icsi in 2011?

Hi ladies, I am going to have to try and pop in more and keep up todate, there seems so much going on. I have needed a bit of a break from here, the lack of funding and the not knowing if egg share is an option was driving me crazy! I have relaxed a bit about it now as we can do nothing until after the wedding now so what is the point of me stressing about it. We are trying to switch off from ttc ect and are just enjoying each other without stress or pressure.

I am however waiting for af to show so I can go and get my cd 2-3 bloods to see if ivf is even an option for us.

I am going to be popping in and out more often now, I want to keep up to date with all the happenings on here and watch those bfps rolling in.

Hope you are all having a fantastic weekend ladies xxx
good luck on your bloods! :thumbup:I see your wedding is almost here! How exciting!:happydance: It must be at least a little nice to focus on something other than ttc!:hugs:
It has been a godsend to have something to focus our mind on, esp as our next appt at st marys for blood results is only a week after our honeymoon. I am starting to get excited for the wedding now, Just praying for good weather :)
Hello ladies

I am officially PUPO :happydance:

I had 2 grade 2 embies put back in....one was an 8 cell and 1 was a 7 cell!!

I am very excited, now Im on the dreaded 2ww hope it goes quickly lol cant wait to test :)

Hope everyone is having a nice day xx
Hi Ladies :hi:

Wow this thread is moving super fast.. :thumbup:

Firstly Im so sorry PLease for everything that is happening.. It all does come at once. i really dont know what words to say to ease your pain its very sad, but i hope and pray you can start soon, and the next few months speed past for you :hugs: I have heard many clinics that do ICSI regardless of the quality of the sperms, its that extra security knowing the eggs would have been fertilised. Im so :growlmad: why they only used IVF some drs take risks at our expense to save that extra money? it just isnt fair when WE have to suffer, in my prayers Hun please look after yourself :hugs:

Fisher Congratulations on being PUPO with :baby::baby: Oh twins will be lovely.. Relax and try to enjoy the 2WW.. What ever you do dont stress! which i did way too much and even today i think my stress caused my BFN :shrug: keep your self busy xx

Lizz- you have done great getting this far you will be a PUPO Princess soon :happydance:

Tinks- Hope your having a great day so far, oh i so hope your appointment get through soon and when you get your BFP im sure all this will be in the past xxxx you have done great so far not long left im sure it will come through very soon... xx

Littlemouse- Hi hun, yes i had little bruises everywhere, by the end of the stimming i cant count almost every purple dot.. they soon go hun x

PSP- Thats great Hun that you have started stimming!! wow that has all gone quick! great everything was clear for you and all ready to go, you have a super attitude this has to be our Month :happydance: you will be PUPO before you know it, drink water hun and relax.. i think we know the drill now :dohh: im right behind you dear :thumbup:

Slb80- Awww you will be lost in your wedding and before you know it you will be back on this journey, i pray your blood tests will be fine and IVF will be for you guys what ever road choose :hugs: try to focus on your wedding, you dont want to look back in years and years to come thinking i was so stressed about iVF it shows in our pictures... Enjoy the lead up to the wedding and i have great feelings after that everything will fall into place :hugs:

Lolley- wow you have alot on your plate hun, they say everything comes in threes a new degree a new position and a :baby: but please do look after yourself and keep stress at the lowest. i do hope the dates dont colide with ICSI... Oh i hate interviews just typing it makes my heart beat! :haha:

AFM Im still spotting its been almost 2 weeks now :shrug: the DR said its very normal and i should not worry too much about it? i cant help but worry.. i have never had a Cyst before and maybe its normal to spot this long for it to go away?? hopefully if all goes to plan i should be on my period next weekend and i should be starting my stimming at the start of next week... not this one coming, the week after :thumbup: dont want any more shocks just want to go in she says Cyst gone lets start stimming :thumbup:

Also my husband bought the other day a huge fish tank with loads and loads of tropical fishes saying he read somewhere fishes help women get pregnant! :wacko: its so huge takes up most of the lounge.. very ugly looking fishes and some bright neon ones (im not a fish person at all) hes lost the plot! he said it relaxes the womens bits and studies have shown women with fishes get pregnant quicker??? bless him where does he get this from? i can see the ICSI working and him yelling its the fishes!! :wohoo::wohoo: dont want to hurt him but they will be gone soon... only the lord knows how much he spent! and he told me with so much excitement and passion that the guy threw in a few free ones like it will make me happier?? :dohh: maybe they will grow on me who knows...

