Liz x
Hi LizzB

Wow that would be great if we all get BFP at the same time :)

Stimming is going fine I havent really had any major side effects yet, just the odd headache and bit more tired than usual.
How about you?

I had a scan today and the nurse said that I had 5 folicles on the right which were about 11mm and 7 on the left which were about 9mm, going back on friday for another scan so hopefully they will have got bigger.
Hi Fisher,
Great to hear your appointment went well! I'm just off to the clinic this morning for mine, so feeling quite excited to see how they're doing.

I'm on a higher dose of gonal f this time as last time they took and extra 5 days to grow on a lower dose. That was such a pain as the dates kept changing all the time.

I'm feeling a little tired too, but I think I probably am always tired! I can feel my ovaries a bit too, so fingers crossed everything is going inthe right direction.

Good luck, let me know how you get on.

Liz x
Hi fisher,

Scan went well thanks. I've got 9 follicles on one side and about 11 on the other, all about 9mm, so there's a bit of growing we need to be doing!

My nurse did say she has a hunch we may push collection on to Friday 6th if they keep growing at this rate. That would be a pain, but will hope for a growth spurt!

Liz x
Hi Liz

You have lots more than me hope they get bigger soon!
Whens your next scan?
Mine is on friday morning :)
OMG, go away on hols and it all happens.....

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Annie!!!!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :hugs: CONGRATULATIONS hunny!!! You did it!!! :thumbup: So chuffed for you!! Lets hope you have a H&H 9months!!! Praying all is well and you are our first success story of many. Massive hugs to you and DH :cloud9: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Welcome back Tinks, can understand the need to stay away for a bit. We will all stay right here for when you need us. Hoping that letter speeds up... the waiting is the hardest bit. At least when you are going through the treatment, no matter how icky, you are being proactive. Once things finally kick in though it all goes a bit mental! Lets hope thats soon :hugs:

Nayla I've seen from of the other threads you are struggling at the moment. You did right to check out the bleeding, but some changes to 'the norm' is sure to be expected after such invasive treatement and so many drugs. I hope that your FS can offer some reassurance and like some of the other girls have said, the cyst breaking away??? Also I have had the thought that maybe being a mum is something that won't happen for me. Like you it was always my fear and sometimes I truely wonder if I jinxed myself all those years ago. But then I remember that I am only young and adoption is something I would love to do. I have worked with children for 10 years and the bonds I have had with some is amazing. Our baby would be perfect. But if I had to adopt I definately would and that would still be perfect. And that little baby/toddler would be my own. And then I would look back and praise the fact that IVF didn't work as it wouldn't have led me to this child. That may sound awful but I just know by what ever means I have a child I will love it always and in the end things will work out. They have to. Sweetie we are all here for you. I know its not the same as face to face but you know where to find us. Its crazy that I have never met you girls and I feel that you understand me best of anyone :hugs:

Fisher and Lizz, yay for starting treaement!! I hope that you are both progressing well and not feeling too many ill effects. All the luck in the whole wild world!! And remember to look after yourselves and milk a bit of TLC, you deserve it :hugs:

Hi Gill, Slb, Dwrgi, I hope you are all keeping ok and have had a lovely Easter :hugs:

Well I'm going home tomorrow, will miss my mum and dad but have had a lovely time and can't wait to see my fur baby!! We are back to Manchester for bloods number 2 on Friday. After we are going shopping to the trafford centre, makes a hospital visit and blood test more appealing!! I have taken my last tablet this evening so AF should be due Saturday/Sunday. Here's hoping all stays on track for DR starting in 2-3 weeks.

Love to you all,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi ladies,

Thankfully i slept well last night, We get to see the Dr till gone 7pm! when we did she asked me the colour of the blood and does it hurt etc etc? did an Ultrasound and what was once a 5CM Cyst is now 2.5CM so so happy i cried in the room! i said to her i was so scared it burst or you were going to tell me its 10CM!! i just thought the worst! (its how i deal with pain is always think of abnormal blood tests and bad scans ) Lolley you was correct in the Cyst shrinking! thank you so much for your kind words, i think im a little better today i just had images of them opening my belly button taking the cyst out ASAP..... i get myself so worked up sometimes....

She said its normal to have blood with a shrinking Cyst and the Uterus lining is shedding.. she told me hopefully the Cyst will be fully gone by CD2 i cant believe it shrunk so much within 8 days! i so hope it will be a clear screen by next scan Than i can give this ICSI another Shot!
Also my boobs have been so so tender since egg collection last month and she checked them for me, never have i had my boobs checked i was so shy!! and i told her put her hands under my top as i didnt want to take it all off! :shy: (must have been thinking what a freak i was lol!) she said its the pill and all the hormones and i should make sure i go for yearly checks...
This is the happiest i have felt in ages!! (sad as it made sound but it was just nice to hear some good news, i just feel like something bad will come out of that clinic...) not getting to happy as like mentioned ANYTHING is possible with every visit...