As a treat this morning we went window shopping than i found the most amazing high heeled shoes ever they are Nude, and when i wore them it felt like i was bare foot so so comfy! it should have been £75 and they were £35 Than a voice in my head was saying when im pregnant soon i can never wear high heels... and having a baby and high heels dont go, Im not posh spice :haha: Than i thought i cant keep thinking and living like that :nope: even when i see a bag i think it might be too small when i have a baby, a bottle will never fit in it and napkins etc etc :dohh: anyway i did buy them and i dont regret it... LOVE them so so much!! :thumbup: thats how we should be ladies LIVE OUR LIVES AS NORMAL AND WHEN IT HAPPENS IT HAPPENS :hugs:

I hope the other ladies are doing well, Annie how are you Hun? i hope your doing well and not feeling to sickly xx Gill were all here for you hun xx... we have to get there ladies Love and Hugs to all :hugs: Happy Weekend love and hugs to you wonderful beauties!! i dont know where i would be without you all xx
Hi Ladies,

The clinic called today and i have 12 shiny little embryo's in the lab! Brilliant that they managed to fertilise that many. I'm so relieved......

They have asked me to go in on wednesday to see if we can do the transfer, they seem hopeful, but apparently I have to have a scan first before we do anything to see if the ovaries have calmed down. One hurdle gone, next one on the horizon!

I'm glad I didn't get my collection a few days later as the embies would have been going back in on Friday 13th!! Imagine.... If it was a boy you would so have to call it Damian!

Fisher - congrats on the PUPO, i'm rooting for you.

Hope everyone else is having a good weekend.

Liz x
Fisher how exciting - I've got all my fingers and toes crossed!!!

Liz that's excellent, what a great number - let's hope they continue to grow nice and fat for you!!

Nayla you really made me laugh with the fishes thing... but I kind of like the idea - maybe there's something in it..

hi all,

omg so many posts i cant actually keep up!!

fisher- congrats on being pupo!

psp congrats on stimming!!

lizz great eggs go you!!

please- im so sorry you are having sucha tough time hunni my big big hugs go to you!

slb- yay for the wedding i loved my wedding day it will be fab! dont worry one week after honeymoon will come by so quick!!

lolly - job sounds like a good op i hope you get it!!

tinks- how are you today my dear?

bert - welcome!!!

nayla - your post has made me chuckle sooo much lol at you husband and the fishes! he could have put that towards his tooth!!! shoes sound lush too!!

sorry if i have missed anyone!

afm, well im still sceptical about the fact im pregnant and everything is ok but im going to try an enjoy it while i can!!

boobs are sore still, get bloating on a night and im sure i was nauseous this afternoon!!
cleaned the upstairs rooms today prob did a bit much really but i cant live in a mess for 9 months and dh does enough!!!

Hey All, just thought I'd check in to check out. You guys are all on the move big time!! So many ups and downs and new names, its hard to keep up. :flower:

It's time for me to move off this thread for a good long time. I don't want to put any scary thoughts into all you lovely pregnant ladies heads. :hugs: We did our recurrent miscarriage blood tests this week. Gotta wait at least 6 weeks for results. Very worried. If we get bad results, it has a huge impact on which treatment (egg donation, sperm donation..) and if we get good results then we are equally as goosed because then we gotta go even further with testing and change clinics etc. Did scan today to make sure cyst had gone down and back to public consultant on the 25th. We also took the 1st step on the adoption train and went to a meeting. Gotta get the pack now and make a start on filling in all the forms.

Good luck with the ICSI ladies and good luck with the pregnancies all you newly pregnant cloud-niners :hugs:
Fisher, congrats on the PUPO! Sounds like some top notch embies in there! Take care!:thumbup:

Please, I can’t believe they did that! There should be a backup plan, like they could do ICSI if IVF doesn’t work? :shrug:Must be why my FS does ICSI for everyone regardless of sperm health. I hope you get some good news soon!

Nayla, thanks! This is our month for sure!! :happydance:I think the cyst will be gone when you go back 100%! I totally love that your hubby got a fish tank! That’s so cool! We have a small one in lo’s room and boy does that tank need to be cleaned! Maybe I should bring it into the living room so I can have the good juju too! :haha:And love that you bought the shoes! Who says you can be posh! You are right though. We need to take things as they come and live a bit for now. Your attitude is so great! You sound like you are in a good place, just in time to start again with a new perspective!:happydance:

Lizz, 12 embies! So great! Here’s hoping for a Wednesday transfer!:thumbup:

Littlemouse, feeling like a pin cushion yet? I do already, but loving it!

Annie, sounds like perfect preggo symptoms! You are on your way, pave a path, we are right behind you!:thumbup:

Gill, goodluck on the future, whatever you guys do. Adoption is a great thing too, so many kids need a family and so many of us have a ton of love to give.

AFM still poking away! Work tonight then off for 3 days till scan on Wednesday! Hopefully follies are plumping up already!
So what did everyone do for follie growing? I’m thinking add protein and water? Any other suggestions? Of course I’ve done this before but new input is always good!:dust:
Psp I was told a water bottle on injection site for a hour after injection helps them grow I don't know how true this is but it did no harm for me!

Gill I'm sorry you are leaving us but hopefully it's temporarily and you will still dropping in my thoughts are with you anyway you achieve it through your eggs donation or adoption you will make a fantastic mummy I know it

Psp I'm not minding the injections at all - and no more bruises now either so I obviously got the hang of it.

But: I had a terrible time sleeping last night, even though exhausted when I went to bed, I just woke up time after time and lay there awake, in between I was having quite a horrible dream (not baby-related).

Is this a DR side effect? Or just my crazy brain???
Psp I'm not minding the injections at all - and no more bruises now either so I obviously got the hang of it.

But: I had a terrible time sleeping last night, even though exhausted when I went to bed, I just woke up time after time and lay there awake, in between I was having quite a horrible dream (not baby-related).

Is this a DR side effect? Or just my crazy brain???

Hmm...I did have a few dreams in the last few weeks. (and I normally am too exhausted and don't dream at all!) It could be a side affect I suppose! Not sure why you are having insomnia. What meds are you on again?
Hi Ladies,

I hope everyone is well, Gill when ever your ready dear do come back and see us xx :hugs:

Annie- i was totally thinking the same, he could have put that money towards his tooth :dohh:

PSP- sorry if you have told us how many days in total are you going to stim for? my last IVF was 10 Days stimming? not sure how it will work on the short protocol? cant believe just over a 1 week for your ER grow follies grow!

Afm i woke up with a very heavy heart :shrug: not sure why i just feel like crying... and this spotting is getting tedious now! :growlmad: been almost 2 full weeks, and the FS told me not to worry back than it will be like that for a few more days... dont want to call her just scared what surprises are hidden for me :nope: tonight i take the last BCP i just wait for witch to arrive..? im so so scared now i think its hitting me.... :shrug:

Also i think i upset my husband yesterday as i found out that my ex fiancee had a baby boy and he just got married 10 Months ago! i didnt mean to hurt my husband, i just said it as general chit chat than he says if you married him you would have been a mum by now :cry: i told him i would never change you for the world! (sometimes i just dont think :nope:) another blow for me also i watched a programme online about a 62 year old lady that was a surragate for her daughter she was injected with Hormones (shes been in menopause for well over 10 years!) they placed the embryo back in her and it IMPLANTED 1ST TIME! just had a healthy baby boy im happy for them, yet it makes me think how on earth does an embryo stick 1st time in a 62 year olds uterus and not in a 28 year olds?? My reproductive bits should be in its prime! that just punched the air out of me watching that :cry: i just feel even a granny falls pregnant so easily and theres bloody me! :cry: my husband watched a little with me and said 'it looks gross a very old women with this huge belly' im so fed up.....

Than i wake up to a dead tropical fish a few was eating it alive! i quickly grabbed the net to save it, now its dead floating in the breakfast bowl... :cry: why on earth would they sell him fishes that cant live with each other?? my husband says thats weird? :shrug: (im scared its a bad Omen, its suppose to help with pregnancy and now theres a dead one :nope:)

Its going to be one of those days i can feel it!
Wow I have missed so much.

Fisher congrats on being PUPO :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Its great that you have started treatment PSP, GL.

Nayla you had me in stictches about the fish :haha: Bless DH, its great he is thinking so much about :bfp: just humor him :haha:

Lolly, not long now and you will be DR :happydance::happydance: Hope you are not taking to much on hun but then you cant let some oppertunities pass by can you :wacko:

HI slb, I am sure your next appointment will be here before you know it with the wedding and honeymoon. You are right to just focus on the wedding and forget (if its possible) about TTC for awhile :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Gill, I have been thinking about you hun. Time out is a good idea and hopefuly will do you the world of good. Good to see you have been taking steps towards adoption :thumbup: Take care hun :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Lizz I have everything crossed that all will go well Wednesday and you will be PUPO also :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Hi littlemouse, I would guess it is the meds effecting your sleep. Hope it doesn't last long :thumbup:

Hi to Please, Bert and everyone else and I am sorry of i have missed anyone
Oh Nayla, I think our posts crossed.