Thank you for all your love xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nayla....um ok, told you so! :happydance:lol! It's all positive for you here on out!!! So happy for you!:thumbup:

Annie, congrats! So exciting! Hopefully we will have many more :bfp: to come!:happydance:

Everyone else seems to be coming right along! Keep going!!!
Hi Fisher,

My net appointment is Friday morning too! Let me know how you get on. I'm hoping mune will have grown more, I've been doing the crazy legs up the wall thing today and a warm hot water bottle on my tummy - feel like they might be hatching and bit more as I've been really tired.

Hope you're ok.

Liz x
lolly your back where did u go on holidays? thanks for your kind words and dont worry girls i had the same feeling (and still do) that i may never get to be a mummy i think its perfectly natural to feel like that after everything we go and have been through!!!

nayla so glad that the blood was the cyst coming away i thought it would be not long now and you will be able to board the icsi wagon again! fingers crossed for you all!

fisher and lizz good luck and progressing throught treatment sound like things are going well!!

afm, well i dont really feel pregnant and im still so scared that things arent going as they should be i guess it's hard to accept after all this time! im still thinking af will pitch up and turn this dream into a nightmare i get the occasional niggle and sore boobs (but i only finished pesseries on tues i dunno if thats long enough for the progesterone from them to tone down)
i just want to know they/he/she is ok in there and feel like im ding ok as apotential mummy to be im so scared of miscarriage.
early scan booked for the 12th may at 6 weeks three days

Hi everyone

Had another scan this moning and have got 10 on the left now and 6 on the right, the ones on the left are still bit smaller at about 11mm ones on right are about 15mm.
Im still on for wed EC fingers crossed.
Another scan on monday then hopefully trigger shot monday night.
Im feeling bit uncomfortable now so going to take it easy this weekend :)

How did you get on Liz?

Annie Im sure everyting will be fine.... but I know how you feel I wll be soo worried until I see it on the screen at the scan :)

Hiya ladies!!

I'm back home to a computer!!! Went yto Cornwall for a week to see my famly and friends. I lived there for 22 years before moving north to be with DP in Lancashire, nearly 3 years ago. Missing it but then again in Cornwall nearest IVF hospital in actually in Devon, nowhere down there does it! Crazy huh! Would have been nearly 5 hour round trip! Plus we would only have 1 funded cycle if we lived there, so guess things can happen for a reason???

Hi Annie! Not suprised you are feeling scared, it deffinately doesn't end with the BFP, but i'm sure that you are doing just fine! But 12th May can't come soon enough I bet?!! We are still all so made up for you and all you can do it continue to be your brilliant self and look after you bean/s!! Go girl!! :hugs:

Nayla, FANTASTIC news! It is nature in this TTC game to be negative, we forget that sometimes it may just be good news! So glad to hear that cyst is behaving and reducing so quick. Sounding all good for it to be long gone by next month and being able to start cycling again. I so hope that we can share this process together. I also hope that I'm following suit and my cyst is small/gone, but somehow am not feeling overly optimistic. But then agsain it didn't stop me last time. Round 2 is our time girl :happydance:

Lizz and Fisher, you both seem to be doing very well with good follie numbers. I hope things continue to progress nicely and ER is still on for Wednesday. Hope they don' push you to Fiday Lizz, those extra days feel a lifetime. How are you both feeling in yourselves? Babydust girlies :hugs:

Hi to everyone else... Tinks, Gill, Dwrgi, Slb, hope you are enjoying the long weekend :hugs:

AFM... Had lovely holiday. Went to my local childhood parish church with my mum. We hope to get married there next year, although not even engaged yet!! I had tears in my eyes a lot during the service and could relate a lot to my experiences. I got a blessing at the end where the vicar placed his hands on my head and prayed. I knew inside it was for this cycle and our baby. Gave me hope.

Going to the hospital tomorrow. Meant to be today but they were having probs with the lab so going tomorrow. No bother to me really. Meant I could have a lie in after the journey back yesterday and watch the royal wedding... DP was thrilled... :haha: AF should be due in couple of days. Feel really groggy today and slightly tender boobs so thinking somethings going on, although have AF that rarely who knows!!

Love to you all,

Lolly xxxxxxxxx
Sorry PSP!! Big :hugs: and :dust: to you to!!

How are you getting on?

Lolly xxxxxx

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