I am so sorry that you are feeling so down, it can hit you hard when you hear about others having babies so easy. My DH is just the same about the guilt thing. One of the first thing he said when we got told about ICSI was that if I was with anyone else then I would have a baby now, it kills him that we have to do all this. I agree about not changing them for the world, its not their fault :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

My dad keeps fish and when you set up a new tank its very common for some to die. The water has to be treated just right and even if the water is perfect they can still die for no reason. Dont take it as an omen. If the fish cant live together then its the shops fault for selling them together :dohh:

Forgot to mention my update in my last post :dohh: I called St Marys on Friday and our results have not yet come back but the lady said that a massive pile of paperwork has come down from the nurses so I will be proberly be in that. She said to wait another 2 weeks and call if still no news. So no further along but she did say that if all is well then we will be consent signing at our next appointment but I am not sure if we will with DH possibley needing SSR. She did not know any details of our situ its just the normal process.
Hi Ladies,

I hope everyone is well, Gill when ever your ready dear do come back and see us xx :hugs:

Annie- i was totally thinking the same, he could have put that money towards his tooth :dohh:

PSP- sorry if you have told us how many days in total are you going to stim for? my last IVF was 10 Days stimming? not sure how it will work on the short protocol? cant believe just over a 1 week for your ER grow follies grow!

Afm i woke up with a very heavy heart :shrug: not sure why i just feel like crying... and this spotting is getting tedious now! :growlmad: been almost 2 full weeks, and the FS told me not to worry back than it will be like that for a few more days... dont want to call her just scared what surprises are hidden for me :nope: tonight i take the last BCP i just wait for witch to arrive..? im so so scared now i think its hitting me.... :shrug:

Also i think i upset my husband yesterday as i found out that my ex fiancee had a baby boy and he just got married 10 Months ago! i didnt mean to hurt my husband, i just said it as general chit chat than he says if you married him you would have been a mum by now :cry: i told him i would never change you for the world! (sometimes i just dont think :nope:) another blow for me also i watched a programme online about a 62 year old lady that was a surragate for her daughter she was injected with Hormones (shes been in menopause for well over 10 years!) they placed the embryo back in her and it IMPLANTED 1ST TIME! just had a healthy baby boy im happy for them, yet it makes me think how on earth does an embryo stick 1st time in a 62 year olds uterus and not in a 28 year olds?? My reproductive bits should be in its prime! that just punched the air out of me watching that :cry: i just feel even a granny falls pregnant so easily and theres bloody me! :cry: my husband watched a little with me and said 'it looks gross a very old women with this huge belly' im so fed up.....

Than i wake up to a dead tropical fish a few was eating it alive! i quickly grabbed the net to save it, now its dead floating in the breakfast bowl... :cry: why on earth would they sell him fishes that cant live with each other?? my husband says thats weird? :shrug: (im scared its a bad Omen, its suppose to help with pregnancy and now theres a dead one :nope:)

Its going to be one of those days i can feel it!

Hey girl!:flower: I think i'm posting to you on like every thread today! lol! I stimmed last time for 12 days, but I think it was too long as I was so sore and got like 16 or 18 eggs for only 1 ovary! My new FS said should be 9 or 10 days depending on how I do on the meds. I started last friday so including meds for next saturday, that would put me at 9 days. I really want the EC to be sunday as I have it all set at work, but we will see how they grow! FS said on Friday it could be sun, mon, or tues. Hope they can tell me more on Wed when I go for another scan. I know, it's coming up quick! After all that waiting! lol!:wacko:
Oh, I wanted to mention too about the fish. Ours were dying at first until we got an air thing that makes bubbles in the water. Adds oxygen to the water. If you don't have one, get it. Our goldfish have been living for a few years now and that's rare for goldfish! Of course, it doesn't help if they are eating each other! :blush:
Poor DH! There is no blame anywhere, it could be anyone with the problem and no one chooses to have fertility issues! As for the old woman, she got lucky. You will have your day and it will come around!:hugs:
Hey Ladies,

Just a quickie - is anyone else doing cyclogest pessaries? They are doing my nut!!

I've got the most horrendous wind!! And it really really stinks!! My tummy feels bloated and painful at times too and i'm burping like a trooper.

Can anyone recommend anything at all to help?? Can't believe i've done the whole cycle without any side effects at all and just by shoving on of these little fellas up my @rse in the morning and evening, i've turned into stinking wind bag!! Last time I was on crinone and had nothing like this.

Hope you're all ok and wind free......

Liz x
Hi Liz

Im also using cyclogest pesseries but Im doing them vaginally and havent had any side effects yet :)

Have you heard how your embies are doing??

Fx for tranfer tomo :)

Afm Im on the count down to testing fx

Hope everyone else is having gd week x
Oh no Liz! I have just had a massive box of drugs delivered including Cyclogest!

That is the last thing you need after going through everything else with no side effects.

Let me know if you find a solution as I'm gonna be there in a few short weeks :)

How are you feeling? Are you still on for tomorrow as far as you know? I've got everything crossed.

Fisher how long till you can test? How incredibly exciting!

I'm just willing my period to come now so I can start the next bit..


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